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2:26 PM
I want to implement google play games services for my android game, but it seems to be missing a friends feature where you can invite/add/find friends or am i wrong? If true, then i am very surprised that its missing such an important feature.
@abobakrdy From a quick Googling, it seems that this might have been a part of the deprecated multiplayer services in Google Play Games Services
CAn you link me the source? Ive tried googling but couldnt find any info on it
> If your game runs on a mobile device, the turn-based multiplayer API provides a default player selection UI. The UI allows players to invite friends or select a number of auto-match opponents.
emphasis mine
Yep, just read that now. To bad they dont have this as a single service of the Google Play Games Services just like leaderboards for example.
But how does Unity get the current user's friends with the Unity Plugin from Google for Google Play GAmes Services? unity socialapi friends
3:06 PM
From a quick look at the source code to me it looks like that doesn't actually return any friends
3:40 PM
Hi! I'm not sure this is fit for a question for the site, I feel like it's borderline opinion-based.
I've been working on my game-framework for a while and I'm thinking about creating different types for the different coordinate-systems. For example the screen-coordinates and world-coordinates would be separate types, requiring explicit conversion. (This way errors such as passing in mouse-position can be avoided at type level). This came after the suggestion to represent vectors and points in space separately (https://computergraphics.stackexchange.com/questions/4290/what-is-the-difference
Yeah probably not a great fit for the main site, but a great one for chat :)
What programming language are you using?
I'm using Rust
I myself am a huge fan of typesafety like that, but given the tediousness of writing typesafe alias types in C++, I haven't personally went with that route
It's fairly easy to do in Rust with macros and trait-defaults
So you'd like such a type-safe system. What coordinate-systems should be represented, given that this is a 2D game framework? What would be useful for the user?
My initial idea was that screen-coords and world-coords are a must.
3:51 PM
I think the hard bit is determining where to cut this off. Should there also be object-local-offset that are always relative to the world position of an object? Is worldCoordA - worldCoordB always an object local offset? Do you have separate types for offsets vs coordinates in every space?
No, not yet. So far my framework only works with vectors and in "whatever" space. That's why I'd like to make the change. I feel like I should make vectors/offsets and positions for each space.
(To be more clear: Currently I'm not differentiating vectors and points)
It's hard to come up with a rigid generic set of types. Some games might want a 3rd type for coordinates on a tile grid for an example, or some sandbox game might want chunk-local coordinates too?
4:14 PM
How about providing a few, provide a generic coordinate structure that the user can wrap into his own coordinate-system? And everywhere in the framework I just expect any generic one and convert into a concrete repr.
Framework should probably accept specific ones where appropriate and maybe accept any when can...
I don't know Rust myself, but one part where I feel like issues might arise is when something could be of multiple types. Like a physics system comes to mind, where a body can be either added directly to the scene (world position) or where a body could be added as a child of another body (world vector/direction)
4:27 PM
You could accept something like Into<WorldCoords>, which is basically "any type convertible to world-coordinates".

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