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3:18 PM
3:55 PM
We have snow today, again :P
nice! all gray here
we are gonna fail a second sprint in a row on the same stuff on our uni project, I'm trying scramble something together but there's just so much that isn't properly handled :/
Do you know why that happened?
Multiple reasons IMO: too much work put into the sprint (I was pretty vocal about this in the last planning but no one seemed to mind), too much dead weight on the team, bad git branch habbits on the feature developers, some smallish unexpected hickups, and partly just unrealistic expectations from our PO that we mistakenly agreed to (the old "9 women can't deliver a baby in a month" saying fits pretty well into the Scrum fallacy I feel)
4:08 PM
yeah, ok, so a lot of it that you can't do anything about it :/
Yeah, it's frustrating when I can identify the issues pretty well but can't do a whole lot about them, and it really sucks to have to say pretty much the same stuff to our PO on Thursday and I know he doesn't care about testing or software quality in general at all
Dead weight is a super bad word to use actually, they're just inexperienced, not intentionally bad or anything
4:26 PM
@Tyyppi_77 Do you guys have retrospectives where this should come up?
Yeah we do, but those don't seem terribly effective
Yeah, I guess just repeating what has already been said could help. The sad thing is, the workplace is no different. You can see this as a way to exercise leadership skills.
That's what everyone is saying to me, but I really don't see these issues at work
4:57 PM
Yeah, maybe you work at a nicer place :)
5:55 PM
@nkint Did you disable z-writing or z-testing, so that faces drawn early don't block faces from drawing behind them later?
6 hours later…
11:52 PM
    class SomeClass
            a = 5;
        SomeClass(int l_a)
            a = l_a;

        SomeClass& operator=(const SomeClass &l_copy)
            this->a = l_copy.a;
            return *this;

        int a;
    SomeClass a;

    SomeClass b;
is this how it works?
1)return *this;

2)SomeClass &ref=a;

I have got a question. Why at the a=ref operator= wont get called?

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