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then highlighting was changed, I mean I can't find that kind of options in VS10
yeah, you're right, 2010 doesn't have that kind of highlighting options for C++
guess there's a reason to update? :)
there was a reason from long time ago, I was just waiting for official release of it's express version
I heard there was some fuss about the express edition not being able to do something. don't know if it was c++ or desktop applications...
nevermind though, apparently there was enough protest and microsoft caved in :)
they will have me cracking their VS if they do such a thing.
@Gajet That's rather unethical of you.
yeah, but I loved MS for their generosity towards the poor.
That does not absolve you.
why does MS have the same color scheme as Adobe now
Graphite grey companies unite against Apple white
I like that they provide a built in consitent dark theme though
well, I've always used a dark theme. so I'm not complaining
I also like the monochromatic UI. I don't want that stuff to be visually distracting. But the new icons look hard to read compared to the old ones
4 hours later…
I like the previous white looking UI better.
@Wackidev 50% off, don't you want to buy it (hint: I'm not talking about VS)
7 hours later…
anyone were?
need help with opengl on iOS.. plz some1?
hey guys, anyone know if there's any unity3d portals out there?
hey guys..neone were?
help me with this anyone:

Anyone know the difference between a "Windows Game (4.0)" or a "Windows Game Library (4.0)" ?
1 hour later…
@JoeyMorani Game = exe, Library = dll
Ohh okay. Thanks
2 hours later…
@jeff Kongregate accepts Unity3D games, IIRC.
Using this pixel collision detection daniweb.com/software-development/csharp/code/422197/… I need to pass the rectangles of each sprite I want to check. One of the sprites moves (position) using a float though, and I can only create a rectangle using ints
And it messes the collision up.
Because it isn't actually in that position.
Is there a way I can do it?
@Wackidev yes I've looked through their games. I was actually asking more for myself to play some high quality free Unity games. But kongregate's games are mostly half assed or demos
@Jeff try ludumdare.com -- it can take some digging but I've found some real gems on there.
Yeah I love some of them ludumdare games
I really want to play a on rails shooter like star fox 64 but I can't find anything worthwhile in the flying department for unity
@Wackidev would you mind giving me a fast tour introducing KAG?
it seems I didn't enjoy KAG at all, sorry!
@Gajet that was the experience my friend had, even with me playing right beside him. It takes a while to get used to, but once you do, it's great!
First: when starting, play as an archer.
well, I prefer playing DotA2
you can try this game, it's a lot more fun to play!
Second: practice some in Sandbox and Swordfight modes to get experience
Oops, just saw your reply
What's DotA2?
maybe one of the reasons I didn't really enjoy KAG was the delay.
do you know what dota is?
Oh yeah, from Iran ping must be terrible. Even I get serious lag for servers only a few hundred miles away.
Dota 2 is an upcoming action real-time strategy video game being developed by Valve Corporation and the stand-alone sequel to the popular Defense of the Ancients mod for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne. Formally announced on October 13, 2010 via Game Informer, the game is currently available for early access purchase and is scheduled for a full release in 2012, with a free-to-play business model. Dota 2 will be released via download by Valve's content delivery platform Steam, on which the game has been developed to run exclusively for both game launch and update delive...
AFAIK you can buy early access for 25 ponds.
Looks pretty cool...third-person shooter crossed with tower defense?
not at all, it's something near RPG.
a round started I'll be back
OK...I'll be on KAG. :P
@Wackidev there are lots of heroes, and they each have unique abilities.
the game is between two teams consist of 5 heroes (representing 5 players) in each side
the winner is the team who destroys enemy's base.
it was the easiest way I could describe the game, but when you start playing you'll see it's much more complex.
you can start by checking out what other people shared on youtube (getting a grasp of what's happening).
originally it was a map (mod) for "WarcraftIII reign of chaos" (and later frozen throne)
you can also check www.playdota.com for more information.
@Gajet sounds cool. I usually don't pay for PC games, though. It says it'll be F2P when it's done; maybe I'll join you then.
I don't need any of the extra data Analytics gives me to guess my website's audience -- out of ~100 hits, only one person has used IE! :P
that might be me
I use both IE and chrome
:D SSDs are aweSOME!
I just spent the morning setting it up. bbl with stats
1 hour later…
I have an SSD for my HTPC but not one for my dev box
I should rectify that
@Wackidev You could try LoL or HoN which are currently available DOTA-likes and are F2P
LoL is easier to get into, HoN will better prepare you for Dota 2
@Jimmy they are completely different in their nature though
@Gajet why so?
well, mostly I'm talking about how you feel when playing
I haven't played Dota 2 but I've played enough of Dota 1. I think if you are above 1600 ELO in any of the 3, you could get to 1600+ in the other two
the experience they provide is not anything like each other or dota
hmmm why not
maybe it's just me,
well, I can kind of see what you mean. as in, "Age of Empires is not the same game as Starcraft"
for example fights are too short in LOL
I haven't played HON actually, but the friends were saying same thing about that one too.
well LoL has an issue with high damage high escape
because everyone has free blink
I think that's my main gripe with it, although I have the most experience with LoL
maybe, I'm not comparing those two. I'm just saying they will result in different experiences.
they require different strategies and so on...
but if you get good at any of them, you learn to understand lane management, creep farming (which is much easier in LoL, so you might have trouble learning to farm in Dota), different types of champs, attack damage versus ability damage
well you get the basic idea how it is.
different high-level strategies. You can pick a champion and find similar champs in the other games "this is a melee hero with a hook" "this is a ranged hero who slows on hit" "this is a burst caster with a stun combo"
but I prefer guiding people to original DOTA if they want to know how it feels like
original Dota feels sloppy imho
the timings are loose because of the constraints of the Warcraft engine. it wasn't ever designed for precision
I liked it better.
I think it might have been a better or more competitive game, but it's not as cleanly implemented
it's bothering me no one is joining the chat.
it's a weekend
more reason people log in and talk about how their week was.
they literally don't have anything to do today!
weekends are for being out of your house and doing stuff
I don't really like that idea.
for me weekends are for sleeping and not doing anything.
as "Bruno Mars" sings in the lazy song!
well, I agree to some degree
I woke up at 2PM today
actually I almost do wake up 2PM everyday...
and I go to sleep around 4-5AM
well, I have a job that requires me to be at work at least before noon :P
@Wackidev read the whole talk I had with jimmy
that might give you an idea what you are going to deal with...
also do you have WC3 installed on your device?
what's WC#? :|
Warcraft 3
I guessed so
I'm not a big gamer.
that's no excuse
1 hour later…
first link on google
the first link is w3c stupid google

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