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Yes... I knew about that
I'm curious of the font he'd choose.
Hahahaha. :D Love this bit "To the best of my knowledge, Jeff has yet to personally come to anyone's house with a giant bludgeoning S."
It's unlikely to happen, at least not in the context of SO :P
1 hour later…
Why do people still use Edge
Why does it even exist?
The more you account for it the, it becomes increasingly apparent how half assed it is
Why did anyone ever use any MS product?
most of them have been horrible. Many improved over the years, but that doesn't explain the inital adoption
Win 95 was great based on what I've heard
I know one girl, who uses Edge, because her PC is old and can't handle chrome and firefox
Which I think is bullshit, since even very weak laptops can run chrome
It's not maintained properly probably and that's why she has problems
wtf, pc dont run chrome? pls
To be honest, I would understand chrome
If she doesn't have a lot of RAM
I mean
but firefox
@Bálint nah, win 95 was unstable as shit
still had 8.3 filenames underneath it as well
that didn't get fixed till what... XP I think?
4 hours later…
How do you guys think they did the actuall effect on the skeleton here facebook.com/fernandoribeirogames/videos/1968594223193470 ?
2 hours later…
Guys, I want to make a coding game where some of the micromanagement of units/turrets/allies is defined by player code, like "if 5 enemies are bunched together, throw a bomb" or "if on low health, run to nearest healer"
Sounds like it could be fun
Question is, which genre should it be? Shoot-em-up? Turn-based?
@AlexMitan sounds like a RTS or turn-based squad managment game would fit this best. Could be set in the future where you controll a team of robot police forces to take down cyberpunks :D
Tower defense?
Code during the build phase and see what happens
@UriPopov Awesome!
Genres are about marketing rather than description, so use the genres that help you find the audience you think would enjoy the game.
Puzzle squad management meets turret defence, for example
(consider that “science fiction and fantasy” are both typically grouped together despite having almost nothing in common -- because the same crowd of people is interested in both.)
Yeah... I'm just trying not to "get everything right from the drawing board"
cool, fair :)
I don't have any real gamedev experience, so I only know how important iteration is.. in theory
very important
I should get an MVP out right
ideally yes
part of it is you can be correct now, then do further work and make changes, and that thing is no longer correct so you update that as part of your iteration
which means changing names, descriptions, the genre you're labelling it by, etc
Ok, then I should probably start with a very basic scenario: a grid-based, turn-based little game where two opposing units bump into each other to death
no, simpler
a turn-based "JRPG" where units don't move
That's fair right?
I'm too afraid to scrap and rewrite, and I tend to try to build this architecture and game engine before I even have a game
Build the game, not the engine for the game
But the minimum viable product is about building a super basic version of your game which works and shows people what your game is about
If your game is not a turn based JRPG, then a turn based JRPG is not an MVP of your game
Perhaps another term would be Minimum Representative Product
You won't be there for several months. Before that, you'll be in alpha stages, iteratively working on your game and getting its mechanisms working. You'll get various bits of it working and eventually it comes together and produces a minimal version of the game that's working.
You'll want to focus on the end result of a good game. An MVP is a possible outcome along the way, but you shouldn't focus purely on the MVP. For example, your game needs different levels and environments, those may or may not be in an MVP but you'll want to develop for them anyway.
An MVP is not necessary. Many games do not have one, they just have various stages of the game working more and more through the course of alpha development then suddenly they're in beta.
MVP is about marketing and demoing.
Yeah, basically I'm trying to see if a game where you control a party of units is more fun if you script their behaviour
I figured I don't need 2D space for that
not at first
Plus, the strong point of automation is scaling: with a good and fun and rewarding scripting system, you'd be able to run around with huge fleets or squads
Whereas in game like Shadowrun your party size is limited to about 5 so your turn doesn't take a whole hour
But as I was meditating upon the pool of wisdom that is Pareto's Law, I figured that a fraction of player actions in a turn-based game are really "PLAYS", novel, cool moves that cause most of the enjoyment
That's why there's such a rise in idle games
Because so many of the choices are mindless
I envision this badass big-squad game where you issue high-level orders like "attrition" or "turtle", maybe as you control a single complex unit running circles around your allies
@doppelgreener Also, what if I have a real-time game with "ticks"? Where there's no "end turn" button, but rather each tick resources are replenished and such, and units start moving? Any idea what games do that sort of thing? I'm wondering because if a slow unit takes "two ticks" to move to an adjacent space, where is it during that time? On the start tile? End tile?
@AlexMitan factorio, minecraft, plenty of games
Are they tick-based?
They seem pretty real-time.. Minecraft for sure
I'm not talking physics ticks running 60/s
I'm saying ticks of about 1 per second
Ok, my real question is.. If a unit takes three seconds/game ticks to get from one point to another, where is it in the meantime?
Can it be attacked in the destination or the origin?
Minecraft runs at 20 tps (well... assuming the server can keep up) and extrapolates from that graphically
Factorio runs at 60 tps though, which is uncoupled from the fps
@AlexMitan That's a gameplay question, whatever works for your game
I made a tick-based game where it was used to synchronize movements between COOP players. In that instance, I treated the character as being within their origin cell until they completed a move to a new cell.
Rather than treating the move as a third of a move, then two thirds, then full, I modelled it more like anticipation/buildup leading up to the discrete action at the end.
That was convenient for my purposes because I had events that could open/close passages or shove characters around. If they were always on one side or the other of a tile boundary, I didn't need special handling for what to do with characters straddling the gap.
@DMGregory that sounds precisely like what I need
It helped in my case because I had a cartoony style. The character could run in-place for the wind-up then dash across the tile border and elastically snap into the new tile. ;)
Do you have the game hosted somewhere?
That sounds really cute
Not a working copy. ;) It was for a jam and the end-of-day build would only run on my machine, inexplicably. I haven't gotten around to finding out why...
It's a DRM feature.
Bleeeehhhhhhhh nooooo
2 hours later…
@AlexMitan "should" is the wrong word. Make whatever you A) like B) find works after prototyping.
Don't listen to Almo. It definitely must be a 3D MMORPG with photo-realistic graphics, millions of players and innovative and balanced gameplay. The best way to plan games is "My game should be a mix of [list of AAA titles]".
(I might be slightly insane right now. It's temporary, I promise.)
Are io games MMOs?
I don't know what io games are.
those online things
agar.io, slither.io
That's a domain ending, not a type of game.
But you can simply look at the number of players that can interact in a single world. If it basically has no limit then it's an mmo.
it became a type after agar.io
Blizzard should get worldofwarcraft.io just to screw with people.
No hitler greetings please.
@Bálint I would consider them MMOs of a certain type
that was a leg kicking a soccer ball
Hole.io is single player.
the real version is on phones
but it's a ripoff of Donut County, due to ship soon after 5 years in development
@TheMattbat999 \o
moar soccer
@TheMaskedRebel use o/. Others might think your a Nazi.
@TheMattbat999 They shouldn't
When doing a nazi greeting, the hand goes in front of the body
Not to the side
And the hand gesture is important too
like this: |o
Yeah, that's more like it
Or by indicating somehow that the guy is looking to the sides
Give me a sec
I regret I said that. Now people run off drawing nazis :(
@Bálint it was more of joke :]
I know
@Bálint How did you make that
I searched for "circle unicode" on google
clicked on the first link
scrolled down a bit
And found it
What that x-ed box looking thingy?
Oh, what device are you using right now?
It looks like this
When the font supports it
Oh. I am on my phone. That may be it.
Yeah, phones are a bit behind on unicode
@Almo stackexchange is alright but when I search for a card game and how to make a computer card game pops up as the first link that is annoying.
so do a search without it. You can tell google to ignore those results
just google "google exclude site"
you can solve your problems, just work at solving them instead of complaining about them.
@Almo exactly!
Q: Have there been any "Is this a scam?" questions that the answer was "No"?

BlackThornI think most here would agree that whenever someone asks Is this a scam, the answer is almost certainly, Yes, this is a scam. Have there been any instances of questions like these where the answer was actually, No?

@Almo But complaining is easier and faster and you get results verified by a human.
hahah :D
1 hour later…
@AlexandreVaillancourt shipitsquirrel.github.io
also, wat:
"do squirrels lack a belief in god" who searches for that
2 hours later…
@Jimmy Weeehheee!
2 hours later…
I finally bought myself some cryptocurrency
@Bálint which one, and what's the plan?
hold, trade, etc?
just curious
Dogecoin and wait a month before it temporarily goes up again
hehe :)
Dogecoin tends to do that
probably because you can buy 2000 of them for 5 bucks
it's actually worse than my native currency
heheh :)

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