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11:31 AM
This schedule is weird.
2 hours later…
1:22 PM
Yeah, days blur together, morning blurs into the work day blurs into evening...
I've heard some folks do a lap around their block as a "virtual commute" to try to bring some familiar structure back into their days.
5 hours later…
6:16 PM
What do you guys think on "No Code" ? Just saw some sites where you can easily tie up applications without any single line of self written code... this makes me a bit sad, hope that this is not the future of game development, software architecture... :o
6:31 PM
What is bad about more people having access to powerful tools?
6:50 PM
I'd love it if I could craft great games without coding.
it's just that so far, such tools are almost always lacking in certain power than can only be made up for by coding.
7:33 PM
It's interesting to look back through the history of tech developments. When photography was created, folks feared it would be the end of painting and painters. Of course it wasn't, we still appreciate the art of painting today. And it created a whole new medium of artistic expression and commercial image production too.
When TRON was made, it was denied a nomination for best special effects because it was felt they'd "cheated" by using computers. Of course digital effects didn't replace the craft of practical VFX, set design, prop creation, make-up, etc. Just provided another tool by which those artists can achieve their goals.
So, I expect much the same here. Codeless tools might make it easier to do some things that previously required much more specialized knowledge and investment. But that doesn't mean we don't need coders. It just means coders will work on the more interesting problems that aren't so easily automated.
8:24 PM
Also! When they first came up with computers that could give your output the same day, they said it would make programmers careless since they wouldn't have to wait till tomorrow for their results.
Well, it's true. Nowadays you just compile to see if you screwed up instead of carefully checking each line.
yeah much more efficient

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