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yeah, watching others play your game opens your eyes
something obvious to you might not be obvious to them
I found a lot of those...
@ChrisMcFarland yeah
Like when your game says "Touch here to continue" they touch elsewhere and tell you there's an interface bug.
"Oh I didn't see that"
true story
yeah it needs to be the biggest, glowiest, sparkly thing
yeah :(
I saw a lets play vid of my game once
how did that go
guy couldn't get out of the first room cuz he couldn't figure out how to open the door
even though the interaction text said what button to press to open the door
wow man
It's funny, there is nothing that I thought was obvious that someone else didn't see, but there are many things that I thought were obvious that almost no one saw.
pizza time, talk later. :)
the biggest thing I added to my game was a blue arrow above this demon statue for when you had enough souls to turn in to level up
The screen had a text sentence saying what to do... but wasn't as obvious
so a bright blue arrow helped make things easier
I also met @DukeZhou
Didn't get a chance to play his game, unfortunately.
hehe cool
@ChrisMcFarland the blue arrow worked
you got any clues on why submitting a score to steamwouldn't work?
dunno, don't think I've ever had a failure
board isn't set to read-only on the Steamworks end?
@ChrisMcFarland there's trusted and "-" i have them set to trusted
which i thought meant the client was trusted to add values
ah, try setting to -
I think Trusted means it has to come from an authenticated server using Steam SDK or something with one of your private keys
(it's been a while since I read about it, I could be wrong, but that's what I remember)
ok will try
just a sec
I have all mine set to -
What title are you working on?
still says fail :(
so with - you can submit scores from your client?
yeah, though I haven't tried doing it with Facepunch yet
might be an issue in the lib, but I'd expect that to have been found by now
but some were saying it had one of the settings for updates vs replacement wrong too
but I have 0 entries in the table so that shouldn't matter for this test
does Facepunch give you access to the raw API at all to try?
I'm not sure, to be honest
is there anything about whether the title is published or not?
or if I just set up boards on the system I should be able to connect?
hmm, has Valve approved your title's early build? I dunno if that would matter
I don't have any builds submitted
I'm going from the editor
I dunno sorry
Try searching the steamworks forum too
ok thanks for trying though :)
stuck on another bitch puzzle in The Witness
great game though
7 hours later…
And my notes are all added to Trello...
3 hours later…
Man, PHP programmers don't get a lot compared to others
I feel sorry for them
1 hour later…
@JoshPetrie The "make games, not engines" post from your website is gone and I can't link it in comments
Is there a way for you to bring it back? It was the number 0 tip I gave to beginner game developers
2 hours later…
@Bálint These numbers don't take into account where those programmers are located in the USA.

It gets even crazier when it's world-wide.

I program in C++ mostly and make much less than this graph, however the average income in my region is $36,344 USD.

Average income in San Francisco: $104,879 USD and the cost of living follows accordingly.

So relative to the region I'm doing quite well but I'd have to triple my salary to maintain a relative income in San Francisco.
We'd need to have the numbers calculated first by normalizing the person's salary by the region's average income.
@StephaneHockenhull Right
And based on a blog post from couple of weeks earlier, PHP is generally used by poorer countries
@StephaneHockenhull Wait, average income per year or per month?
And that's just average numbers. I'm a senior programmer of ~20 years experience.

If I made as much as that graph suggest, plus scaled for my seniority, holy #@$% I'd be swimming in cash here :P
Gold plated driveway mansion HAHAHA
Man, that's a lot, the average salary here per year is around 14000 dollars
yeah but cost of living scales to match.
And yes, everything is relatively cheap, but due to something called "world market" it's hard to get your hands on "luxury" items
it's 5,000 to 10,000 /month in SF for a tiny appartment.
And by "luxury item" I mean stuff like smartphones, laptops and even cars
And I can't really say anything, because I still live in the first world
oh yeah, even here stuff's expensive relative to Californian dev salaries.
I dunno about your place but here we got safety inspections for cars.
Hurt a lot when you gotta pay $1000 for a full exhaust repair job because there's a tiny leak.
Can't just keep driving that old $500 rust bucket car.
And cars start at $17,000 once all the fees are in
Plus scooters in the snow aren't that great so that's not an option :D
Yes, safety inspections exist here
How picky are they?
I'm not really sure, I don't have a car
But my grandpa has a very old car (35-40 years old) and they never had to repair anything on it
here it's mandatory, every 2 years. A tiny scratch on the windshield and you gotta replace the whole thing. It's ridiculous.
Not even a crack, just a scratch.
We have stickers on the license plate saying when they were last examined
I think you only need to take your car to examination every 3 years
Also, do you also have stickers on your license plates marking when a car can go outside?
E.g. A green sticker means anytime, a red means only when there's no smog
Nah we don't have that. We're all coast so there's practically no smog.

It's all the "safety" stuff that's a budget killer. Especially how windshields need to be absolutely perfectly flawless.

One tiny rock and you're out ~$1000...
@StephaneHockenhull You don't need to replace the whole windshield after it get's a little crack
There are resin based solutions to that
And it's relatively cheap
only if they don't notice it at the inspection.
These are technically safe, they don't crack further
The problem with these is that if you drive on a hump, the stress in the glass could break it further, even into a spiderweb
And it's very cheap
Hmm, the price doesn't show up...
It's $12
If you do it yourself it has to be absolutely flawless. They fine-comb over the windshield for tiny pits and scratches here
Well, what could you lose
On one side you win 988 dollars if they're fine with it
On the other side, you lose 12 if they aren't
Oh, I know. still bugs me.
oh great, now all my ads are gonna be windshield repairs for a month :P
@StephaneHockenhull Use an adblocker
Sometimes I get good targeted ads, I'd miss on those.
hey, i come from a traditional programming background and im making an UE game with a few friends. At first, we set up a git repo for everything, but it appears that isn't working as smoothly as expected
how do you all collaborate on game projects?
What's a "traditional programming background"?
Like, got a farm, cows and chickens and code wearing plaid shirt and denim overalls?
software engineer by trade, ms stack
and lol
@ the second part
like, do we each make blue prints (and their assets) independently and manually copy them in the folder? that seems naive, git isn't working, my buddy suggested another source control (something i've never heard of before), but instead of just chopping at the block for a week and seeing what works
Git isn't good for game assets unless only one person work on specific asset files.
It doesn't do edit-locking.
Generally, Git is for code only.

When we have game data assets that are shared in the office we have a bunch of cards that people have to physically grab or else they suffer having to do their work all over if there's a conflict.
i was interested in seeing how the gaming community solves this issue,
But that's because we only have 2 or 3 people occasionally working the same asset.
And we're all local.
yeah we're all remote
You're gonna need some other solution than git then. There's add-ons for Git but I heard mixed opinions on those. I can't recommend anything regarding git
okay yeah, i tried the git path, and there was a plugin to help handle large binary files
but it still seems like a subpar solution
@StephaneHockenhull what about perforce? Is it good for game dev?
hi @Steve'saD
hey frosty :p
it works. "good" is entirely subjective.
Everyone ends up hating every solutions at the end of any project :P
@FrostyFire what was that other source control you suggested
@Steve'saD perforce free for 5 and under users
sorry 5 users
the users should be over 5
@StephaneHockenhull In a traditional programming background, you will only see examples of Von Neumann architecture - none of the heretical Harvard stuff
There's no such thing as Von Neumann architectures anymore :P
Practically all CPUs are internally Harvard architectures that bend over backward to pretend to be Von Neumann.
...here we go
Any CPU with a separate icache and dcache :P
Blame the architects man. Form over substance. All they care about is the cache.
CPU cache is super expensive too
Isn't cash expensive by definition?
@Pikalek It's expensive because it uses a different type of memory
One that's fast in small sizes
It's like the difference between f(x) = x^2 and f(x) = x, the former stays smaller if x is between 0 and 1 but after that the latter is the smaller
@Bálint I know - it was a (failed) of pun conflating cash, cache & different types of architects.
Man that hurt
Yeah, I should probably save that one for the classroom. Someone else teaches econ across the hall - what could possibly go wrong?

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