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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@Tyyppi_77 I will trust it... for now
VM356:6 Uncaught ReferenceError: result is not defined
at <anonymous>:6:1
@PintOfMilk yes i know
i saw that ninja edit :)
We all did
There. That works.
All 568 668 pokemon and their stats stored in a single array
crap that didn't work
> But I only wanted 400. Can you help me reduce the size of the array?
yeah but can you do it so all of attacks are all in one list
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName("l");
var results = []
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 1) {
var j = 0
results[i] = []
results[i][j] = elements[i].textContent
var element = elements[i]
while(element.nextSibling !== null) {
results[i][j] = element.nextSibling.textContent
element = element.nextSibling
results = results.map( (item) => {
var r = item.filter( item => item.replace("↵", "") != "")
r = r.map( item=>item.replace("↵",""))
return r
@PintOfMilk why would you do that?
They are already like that in the page...
Hey... please keep a civil tone
@Tyyppi_77 when you ignore a user, does that user know
yeah but for example Bulbasaur attack is 45 and then I want ivysaurs pokemon attack stat directly underneath it.
well, it might become obvious after a while, but there is no message or anything
@Tyyppi_77 What if he tries to ping me
so 45 nextline 60 nextline 80
@TheMaskedRebel you wont get pinged
pintofmilk, that's goiing to be quite difficult to work with -- you will very likely want rows of data rather than columns of data
@PintOfMilk tell you what...
@FreezePhoenix yes
@FreezePhoenix quite a lot of garbage in the array because you used nextSibling instead of nextSiblingElement
@Tyyppi_77 woops
@FreezePhoenix click "fixed font" when posting code. that will maintain formatting
@Almo I had done it...
oh ok :)
just makin sure you knew
no need to ping me if it's obvcious you're responding to me
@Tyyppi_77 btw it removed all the numbers
@TheMaskedRebel that's pretty rude
@Tyyppi_77 I watched the video on that and the "boink" sound on character deaths sounds out of place.
it's not a death sound
hey anyone use excel on win 10? I have this weird thing wehre dragging the window is slow
By character I mean enemy and by video I mean the trailer.
its the sound that plays when you gain shield points
I use excel on win 10, dragging seems fine to me
slow for me too
thanks probably something weird with my video card then
Oh. That makes sense. I supposed shield gain is linked to enemy deaths. That's confusing.
this is work PC, so i'll just ignore it
that actually feels awful but sort of like a feature?
hmmm actually it is "slower"
like by about 30ms latency?
@nwp Yeah the shield bit is extremely useful as a gameplay element but it's not tied to the stuff very well or very obvious at all
what was flagged?
hm... was it my image?
@jimmy you have seem to do $(".l").text() and that worked how do you get to the next collumn
@Almo My guess is that the Office team is doing something weird with their custom windows
as I mentioned earlier, your approach here seems wrong. you want to get each row of data at once, like the code Freeze showed you
But I don't
If you want verticle rows just rotate the array
I want a new list for attack a new list of defence etc
Look up how to rotate arrays
My code is WORKING
at last
@Pint yes, that's not how you should store your data
but if you really want to, and I preface this with "THIS IS GOING TO CAUSE YOU TROUBLE LATER ON", do $('.l').next().text()
What is linked phase.
to get all the HPs
@Jimmy no...
I saw some code about it and it looked like broadphase to me
You must loops over every stat
but if I have an each list for each isn't easy rather than what you are suggesting?
@Almo I just tried and it stopped lagging if I lowered my mouse's polling rate
@FreezePhoenix can I have a reason?
Because you would be typing about the same amount of code, and you end up with several objects.
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName("l");
var results = []
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 1) {
  var j = 0
  results[i] = []
  results[i][j] = elements[i].textContent
  var element = elements[i]
  while(element.nextSibling !== null) {
    results[i][j] = element.nextSibling.textContent
    element = element.nextSibling
results = results.map( (item) => {
  var r = item.filter( item => item.replace("↵", "") != "")
  r = r.map( item=>item.replace("↵",""))
  return r
Works just fine.
well if I'm doing it on python isn't quicker to just look up att[0] for the first pokemon when I am using it in my calculations for example
not quicker and the code is more messy
@PintOfMilk You said you wanted lists of atributes.
Thanks for helping me and putting up with my very basic questions especially @Tyyppi_77 :)
Now you want lists of pokemon
is this class?
I think he is looking for a data-based approach
because that it is all I understand
So instead of PokemonStat stats[]; he wants int pokemonHP[]; int pokemonAttack[]; etc.
that's basically the opposite of how programming languages work
@Jimmy thats why arrays exist...
I mean, column-major data access
@Jimmy not really, this is just no an object oriented approach
well, yes. Part of why ECS gives people headaches is because their languages don't express this concept well
what's ECS?
Data oriented design is the buzzword I believe
@PintOfMilk entity-component-system
one company traded on it Data Design Inc or something
if you bought two of their games
you could swap engine.exe and they would still work
guy was a prick though
stiffed one of my friends his salary when things got bad
and they were even friends prior
i interviewed there, glad I didn't get it
That would be a silly game if they were so alike that they worked...
his salary wasn't part of their design
wait do you mean engine.exe wash modular
I'm guessing their game data tables were the same layout
and the game was actually located elsewhere
engine.exe was JUST the engine
so all their NPC and map definitions had the same format etc
they made zero modifications to their engine for each game
@Jimmy Well, thats actually good
everything was just data for the engine
pretty smart, actually
I bet there was a lot of scripting involved
though their games did tend to be derivative, I don't think that's the fault of the data driven approach
@Tyyppi_77 Lots of ternaries
Data Design Interactive Ltd (DDI) was a British video game developer and publisher. The company was founded in 1983 as Data Design Systems in Halesowen, England, was acquired by Stewart Green's Green Solutions in May 1990, and incorporated as limited company on 2 August 1999. In August 2007, they acquired Metro3D, Inc.'s European office, Metro3D Europe Ltd., and reformed it into Popcorn Arcade, their Wii development subsidiary. A United States office, Data Design Interactive LLC, was opened in Sarasota, Florida and announced on 23 May 2008, which later moved to Osprey, Florida. Due to insolvency...
nonono, just a bunch of code that's not compiled into the engine
@Jimmy so I have attacks using $('.l').next().text() but how do I get the defense and then the next stat etc
LOL ok
.next().next().next() etc
supposedly their game Conquest Earth was pretty good
@FreezePhoenix thanks
I'm pretty impressed the same engine runs RTS, Party game, racing game, etc.
If the two games that ran on the same engine were "Kawasaki Snowmobiles" and "Kawasaki Jetski", then I'm much less impressed
@Jimmy card names now glow when activated, as you asked
nice, that makes it a lot friendlier
The update should propogate to the github site in a minute or two
Wow... it's still making the update.
@FreezePhoenix your computer must be slow
Hell no. It's github
Update finished :P enjoy
@FreezePhoenix Well that must be down - or very slow
usually web updates are slow because you have to wait for some caching layer in between to refresh
"S" is to "Summon"
"A" is to "Attack"
is there some way we can disable the alert box?
@Jimmy as soon as javascript can save files locally without prompting you.
So I can make settings that persist
That's no where near enough highlight
Step in the right direction though
@FreezePhoenix save it to localStorage
@Tyyppi_77 I agree with you :D
The higlights occur when you attack...
That highlight on the thorn knight is not enough?
@TheMaskedRebel @Tyyppi_77
in Mathematics, 2 mins ago, by The Masked Rebel
is it true that if you apply the dot product on the vector on itself it will get the magnitude of the vector
@TheMaskedRebel it will be the square of the magnitude
@FreezePhoenix Oh I see, it hadn't refreshed for me
That's a bit better but still not enough
@Tyyppi_77 Would you be interested in joining a private loungy discord server? I believe you would fit in well and probably enjoy it.
Well, I can only double the brilliance of the highlight
Or triple it
@nwp Sure, sounds good, I'm Tyyppi_77#2378
This is what I've been thinking
@TheMaskedRebel v . v == v.length ** 2
@Tyyppi_77 wtf how did you do that
have you tried working out on paper how to calculate a dot product and length of a vector?
@FreezePhoenix GIMP
Ok... well that does not fit the UI at all.
But, I'll look into it
Maybe a tad lighter...
Yeah that was just to give the general idea
@Tyyppi_77 discord.gg/sU7sduj Got to wait a bit until an owner moves you out of the lobby.
@Jimmy Yeah, algebra isn't my best topic.
or vector math
@nwp "This is a closed server for Lounge regulars. If we don't know you, from Snack Overflow or otherwise, you're probably in the wrong place."?
the solution is probably to get better at it instead of asking people a flood of very basic questions
@Tyyppi_77 That's the right place. Say hello or something.
It says I need to "Post a message on Snack Overflow saying you want to get in, with your Discord username."
then "Ping @Owners on #public-invites linking to the message on Snack Overflow."
The invite should get you into #public-invites.
@Tyyppi_77 you know it renders every card speretly
but like I'm not a lounge regular? and where do I need to message? I'm confused
In the room where the invite dropped you into.
well it dropped me into the landing page which has those instructions
I have a weird bug on my game that means that the game gets a black scratch? on the object(s)
If my assessment is correct you are a lounge regular, you just happened to end up in a different chat room.
@Tyyppi_77 Unless someone screwed up you should still be able to type "hello" there.
I'm very confused by that statement? I don't think I've ever been in the Lounge
It's a cultural thing... never mind. Someone should fish you out of that room eventually.
Ah okay, I said hello
so now I just wait until someone moves me onto the real stuff?
Yes. Owners seem to be absent at the moment.
all right
@Almo No issue here.
@Tyyppi_77 Owner woke up. Join again.
@Tyyppi_77 That one should work better.
@nwp aight i rejoined
thanks alex
@Jimmy I think I have it...
@Almo I don't think we've introduced
what up dude
Not much
not a lot here either
waiting for client to get their team ready for a project we just signed with them
@Almo Yeh... that was one bunch though earlier
I'm also go by Pheo
Pheo or Phoe?
ok just checking
as you're freezephoe not freezepheo. :)
@doppelgreener hey
@RedRiderX hey
@Tyyppi_77 hey
that seems a bit unnecessary
what... they came in at different times
Not like I could ping them all in one message
we dont have an habbit of pinging people who join
it goes more the other way around, the people who join can say hello if they feel like it
imagine if everyone did that. you show up, and get inundated with ping noises
I mute my computer :| but I get your point
Q: Why does array[idx++]+="a" increase idx once in Java 8 but twice in Java 9 and 10?

Olivier GrégoireFor a challenge, a fellow code golfer wrote the following code: import java.util.*; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { int size = 3; String[] array = new String[size]; Arrays.fill(array, ""); for(int i = 0; i <= 100; ) { array[i++%size] += i + " ...

Java... lol.
Because the java devs dun messed up.
any language can have bugs
Q: someString.IndexOf(someString) returns 1 instead of 0 under .NET 4

knersisWe have recently upgraded all our projects from .NET 3.5 to .NET 4. I have come across a rather strange issue with respect to string.IndexOf(). My code obviously does something slightly different, but in the process of investigating the issue, I found that calling IndexOf() on a string with itse...

few have bugs in themselves
(DISCLAIMER: That I know of)
all software has bugs
if you don't think your compiler has bugs, if it's opensource you can just look at what the developers are working on
for example, gcc fixed 7 bugs today, according to their bugtracker: gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/…
not all software has bugs. But I think a good case could be made for most software has bugs, particularly above a certain complexity.
Broad generalizations are always wrong.
You'll have to pry my hyperbole out of my dead cold hands
If there's any project that doesn't have bugs, it's probably not doing something particularly interesting
@Jimmy I don't like that people use that as an excuse for writing buggy software.
@Jimmy I could believe that.
@nwp I'm a security guy, that's just our basic operating assumption
@Jimmy You just insulted 0% of the population! How dare you!
yeah, it's certainly wise to assume bugs rather than not.
I like to think contrary to you all.
I know there will be bugs in my software.
@nwp it's not an excuse, it just means we need better tools, analysis, and operational mitigations
No need to ping me if it's clear you're responding to me
@Jimmy I'm a developer and for me all systems are secure by default, unless you screwed up. You better not screw up.
But I don't care at all until this bug presents its face.
that's the problem, everyone screws up
@Jimmy everyone screws up except for the people who screw up perfectly... o wait.
That's an excuse for screwing up again. Makes it sound like you may as well not even try, it's gonna be screwed up buggy garbage no matter what you do.
That's not an excuse, my job was to help people from screwing up.
"don't screw up next time" isn't really advice that helps anyone
It's slightly better than "everyone screws up".
People should feel bad for doing things wrong, not think that that is the way it's supposed to be.
well, I agree fully that doing things wrong is bad
in the compilers' case, it's probably an issue of not having enough test coverage. But that's like, the first and simplest fix you add for any given bug. You ask "why did this bug ship" and sometimes the answer is "no one tested for it"
No one tested for it
still laughing
wasn't intended to be funny really. Write tests, people!
Wut if I don't wanna
on the first offense you get a stern verbal warning
second offence of writing untested code -- decapitation
Ok I'll do it - just don't kill me
@FreezePhoenix o/
Ok... Time to make it so you can actually win my game...
1 hour later…
Almost done with that...
@Jimmy ok... now it also has an outline around it
... and you can now win.
@FreezePhoenix i don't know how to do anything in the game right now
i can't click on anything to do anything except the end turn button
Q: Card based computer game

FreezePhoenixThis is a 2 player (Will soon have AI in it - I am not asking for help with AI) game with mechanics similar to the card game named Magic the Gathering. Bear with me, this is a lot of code. If you feel like you need to review one file at a time, do so. The code is hosted here if you wish to see ...

very top now
"S" is to summon, "A" is to attack, replaced clicking on the name
"D" is to discard
You should wait a minute however I'm pushing to github
oh, so i click those letters
Ok, you can reload now
so when is the next scheduled mutiny?
@doppelgreener any feedback? Complaints? Bugs?
@FreezePhoenix i fiddled with it very briefly, but my feedback right now would be that the current summoning model isn't pleasant
the alert?
but also, tiny buttons are a UX antipattern
tiny buttons!
the time it takes before you click a button is proportionate to how far the mouse was from that button plus how small the button is. The first part means I have to swing my mouse over there, the second part means I have to spend time aligning my cursor just the right way over the button.
Oh... you're on mobile arn't you.
No, I'm on a desktop.
(which increases the mouse travel space -- the first part)
So my main button being a tiny little S that I maneuver to for every card each turn is a problem, then hitting the alert
(Or I alternate between mouse to click and space bar to confirm the alert)
So... I guess I could take this part to UX.SE
It is no coincidence that card games use a different model:
- The whole card is the thing you click; it is one enormous button.
- Summoning is confirmed by a drag motion. I drag the card out from my hand. This is similar to slide/pull-to-unlock used on Android or iOS phones, it is a low-effort highly affirmative action.
How tiny is it (screenshot)
@FreezePhoenix Well it is as tiny as an S
@doppelgreener that would be interesting and difficult to do but I don't care how dificult it is!
@FreezePhoenix jQuery UI will help you do that, if you're happy to use that, but otherwise the interaction model for drag-and-move is pretty simple
i can explain it better another day
so... then how would you discard
@doppelgreener why delete screenshot
wrong screenshot
Ok... Is it because you were in the mod room?
here, this one has the S highlighted
so, the S there is the hitbox i can see
that's basically the zone i can click on.
before, my clicking zone was the whole card name, which was awesome.
Yeh, but there was no way to discard
Make the S button be the entire width and fill the space
Or I click on the card name to summon, optionally
That worked fine before & can work fine still
Should update in a bit
If it doesn't, go here to refresh the cache:
Once there, reload.
And then go back to the game
(And reload that of course)
Should look like that
So I reached some bugs:
- as angels, I can't attack with my stuff on my turn sometimes and I don't know why.
- as demons, when the window was getting pretty tall, I couldn't summon things at some point and I'm not sure why. I have a Ravines and a Hell Hound stuck in my hand.
`@doppelgreener if you summon something, you can't use it the same turn
@FreezePhoenix this was in later turns, I had a priest out I couldn't click to attack with
The second one... is a bug
@doppelgreener Screenshot? Probably out of mana
Blue bars at top left and right
You have a deck limit of 10 cards.
There is a related bug. The bug is the following:
- When you attempt to summon it, its state changes, but isn't added to the deck.
@FreezePhoenix does attacking cost mana?
Some, yes.
oh, that might be why then
The second one contains a bug, but in of itself is not a bug.
my angels deck had very little mana generation going on and i was hitting lots of 10-mana Lamps (no idea what those do) instead of getting lands
@doppelgreener Ahh... Lamps are Cripplers
they decrease the enemies health and attack, and increase their manacost
Dark Agents are also Cripplers
Cripplers have 0 attack
2 days ago, by FreezePhoenix
4 stars on it...
I am not sure how I win still, and given how much health all the characters have, combat takes a long time (multiple turns wearing away at specific enemies) for no reason I can see
You kill the enemy cards to win
compare MTG where combat usually kills either two creatures at similar power or 1 creature that is the weaker (and lower mana cost) one
Also, its supposed to take a while
or hearthstone where as an attacker I choose combat and can pile on my minions (which are 90% of my draws) to kill opponent cards
But you can make it shorter by playing one stupid and play the other one smart
i.e. just skip turns on one and go hard on the other
right, but it feels like a slog
Hm... lower manacost and raise attack...
so it is supposed to take a while, ok good that's deliberate, but it does not feel fun right now, but then again it's still in experimental stages, but then again that is when i should say it doesn't feel fun
Or lower health...
@doppelgreener LOL yes but it does take a little too long.
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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