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ok thanks!
@Almo How did you start your cryptocurrency collection, out of curiosity?
just a sec
mostly hanging around in chat rooms where people would "rain" small bits of it on the participants
then trading that on polo to expand it
i tried mining some, never paid off
my clams are staking pretty well, not sure how they keep their value
So you just received a few small pieces, and now have over $10K in it?
the DGB was earned for playing LoL from a service that showed adswhen you came to pik them up.
this was when DGB was dirt cheap
service shut down when the price spiked
but I sold and made decent money off it. about $2000
yeah I thought so :)
I told people here about it, and was poo-pooed by Icy. said "the time of making a lot of money off crypto going up is over" well, no it wasn't
made a ton on RDD too when it spiked
there's so many pump-and-dump schemes, I buy some alt coin that's not going to die (I hope) and set a high sell order and wait
sometimes 6-8 months
eventually some group does a pump and dump, and I get to sell on the ensuing spike
trade commissions are around 0.2%, so it's not that hard to turn a profit on the volatility
much of what goes on would be illegal on the stock market (meaning the schemes)
2 hours later…
So, I remembered that I did a bit of Bitcoin mining in 2011. I have the wallet.db file, but I uninstalled the program that made it, and it appears encrypted...
I can probably remember a password, but it might be more difficult to remember the program.
I'm sure I don't have much, but I might have up to 0.1 coins...
Looks like I dabbled with Dogecoin in 2013 too... Hmmm...
But less with Dogecoin.
Huh. It seems like I have about a hundred keys in the wallet... Sigh.
4 hours later…
hey fellas, anyone online?
sort of
I have two canvas. One has the left (to move my player left) and right (to move my player right) button and second canvas has menu. My first canvas is already disabled and when I click the play button (second canvas) I want the second canvas (menu) to disable and first canvas (with left and right buttons) to enable.
Can someone help me how to do that?
what have you tried?
I added a eventTrigger to my play button and on pointer down it runs a script
 public Canvas buttons;

   public  void onClick() {


but it doesn't work
what part of it?
I have two canvas and they both are named canvas
is the method not called?
it doesn't show my first canvas on button click
is one canvas disabled but the other one not enabled?
is the canvas properly bound to buttons?
are you 100% sure that the method is called?
Yeah first canvas is disabled (the one with left and right buttons) and the second canvas (menu) is enabled
and on play button it should disable menu canvas and enable the button canvas (left and right button)
I will add a debug and test if it is even working or not
yes it does work but it gives an error too that "public Canvas buttons;" the buttons is not assigned a value
so have you assigned a value to it?
No, I don't know what value I should assign
the canvas that you want to activate
Yeah but how do I assign that?
It's this canvas
IDK, you could always just assign the gameobject instead and get the canvas component
I don't even know how to assign the gameobject and get the canvas component
I'm 100% sure you do
How in the world are you using Unity if you don't know how to do that?
No haha. I really don't.
then I'd suggest looking up a basic unity tutorial
Um yeah
I mean I know you probably mean like gameObject.Find ("canvasname") but idk what the canvas name is bc it don't have the option to add specific name
ever used GetComponent?
That doesn't use a name, does it?
No it doesn't
But still it will need that component name
aren't you activating the parent game object anyways?
Wouldn't just GetComponent<Canvas>() work?
yeah but I have two canvas and both of them are named canvas, so how would it know which canvas I am talking about
based on the game object?
or are both canvases on the same game object?
One canvas is inside gameObject and other you can see in the image
yes so just assign the correct gameobject
Like I wanna enable the one which you can see in the image
surely you've dragged game objects to inspector slots?
I didn't understand
Under "Accessing other objects"
That means I should find it by using a tag?
No, did you read the correct section?
There are so many things in the Accessing other objects
Just the first part is enough, the part where it talks about dragging an object onto the variable
Yeah. I dragged my canvas there
I have assigned but it still says that I haven't assigned
You haven't assigned what, exactly?
The variable buttons of MenuAppearScript has not been assigned.
You probably need to assign the buttons variable of the MenuAppearScript script in the inspector.
and it does call that method but I typed two printline one above that buttons.gameObject.SetActive(true); and one below it and it only calls the above one.
Which probably means it is not calling buttons.gameObject.SetActive(true); inside method, but calling the method OnClick()
Should I explain again? Bc it's probably confusing what I said
What does your script look like now?
I think just buttons.SetActive(true) should be enough
public class MenuAppearScript : MonoBehaviour {

    public Canvas buttons;

   public  void onClick() {


It prints OnClickAbove but not onClickbelow. Does that means that buttons.gameObject.SetActive(true) is not called?
probably yeah
Does buttons.SetActive(true) not work either?
What is the value of buttons?
but it keep giving the same error that I have not assigned anything to the button in inspector
Yeah it is probably not working because of the error
buttons should be a game object, not a canvas
I am not a dude haha. Yeah but I wanna reference the canvas
So shouldn't I assign canvas?
Q: Is "dude" becoming gender neutral?

michael_timofeevIs the word "dude" becoming gender neutral? I don't think so, however, has modern usage changed? Are there some recent examples of "dude" being used to refer to a woman or group of women?

You're assigning the game object that owns the canvas, hence the type needs to be GameObject
Also, as you're just enabling the parent game object of the canvas in your code anyways, you don't even need the canvas component
Yeah it says you can call to a group of women but not an individual or a woman haha
public GameObject canvasParent
So I should type public class MenuAppearScript : MonoBehaviour {

public GameObject buttons;

public void onClick() {


> The female equivalent was "dudette" or "dudess," but these have both fallen into disuse, and "dude" is now also used as a unisex term.
That's from Wikipedia.
I changed the code but it still says the same. Or I have to drag something else in inspector instead of canvas?
The game object that holds the canvas, whatever that is
Yeah but who calls a women "dude"? That sounds weird haha
I do.
haha well but it's weird
haha I don't really care
that means I should drag my canvas first in the gameObject folder and then assign that whole gameObject folder
no idea
Um yeah
I have tried this as well but it doesn't work
Now it is not giving any error and both the printline are also working which means it is calling the method but it still don't enable the second canvas (buttons) on screen.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class MenuAppearScript : MonoBehaviour {

  public GameObject mycanvas;
      public  void onClick() {


And I tried doing the other way. When I try to disable them it does work but when I try to enable it doesn't work
3 hours later…
@Hemlata you figured it out yet ?
animation on the water seems too fast
it's just a big wave
idk man I spent too much time on water fx recently :D
This gif reminds me of the ggj game I did last year
@UriPopov no. I don't know what I'm doing wrong
@Tyyppi_77 what do you use to create all those gameobject?
what do you mean?
They look very nice
the graphics program I use?
I mean like cactus
I also worked on a "floater" enemy
@Hemlata ok lets start with the code where is the mycanvas object defined and how is it referenced ?
 public GameObject mycanvas;

      public  void onClick() {


This is my code
and u are sure you have dragged the desired canvas into the slot in the inspector ?
the first canvas has a play gameObject and I have assigned that canvas to it (the first image)
And the canvas that I have assigned is the second canvas which has left and right
It works only when I disable it but if I enable the canvas it doesn't work
ok so you are sure OnClick fires, that's good. Are you sure that the canvas is actually not being activated. It could be that it's elements are out of view
And here someone answered it maybe you can understand something
I don't know but I don't think it is out of view
maybe check then?
bc I can enable it without coding and it shows on the screen and it can adust according to the screen
So I am sure it is not out of view
So the button with this OnClick is not a child of the disabled canvas, enabling the canvas manually shows it, you can disable it from code and there are no errors ?
check the console maybe you have clicked so that the errors dont show
also when you enable the canvas from OnClick does it stay disabled in the hierarchy
When I disable it from code then yes there are no errors
what about when you enable it ?
then it doesn't show any error either
did you check the console thing I mentioned ?
and the canvas remains disabled in the hierarchy
Earlier I had some errors but I fixed them and my code is running bc I have printline in the method
hmm idk. I have to go now but if you host your project somewhere I can download it I can tinker with it and fix the issue, but that will have to be tomorrow
Yes it remain disable
Um yeah
hmm one last thing. If the canvas you want to set to active is a child of a inactive object it wont work
cant think of anything else on the fly...sorry
It is child of my main gameobject and it is active
3 hours later…
Quick question: would Nunchuckes be a cool idea for a medieval RPG?
@TheMattbat999 nunchucks are cool, so why not. If it's meant to be historically accurate that's still plausible: Medieval europe had a lot of people of color (mostly african, indian, but some would have been Asian) and trade with China and the Mongols, and Japan had trade with the Dutch in the middle of the 1000's.
@doppelgreener well, it isn't historically accuracy (with dragons, mages, etc.) But thanks.
It may help to maintain suspension of disbelief to give it a plausible reason for being there: a traveller from the East brought it, or a well-to-do tradesman has it, or a wealthy collector with a fascination for this stuff has it, etc.
some people will go "lol nunchucks how random" but that might help those people go "oh this makes sense"
2 hours later…
Will figure out if cloudminer.biz/?a=5133927 is anything legit soon
@PearsonArtPhoto It think the ?a=5133927 is a referral link and will make someone money for sharing it. The site itself is just garbage.
The testimonies are somewhat amusing.
I've almost played with it long enough to send bitcoins, so...
I would delay that until you get real money out of it. Which will never happen.
If I make money from it, I'll keep playing with it. Thus far I'm not invested in it other then a bit of time.
Multi threading in Unity 2018.1?
What took so long?
Multithreading is difficult. At least if you want to gain performance instead of lose it.
But that's like your job when you get paid to develop an engine
Unity is supposed to be a friendly engine for small dev teams
I don't think they prioritized multithreading because it wasn't something their ostensible audience could use properly
Or it's possible that the original engine wasn't made so that MT could work, and they had to redo some stuff to fix that. I don't actually know.
@PearsonArtPhoto this really does look dodgy. do you have to run software on your puter?
was just wondering :)
Just requested a withdraw. If I end up with 0.0005 BTC in my account, I'll be reasonably sure it is legit.
If that works I'll set up an account too
I can't loose much
No account setup required, just put in a BTC address, the public one.
"You can buy and sell Bitcoins on exchanges like <some random exchange i've never heard of>"
it's weird
I'm not giving them any BTC, but if they give me some...
I might reinvest...
right; reinvbest any they give you. that's a safe way to try
I suspect it is semi-legit, but way overstated returns.
hard to say :)
if they have access to all this hashpower, why sell it? Just mine BTC themselves
that's the part I don't get
Same. And give it away?
money laundering?
I got it
hang on lemme get you a screenshot
@Almo How is that? That strategy seems to guarantee that you can never gain anything.
I thought they simply stole a lot of bitcoins and this is how the yclean it
Guess which screenshot is when I have the webpage open
they are mining BTC on peoples' browsers. That's my guess
What the fuck
Lemme check that website out
Could be, but it works even when not opened...
but people open it and run it a bit, watch the count go up, watch the log of what's (supposedly) going on
tell me what else is taking 45% of a CPU with that page open
Some might even just leave it on in the background and check on it periodicalluy
if the tab is open, they're mining.
if you earn some and reinvest, and that works, it may be that it's a minority of users who use it this way and the ones who don't pay for those who do
just my reading of it. I know I have no proof. :)
Could be. In any case, I'm now mining with 2 different accounts, will see if I can make anything off of it...
yeah keep us posted
I'm trying with one account; see how it goes
Doesn't seem like it
There's no JS anywhere
it was "FirefoxCP Web Content"
looks like it's loading something in to the background, then removing any reference to it on the page
There is a GPU process going on
Not sure if it's the website
I don't think they mine
The counter is definitely fake
It changes on reload
It shows up when i open the page, it disappears when i close the page
it's 45% of a cpu
I find it hard to believe that's anything but them mining
It really does use a lot of CPU
There is some sort of obfuscated code on the page
var _0x35ae=['\x49\x33\x4e\x30\x5a\x58\x68\x30','\x51\x32\x39\x31\x62\x6e\x52\x6c\x63\x67\x3d\x3d','\x59\x32\x39\x75\x63\x33\x52\x79\x64\x57\x4e\x30\x62\x33\x49\x3d','\x5a\x47\x56\x69\x64\x57\x64\x6e\x5a\x58\x49\x3d','\x59\x58\x42\x77\x62\x48\x6b\x3d','\x63\x6d\x56\x30\x64\x58\x4a\x75\x49\x43\x68\x6d\x64\x57\x35\x6a\x64\x47\x6c\x76\x62\x69\x67\x70\x49\x41\x3d\x3d','\x65\x33\x30\x75\x59\x32\x39\x75\x63\x33\x52\x79\x64\x57\x4e\x30\x62\x33\x49\x6f\x49\x6e\x4a\x6c\x64\x48\x56\x79\x62\x69\x42\x30\x61\x47\x6c\x7a\x49\x69\x6b\x6f\x49\x43\x6b\x3d','\x59\x32\x39\x75\x63\x32\x39\x73\x5a\x51\x3d\x3d',
The green log text is fake, too
says block accepted a lot
A new block is found for BTC about every 2 hours (or something like that)
10 minutes
It's changed every time to stay at 10 minutes exactly
Other cc-s use times like 2-3 sec
ok right
so transaction confirmations take time because it's not the block speed, but other nodes confirming?
still, that site shows block accepted WAY more often than 10 min :)
also it says "10 sat / min" then you proceed to get sat on the readout much faster
anyway was up til 5 last night
Accepted for the pool?
gotta go sleep; talk later :)
@PearsonArtPhoto When are you supposed to be able to get that amount in your wallet?
Just over 3 days.
I mean you
You ran it for a couple of days already, didn't you?
0.000015/day, 0.0005 to withdraw.
0.00015 a day
Too many 0s...
That's 3.33 days
Man, it's too late for this
I never understood this:
The java install dialog says
"3 billion devices run java; computers, ATMs, cellphones, blackberrys", etc.
Aren't blackberrys cellphones?
They were actually fancy pagers at first, but yeah.
Also, that number didn't change since at least 2009
I just love watching this generation
That's pretty cool dude!

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