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12:58 AM
@AlexandreVaillancourt @JesseTG I went ahead and started a side chat room for leaving chromavaders feedback
Thank you very much, responding now
1 hour later…
2:27 AM
sf::Text.getString().c_str() returns garbage ><
@bruglesco Haven't use SFML in years, but I think you're returning a temporary object, getting its backing c_str, then throwing out the temporary object.
getString() returns a const sf::String&
which is probably the problem
Hm, then I'm wrong. Wait.
There is no c_str() method, is there? I think you might be implicitly converting the returned const sf::String& to a std::string, then throwing out the c_str you get from that
yes. that's what it was.
I fixed it by explicitly converting it to a std::string and then calling .c_str()
all better now

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