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How do you compare LibGDX to Unity3D in 2017 for mobile games (2D , 3D) ?
hmm good question
for starters LibGDX has a much more heavy focus on coding since Unity also has the editor
i tried libGDX and thought it was shit
libGDX is a library you can use, Unity is also a tool for creating game objects and scenes
also I don't think libGDX is an engine, which Unity is
you can build an engine around libGDX if you want to
so essentially, you need to work more with libGDX if you just want a game out
yeah it is a game framework
It is also a pain in the ass to just setup
Then finally once you get your environment working, it sucks to use
I had no problem setting it up back when i tried it out
The community is shit, and the help is difficult to find online
well that was my experience with it -- it felt like something that was made for the early 2000s
Unless you are into java hardcore, i would suggest to pick something else.
seems like Unity3D is more usable
LibGDX is open sourced though.
comparing between these two tutoirals :
this whole time I thought @ArcaneEngineer 's profile picture was a terran marine...
Then I start reading an answer, but this time, I'm up close and I notice that it's actually not. I felt like my whole world changed...
there's no.. eh.. meh. I'm not going to say anything about judo chopping
This bug came back to me, and I"m sure its just the tester being a jerk.
She opened the bug originally saying I did something wrong, and it wasn't true. Her bug was wrong.
Closed it -- and now she sent it back to me saying it isn't fixed. one liner.
And it has nothing to do with the original bug
I literally hate stupid coding conventions.
I had this guy in my past project, get us to add the damn data type at the end of our variables.
He fought over this for like a month at every meeting too.. it was like his life goal
because ides weren't that good back in the day, so you had no idea what the type of the value was without checking it from other place of the code
This was like 4 years ago
that's like a more verbose version of hungarian notation
and better ides came and people refused to stop doing what they were so used to do
Oh I know... we got "programmers" that refused to learn OOP
so now they are sitting at programmer jobs, not really understanding what is going on anymore... but they know how to write scripts!
@JohnHamilton Heh. Just a nerd in his car by the seaside. But he got mistaken for a Firebat. Lucky he's not in a Protoss neighbourhood...
@jgallant they are so well set as programmers and i look forward to all their php ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
we are an asp.net shop :P
@jgallant [sheds a tear]
Tried to reproduce her one liner, that has nothing to do with the original bug -- and can't reproduce
imagine that.
being unwilling to re-examine one's methods and learn new ways of doing things is a good way for a programmer to make themselves useless
haha. gotta say that phrase like you have PVC piping for innards.
intestines.... they are a series of tubes.
anyway, back to grind. cheers.
I'm fine with code that is sketchy but works
As long as that code is legible and easy to understand
that is a wonderful tweet
ehh, maybe i'm too analytical, but I don't think it is wonderful at all
Man my solver is fast now... makes me want to see how fast I can get it to go.
Pre-calculating the gaps and storing the data would provide me with anonther boost.
but may use more memory than actually required if the user does not edit a 25x25 level
Probably not worth the effort.
this is so fucking frustrating
@Tyyppi_77 what is
I have a performance issue which I can't profile
I'm set to release my update
but this is holding me back
I can't put this out
I also have no idea what the fuck is going on
this the problem from yesterday you were talking about?
uuh yeah probably
try turning off some parts of the game, maybe it's just a stupid bump in the code .o
If you didn't get in to our beta before the country restriction, here's your chance: community.simtropolis.com/forums/topic/…
1 hour later…
so someone on steam that plays picross just messaged me and asked me if he could make a trailer for it
kinda excited to see what he shows me now
I had someone yesterday who saw a YouTube video of my game that I made ask me more about it.
Seemed excited to see it.
does this happen a lot?
peopple asking if they can make stuff for your games?
Translations are fairly common from what I hear.
on the same subject, do you guys work on any open source game that I might jump in? want to start some gaming dev experience, but lost as to where to start
Project Porcupine.
It's slowed down a bit...
But it was fun to get in to at least initially.
seems interesting, gonna take a look at it when I arrive home
at least will help me take a look how to design game, have a better understanding to the architeture
It helped me.
and it's in c# which is not bad for me, as my background comes from c/c++/obj-c mostly XD
I do love the "c languages" XD
I once translated a game into Turkish (for free as a mod) while I was doing other translation work for documentaries etc. a few people actually sent me mails (which I had included in the translation) to thank personally for a job well done \o/
@RicardoAlves I've had a lot of people asking to join the project as a composer
One dude this week
"Hey dude do you need a composer for you released game?"
If it's for free / credits only work, why not lol
that is awesome!!! the community is rly good I see
nope this is a personal project
also who thinks that a released game needs a composer
"oh yeah I knew I forgot something"
that makes sense
more music is always good, you could also use them for future projects if he agrees
"why is my game so quiet? is there any problem with my sound card?"
lol exactly
I got rly frustrated last month cause I got a proposition from mini clip but my lack of knowledge in game architecture made me think that I was not ready for it yet
click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=MfHvR/… is an online course that details in great detail making an RPG type game in Unity, you might consider that as well. It's usually quite reasonably priced as well.
will take that in consideration
its 10$ right now, seems awesome =D
That's the cheapest it gets to be, so...
Well worth it, I'm quite enjoying it.
I rly want to move to gaming dev, working with banking right now and I hate this sector
to boring and no fun stuff to do
also, no stress... and it's weird to work like this XD
You might also consider this one then: click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=MfHvR/…
It's taught by a great guy, haven't taken the course yet, but...
@PearsonArtPhoto Are you earning money with every click?
I will get some money if the classes are purchased, but...
It all goes to funding my game.
I would recommend the courses even if I didn't get anything from them.
completeunitydeveloper.com/blog/… is my standard list of course recommendations. I did the list before the two courses were out. Some are free, some cost a bit, but none should be very expensive.
gonna take a look at the ones you've mentioned, thx @PearsonArtPhoto
No problem:-)
let's say i made a clone of this game called space taxi
and I called it intergalactic space taxi
how legal is that?
That should be a trademark infringement, at least...
what if it is clearly a parody?
parodies fall under "fair use"
Could you be sued for defamation?
which is like not a protection from being sued but something that can be used as a defense in court
you can be sued for anything
that is the beauty of being rich - you can just bully someone that can't afford a lawyer by suing them.
I'd like to be rich!
I'd buy space.
I'd buy a large parking lot downtown and replace it with grass, and build a small house in the center of it.
I really need to put up a website for my game sometime...
$125 for 3 months worth of hosting. Seem reasonable?
Ere, 3 years...
Wow, that's what I get for doing too much at once...
lol that makes a little more sense
I just use surge.sh since my site is static
for my ultra low budget
I pay 96USD for one year...
I'll give it a shot I suppose.
45 day guarantee, what can go wrong?
@PearsonArtPhoto what is the 3rd t standing for?
@PearsonArtPhoto Are mods able to edit it after the 2 minutes limit?
mods can edit anything
hey wtf
I thought I didn't need to add anything to the source file if I have a static constexpr something in my header file?
oh man
do I really have to go add those
you don't have to do anything
thanks jon
I don't think you do.. I have code here that looks like that static const Type NAME = "BLA";
I have static constexpr char[] Name = "Stuff";s everywhere
MSVC doesn't complain
GCC is complaining
just run gcc in non-verbose mode
blam, problem solved.
@Tyyppi_77 What does it say?
> GuiPanelMenuItemList.cpp:(.text+0x50b): undefined reference to `CGuiPanelMenuItemValue::TitleItemName'
these are linker errors
oh wait not actually sure if that's related
namespace Bla
  const char* const BLARG = "stuff";
I also have that: there are 2 consts.
A const pointer to a const string.
In a namespace
static constexpr char m_GeneralButtonName[] = "GeneralSettingsButton";
these are class members
that might be the issue
I had to mess up too first before I could get to that solution; try putting a const between the brackets and the equal sign.
@AlexandreVaillancourt It's one of the nicest perks of being a mod.
@PearsonArtPhoto Heh! cool!
A: Do moderators earn a salary?

PearsonArtPhotoThe benefits of being a moderator: A huge say in the direction of a site. Access to the site views. The ability to choose an organization of a list of a few to receive $100 once a year from Stack Exchange. More direct access to the Stack Exchange employees. That warm fuzzy feeling of making a d...

I just added that to my list.
i think 25x25 is the biggest a picross grid should ever be... its getting ridiculous
infinipicross goes up to 99x99
Like here is an example of one of his grids.
that would just become a bother at that size
if you were to REALLY push it, I'd say 40x40 is the max
also there is absolutely no way his grids are all solvable logically
well 25x25 is the max right now for my checker, lol
i'd have to further optimize it to handle such a large scale number of permutations
nah 25 is good enough
I wouldn't touch anything bigger than a 30 by 30 grid tbh
My max is 15x15 :P
mine is 15x15 too lol... after that its just too much for my eyes
Yeah! And also you have to start to scroll on the phone, and it's too annoying for me...
The British Intelligence Service released a 25x25 Picross puzzle once.
Not much, but it will do for now...
colonial seat raiders!
Missing 1 i...
Maybe on the site mention your planned release platforms
Hello! Could I get some help on this simple bubble sort implementation in c++ ? For some reason this code is failing on me..
And update your <title> tag
Use the 'fixed font' button when pasting code
You can edit that right now, I think :)
void bubbleSort(int *A, int n) {
    bool isSorted;

    for(int j=1; j<n-1; j++) {
        isSorted = true;

        for (int i=0; i<n-j; i++) {

            if(A[i] > A[i+1]) {
                std::swap(A[i], A[i+1]);

        if (isSorted=true) return;
don't need the `
but yeah that's much better :)
you have an error
if (isSorted == true) return;
you are assigning isSorted to true, then returning since that assignment evaluates to "true"
good spotting
meh..somehow totally missed it
thank you :)
works now.
void bubbleSort(int* A, int n)
    bool isSorted;

    for(int j = 1; j < n - 1; j++)
        isSorted = true;

        for (int i=0; i < n - j; i++)
            if(A[i] > A[i + 1])
                isSorted = false;
                std::swap(A[i], A[i + 1]);

        if(isSorted == true)
with proper spacing and formatting
glad to help, even if it was a simple mistake
we all make them :)
dam have some extra line feeds in there, can't edit it anymore :(
void bubbleSort(int* A, int n)
    bool isSorted;

    for(int j = 1; j < n - 1; j++)
        isSorted = true;

        for (int i = 0; i < n - j; i++)
            if(A[i] > A[i + 1])
                isSorted = false;
                std::swap(A[i], A[i + 1]);

        if(isSorted == true)
@AndreiOnoie This is exactly why you always put the static value before the variable in if statements. If you had written if(true=isSorted) it would throw an error and you'd fix it in no time.
@JohnHamilton harder to read though, unless you're really used to it. I'm not convinced this is a worthwhile thing to do in your code.
most compilers warn about this particular mistake anyway
I know for a fact PHP wouldn't complain lol
be good, don't write code with warnings is a better way to approach it in my opinion, because you'd still be set
Also, the real mistake here is returning inside an if
I don't think that's necessarily a mistake either
@JohnHamilton how would you do it differently?
It is a mistake. You risk running the code forever
You mean a bubble sort can run forever?
naw not in case of a bubble sort
ok so it's not a mistake
and the code couldn't run forever anyway; it's in a for loop which will run out, right?
^ some people like decreasing their counters inside the loops
for some strange reason that is alien to me
but a while loop can run forever and in fact it has lead to some stupid stuff on my side
@ChrisMcFarland I'm thinking on it btw :D I'll ready up an answer soon (hopefully)
hehe sweet. I'm with Almo on this one though, don't see an issue returning inside an if
ah yeah, something like this: if( true == statement) { break; } } return (variable if needed); }
because as soon as you add anything after that for loop should you ever need it
your code won't reach there
if this is just a singleton bubble sort and you can guarantee it will never change (a static class?) then there's no problem
doesn't look as pretty, but it's better at bug fixing :D
but it's cool we can discuss these things without getting mad at each other.
well, it's just code at the end of the day, not like religion or politics (where people get really angry for some reason when I discuss them).
eh, a quick return saves having to write things unnecessarily
the most you'll do with code is cause yourself frustration for a few hours or stall the program you're writing :P
precious compile times and memory!
daww, that's sweet :D
I've started working with 64kb mem devices, it's fun to optimize all the stuff you can
I was gonna go to sleep but... I think I'm awake now. A little brain exercise goes a long way :P
I miss that time where I had to use memory carefully when working on the DS; good old days :P
Well, enough web design for now. I'll play more with it later.
play TIS-100 if you like optimizing code with almost no memory
"fun" game.
^that one I've finished :D
I have two of the main set of levels left to do
well the achievements are lacking but meh
they went really off the rails after a while
I think I'll work on a new shader now.
it's been tricky for me since I never studied Co-Sci, so some of the levels are probably more obvious to someone with formal programming training
I don't have time :(
but it's been fun
Shenzhen is also cool, but I want to finish TIS before going deeper into that
@Almo naw it's just logic, you can do it if you're smart, and if you got where you are, it means you're smart :P
@Almo ya know, I'm actually finding that my own experience of programming is far better training for the real world than the stuff we get taught on my course
real-world coding is more of "huge servers with a lot of resources" kind of thing
comp-sci is more suited to what I'm doing now
Since I'm in mobile games, it's still pretty tight
working on small memory, low hertz stuff that need optimization to work right
Love and Hip Hop had to work on 1GB phones, and Android all the way back to 4.3
yeah mobile needs some sort of optimization and different methods too
our super techy prog had to do a lot of optimization work on the textures to fit it
3 pipelines. iOS, droid 1GB and droid 2GB
so what, i moved away from pipelines, and now use tubes exclusively
@PearsonArtPhoto nice site hobo
remove the buttons from the banner image
@jgallant You've downgraded your internet?
token ring throughout the entire house
My network runs by the puff puff give principle.
@jgallant Thanks, I knew I should have done that...
moar programming games
this one is visual, move the blocks through the grid, dump them out in order.
playin the demo, it's pretty good even if it doesn't look like much
@Almo gfycat.com/ReliableOblongJaeger trying out some motion effects
i like
seems op
@ChrisMcFarland thats awesome
yeah it's op til you lose all your health
yep you seem to be getting hit a lot
yeah that is because he doesn't have the high ground
Turned of the UI entirely for the next image I'm using.
Colonials Eat Rader
I like that one better:-)
That image is just too bland... Will have to figure out why that is the case, but...
I'll figure it out.
I reckon the grass areas need some more texture to them
it's a bit flat
and/or ambient occlusion around the edges
Yeah, I'm going to have to play with it.
The edges were more varried previously, and it seemed like there was more texture. Hmmm...
That's more like it.
Except there's a visible line... How did that happen?
i dunno but it looks really damn good man
fix the line
its like a watercolor smorgasbord
I'm sensing a full editing of my algorithms at some point in time... This simplex noise is starting to cause me some issues occasionally, I need to figure out a better way to make everything work.
@AlexandreVaillancourt I dunno, I'm using a US hosting service.
"How my GL page isn't getting much traffic so I decided to post a clever disguised ad on r/gamedev"
@StephaneHockenhull Ok, thanks!
oh wait, that's residential
@AlexandreVaillancourt I use teksavvy as my ISP, they offer hosting too but I haven't switched to them yet: teksavvy.ca/en/business/services
Great service as an ISP, only ever heard good things about them.
Q: What's the point of the tag [programming]?

Alexandre VaillancourtOn the main site we have the tag programming, which has this description Computer programming (often shortened to programming or coding) is the process of designing, writing, testing, debugging, and maintaining the source code of computer programs. This source code is written in one or more p...

@StephaneHockenhull Yeah; me too, but we're fine with our current ISP for now; I'll take a look at their hosting services; thanks!
how does meta section works? Do we comment or answer ?
Answers are more opinion based, but mainly the same as the main site.
@StephaneHockenhull Yeah; and people will upvote or downvote based on "I agree" or "I disagree".
Typically, if someone answers, and there are enough upvotes, then this is consensus and the "change" proposed in the answer is most likely the one that will be applied. If you suggest to remove it and 20 users upvote it, then it's what is going to happen.
Same if you suggest to narrow the scope.
really tho what's the point of programming as a tag? I'm trying to come up with scenarios where it would be useful but not any other tag
while we're at it, what's the point of metaprogramming tag? it doesn't even have a definition, just 7 questions and 6 of them are 3 years or older
don't sound useful to me
hold up, I got a definition, I'll put it there and maybe it'll be useful
but I'm not a mod I don't think I get any say in that sort of thing
doesn't matter, you discuss that in meta
every vote counts
mods do care about the majority opinion on the site
Q: Is the earth flat?
A: No, if it was cats would have thrown everything off of it already.
Why do factory robots have 6 ankles?
I'm pretty sure you can point anywhere with 4
Point yes, actually be no
Also plenty of factory robots have 4 joints
@JohnHamilton true
I should sleep, I've been staying up way too much lately... Don't really want to collapse at work on my first month lol...
The slippery slope here is that if "programming" is a meta tag, what about game design? Etc.
Yeah; thing is, I guess that with the programming tag, there is just going to be a lot of questions tagged with that, removing the relevancy of it.
But that's why I asked the question :)
you know how often I get answers at answers.unity3d.com?
pretty seldom. :(
Because you ask questions no one can answer
Or because you don't ask a lot of questions
I don't like answers.unity, w.r.t. stack exchange...
I don't like the programming tag much either but I don't think I'm for removing it yet.
I think I'm leaning towards heavily curtailing its use via a change to the usage guidance though.
Right now it's basically applicable to anything question that involves code and it really doesn't need to be that way.
I wouldn't mind, in any case. I don't like the tag, but if it as it's clear place, I'm all for it!
2 hours later…
Q: Is my question invalid? If not, then it received downvoted and no answers

HTDEQuake Physics ported to Unreal Engine? The above question is a generic one, and of significance. It should be a pivotal explanation about the fundamentals of game engines. This is an abuse of SE and myself. I was provided no details as to how the engine works to prove why it would unsuitable. A...

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