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Hey guys. What would be a good interview task I can give for a Unity dev as homework ?
Looking for general ideas here. Right now I think that developing a simple inventory system for about 2-3 days of time would be enough.
4 hours later…
@UriPopov If it's for a job interview, I'm not going to do anything that takes 2-3 days. Interview tasks should be simple and take no more than an hour.
If a company gave me 2-3 days of work to do for an interview homework project, I would write them off completely and move on. I'm busy, I have things to do, I have lots of other companies to interview with, I don't have that time, and it's overkill for interview purposes. I would consider that to be a signal the company doesn't respect my time, which is a huge red flag.
So I would give them a mostly-complete minimal system and say "complete this bit and plug it together" for example.
Or get them to do some very straightforward task that a suitably experienced unity developer can do from scratch in an hour.
Or give them a unity project with loads of errors and get them to patch up the project.
I am sick and tired of gradle :|
Is anyone here today
i'm not
@TheMaskedRebel I'm sick and on holiday :P
tyyppi's service has started, and i'm at work
me neither
Meeting day today for me.
Mostly testing economy balance today, so I should be able to keep half an eye on chat most of the time.
@UriPopov What about documenting some under or poorly documented code? Or have them code review something. Or maybe diagnosis some buggy code by asking for some test or use cases to help narrow down the problem.
@UriPopov I tend to agree with @doppelgreener about the time respect thing. That being said, I think it is fair & necessary to ask for some demonstration of ability. I've wanted to believe that the Fizz Buzz filter was hyperbole - I have a friend who's overseen interviews & assure's me it's not.
Huh, no strike through in our chat markdown?
@Pikalek Yeah, I've heard pretty abysmal stories from most folks giving simple programming tests like that.
Another one a colleague liked to give for low-level game programmers was "I have an array of bytes. Write routines to get or set the nth bit"
@DMGregory That's a trick question - hex only goes up to F, there is no Nth bit!!
@Pikalek There is strikethrough but I have to look up the syntax for it every time...
<strike>striking text</strike>
<s>striking text</s>
@Pikalek Naturally it was a sexagecimal system.
wow mom
<fail>fills up the chat with unsuccessful mark down attempts</fail>
@Almo You win!
wow upsidedown is mom
@Pikalek yes there is
(Almo demonstrated this above)
I really hate strikethrough though. We should ban it.
oh sorry, my bad
It's a joke
I get it :D
1 hour later…
@Almo this is great
I need some help with JFXGL
I have an error here:
(click to enlarge)
Does anyone have any idea what is causing the error
HAHA! Now I know your IP!!!
And I don't know anything about that error.
that is a localhost ip :D
I just started a hacker tool to read your private variables
@TheMaskedRebel it says so in the message, you have an illegal cast
read the "caused by" line
@TheMaskedRebel That must explain why my computer crashed when I tried to hacked yours.
@doppelgreener I read the error.
I will provide some more detail on it
I am using JFXGL
the error came from inside one of the jars.
@AlexandreVaillancourt rofl
then you need to set breakpoints and debug
Only thing is,@doppelgreener I have 0 idea what he means.
What relation do you feel that advice has to your situation?
@doppelgreener one of my favorite jokes
@Almo I though you should know. Carré confiserie closed too.
yeah you told me when they closed
probly cause I stopped buying the candy flowers when we moved
Oh I did? Oh well. I did not think they'd be there that long, though.
@Almo Most likely. Blame the company for which you work! :P
haha yeah
...and me, because I did not buy anything there, ever :P
@DMGregory I've seen the Ubisoft briefing! You guys have lots of pressure then, you're the only ones where Y. Guillemot went on stage for :P
Yeah, we owe a lot to his support, pushing us forward when a lot of folks doubted.
That's what leaders should do :D
It's a good thing that he does it!
@TheMaskedRebel That's not related to your problem
He's speaking about security exceptions, yours is a simple class cast exception
What's exactly on line 20 in Main?
So how are you guys?
doin ok
I'm writing shell scripts.
And I have to google nearly every line I want to write...
Well I had the same issue my first time
haha yeah
bash scripting is so arcane
^ Very important
No kidding
Yeah, hadn't had too much issues with that yet. Fingers crossed!
@AlexandreVaillancourt you know how most languages are pedantic about parenthesis? Bash is pedantic about spaces, but won't syntax check for spaces.
I guess they want to make you feel soo £337 about it!
@AlexandreVaillancourt No seriously balance your spaces
whatsup @FreezePhoenix I see you're more active here than over at the wb chat :D
warner brothers chat?
welcome back chat?
worldbuilding @Almo
ok thanks :)
I think I should spend some more time in here again
@dot_Sp0T Say what?
@FreezePhoenix you was defo active on the wb chat some time ago
:45598847 World building
Oh WB yeh...
Thanks, it's nice to be back
I'm sorry for using the abbrv
though I never left
@dot_Sp0T Nah it's fine
btw. is Paersson (or what's their name; doing a game about ships and current and tradewinds) still frequenting this place?
@dot_Sp0T Probably because I was thinking about asking a question for a background story to my game
@FreezePhoenix sure thing
Is that "sure thing" a confirmation?
sure thing
Well, for starters, the game is located here: freezephoenix.github.io/Angels-And-Demons/game.html
If you are confused as to how to play, ask
@dot_Sp0T Haven't seen him a while, and it's been even a longer while that I've seen any progress on his game.
@AlexandreVaillancourt did you check out the animations on my game :P
You didn't respond, so...
ah, bad to hear. It looked really nice some half a year ago
@dot_Sp0T LinK?
@FreezePhoenix I did not have time for that yet, sorry :/
That's ok.
Just so long as you get to it at some point :)
damn that's way longer than half a year.... time flies fast
Still looks nice as far as I can tell
it's sweet
I don't see how you play it...
I'm talking from the dev streams I remember watching
This... is a lot of lag for such a small page: colonialseatrader.com/about-us
well, I'm off to bed... cheers o/
Good night :)
@AlexandreVaillancourt hows the bash going?
@FreezePhoenix It will have to wait, I'm on my way home now.
1 hour later…
Have you done any more work and Angels and Demons?
What is New?
Smooth animations
Wait I already showed you that
@TheMattbat999 Nah not really. Working on my code library.
It's 56 KB
@FreezePhoenix ah.
@FreezePhoenix The animations are nice! I would make them faster though, unless the intention is to artificially increase the time it takes to perform an action.
I'd remove the pop-up confirmation too, they slow down the pace of the game, for little addition, IMHO.
But... what if you accidentally discard a primal?
OH... for summon...
That's going to make very nice YouTube videos :D
Yes, for summon :)
Should propogate to the server in a minute or two
And I did remove the confirmation for summon
Ok, server updated
That's much better!
Has there been other updates?
I mean... lemme check.
Just a couple commits from me while trying to figure out the css animations

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