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8:13 AM
Hello is this code okay to use if i want to get rid of using time ?
time += clock.restart();
if (time > sf::seconds(1))
time -= sf::seconds(1);
2 hours later…
10:40 AM
[choice next=travel text=Take the sword var=weapon=herosword]
[choice next=travel text=Take the sword [set weapon=herosword]]
[choice next=travel text=Take the sword set=weapon<-herosword]
[choice next=travel text=Take the sword set=herosword->weapon]
[choice next=travel text=Take the sword set={weapon}=herosword]]
All options are terrible.
11:05 AM
Maybe with syntax highlighting it becomes less terrible.
[choice _next_=*travel* _text_=*Take the sword* _set_=*weapon=herosword*]
Well, imagine next to be underlined and travel to be italic.
Not really, it still looks terrible.
    text=Take the sword
Maybe this is semi-readable.
Or I should switch the = to : after all.
    next: travel
    text: Take the sword
    var: weapon=herosword
It definitely looks better with the = sign.
I mean the weapon=herosword looks better in the : version.
And I probably do need quotation marks, otherwise it's ambiguous between the variable herosword and the string "herosword".
Or I could force variables to be all-caps. Or put a $ in front of them. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah too many choices.
11:42 AM
@0x00004 I don't understand the question
Usually it gets to be used other way more proper way like pixelsTraveled * time.asSeconds();
@nwp functionally looks like XML with different symbols. do you want to just use xml? that would let you handle things like var: weapon=herosword differently.
<choice next="travel" text="Take the sword">
  <var weapon="herosword">
if not, it might help sort out your thoughts by looking into some other definition formats. what do you like and dislike about XML for your purposes? what do you like and dislike about YAML? etc
<choice next="travel">
  <text>Take the sword</text>
(or this, it's all arbitrary)
I dislike the verbosity. This is intended for writers that write thousands of lines of plaintext and once in a while set a variable or add a choice, so writing plaintext should just work (I think < is more common in text than [ but it probably doesn't make much of a difference) and be as unintrusive as possible (that's the real challenge).
I did cutscene scripting in XML and gotta say that it wasn't exactly a super fun time
But perhaps it would be a nicer fit for more plain story stuff
Adding [set weapon="sword"] in the middle of plain text is the goal. Having to match closing tags feels too annoying when you care about a story and not code.
I'm mostly happy with the [tag attribute=value] syntax. It's close to HTML and works really well for inserting images and other media. But nesting looks ugly and inserting assignments looks strange due to the = sign having multiple meanings.
11:57 AM
ah, that makes sense
yeah that's a good reason to not want to use XML here :D
(I have to go for like 45 minutes)
1 hour later…
1:07 PM
I feel like [set weapon="sword"] is what I want. It's pretty clean syntax. The tricky part is nesting. [tag attribute=[tag attribute=value]] is a bit jarring though.
onclick=[set weapon="sword"]
I think that is reasonable.
1:44 PM
thinkin of angular binding:
[choice text=... next=... onclick=equip(sword)]
or html/bbcode:
[choice next=... onclick=equip(sword)]Help me Obi-Wan[/choice]
just throwing things out there in case it's helpful :D if you decide no this looks terrible, then great! also good.
Replacing the assignment operator with a function is an interesting idea since it elegantly avoids the problem.
onclick=set(weapon, "sword") looks better than the assignment.
I still don't like closing tags.
Originally I wanted to just let people get and set whatever variables they want, but maybe additionally having some verbs makes sense. (un)equip for held equipment and stash/drop for the inventory is probably generally useful.
Maybe even some operations. increase(strength, 2) or increase(strength, 2, 20) for adding an amount with a maximum. Hmm.
@doppelgreener That was actually helpful, thanks.
@nwp you could possibly take a leaf out of the book of languages with named optional arguments: increase(strength, 2, maximum=20)
2:00 PM
True, that could optionally be added and shouldn't be difficult to parse either.
Are these choices inline hyperlinks, Twine-style, or grouped at the bottom of the passage like classic CYOA? Or a mix?
Currently the tags are just replaced by their HTML equivalent. Putting the choices at the bottom makes sense, but I've also seen stories using choices in the middle of the text to explain words or to hyperlink the last few words of the page if there is no choice to be made and it's essentially a continue button.
The HTML sets some class attributes so you can style it with a .css file.
I should try out twine.
I'm kind of imagining the thing Nintendo tends to do with its games, where dialog gets colorised, or even in Mario Odyssey where it often gets icons:
(no idea if that's what @nwp is going for)
You could do that I guess, but that's not really a CYOA thing.
If Twine has the select thing I might as well use that instead of making my own.
2:38 PM
Ah neat. If it was a group at the bottom I'd say you could distinguish them by indenting rather than tags around each, but that lacks flexibility for inline choices.
3:11 PM
Turns out the the COVID case at the kids daycare was "false positive" so the kids are back to daycare.
That's annoying, but I guess better than a true positive.
Yes, and than a false negative!
We're in week 3 of lockdown and our curve has not gone down much, depending on which curve you look at.
Yeah, that's quite depressing.
@Vaillancourt It could still be one :D
(Assuming there was a second test which was negative)
Statistics here said 8/600 infected children got infected in school.
Though I guess ignoring tests will make that ratio go up quickly.
3:18 PM
Yes, the second test was negative. And yes, it could still be one ;) but our kids test turned out negative too, so chances are that this second other kid's test was a true negative!
@nwp What do you mean?
I mean knowing that children tend to not get infected in school makes one think keeping schools open is reasonable. In truth the reason they tend to not get infected there is probably because they close schools down in such cases.
Yes, maybe. I haven't followed the whole thing. I have had a colleague here that had her children sent home for 14 days because there was a case at school.
4:06 PM
Looking at the charts for here, kids do get infected...
In schools?
I don't know :)
Children get infected here too, just very rarely in schools.
They used to say that kids "were more immune to it", but last week's report shows that the 10-19 group of age had more infections than any other groups; and 0-9 had nearly as many infections as the 60-69 group.
I don't know if they publish where the infections are caught.
They normally don't publish that here either, it was a separate study apparently.
Considering how terrible children probably are at social distancing the numbers are indeed relatively low.
1/456 deaths is in the 0-39 age group.
4:17 PM
Nice! You guys have a better breakdown than we do!
Haven't looked at the death rate here.
Looks like younger kids there get less infected than here.
Hmm, actually that's not true. The list is misleading.
What are those numbers, then?
Age | Cases | (changes since yesterday) | Cases / 100k | Deaths
When you look at cases per 100k, children aren't doing so great anymore.
Like, our 0-9 range has 1380/100k and 60-69 only 950, so it's like opposite of yours.
4:23 PM
yeah; I don't think I have access to such a fine grained data.
Here are the actual new cases for the week of November 15, for the whole province.
I like that I can show that the lockdown works (kinda) or not works at all using 2 graphs of the same official site.
hehe do they know about this? :P
Lockdown since November. There clearly is no effect. Maybe a slight slowing of the cases if you squint at it right.
Isn't there about a 2-week lag anyways?
We're clearly past the highest point and it's obviously going down now. Great job lockdown.
@Tyyppi_77 I guess, but we're in week 3.
4:28 PM
Yeah, that looks like about what we'd expect from a lockdown that works at a 2-week lag. Will need to see the data for the next week to see if the trend continues.
Data is sent via fax internally, it just hasn't been typed in yet into the first graph ;P
Actually the both have the same date range.
Honestly I don't know why they are different. They use the same source and have the same description of what they display and the same date range.
Are they both about the same things?
Yup. They are both the number of "not recovered" people.
Then there is this beauty:
Red are the number of cases where they know when they got infected, pink is where they estimated when they got infected after the fact and blue is the estimation that takes into account that current days will get more cases reported after the fact.
But the blue curve seems very volatile and not at all reliable, even when taking the range into account.
But if it is to be believed the dip in the second curve will not last.
Something to consider: multiple things that are usually considered controls in a scientific experiment are actually variable in the data that being thrown around. For instance, is the testing method used to identify cases being held constant? Are the protocols used to determine if testing is used being held constant? As far as I know, it not - we use better tests when they become available & locally we didn't do as much testing because testing was a scarce resource.
4:39 PM
From what I understand we're doing less now. There is an app that attempts to track who you have contact with that some people installed and they used to follow up on that, contacting people who had prolonged exposure to positives. However, now there are just too many cases to follow up on.
I heard here that some are considered positive "because it's obvious X gave it to you and you don't need to be tested, stay at home" while some others are actually tested.
Ultimately all I can do is shrug and hope the government will fix it somehow. Which seems like a bad idea knowing how much they screw up, but I don't know any better.
probably underreported too
In the US the government can't do anything because roughly half the people think being told to wear masks is a government plot to force them into submission so they can be told to lose their freedom as the next step.
@nwp Fix the data or fix the pandemic? Government can do all they want, that won't fix people disobeying the rules in place...
Some states have mandated masks outside the home, and local sheriffs (county head of police) have refused to enforce.
4:44 PM
@Almo US have big challenges up ahead...
Tons more people are going to die in the US, and it's their own fault. The nasty part is if you are doing the right thing, you may still get sick since the preventive measures are so the sick ones don't give it to others, not so you don't get it yourself.
@Vaillancourt Governments are perfectly capable of enforcing rules. Declare a strict curfew, enforce with police, keep it up for 2 or 3 weeks, pandemic over (until reinfection later). They just seem to not want to do that and I don't know why.
Behavior (at least here) has also changed. Around here, time was that nobody was going out & those who did masked up. We have both state & municipal mask requirements in place at the moment, but your wouldn't know that judging from what I see when I pick my kiddo up from school.
I despair with those people. I've argued with them for roughly 5 years on Facebook, and they are impervious to any facts.
Put them in a cell. They are big enough for social distancing :D
4:47 PM
@nwp Here is probably because of it's not enforceable by law, and the "Right and Liberties chart", which could make some laws illegal, or something.
I guess they are afraid the masses will riot. And also that they assume the vaccines will come soon (mid December here apparently) so there is no need.
That's another story :P
I already dread getting vaccinated. I hate needles.
If 50% of the population won't get it because they fear they'll get something worse...
Being injected nano chips so they can be controlled. (lol)
oh I hate needles too >:(
4:52 PM
@Almo That's why the current US president has been elected.
> The corona vaccine is almost ready to go. The only step missing is they haven't figured out how to make it cause autism yet.
Not by much is the problem.
In this case, I think it's kind of a vicious circle.
Someone on FB put it like this:

"I was with some friends, we had a vote to see what we would eat. Some voted to kill and eat me, others voted for pizza. Pizza won, but we still have a problem."
74 million people voted for Trump. They will continue to fight against any sensible measures.
They will still exist in 2024; word is Trump is preparing to run again.
Sorry, I'm just really depressed about the state of my nation right now. :(
Yes, as I read his "fund the vote fraud" campaign only uses 25% of the donations to actually "fight the fraud", the rest goes to finance his political future.
4:56 PM
@Almo Interviewer: "You already got cheated out of the 2020 election. What makes you think 2024 will be different?"
hahah :D
@Almo Yes, I totally get that. We have to deal with US here.. :P
yeah we do :(
I saw a story about how there are senate elections in Georgia soon and the crazies called for a boycott and not voting. I support that :D
@Almo I'd be curious to see why though. I read some people in rural parts of the country like him because he gives them money for whatever they need. Maybe some don't like what he's doing, but they need the money. (This would normally be an abusive situation situation, though.)
5:00 PM
I haven't heard any interviews with anyone who expressed that. It doesn't mean they're not out there, just that it's not obvious if they are.
I talked to some people. One big reason is that they see Trump as pro guns and they really like their guns. If they can't have guns that rival the military then the country can become a dictatorship and that's it. So while Trump may be dumb it's still for the greater good.
Yeah they don't see that Trump is the dictator who's trying to remove constitutional limitations on his power.
There's a serious ideological divide between rural & urban US. As someone who's lived in both, I find it really troubling. Increasingly compromise - which is where the middle ground lives - is seen as a liability. Don't vote for X because they compromised on hot button topic.
Yes, however, what they don't know is that the military will always get more and better guns, and that they have more intelligence about what is going on.
(More trained, more tanks, more whatever. )
Yeah this attitude first (in my lfietime) saw expression when Newt Gingrich rallied the GOP in the House to prevent the government getting funded, and they literally shut it down.
I thought they'd get voted out for it, but they didn't.
so future politicians learned that compromise was not necessary to get votes as a republican.
AS the party got more extremist, "purity testing" became more important and those willing to compromise have been pushed to the side.
5:04 PM
@Vaillancourt They don't see it that way. They think they outnumber the military and are close enough to their level of gear and training. Guns are good at this after all, they kill even if you're an old granny who can barely walk.
@nwp No, they don't see it that way.
@Almo Arguably the fault lies in the system where you cannot form coalitions. If third parties could form a coalition with one of the big parties their votes would matter. Also it would encourage compromises.
One thing that really bothers me is $ spent for a person / party versus $ spent getting people to vote. Personally I'd like to see some sort of matching funds. You want to lobby for martians? Cool, but you also have to pay to keep the system running smoothly & encourage fuller participation.
@nwp Yeah, I'm not a fan of the 2 party system either.
Worse yet, at least in my state, you cannot split your vote.
Ranked voting would also help.
^ Word.
But I guess people find it confusing?
5:09 PM
But hey, it will not happen before the US completely collapses, so it doesn't matter.
Nah, people understand listing candidates in order of who they like more well enough.
But to make that change you'd need democrats and republicans to vote to actively hurt themselves in an act of altruism, and currently that seems completely out of the question.
Maybe they at least manage to find the last couple of states to effectively remove the electoral college.
Well, to be fair, elected officials can't help the people if they can't help themselves right? /s
Arguably it would help those officials. There is a high likelihood that both of the big parties will die, but numerous new parties with real power will pop up and they'll all need people, so arguably it's fine for politicians to vote for.
6:05 PM
no they don't find it confusing. they know third parties don't threaten the GOP since they are single-issue voters. so ranked choice only helps democrats
About "soft money" McConnell actually said "if it weren't for soft money we'd never get elected" or something
they do everything to win; and are hypocrites. Lindsey Graham in 2016 when they were blocking Obama's SCOTUS pick literally said "if the shoe is on the other foot in 2020, use my words against me." We did, had no effect.
And they CAN form coalitions; they just tend not to.
Bernie Sanders has been an "Independent" for a long time but tends to vote with the Democrats.
6:37 PM
It updated. The trend completely reversed from one day to the next.

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