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@TomTsagk yes.
4 hours later…
@ChrisMcFarland just pinging random message from the past since I saw your game on Play store, congrat!
3 hours later…
@BlueBug Hey!
I haven't seen Chris around for a while!
is he sorta gone
I don't know. He did not mention anything about "leaving", so we can assume he's just "not here?" I don't know
how to get unquestion banned on normal stackflow. i dont get why i did . all my most recent questions have been fine sigh.
@tmanrocks994 What do you mean by "how to get unquestion banned"? Are you asking about questions that were put on hold or asking why your user account was banned?
Silly questions, but why do badges about asking bad questions exist?
Which badges do you mean (been a while since I looked at them)?
I was looking at the badges, the one called "Peer Pressure", and it says to delete my own post with -3 or lower score. So there's no way for me to actually try and get this badge, unless I actually happen to ask a bad question?
I assume that its intent is more about process than product. Something along the lines of encouraging you such that if you ask a question that gets down voted, you consider that maybe the general good is better served if you delete it.
That said, I don't think it's a very good badge & could be retired like some others were recently.
I do get that, but doesn't that discourage people that are actively hunting badges?
It's a post, not a question.
So it can be an answer as well.
@Pikalek so i got on my old account today and now ti says this user cannot ask any mroe questions. then i got on my main account and i have the same message. I have no idea how to edit my questions when my last 2-3 questions where solid. it says i cant get unbanned from asking questions unless i fix my questions but i got good answers and some upvotes sigh. theres some stickler mods on stackflow. there has to be a way i can get unbanned from asking questions normally
@Josh Ah, that makes more sense
im sad because im working on a program and need help
From that perspective I think it makes a little more sense: it's the system telling you you're wrong, or something similar, in your answer. And by encouraging you to delete it you're really just accepting that.
the game design section takes longer to get answers then the normal one
Since the system will start hiding/de-emphasizing that answer soon anyway
i hope the suport can help me.
@tmanrocks994 Mods don't do that.
Question banning is an automatically applied process.
why would both my accounts on the same day get question banned
havnt used the old account forever
and last question i asked on there was accetable
My guess is too many low value questions overall.
Are you sure they're both actually question-banned? If they both are, an IP correlation might be the cause.
If only one is, the other one might be banned for perception of trying to circumvent the qban,
Is this on GDSE? Link me your accounts and I can look.
i guess some of my questions are bad but
i fixed them since i started
qban's are generally about the question itself, so answers don't factor into it. If they questions are heavily downvoted, you have a lot of bad deleted ones, etc., that's the kind of thing that factors into it.
question, then explanation, then what i tried, then code, then expected result and actual result
ive never deleted a question
ill link account sec
Q: What can I do when getting "We are no longer accepting questions/answers from this account"?

ArjanDo not repost the question you were about to ask until you have READ EVERYTHING WE ARE ABOUT TO TELL YOU. While trying to ask a question, one could get: We are no longer accepting questions from this account. See the Help Center to learn more. Likewise, for answers: We are no longe...

has a lot of detail about the aspect
imjust mad because i have no idea how to fix the issue. im sad if its just because of random peoples downvotes
I'm not sure I agree with your view that your last questions were acceptable.
"it says dont delete a question but the one with downvotes makes sense
i didnt see till today that it had -8
but its a ok question
people just downvoted it im sure because its hard to answer
i had no idea until i found a way to import a script
Oh, this is on SO?
I can't look on SO. Only Game Development.
if a person types "make a program in C++ that adds 2 variables"
was basically my question
how to retrive he 2
and put it in a variable
That doesn't sound like a good question. For the site.
@tmanrocks994 Did you see the comment indicating that it was too broad?
i think i saw all the questions
i mean
Remember that SE isn't a discussion forum or "how do I learn to programming" kind of resource, it has (sometimes obnoxiously) strict rules about the kinds of questions that are considered acceptable.
did u read the question?
Your question isn't bad in the absolute sense, but looking at the last few questions posted on that SO account I can't say that I'm entirely surprised at the results.
Q: Trying to find numbers in my String then store those values in a variable for use in math

tmanrocks994Basically ive had a easy time at this so far because ive been just useing userInput.includes() then the word then what happens if the word is typed. I want to make it so the user can put like add 2 numbers together. So then my program would store that 2 make 2 variables then make a adding functio...

what did i do wrong then
Your root problem, as I read it there, is that you have a string containing numbers and you want to extract the numbers and put them into variables?
yea i got a answer for it
and what they gave me worked
then i got another answer from a discord
so i posted what i had
I would say a better way to write that question might be to say just that.
so u think if i delete it i can ask questions again?
or how can i fix my issue
i guess ill try a ticket
"I have a string containing numbers, I need to extract the numbers from the string and store them into variables." And then show an example of what the string might contain (e.g., does it just contain space-delimited numbers, is there other text is there, et cetera.... "123 892 901" is easier to parse than "hi 8 whatever 89 -23" for example)
Also write out what you tried to do and how it did not work.
^ was just typing that myself.
so shorter stuff? im not sure if i tried anything for this one mabey regex stuff
Now, that's a fair basic question so I suspect somebody will probably still downvote it and/or close as a duplicate. So you might still have problems there.
Part of down votes is research effort.
If you didn't try anything, that's something you should do first next time.
People often don't appreciate when you don't put any effort into solving the problem yourself.
They are providing their time to answer for free, after all.
If it looks like the first thing you've tried is to just dump the problem on the SO community without working on it yourself first, you're going to attract down votes.
Anyway: don't delete the post, that won't help.
Since you can't repost.
Edit the post to be better.
(Try not to invalidate the existing answer in the process though.)
i wanted to delete it because i guess no one found it helpful
and also mabey get un question banned
Deleting will not help the qban lift.
See "How long do I have to wait before I can post again? What can I do to release the ban? How can I reactivate my account?" in the link I sent
what i really want to make in the future is make a game development site like stackflow but it would have sections first one would be gamedeelopment section and 2nd general questions
> Note the emphasis on fixing. Do not delete your posts. As explained above, deleted questions (if less than 30 days old when deleted) do still count towards the question ban. Deleting your posts does not help to lift the ban. Only fixing does! Under some conditions you can see a list of your own deleted questions and answers.
then in game dev section sections for java, unity, javascript etc
You know there's a Game Development SE site already right? You're in the chat room for it.
then within those sections for eatch type of game, then people can psot questions of any length with no description on what they want a example of
for example "Example of a shop system"
in the idle tab
You're free to do so.
Well, that sounds like basically bootstrapping a whole new forum and community.
then people can post 5-20 diffrant ways they would make that system
Which is a lot of work. Good luck.
i know @Josh but the normal stackflow page u get answers alot faster
You also have a much more active community, yea.
Which is good and bad.
my last question i asked on here i edied a bit then got 0 answers
You're a lot less likely to get qban'd here than SO simply due to the user volume and participation rate.
I recommend removing the question about moving it then. Presumably you can figure out how to adjust your x & y positions based on key/button presses. Or if you can't, that's a separate question with different answers. — DMGregory ♦ 2 days ago
It's possible your question here was too unclear.
gotta go to my next class but thanks for the info about normal stackflow
This question has the same basic problem as your SO one.
it was about canvas stuff . I hope they answer my suport ticket for normal stackflow
You've put a ton of noise in there, and the basic query about "how can I position an HTML element to align with another" is totally lost.
Good luck.
I suspect they'll just point you at the same meta page I did and give you guidance on fixing your posts.
im just worried fixing it will just get ignored because of the amoutn of downvotes
doesnt a person have to review it after a fix for me to get unbanned? no one will look at the question so it doesnt matter if i fix it
What do you have to lose by trying to fix it though?
@tmanrocks994 No.
no one has looked at it for like 2-3 days until today
Moderators cannot manually lift a question ban.
so if i fix it no one will even look at it and i wont get unquestion banned
People will look at it.
SO gets a ton of traffic and has dedicated review queues that other sites don't.
e.g., the triage queue.
not really im sure it will get ignored and i wont get unbanned because of the downvotes
Edited posts get bumped to the front page of the site or the tags.
Well, then you will never get unbanned.
The very same argument you used about the activity of the community on SO (versus here) is the argument for why editing your posts to improve them works.
Editing them puts them in front of a ton more people; if you edit them successfully, they'll get upvoted and the ban will lift.
But nobody can manually make that ban go away -- and even if they did, since it's an automatic ban, the system will come along and make the same periodic calculation and ban you again.
Your best course of action is to edit the posts to improve them.
@tmanrocks994 Again, fixing it just takes your time. Why let being afraid that it won't help prevent you from trying to improve things? Good questions require a bit of time & effort.
still if it gets put on the front people will see -8 and automatically think its not good and ignore it. sigh
the mods could remove the question or delete it mabey.
@tmanrocks994 Mod deletes are exactly like owner deletes.
They won't fix the problem.
They just make it harder to get unbanned since nobody can ever vote that question up ever.
And even fewer people can see it.
At the risk of mixing the streams here, in C++ if you cout a double & then copy paste it into code as a literal, does it give you the same value as the original? i.e. is it a bit level copy?
^ assuming that you didn't tweak the output with places rounding.
Almost certainly not.
How do you personally like to dump floats in debug logs then? Hex?
For logs? Just as floats.
You mean in binary?
No I mean I'd just let them print as formatting numbers, 4.34289 or whatever.
I don't think bitwise accuracy in logs is generally important enough to impact readability that much.
What if you want to recreate the problem though?
If I was serializing them textually and needed bitwise accuracy I guess I'd get the hex representation and write that out.
But that seems like a very specific, isolated style of problem.
I'd expect that normally the conditions that go into recreating the problem exactly are more complex than can be completely captured in run-of-the-mill log statements. If you were writing specialized ones, yeah.
But at that point I'd probably prefer to write something more specialized to serialize out the state needed rather than rely on logging at all.
I'm testing & debugging some computational geometry code. thus far, I've managed to build something close enough to retrigger the crashes I get in the game in a stand alone tester. But last night I started to wonder how long until some edge case bites me in the face.
I'd write out the hex representation of the bitpattern for the floats then, yeah.
Thanks for the 2nd opinion. I suspected as much, but sometimes my ideas at lights out don't hold up well the next day.
2 hours later…
@tmanrocks994 Editing to correct the spelling, grammar, punctuation mistakes would have been a good first thing to do. Adding inline markdown to the code, aligning the code & making the post easier to read would also have helped. Some users don't mind doing some copy editing work, but in general, you shouldn't assume they're going to get to it before a lot of other users read it.
@Pikalek and Josh ty for the help and editing my question. im just scared the suport ticket he will be like go back and edit all 37 questions. i thought my other ones were decent questions. might of not been helpful to some but very helpful to me
I didnt know about ```` stuff until like begining of this month also
also not sure how to insert it as script for js stuff. like make it runable in the page
@Pikalek do u know javascript? im trying to make collision with a maze type game
Q: How to add a collision function to a game

tmanrocks994Ive tried a few things but i cant get a working function if player collides with object set speed to 0( stop moving) ive tried to use the function under "game over " and change the things to make speedx=0 and speedy=0 but i couldnt format it correctly. https://www.w3schools.com/graphics/game...

@tmanrocks994 You're welcome for the help. I'm not sure why you're worried about someone editing - nobody should be editing things maliciously & if it does you can & should report the problem. Things like ```` can be learned from reading the help. Even without that, you can still do basic spelling & grammar checks. If it doesn't look like you're taking the time to care, that's a big turn off to the people you're asking to read / help.
2 hours later…
@BlueBug Hey Blue! Thanks. Yep still got Tallowmere on Google Play Store... and iOS, Steam, and Nintendo Switch. Working on Tallowmere 2 still as well
this... is weird!
in a good way

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