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Q: Is my adventure game suitable?

Dac SaundersI have created a perfect MVC game engine but the UI/UX is not perfect. The single issue I want to solve is a programming problem that the rendering does not look right at the first place. If the player moves to any other location that the first then the background looks alright. How can I...

3 hours later…
People still don't understand, that pumping graphics into a game doesn't make it good. Just look at the Order 1888
3 hours later…
Can anyone help me with a question? I asked in the site but it was closed as unclear
i deleted it
then it would be helpful if you told us what the question is
please don't abuse flags
flag abuse? oh no :(
@M.M what was the question?
Also, don't delete unclear questions
It's easy to fix those and deleting questions hurts your profile
@Bálint you know unity?
just ask, don't ask to ask
@M.M Not much, but I'll try
@KevinvanderVelden [screams internally]
@Bálint My question is how can I check if two parents with the same child gameobjects match?
I thought of checking their positions but they will have different positions
@M.M "match" is not clear without the context.
as in they look the same
They should change the notification sound..scary as hell..
Do you already have a function that checks if 2 objects look the same? Or are you asking how to check for same looking?
@AlexandreVaillancourt the appearance of someone or something, especially as expressing a particular quality.
"the bedraggled look of the village"
synonyms: appearance, air, aspect, bearing, cast, manner, mien, demeanour, features, semblance, guise, facade, impression, effect;
no that is why i asked @nwp
Both objects are made of cylinders
You want a function that given 2 strings returns if those 2 strings are synonyms of each other?
Yes. Something like bool is_synonym(string s1, string s2) and then if (is_synonym("appearance", "features")).
Or are you talking about shapes and want to check if all points overlap given some movement, rotation and scaling?
yes shapes
What shapes? Spheres are super easy. Arbitrary polygons not so much.
Remember your question was closed as unclear :P You'll have to tell us a lot more if you want us to help you!
Why do you need that?
What is your game about?
I have a math PhD friend to which a donut and a mug look the same. I have two twin aunts that really look the same and I can't tell who's who, yet some people can tell who's who.
Wait, you already said the objects are cylinders. So all you need is to compare their height and radius and maybe angle, depending on which cylinders you consider similar.
@AlexandreVaillancourt Your math PhD friend is weird, even when considering basic topology knowledge.
@nwp I don't know anything about it, except he gave me that example once :p
I think it'd be important to specify what the variables in the appearance are
Or where the shapes come from
@nwp Related
@AlexandreVaillancourt yeah a donut and a mug are the same
For the topological definition of same.
Same enough for me. They both taste good, too.
This chat is weird
You don't like people who are ... flexible?
I didn't say that, weird isn't bad.
I'll make a donut in the shape of a mug
@Bálint Make it so that you can drink coffee from it, patent it, then sell it to Krispy Kreme!
There are mugs made of chocolate, but they would just melt from the coffee. Not sure which edible substance can withstand hot coffee long enough.
Maybe a mug made out of sugar?
I thought about sugar too. Maybe rock candy can withstand the coffee long enough and is not too brittle.
@nwp Ask my father to make brownie for you. I'm not sure about steel beams, but jet fuel definitely can't melt that
But then again who would want to eat pure sugar ... wait a minute people do that all the time. And it's even coffee flavored sugar. It's the best startup idea ever! Quick, before someone steals it!
Hello Guys! I am new here :)
Anyone works on UE4? Do you think you can make a complete game like 'What Remains of Edith Fintch' using blueprints in UE4.
I think people here know Unity a bit more.
@iowaqas Probably can.
Which isn't a terribly useful bit of information.
Okay, Thank you guys
You can make just about anything with anything in gamedev with enough sheer bloodymindedness. ;)
So usually the question "is it possible?" is less interesting than "how?"
or "does it make sense to"
Nah. Games are nonsensical by definition :P
Gamedevs even moreso. It's like bioaccumulation up the food chain. We steep in so much nonsense as to become it. ;)
Doing all of this extensibility stuff can be a pain sometimes...
I just realized that facebook messenger supports LaTex
Imagine the possibilities
Like freezing someone else's client with a big matrix containing matrices
@Bálint Depends on where the conversion is done. If an image is sent, it's your own device that will freeze :P
Draft of what my mission definition file will probably look like: pastebin.com/XExUZRmB
It's not an image
It even tells you what the error is
@PearsonArtPhoto Are you sure that is a good idea? It looks very verbose and you can't do any logic with it. I would consider using Lua.
I've been toying with some Lua type code.
I'm thinking I need to come up with a way to do conditions at least by Lua. The question is, how much do I want to do with that...
Hmmm, maybe now is the time.
Sol2 makes Lua-C++ bindings relatively painless.
Will think on this some... This is not really something I'm happy with, so far.
C# actually. This is from Unity, so...
I thought unity already had a script language built in. Can't you use it at runtime?
I just realised you can draw a christmas tree with LaTex
There seems to be something there... Hmmm...
It seems that you can actually embed C# code in to Unity at run time. I'm going to have to play with this some...
You can compile C# at runtime in Unity on Windows. Mac/Linux is harder, and it's not available on iOS
Huh. You can compile & use new MonoBehaviours at runtime in #unity3d. Note I said *can* not *should* #gamedev http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/a/130584/39518
Be careful not to allow people to make a mod for your game that encrypts the hard drive and demands ransom.
This too. I'd really recommend a more controlled scripting system. They're actually pretty fun to set up, and you can tailor them to your needs to it's more expressive than C# for the stuff you do all the time.
I imagine for the platforms that you can do this on you can also just embed Python/Lua
There's definitely ways to embed Lua.
NLua claims to be supported on iOS
but I thought there was some legal issue with embedding scripting runtimes on App Store apps
If I were going to do the C# version, I would want to have it sanitized somehow. Not really knowing how to make it work, I would want to see something done by someone who knows more then I on sanitizing it.
Embedding code is a really good way to let in security issues, after all.
well, there's plenty of games where a mod is just a DLL or a zipfile that overrides base game files
at least in C# you have the possibility of using AppDomain sandboxes (no idea if that works across all platforms though)
I would like to get to the point where I can do something with steam workshops or something.
See, that's exactly why I don't want to do this without some kind of a guide. I've never heard of an AppDomain sandbox...
I mean, I'm not aware of a game that actually does sandboxing like that.
for stuff like Skyrim mods, the recommended thing is "download this external .exe that launches a custom launcher that loads custom files for Skyrim"
Yeah, I want something that's a bit more mod friendly then that...
well the mods themselves kind of work with the base loader
the nexus loader just helps the players who have like 100 mods installed and tries to keep them ordered appropriately to avoid breaking stuff
Right now everything I'm doing is actually included in the information in the resources, which is compiled, but eventually these will be enabled to be changed in the base game without compiling or hacking.
are your resources script files?
My resources at the moment are all XML, but as time goes on, I'm increasingly thinking of allowing at least some scripting.
it's an interesting little functional language
I think what I really want is a set of functions and variables that I have sandboxed for the script writer (Or modder) to be able to play with.
@Mithrandir Are there any news about LaTex on the main site?
I don't know; the Community Team has been a bit busy last few weeks.
I assume it's on the list.
> Notwithstanding the foregoing, with Apple’s prior written consent, an Application may use embedded interpreted code in a limited way if such use is solely for providing minor features or functionality that are consistent with the intended and advertised purpose of the Application
But when 20% of your employees are gone, naturally it'll take a bit longer to get around things.
for those of you wondering if you are allowed to use scripts in iOS apps -- apparently it is allowed if you get written permission from Apple
wait what happened to 20% of the employees
Stack Overflow the company had to make some cuts.
Hadn't heard that...
There are parts of SO that have seemed understaffed for some time too...
Okay, I think I'll go with Lua. It's been on my list for some time to support stuff.
I'm going to do a relatively minimal set of things which can be touched for now, I might increase the list eventually, but...
That's the beauty of Lua. The code is sandboxed and can't escape, but you can give it some of your functions to call in order to make it powerful enough to be useful.
Here goes nothing!
I'm going to use MoonSharp, BTW.
@DMGregory I got something similar in my engine in C++. It calls g++ and builds a .o then loads it like a DLL. great for dev. Zero security tho.
So weird and subjective question.
I'll confess, I've been meaning to use it for a subversive little jam game sometime...
I basically don't do much of any game dev anymore but why do I feel this small urge to work on my abandoned project?
because you're bored
because your brain needs the stimulation and your day job isn't fulfilling it
because you need a longer term purpose in life
Because aliens.
Like a game about gamedev, where you have to write scripts for your game-within-a-game. But then some of those scripts start causing side effects and taking over the whole world of the game itself, or even firing off out-of-game interactions. Could be a fun way to toy with the fourth wall.
Invisible brain slugs
I think it's more task avoidance at the moment. Supposed to be studying for my exam next week.
Invisible brain slugs I tell you
why are the brain slugs invisible
you can't see them anyways they're in your brain
oh I guess the invisibility explains how no one sees them entering your head
This is proving to be interesting, to say the least...
I'll get it figured out eventually, but...
2 hours later…
Oh hi
Haven't seen you in a while
2 hours later…
@sie maybe is actually a badass project, or it's what you really want to be doing
@DMGregory re: game about gamedev, that sounds like an awesome complex chaotic system generator. would be really interesting to see something like that implemented
@Jimmy where can i get me some brain slugs? (Ali Baba, I'm guessing...) But how will I know they're the best brain slugs? Are different species good for different things?
I think it has some potential. Making it non-chaotic/clear enough to be accessible would be a major challenge though.
@DMGregory I think as long as the mechanics are accessible from a gameplay perspective, you don't have to worry about the emergent complexity. Part of the fun would surely be the wildly unpredictable outcomes!
...ask me about that in a year. ;)
@DMGregory the game I'm developing is requiring an entire new lexicon to even be able to discuss it. (Many of these are for intrinsic qualities that emerge from the interactions of the mechanics, which will become evaluation function for the AIs. Hopefully this will allow me to be able to "talk" to the automata, and get a sense of "what they're thinking", as opposed to unguided Machine Learning)
Long story short, I'm using a term "Khaotictivity" to describe certain functions or complex stability states, which I though you would find interesting.
Ooooooh, sounds fascinating. :)
@DMGregory Cost on Surrender Flare.
Oh, found a nice minimization?
(Thinking this would be a good symbol for khaotictivity/chaotic systems: ❋ since it reflects Moorcock's chaos symbol ;)
I read on a linguist question that all languages can basically express everything. For example every culture can express "Person who spends way too much time on computing devices for fun", but depending on if that expression is relevant in the culture the expression will be more or less short.
So you wouldn't need to invent new words to be able to express things, you usually just start abbreviating the expression out of necessity, which might lead to a new word.
@nwp great insight. Languages can also integrate foreign words. Be interesting to research the prevalence of "gamer" in English across all languages.
@nwp to give you an idea of what I'm working on, it a fundamental deterministic game in the territory control genre. Stability/Imbalance is the primary action, but it's nuanced, thus: Stability, Epistability, Metastability to define different conditions possessed by all regions on the map

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