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08:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

A: How to avoid spaghetti in the animator?

John HamiltonThe problem here is you're trying to tie everything together instead of using a trigger to switch between idles. You should be picking the idle animation using an if-else or a switch-case type of conditional. I've made a diagram that looks much neater (assume one of them is the default case): ...

This guy is like: "Could you make my game for me please?" in the comments
I think for all the good that stack exchange is doing it's also doing harm by pushing devs to laziness
Not me!
Meh, people will always be lazy
Just don't feed them =p
4 hours later…
Chat's quiet today!
It's been quiet for a couple of weeks, actually.
Quiet today than usual :(
Are you working on anything atm @AlexandreVaillancourt ?
@ShaunWild Not a game; I'm trying a couple of different architectures to see if there is much of a difference in performance or ease of use; and to try to twist my brain.
Ahh cool
My game is still a screensaver atm
The goal is to have the same end result, but with three different approaches.
I'm hoping to get tank creation done by this week
I hate that word lol
But thanks
I have a design flaw in my game
Each component of a tank is it's own entity
I want to be able to drag components off tanks
and drag them on
When you drag them on or off the circuit components update on that tank
Na actually
Ignore me, I just realised it makes semantic sense
This chat room is good for rubber-ducking, sometimes :p
Literally just rubber ducked
I'm gonna buy one
I can buy 60 tiny rubber ducks for £4
Should I
@PearsonArtPhoto Yep :P
@ShaunWild Nah, keep your money for something that's worth it ;)
I'll just do it in this chat isntead then haha
Will make a rubber duck app, make millions.
Already exists
Proof of concept already exists. Making millions now guaranteed!
Maybe I'll make it a bit more generic, not just limited to programming. Hmmm...
Could be a fun side project.
Maybe I could find 57 answers I downvoted and undo the dowvote to get 10k rep?
You can't change your vote after a period of time.
I downloaded unity last night! I have a little game concept to work on.
Oh my god I just my first ever starred message
I feel accepted
@doppelgreener Good luck!
Thank you!
Anything you want to share yet?
De nada
Nothing started, just some ideas. Stuff was downloading and installing overnight and now I am at work. But first thing I'm gonna make is a li'l voxel playground thingy, which is a completely 100% original concept donut steel
Have you much experience?
With unity
I also have an idea which I think will go viral if I can implement it well. Gonna probably take a year or so at this rate though...
@PearsonArtPhoto unless there has been an edit, I think.
I don't know if Unity is the best way to do voxel stuff, but...
Well, in any case, good luck!
Is there a name for the point where you have wrote enough code in a game for it to be finally playable
@ShaunWild None whatsoever. I'm very comfortable with C#, but I have never used Unity. Will be doing some tutorials.
@doppelgreener you'll have no problem, that engine is a breeze
At least for me, everything just made sense
Especially fi you're familiar with mainstream concepts like components
I'm familiar, though was never sure how to lay them out exactly when creating a thing in XNA a few years ago
Who was it who said that you have a List of each component type
Cos that's such a good idea, I can't believe I never thought of that
@ShaunWild that is called the "first playable" milestone, sometimes. that sometimes marks the end of "pre-alpha" and the start of "alpha".
("sometimes" because how you mark your milestones is personal to each project)
Also sometimes called the Minimal Viable Product, but sometimes that means a point further down the path.
MVP is what I had stuck on my tongue, First Playable soudns more applicable fior game dev though
@ShaunWild Minimal Viable Product is generally something that you can sell.
Right, key word there being viable -- specifically, viable on the market.
Start -> First Playable (Alpha) -> MVP (Beta) -> Release (Release)
I might do that
That seems sensible
Typically you'll have a definition of "complete" and of "minimum viable" so that you understand what you need to progress towards, and so that you also understand what is wasting time or not
And depending on the nature of the game, it could never be 'complete'.
But you could have the next iteration complete.
MMOs work like that.
I'd like to make a game like that haha
Well as long as it the sales can sustain development, and development can sustain sales, go for it!
That's probably not worded correctly though... :P
@AlexandreVaillancourt Let's immoritlaize that
If development is sustaining your sales and sales are sustaining your development, keep developing!
> Code freeze is the stage when new code is no longer added to the game and only bugs are being corrected. Code freeze occurs three to four months before code release. -- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_development#Code_freeze
This is a strange and seemingly non-frozen definition of code freeze...
I don't like it :(
I would call it a feature freeze, but...
Ah, that's because they're talking about a feature freeze (no new features, only refinement/bugfix/etc) but calling it a code freeze.
@PearsonArtPhoto Yeah
Total code freeze in games is rare, and even rarer today.
To me code freeze has always been...
For me, most of my programming experience has been with systems not exposed to the public. A Code freeze means that I'm using my code for the intended purpose, and it needs to be a stable version.
Code stops, everything is being prepared for release, nobody can change anything even to try to fix things in case something breaks.
yay I had surprise work come up on me weeeeee finally did some stuff
We also use "feature freeze" for that..
@JohnHamilton Nice!
I hope some more stuff comes my way, I want my "trial period of 2 months" to be noticable by my superiors :D
Yeah; if you don't have anything to do, you can't show your value :P
How smart would it be to make your game free, or much cheaper at first release?
I want my game to be like £5 when it's up and running, but maybe like .99p at launch
That's not how it usually goes, you put it expensive at launch and have rebates once in a while.
But if it's cheap then it's likely to attract users
If I build a player base of 1000 people, then put the price up
Would be awesome
That's 4k that will not be in your pockets :P
Not neccesarily
consider that Minecraft only put their price up from $10 -> $20 or whatever it was once they hit a feature milestone, not once they hit a population milestone
Also, low price / free / PWYW is a marketing technique, not a sales technique.
Make the game fun so that people are willing to pay 5$ for it!
People might be afraid to try it though
@AlexandreVaillancourt yes this.
What will be the distribution platform?
Steam at first
@ShaunWild You can use itch.io to give people a limited amount of keys for a cheaper price, like how kickstarter stuff do with early bird discounts etc
You can have some features for free, and some features that will be available only to people who buy it...
@ShaunWild If I'm comfortable enough to try and purchase a game, whether it's 99p vs £5 makes no difference to me. (In fact, £5 is a bit more reassuring that the author thinks it has some value.) The difference of £4 isn't going to convince me to try it when I wouldn't otherwise.
Why would you sell for 99p on Steam anyway..?
that's an app store price. Go for £5+
Well that's why I asked you guys haha
Now I'll sell it for £25
I don't know if you can have a 'demo' version on Steam.. otherwise, you have to make your game fun and you have to market it right, I guess, so that it 'sells itself'..
Yeah don't do it (pricing really low on launch) on steam, but try to price it well
if you aim too high no one will buy
if you go too low your profits will be hurt
I like the itch.io idea
@AlexandreVaillancourt you definitely can have a demo version on steam and you definitely should if you're able to
@JohnHamilton Nice, I did not know!
A friend of mine at EA said demo versions don't increase sales.
Ye, maybe a free demo
he's pretty high up, so he has access to the data
although with all the refund systems, people don't care much for demos of low price games (10€ or lower for example)
With only one gamemode
@Almo What's the point, then?
EA doesn't do demos, do they?
EA has always had HUGE demos
that's the problem
they stopped at some point
people don't even download if it's a demo
since it's usually 30gb+ nowadays with AAA titles
we're in a specific segment of the population
@JohnHamilton Oh, right, that's one of the ways to go!
we love demos
you'd want data from a broader segment before deciding it's a good idea.
if it works so well, why don't more people do it?
I suspect even in markets where it makes sense, the impact isn't huge or you'd see more of them
since it's pretty easy for people to get their "demo experience" on youtube these days, it doesn't really make any difference
@Almo I'd wonder about the applicability of that data source to other developers.
more niche and obscure games which wouldn't have youtube coverage all that much, would benefit from demos tho
nicher and obscure games are often supported by small rabit communities. I'm still not convinced.
EA develops stuff like Mass Effect, and they're selling at an enormous scale. Everyone has already made up their minds whether they're buying the next ME or not well before it comes out, and many of the rest make up their mind by hearsay & videos on youtube.
@doppelgreener like I said, EA demos became huge and the last time I downloaded a demo from them was when it was a file like 5gb. I said never again, since it's a 30 min experience and you might have to wait 5-6 hrs for that
I had a free demo for Cognizer mainly because it was mobile, and I wanted to be able to point people to the demo without the hassle of them having to find it and open it on their phone.
I'm not convinced it's made much of a difference.
I didn't call it a demo though
it's just "The Web Version" or "The Free Version" when it was still a paid app.
locked content = demo
I know
I'll just message PewDiePie
these days EA is still making demos, just a different way
and he'll review it for me
cognizer web doesn't have "locked features"
calling it open betas and stuff
@ShaunWild If you're making a multiplayer game where you want people to bring their friends on, don't forget to provide something along the lines of a 2-copy or 4-copy package deal. I've picked up those packages frequently; I bought a 4-copy package for a game when it was on sale when I didn't know yet who I'd give the 3rd and 4th copies to.
it has "missing features" partially because I couldn't fit all the music into a 50 MB app on Kongregate.
Necropolis doesn't have a multi-pack which is disappointing :(
@doppelgreener Ye for definite.
@Almo you do realize Battlefield games sell as much as they do because they're doing "closed and open betas" right? Which are pretty much demos of the actual game.
I'm gonna make a sub reddit for it too
all go subscribe
Or else
dunno my password, might join when I'm at home :p
send me a message on reddit @CrazyIvanTR
@JohnHamilton those are not demos
and i want proof that they sell "because" they're doing betas.
Here's your proof, 6 of my friends were going "I'm not going to buy the next one." and after they played the beta they went "OH MY GOD THIS WAS AMAZING! It was buggy as hell but IT WAS AMAZING" and they bought it. That's enough data for me.
This is for BF1.
anecdotal evidence
they made at least 6 sales they wouldn't otherwise make
we're talking about a game with hundreds of thousands of sales
6 is nothing
could be selection bias
6 is a lot in my friend circle
it's not proof
I have like 20
6 sales
2 hours of decent pay
it's not nothing
it's nothing
1 pesron is worth .3h of time
you don't base marketing decisions on what "my 6 friends did"
I've spent about 40 consecutive hours so far I think
So I need about 160 sales so far
okay look, you're going on about how your "friend" is "high up" in the industry and how he "knows data we don't" then why not just ask him if they raise sales or not? you said demos don't increase sales and that's why EA is not doing them anymore, then it stands to reason that EA is still doing betas precisely because they increase sales, no?
Betas do A LOT more than increase sales.
Remember I work in the industry, too. Betas are for ironing out problems in the game before official release.
not EA betas from the evidence of the last 3 battlefield games
Demos suck, beta's f**k
depending on the development team's style, it might also be for getting feedback on the game itself to tune things better.
they didn't fix any bugs after the open beta
Like LoL's PBE test environment.
so the open beta is just a demo
You are assigning agency where you have no proof of it.
I'm talking about 1 week prior to release open betas
what are you going to fix in 1 week?
That can be to test server load issues.
then they would call is server stress test as they used to
If you get 100k users for the first time and the servers die under the load, you gotta fix that.
There are tons of different possible things they're looking for in betas.
they don't, they use vague terms like betas and alphas because people who have no experience can't tell the difference
That's incorrect.
Is it though?
What's different a week after the so called "open beta" of BF1
come on, just tell me one bug they fixed
I've been working in the game industry since 2000, I've seen teams using "alpha" and "beta" in different ways. But they do not use them as "vague terms because nobody knows what they mean"
EA does that and uses it for marketing pretty well
Proof please.
I can't prove anything to you, I'm not an executive of EA... Be reasonable.
I'm just telling you to go on and look at the BF1 and BF3 and BF4 at their open beta states (there are videos on youtube)
and then look at them at launch
the bugs are there, and there are no patch notes released in between those dates.
I'm saying I work with people in the industry and I have never heard of someone using the term "beta" as you say they do.
you can't call your game a beta if it's on its way to launch...
I agree with John
i agree with myself
@JohnHamilton They may have been testing content related stuff; I don't know the game, but they could be doing AB testing with stuff like bullet damage value, shield, tweaking maps, fixing major bugs..
but on topics unrelated to this conversation
you're looking into a black box from the outside and assigning intention and motivation where you have no proof of it
doppel stop this
@AlexandreVaillancourt they could be but there's no way to know if they never release a patch note after the open beta
you are causing me a frighten
I have some view from the inside of the black box at other studios, and I've not seen what you're saying happens.
they do release patch notes between the closed betas
no fright pls
You will be
but not before the open beta or after
When you get blacklisted
From the Tank Engineer servers
oh no
@JohnHamilton Well they could be doing that, not telling stuff :P
@AlexandreVaillancourt come on which dev wouldn't be proud of the tons of bugs they fixed and improvements they made (especially since they release patch notes prior to closed beta releases).
but suddenly, they're all silent before and after the open beta
they talk about how great their game is and how they're fixing ALL the bugs (which there are a TON of and it's impossible to fix all those in a week).
it's not surprising that they fail to fix bugs that were in the open beta, before the release, consistently.
I don't know, I'm just throwing ideas all around; I don't know the content of the patch notes before the beta, nor before the game was released, so I can't tell.
What actually is itch.io
Is it another platform
website where you can sell your games
also has discovery features for users
`Can I pay someone to just go through my game with me and redesign the entire ui from programmer art to something nice looking
@ShaunWild You can pay someone to do mostly anything you want :P You have to find the right person, and offer the right amount of money!
@ShaunWild You're looking for a user experience designer.
We've got ~400 questions left with engine tags, which is more than halfway to completely removing all of them.
@JoshPetrie noice
(just refreshing the star board message and pinning it this time)
A load of questions closed because of that.
Or 'thanks' to that, actually.
2 hours later…
GDNet's Week of Awesome competition is happening in early August this year.
Oh fancy
@JoshPetrie I wrote the answer for the post we were both discussing in. I am not real good at making formatting look nice. Any suggestions? The post looks visually ugly to me. Probably just being picky. gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/141922/…
oh and thanks for approving the edits. I might've been slightly off the mark but at least now it's so... abusive with the terminology. Still not perfect but I suppose the question is a little unclear so whatever.
(I know the answer isn't quite complete but it takes a lot of code to get truly functional data structures in game maker. Conveniently, they chose the only one I haven't had a chance to completely implement over the years.)
Did one of you guys downvote the post?
@TheGreatDuck Huh? I don't understand why you are pinging me about this or what you expect me to do about it?
Guys, anyone worked with IronPython before?
I'm pretty confused right now, the official webpage says, that the latest announcement is IronPython 2.7, but they released IronPython 3 on girhub
Did they stop upgrading the website?
I've used it before, but not recently.
@JoshPetrie you seemed invested in the post as a whole so I chose to update you on the progress in answering it and whatnot. Plus, I thought maybe you knew of a nicer way to format that many tiny code pieces. Some are only one line.
sorry if I misunderstood your intentions. :-)
I don't particularly care about that post more than any other, no.
For small, single lines of code I usually just use inline code like this (with the backticks) instead of the four-space-indent thing used for larger blocks.
But that's neither here nor there; I don't think the single line four-space blocks are hard to read.
fair enough
@Bálint Anyhow the last time I used it, as a scripting environment for the editing toolchain at a job, I wasn't overly fond of it.
It got the job done and was probably the best choice for it, but it wasn't fun.
@JoshPetrie is there a way to see a list of game maker related questions? Seems like data structure related things are asked a lot and that happens to be one of my... specialities. :-)
Yes, go to the tags view, type game-maker into the search box, click the result
Also, it seems like a lot of the data structure questions have pretty much the same answer of "you need to write your own allocator or accept that the built in features are broken", but... I'm not entirely sure if that is fair to really give the same answer to that many questions. Some are specific things, but the heart of the issue is all the same: pointers are broken and one has to implement everything from scratch.
I just don't feel comfortable giving that many questions essentially a rewritten carbon copy of the same thing. :/
Yeah, don't do that.
yeah but then how do we go about answering them?
do we close them as duplicates?
You answer the specific question asked with the specific information pertinent to the question, and the level of generality of the question. If you really think that can't be done without writing a huge primer on some topic, consider that the question may be too broad and need a close vote for that reason.
you miss the problem altogether
When people ask questions how to do stuff in C++, we don't write answers that teach them C++ from the ground up. We talk about the specific C++ issue in question at the apparent level of generality of the question.
What you're proposing doing, writing effectively the same primer-type answer across multiple questions, tends to get received pretty poorly, usually via spam flags and downvotes.
game maker has two bugs which make the built in functionality for data structures completely unusable. The only other option is to write an allocator
I don't really care what the "the problem" is.
I care that you don't duplicate the same answer across a bunch of questions.
the questions aren't too broad though
some are asking "how do I make a grid of tiles" or something like that
History suggests to me that you won't like the result that tends to happen with that kind of activity.
fair enough
but then how do we answer the questions?
@JoshPetrie you don't do a lot of programming, do you?
I've been programming since I was six years old, it's my job.
fair enough, but you've never used game maker really have you?
imagine a language where pointers are broken
they shuffle periodically
I don't really care.
I'm asking how to answer questions when the nature of the questions require them to have the same answer.
Should I post about this over on meta?
I told you. Don't write a book for an answer that covers everything from "the ground up" or whatever and copy it. Only write what is specific to the asker's question. If you need to link to references, do so, provided the answer stands on its own.
You are also welcome to just copy your answer all over the place. It is not, strictly, against the rules. But consider that I warned you what happens in those scenarios, usually.
@JoshPetrie the answer cannot stand on their own as in order to do what they require they have to write about 1000 lines of code... even though it's something as simple as a linked list.
or a tree or <insert data structure here>
that's why I'm asking if maybe we should close them or maybe start a room to maybe idk... get an idea of just how many questions are like this? Or maybe discuss how to handle this sort of thing on meta? I mean, the questions themselves at the surface aren't complex but the problem is that there is no known official or large resource for handling this issue. Only reason I have a workaround is because I absolutely refused to accept the broken built-in versions.
To be a bit clearer would asking about these questions be allowed on meta?
You can ask pretty much anything you want about the site on meta.
I mean, i believe you. It just means that the issue is a bit more complex than just "close and walk away"
fair enough. thanks.
It's worth noting that if you do ask basically what you just did a few lines ago, I'll ask for a list of questions you think all have basically the same answer.
(Unless somebody else gets to it before I do)
So you might want to collect that list first by going through the tagged questions.
Yeah, I definitely intend to.
And some are more subtle in that they need particular data structures but at the heart they all have the issue of needing "allocation" which isn't built into game maker or in any well-known library.
@JoshPetrie I'm trying to do 2 things, both of which are so small, making a python compiler and byte-code interpreter would take longer than those combined
Seems reasonable.
@TheGreatDuck wow.
I'm first trying to make a tool, that'll help me teach python, by essentially writing a wrapper for MonoGame
The other is a python based entity component system
@Tyyppi_77 I was primarily referring to the obvious inexperience with game maker. Ironically it is not at all useful to beginners. Variables are disabled in drag and drop unless you find a hidden setting. Pointer routinely shuffle. Data structures disappear from memory whenever you save or load. In a nutshell, one has to jump through a lot of hoops to get anything resembling a non-array list.
@JoshPetrie In case it wasn't clear, I was saying that the code I'd have to write to answer those questions would almost always be the same functions. I don't have a link I could send them to. Well... without making my own resource somewhere and then having to be concerned about the issues of advertisement and whatnot. Atm, I'm just concerned about answering the questions while limiting the bugs.
I understand what you meant.
@Bálint This sounds cool, but why bother with wrapping MonoGame?
Because I hate PyGame, it's a strange mix between low and high level
And teaching C# to people, who presumably never programmed before would be overkill
i don't see why C# would be overkill and Python wouldn't be
they're both just programming languages
the hard part's learning the programming concepts at all
Yeah, I think C# is a good programming language for people to learn first. In general.
python and C# both rank as really good beginner languages for me
I'm a little bit partial since Python was my first language
Because it's object oriented
Yes, python is OO too, but it's not necessary
Also, Python is higher level
08:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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