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Just fixed the #1 UX issue that I noticed...
At least, item that could be relatively easily fixed.
Everyone wanted to click the black area to dismiss a dialog. That now works.
GUI work, yay!
... not
I'm sick of UI work.
Me too actually.
Although this was different enough I didn't have a problem with it.
I'm still at something like 40 open actions from my playtesting session...
I'm so far I haven't made a TODO list :P
I took 2 pages of notes, and converted many of them to items...
Some of them are stuff I might not do anything about, like people constantly clicking the loading screen.
Since this is the first full test run of my engine I keep finding issues left and right.

Like, the D-Pad navigation that doesn't check the hidden flag for GUI objects...
I'm probably going to have to do something that will at least lightly support D-Pad navigation to fix one of the issues someone pointed out to me.
Sigh, another instance of the compiled game build running different then when I run it in the editor...
It's still placeholder graphics until I finish all the navigation and fix the remaining GUI issues.
Man, YouTube really butchers that red cursor in 480p videos.
I've just added the view-controller system this weekend to handle events from groups of UI objects.

So I can build menu screens, dialog boxes, etc.
I'm going to have to start doing that kind of stuff...
Just fixed an issue with UI element properties that they didn't copy over from UI templates.
It's a whole lot of little issues that I keep tripping over.
Minor thing but man is that tedious. Only thing that makes me happy about it is that after that they're fixed for good and next game should be much smoother sailing.
One nice thing is I realized that the UI property system will make localization so much easier.

All I need to do is add "String ID" feature to the string property type and have it switch according to language. Properties can already be changed dynamically and all the UI elements updates.
I can add the same feature to the image property type
Very nice
I've spent like 2 weeks going through UI design work to try and figure out how I want my item system to be this time
Lots of trial and error but finally have settled I think
The menu items are set to resize according to the string but there's also a maximum set at which point the text itself shrinks for those languages with unreasonably long words.

I'm looking at you Germany.
Yeah, the little things are annoying...
I had to add in my own localization system...
This is what I'm going for atm
Figured out why the difference between the two modes, now fixing the issue might be a bit trickier...
Nice. I still have to implement UI animations.
Well, I've partially fixed it. I'm going to have to re-think my navigation some to resolve the issue... Sigh.
yeah, if it's boring, make it jiggle
re-thinking happens!
I'm actually going to do that exact advice.
I have just been sitting there trying figure out how to add more vertexes to a plane in Maya for the past 5 minutes and now I am like "what the crap are you doing? Hit the thing that says 'Add more vertexes', idiot!!!!". Now, I figured it out. 😃
LOL. We all have those moments.
Well, I think I'm done for now, so... Talk to you all later!
I realized I never actually tested if the resize-button-within-limit worked...
@ChrisMcFarland GUI system is ready for languages that are paid by the letter. :P
yes, charge customers based on how lengthy their dialect is
@ChrisMcFarland is it intended that the /10 in the life bar is behind the red fill?
It's attempting to not be the highlight of what you're looking at
A part of me doesn't like it
In theory I could not have any numbers
But I want numbers
But I don't want them on the side
Nor above
It doesn't match the rest of the numbers :(
mmmmmm :(
I think roguelikes need numbers.
yeah, the rawness of knowing how the system works, or where your stats are at, is good
It's a very nerdy game style to start with
Otherwise, I dunno...
If there wasn't any leveling then I don't think it would matter
like in a 1v1 fighter, for example
I think it'd remove from seeing the improvement from armors if it wasn't there.
yeah. numbers = trackable growth
you can't really feel a 10% AC improvement otherwise
and the player wants to grow and grow (without becoming so overpowered that it becomes too easy, mind)
trackable irrelevant growth if the monsters just scale with you :)
I know that's how RPGs work.
shhhhhhhhh! don't tell the players that
I just find it odd how well it works. :)
Gotta throw in difficulty spikes
like in Diablo 2, you go from Normal to Nightmare, there's a considerable spike
It's more the fun of going back to previous regions and kicking butt
But that's only for non-linear-travel games
@ChrisMcFarland yeah
I'm strongly considering having rooms that are "hard" just for the sake of feeling hard (eg every mob is stronger)
That's where elite mobs come in too though
easy trash and then some difficult encounters
WoW flat out takes the cake in gating your progress though
"you can't enter the dungeon because your average item level is too low"
so you scurry around getting geared up enough, finally you can go in
it's tough but manageable, do some runs, acquire better gear, things feel easier
all the while trying to get your item levels higher to scale up to do the next dungeon that is also gated away
Hrm, I think there's should be a "enter anyway".
I get telling people who don't know and would stop playing coz they can't figure out their gear sucks but there's a lot of fun in going into a region you're nowhere near the level for.
mmmm, that's for the dungeon/raid finder anyway
I think you can still walk into the dungeons if you really wanted to, or with a group of friends
Or beat everything using the starter stick of slight monster annoyance.
but eh, games like that, the end-game is sitting around waiting to try and find a party
rather than actually playing the whole time the client is open
over the past 2 weeks I really did consider not using a leveling system, just keep damage flat (well, randomly changing) and have modifiers change to spice things up... It could work, but I dunno, there is fun in levels and numbers forever increasing
even if you do have to have the game roughly follow along with you
do the lvl 99 korean grind
or something lol
I just checked the question doppelgreener linked about PHP and non-deterministic evaluation of expressions.
That is terrible
That potentially makes floating point rounding issues even worse.
yeah php is evil
I'm using fixed points in my AIs for this game so that multiplayer can be completely deterministic, easy cheat checks.

and that PHP thing just made me twitch :P
it'd be a nightmare to debug.
I still have to implement the fixed point square root code. Right now I'm still using sqrt()
oh wait, nevermind. sqrt is supposed to be deterministic
4 hours later…
>After Baldur's Gate and Mass Effect, nobody cares about LGBT characters in RPGs anymore, unless they're horribly written.
4 hours later…
@ChrisMcFarland Dragon age inquisition had one too, didn't it?
And I think you could say that to literally every character
> No one cares about [character type] unless they're horribly written
If by horribly written you mean stereotypic
Called it.
@Tyyppi_77 Just make sure the character has an Uzi if you fear not enough attention will be on them. Flying lead gets everyone's attention!
lol exactly, my uzis shoot two bullets just to make sure the focus is there
@Tyyppi_77 nononononono... they gotta lay waste to some medium-important character(s) or else no one cares. They just need to use a whole clip or 2... maybe 5? Idk
2k rep
I can moderate the queue now
ahhh yea
>You need at least 3k reputation to review close votes.
;_; rip
@ChrisMcFarland good job on 2k rep, though
haha thanks
@ChrisMcFarland Of course, I am a low rep guy.... :(
Everyone starts at zero
@ChrisMcFarland actually 1, but thanks
Oh true, nice
But yes, don't worry about your point score
Worry about making a game instead heh
tips hat
Yeah, rep isn't important - focus on quality and it'll shoot up ;)
hey there
Greeetz @Tom'Blue'Piddock
@ChrisMcFarland yeah.
RNG loot machine is underway
var rarity = game.RollRandomRarity(seedFactory_roomCreation);
var weaponPrefab = db.GetRandomWeaponPrefab(seedFactory_roomCreation);
var newModifiers = game.RollRandomModifiers(rarity, weaponPrefab);
I never even managed to code this last year :( but finally getting there now
Dev Blog- Colonial Sea Trader- Playtesting at District Arcade, UX improvements. colonialseatrader.com/blog/index.php/2017/09/18/…
Your website is blocked in my workplace.. Your game must be getting kinda popular :P
I felt stupid yesterday trying to add vertexes to an object in Maya... I figured it out, but why it took me so long was slightly embarrassing
LOL, I really doubt that...
It must be tied to the words on the site.
The transparent signs don't change the color of the text. Does that seem reasonable?
I was just going to mention that, as I'd also fade the text
Good to note. Will add it to my list.
yup, makes the sign feel like one thing instead of background + overlay text
@ShaunWild There's an easy workaround
Open translate.google.com
Set the from language to Chinese, the out to english, paste the url to the chinese side and click the outcome
It acts like a wrapper and nobody blocks google translate
Fair enough.
That's bound to leave it as interesting...
@PearsonArtPhoto Looks better this way
Good to know:-)
I might get rid of the particles below the ship, haven't decided yet...
@PearsonArtPhoto I would remove it
I like those, kinda look like water splashes caused by the boat
I'll remove it for now, but I'll consider putting something in if I can come up with a better way to do water splashing.
@Tyyppi_77 I would make them tighter around the ship, because it looks like a big circle right now
I'm going to have to come up with something interesting if I want to make it look live waves. As it is now, it's kind of boring.
I have a few ideas, but they all rely on custom shaders, and quite frankly that's a really low priority.
2 hours later…
argh glbinding only offers premade binaries for 64 bit...
I hate having to build stuff on my own
I'm new to UE, and I have a question about blue prints. I'm using UE 4.17.

I have some stuff in the level blue print (like mouse event listeners) that just get tied up automatically when the level loads.But I don't want to put a ton of complex code in the level blue print, I want to break it up.

Is the "Game Mode Base" a base class I should use? player controller?
I don't think we have a lot of active UE users here in chat.
Someday I'm going to learn UE...
im liking it a lot so far
only real problem im running into is finding quality textures, i'm not very artistic-y
aight so looks like I'll have to abandon this nice C++ OpenGL wrapper thingy :(
it only supports 64-bit binaries and there's no way I'm reconfiguring everything just for this
Isn't that like saying "the nice PHP object oriented programming wrapper"?
not exactly
like this added type safety to the OpenGL API as much as adding it is possible
I mean that if it's C++ and OpenGL it can't be "nice"
Isn't that SDL?
@Tyyppi_77 That's seems a bit weird to me..
oh yeah my bad, ARM is 32-bit too, right?
There's 32 bit ARM architectures and 64bit ARM architectures
naw ARM doesn't work either for me :(
Yes, unless you have a ARM processor in your desktop (you don't) you need an x86 or x64 build
I guess I'll try to ask CMake to build a x64 project file and then try to configure that manually
aight so the game does run again
rendering does not work one bit though, I was kinda hoping that my fixed pipeline renderer would atleast work a little
It's something!
Getting rid of SDL to get shaders?
I've forgotten pretty much everything about the little I used to know about OpenGL
Heyyy, that's pretty good
(I'll try to limit my meaningless progress update images from now on)
I'm a little confused as to what is happening to the purple guy and the falling sprites
@Steve'saD Those are both things you could use; you could also put functions in a freestanding Blueprint library. It mostly depends on what specific functionality you're dealing with. I'd put stuff dealing with input handing in the player controller, probably.
@JoshPetrie okay that helps a lot, thank you!
TLDR: if you're interested in knowing the specifics and providing feedback, if not no worries

it's a basic RTS setup i'm making, so i'm doing the character selection and walking stuff, i could see the walking code being in a separate base class so no matter what type of unit i make, it can have the ability to walk i guess?

then i'm thinking selection code in the player controller, with a flag for each character that says if it's selected or not so it can display a selected visual. Thoughts?
In an RTS, the "player" has agency over many units, I'd consider the "player controller" to essentially be controlling the camera and managing a selection.
Each unit should be able to handle its locomotion itself; mostly you should be able to use UE's built-in AI controllers and navigation for that.
oh okay, i wasn't sure how to tie in the camera yet
yeah i have units walking and stuff, but i can only select one at a time, and most of the code is in level blue print :(
@Tyyppi_77 Game Coding Complete suggests a way to make a game editor like such: have your main game classes be inherited from once for the actual game, and once for the editor, and plug the editor classes as a dll that exports the functions, and use a c# program to edit the game. Did you do something like that?
Uuuh this a tough one to explain
Not really no, I feel like my editor doesn't have a whole lot of features that I actually needed from the main game
I have a few wrapper classes that make managing entities easier so that I don't need to remember to remove them from all the places an entity has to be removed and so on
Oh and I guess a large difference that my editor is in-game, that approach sounds like it's made for a separate program
The DLL bit is, yeah.
It lets you build the UI in C#.
Unreal does the same thing, sans the DLL-and-C# stuff.
I'm having some trouble figuring out what the actual inheritance part accomplishes? Limited access to the data (more access for the editor?)?
It could accomplish nothing. :D
(e.g., it could be bad OO).
Unreal uses it to virtualize some top-level functionality so that that functionality can be transacted in editor builds, or do other more complex bookkeeping.
It's a bit questionable in places.
It's been a while since I worked on my editor but I think the essence of it boils down to using the same pipeline that I use for loading entities from a level file, i.e. feeding a map of properties (loaded from an XML file when playing, built from a wrapper-entity map when in editor) to a factory method.
@Tyyppi_77 Yeah, that approach has 2 different programs..
@Tyyppi_77 That sounds a bit like what I have in mind!
@JoshPetrie Do you think it's a bad approach?
@AlexandreVaillancourt In general, not necessarily.
I've been reader Game Engine Architecture too but the author does not seem to give pointers on how an editor could work, just what it could/should do ;)
iirc it's pretty old at this point, and so might be pushing some out-of-vogue design ideas.
it presumably missed the whole "web based editor" trend that rose and fell a while back
@JoshPetrie Are we talking about the same book? Released in 2014.
And "web based editor"? I've heard about using TCP/IP locally to communicate between the editor and the game being edited (instead of using an exported DLL as described above), but I'm not sure what a web based editor would look like..
Yes; didn't realize it had a second edition though.
Just like it sounds; using a web view to render the editor UI and stuff, building the editor GUI with HTML and JS and such.
Stingray uses it still.
It's really a terrible idea, ime.
Unless perhaps your studio is very invested in building web-based stuff already. But in that case you probably aren't writing your own native engine either, so...
It seems a great idea in theory, but yeah, terrible idea in practice.
Mainly because you don't have much control over the browser you'll be using "we must stick to Firefox 24, because 25 breaks everything."
creating steam test accounts
if you use the same password for 5 accounts, it will disallow further use of that password
So I'm considering a fundamental change to how CST works, but really won't affect gameplay much in the end.
Right now you can go explore anywhere in the world. I'm toying with only being able to go between cities, but still keeping the map as it is at the moment.
I guess you could still "stop" somewhere in the middle of no where, if stopped, but only set a destination that is either a city, or some other noted landmark.
What the hell
I just searched for "spinner" on google
And instead of getting my profile picture I got a fidget spinner
2 hours later…
Whoa, new top nav is here.
top nav?
Q: New top bar is coming to the Stack Exchange network

Joe Friend Updated timeline: changes rolled out on meta.se and to Mods on all sites on Monday (9/18) Assuming no significant issues are discovered we will roll out to all sites within the next couple weeks I'm the new product manager for the DAG team. I’m excited to announce that the top ...

neat ... I guess.
Q: How can I use the Kinect as a microphone in Linux?

the_naiveI am using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, and the Kinect camera has type Microsoft_Xbox_NUI_Sensor_043367545147-02-Sensor. I can access the Kinect's camera from a Linux program that I'm writing, but I'd also like to use its microphone for voice communication. How can I do that?

I was thinking this might belong better on Ubuntu or some generic Linux SE..
Checked the comments, sure enough people had that discussion
But Gnemlock deleted his comments so there's little context left to the discussion
I would have upvoted what I assume is his argument that it'd be better answered on another SE site. But I can only infer that from the remaining comments :P
Hey folks, is there any reason to not have an ortho go from 0 to with (left to right), 0 to height (top to bottom)? I.e. would I ever have anything but 0 for the left/top edge of the screen?
I do exactly that for my UI system
Only thing you gotta remember is that your triangles are now flipped from the de-facto 3D so you need to invert your triangle culling settings or turn it off.
yeah, I was just wondering because most ortho formulae seem to distinguish between left and right, so there must be a good reason for not using 0 and width instead I thought - so you come here I thought
Only minor issue is that in theory you quadruple your float precision errors but that's not an issue in practice. You got 24 bits of precision so integers [0 .. 16777216] can be represented exactly.
And yes, [0..16777216] as opposed to [0..16777216) because floating point magic! :P
@PearsonArtPhoto People either walked away from our table looking shell shocked (or inexplicably angry in one instance) or with a s*it-eating-grins on their faces.
Obviously the last case is the money, but I'm happy the reactions were powerful. (Ambivalence is the only negative result imo, from a marketing perspective. No publicity is bad publicity;) Reactions to great art should be powerfully affecting!
It was quite validating to have people come back to our table and give us the "best in show vote." You can never tell if people are being honest face-to-face, but no one had to walk back to our table to vote for us, so those reactions we can trust.
My marketing guy was watching the crowd (by contrast, I was talking to developers.) He noted that engagement time on most games was a few minutes, then move on. Of the people who played Mbrane, nearly all played multiple rounds.
!Warning: Mbrane may be addictive!
@DukeZhou Interesting.
I never did get any best of show, but, oh well.
@PearsonArtPhoto but you're still earlier in development. Our game is just about ready to go live.
Fair enough.
(Sounded like there were definitely a number of people interested in Sea Trader!)
It seems like I should be further with almost 2 years.
Yes, there was, which is good.
I had a school teacher who came up and was considering it for use in his class (Social studies)
@PearsonArtPhoto and aren't you just developing in your free time? (MClass games is a team, but everyone is working for sweat equity, and we all still have day jobs or school. It's taken us a year just to get this very simple app into shape on iOS and Android.)
This is true enough, one person developing in limited free time.
My developer had me watch "Indie Game: The Movie" on Netflix. It was worthwhile seeing the struggles of other indie developers, and the sacrifices they had to make, even where they had some funding.
I need to do that.
testing palettized GUI recolor shader
Got that working :P
Better without the 2-color test checker pattern
@DukeZhou That's cool that your team has gotten so far, good luck on the next step! (what game is it if I might ask?)
(little bit of bragging to on that site to boost excitement;)
Nice, 2P Sudoku battle
yea, validation from other people is always nice :)
@DukeZhou Where did you just showcase it? I missed that part
Mbrane is the app. [M] is the set of games the apps will express: fundamentalcombinatronics.com/rules-of-m
Local indie game event.
Both of us were there.
I should have worn my diamond cap, just for the fun of it.
More info at mclassgames.com
@StephaneHockenhull District Arcade
Small event, but well attended
I'm hoping to "fly below the radar" for at least a year to avoid attention of deep-pocket players (app game companies) that may be inclined to try and clone
So we're happy to finally be getting it out there, but also sort of trying to keep it on the QT
I got a bunch of good feedback for my game, and Duke got a lot of validation.
Well, if you can afford it you should maybe do the opposite and go all out to get the market before the big company clone your game.
@StephaneHockenhull no funding, unfortunately.
But we do have a patent pending, and based on some recent copyright cases (Tetris vs. Xiao and LolApps vs. SpryFox) I'm fairly confident Apple and Google are not going to want to take on potential liability by allowing clones.
No guarantees, but at least taking steps to avoid getting 2048'd
Good luck.
@StephaneHockenhull Thanks. (Although the who point of the game is eliminating luck, I suspect we'll need a little bit!)
I'm actually working on a clone of some other game right now :D
But it has improvements and the original has been mostly abandoned long time ago.
@StephaneHockenhull I think that's totally fine, so long as the original developer is not trying to keep it proprietary. Improving mechanics is a worthy pursuit!
On this project, I'm just hoping we can get the space to develop ourselves, in a condition where we have no funding.
One of the complaints about the Tetris situation was that the clone apps were better software.
But we're also going to keep the basic game free, and only lightly try to monetize though in-app purchase of extensions.
That strategy worked like a charm for FlowFree
I'm thinking about adding hats DLC
You can never go wrong with hats!
We're also going to try to monetize themed version. The game and app kernel are so compact, we can just slap pictures over the integers (8=castle) and have a more Catan-ey feeling game, without the dice
then we can do WWI, WWII, Sci-fi, etc., but good art costs money, in my experience
But we're already had interest expressed in themed versions. I never thought the abstract game (integers only) would be a product, but when I started testing, a significant subset went crazy for it.
Good validation of the strength of the core mechanics: similar depth and emergent complexity to Chess and Go, but with less rules and no special conditions. ~10 min for the basic game, which is perfect for coffee breaks.

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