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I didn't see what jon posted but I'm very used to what jon posts, as are everyone here
@Lasse I think you're pushing your luck there..
I agree swearing and being nice can be done together, but Stack Exchange policy is we shouldn't be swearing in chat anyway because we're trying to create an appealing environment to facilitate amateurs and professionals. Loads of swearing isn't going to contribute to that goal; at best it will detract from it. (The scenarios where lots of swearing increases appeal to an amateur or professional, that is probably not the kind of individual we actually want to attract to the site.)
@AlexandreVaillancourt yeah, that missing a between swear and fucking
since we didn't do winter cleaning
I suggest we do spring cleaning
and go through the transcript and delete all messages with swear words
it would make the chat environment just so much friendlier to everyone
@AlexandreVaillancourt I wasn't pushing my luck
@Lasse That is not an opinion the Be Nice policy shares, and "I can do anything I want and it's on you to deal with it" is victim blaming. We can and do use reasonable common sense to determine offensive behaviour, though.
Game Development & Polite Swearing
I'm happy to leave if I'm not welcome as who I am
Dev Blog- Colonial Sea Trader- Building a city, step by step. kd7uiy.com/2017/05/dev-blog-colonial-sea-trader-building.html
I thought we were Game Development & Procrastination. Or was it the other way around?
@PearsonArtPhoto Procrastination Development & Games?
times have changed
I think we're being productive lately
More like Procrastination & Game Development, but I'll take that already.
Game Development, Procrastination & Suspending jgallant
Let's calm down. I can see stuff going on.
room topic changed to Game Development: Game development and other polite discussion. Game development conversations have priority. Please star responsibly. Be Nice applies here. [game-design] [game-industry]
Just adding a link to the end to the Be Nice policy.
room topic changed to Game Development: Game development and other polite discussion. Game development conversations have priority. Please star responsibly. Be Nice applies here: gamedev.stackexchange.com/help/be-nice [game-design] [game-industry]
Hm. Time to make a feature request for link markdown to work in room descriptions...
I didn't really see what was happening
but must it be something very serious to be suspended from chat?
well it's just a 30 min suspension
still it is something if you get smacked in the face for 30 mins in the middle of conversation
I dont think pointing fingers to modder will help
17 mins ago, by doppelgreener
@Tyyppi_77 I removed that post as offensive because directly swearing and insulting people is not consistent with Be Nice. Removing posts that way comes with an automatic 30 minute suspension. I've been lenient on swearing in general because y'all are used to it, though even that shouldn't occur in Stack Exchange chat with any real frequency.
Here's the context.
so is swearing banned from now on?
I'd like to hear your thoughts on why this wasn't an issue before? Are our very own GDSE mods terrible mods?
Is Pearson a terrible mod?
@Tyyppi_77 it's never just a 30 minutes suspension. Flags add up, and sometimes mods can check how many flags a user has and decide to extend the suspension beyond that. 30 days, 180 days, 365 days, etc...
Mods can always check, they just don't always do so.
Oh that's true yeah.
Aight I've found 18 lines of code (some are method calls but anyways) that stop the performance issue
@BlueBug there isn't a blanket ban on swearing in chat (although is kinda discouraged) - but swearing at a user or their question is unacceptable, no matter how much 'experience' they have in the field, or how long they've been chatting here.
Yeah, be nice explicitly bans "vulgar" terms (which is not a good word to use there imho) but not swearing itself.
Vulgar is a dumb term to use as it doesn't actually define anything
And heck, racists insults for example aren't considered vulgar in a lot of places
Like I said, not a good word to define anything. For the Queen of England, saying pants instead of trousers could be considered vulgar.
@Tyyppi_77 I don't know why stuff like this wasn't being enforced before, but that's not a reason to not enforce it now.
IT problems at my day job, so I guess I can justify doing some work on my game now... Hmmm...
That wasn't really my point. I was asking what your views are on mods that don't enforce this.
@PearsonArtPhoto don't, bad idea
Don't mix work equipment with non-work projects
It doesn't matter - different mods will moderate differently, and that's okay.
There are nasty potential legal consequences there
How is that okay though?
Depending on who pops in and to what room, certain people are suspended or aren't suspended?
@Tyyppi_77 I haven't really formed anything solid on that front yet.
Yeah, it's like the mods are the judges and the judges don't always give the maximum sentence to everybody for everything.
@Tyyppi_77 here's a solution: follow policies, and nobody gets suspended \o/
you ignore network policies at your own risk
@ArtOfCode the policies aren't strictly enough defined in some cases =p
There's the policy of 'when in doubt, don't'.
then if you want to be sure, follow the strict interpretation of the policy
The computer that I could do non-work projects with barely gets used at all with real work. Long story.
How come you're all popping up in here? Is there like a secret button for mods to call for backup?
@Tyyppi_77 Rest assured I'm not going gung-ho on this room, I've spoken with GDSE's elected moderators as well.
There is, it's called flagging something.
@Tyyppi_77 yep, it's big and red and inviting
@Tyyppi_77 ssh! It's secret!
@doppelgreener And what did they say? Did you talk to both Josh and Byte?
Also, we've yet to figure out how to implement the Moderator Consistency Hive Mind Engine into the mod hats, so mods necessarily behave differently.
@Tyyppi_77 The conversation itself is confidential, so I can't answer that.
@ArtOfCode the strictest interpretation of the policy isn't follow-able
@Mithrandir The problem is, you're in doubt at first, but doubt goes away as you get used to the people in the room, especially in a room that has fewer visitors like this one.
@KevinvanderVelden 'tis in this case: don't swear
@ArtOfCode define swear?
"heck" is according to some already a horrible word to say
2 mins ago, by Mithrandir
There's the policy of 'when in doubt, don't'.
@doppelgreener Well then why'd you bring it up?
@Mithrandir this
Some people, might, if really stressed, say something like "h e double hockey stick"
@KevinvanderVelden Some people find the word "suck" distasteful
@Tyyppi_77 because you asked if we talked to them. The answer: yes, and the rest is confidential.
@Tyyppi_77 You seemed concerned about inconsistency and what the GDSE moderators were doing or not doing and what my relationship with them might be, so I figured I'd at least bring that up.
@Mithrandir Well not at first.
@dcfyj yes
What the mod UI probably looks like.
It's all relative, but in general swears are the 4 letter ones.
@Tyyppi_77 I wanna know what's behind the swirley things
@dcfyj love? Hope?
@dcfyj AAH EVIL
Oh hey evil is one too
@KevinvanderVelden for you I could probably show but there might be some stuff there that's perhaps me breaking some policy... not that the all powerful blues can't probably figure that out otherwise
... sigh
Looks like Jon's suspension has ended but understandably doesn't seem to eager to return
^ actually, @Tyyppi_77
Anyway, if you look back though the past few days of history you can see swearing and nobody getting suspended for it. This incident was because of someone insulting somebody, which I'm not going to tolerate, whether they're on the site or not.
@Tyyppi_77 He does tend to stay angry for a bit
@Mithrandir D:
@dcfyj or he just shuts the window and goes about his business till the mods are gone lol
@doppelgreener IIRC Jon's rant wasn't aimed at anyone.
@JohnHamilton lol, that too
Of course I can't tell for sure since the evidence is now deleted.
The mods can all easily look at it, so I'm sure they can tell
U know to be honest I am kinda less here because there was this fluctuation of mood and less people started to be here.
@ArtOfCode Damn I was thinking that "the reds must be darker, these hurt my eyes", but went with the bright ones ayways.
And I kinda feel like even lesser people are here than it used to be.
I didn't even see what he said, but I've never seen Jon actually insult anybody. Sure he rants a lot, but I haven't seen actual insults :o
@JohnHamilton I know he was pretty mad at that one reviewer on steam, I don't recall exactly what he said though
@Tyyppi_77 Be Nice doesn't care if the rudeness and belittling language was directed at an extant or example individual or not — the language itself is not OK to use. What would the random Googler think of our site reading this transcript? (Do they know the person does or doesn't exist?)
@doppelgreener You just said that this was not the case
"This incident was because of someone insulting somebody, which I'm not going to tolerate, whether they're on the site or not."
(emphasis mine)
"the language itself is not OK to use."
"if you look back though the past few days of history you can see swearing and nobody getting suspended for it"
it's like a loop
"you can swear but not at someone"
@Tyyppi_77 does it really matter?
@Tyyppi_77 correct
"it doesn't matter if you direct it at someone, you can't use the language"
It's over and done with
@Tyyppi_77 Rude and belittling language isn't OK. I'm not suspending anybody for swearing. Insulting a person (including a hypothetical construct analogue of a real person) is language I won't tolerate or be lenient with, Be Nice forbids it.
@dcfyj I really want to know where the line is since I've had no issues with Jon's behaviour and hence can see myself doing similar stuff
12 mins ago, by ArtOfCode
@KevinvanderVelden 'tis in this case: don't swear
but "I'm not suspending anybody for swearing."
12 mins ago, by Mithrandir
2 mins ago, by Mithrandir
There's the policy of 'when in doubt, don't'.
Pretty sure it just boils down to be respectful of others, regardless of whether or not they're on these sites.
You're saying different things.
@Tyyppi_77 Go read Be Nice again. Carefully. Then do what it says.
@Mithrandir That's not quite the case since I'm not enforcing Don't Swear in the room. Jgallant was suspended because of swearing at/about someone to insult them.
Just tell me what to do. One mod is saying not to, one is saying it's all right.
@Mithrandir Like I said. There's the problem of people getting used to each other and not doubting stuff they would doubt in a new environment. This is ambiguous as hell.
Don't direct me to the ambiguous "Be Nice"
@Tyyppi_77 Greener is saying, swear if you like, but don't belittle someone, period
You need to add a text field to the panic button so that you can all be saying the same thing instead of providing each slightly different answers.
@Tyyppi_77 I guess he means he's not suspending anybody for swearing yet.
@Tyyppi_77 "Don't insult people. Don't tell someone to go [any expletive] themselves."
@dcfyj Yes, this. Thank you.
@Tyyppi_77 That literally is the policy. If you refuse to read or acknowledge it, then how do you expect to behave how is expected of you here?
Consistently swearing will attract flags and suspensions.
Yes, it's slightly ambiguous. Yes, you have to use your common sense (gasp!). No, that doesn't give you a free pass.
But be nice says it's fine to swear
After all, I say fuck at work when it's appropriate
Swearing generally and swearing at someone are entirely different.
@ArtOfCode I thought about behaving as I've behaved for the past three years, being suspended for stupid insults aimed at someone who's probably insulted me or my game first but not about being suspended for swearing.
@KevinvanderVelden and Meta says that it's forbidden on main sites, and just about acceptable, in moderation, in chat.
@ArtOfCode Cool, that's clear then =p
(not a joking sarcastic =p, damnit text)
53 mins ago, by Tyyppi_77
May 3 at 19:45, by Tyyppi_77
I'd weigh in that cursing was not an elephant in the room two days ago...
You can replace "two days" with any time unit that's longer than let's say three weeks
So: if you want to be really sure, don't swear. Just stay away. If you feel swearing is necessary or appropriate, do it in moderation. And never swear at people.
All was fine but I imagine we were scaring away thousands and thousands of newcomers.
I like these talks, nicely cleans that star board from actually interesting content.
@Tyyppi_77 All was not fine. Maybe fine for you personally, but site policy wasn't being followed.
@Tyyppi_77 I'll probably clean it up afterwards.
Also, another room just got frozen and deleted for not changing when they were told that they were repeatedly crossing lines. I'd take that as a warning.
If you want me to not participate in the chat then just say so, and I'll leave.
Otherwise just stop talking about it.
@jgallant that's not necessary. What is necessary is for you to learn from what when on here, and to make sure it doesn't happen again :)
Yeah, I was done with this conversation a while ago
@jgallant You're welcome to stay or go, as long as you follow Be Nice, which means not insulting people and directing rude and belittling language their way.
@doppelgreener If the policy is now enforced, perhaps mods (and owners) should warn users and simply delete their posts instead of having them suspended, and have that 'transition period' over a couple of weeks... not sure a "ban first, warn after" policy is the best way to go...
Wasn't it always in effect?
This option here automatically suspends the user for 30 minutes.
It does it if regular users cast several flags, or if a diamond moderator casts one.
This is great site, I've basically been here my whole "serious" game dev time, and no way in hell would I have been able to release a game without this chat room. It's just really confusing (and kinda annoying) that the direction of the chat room suddenly changes. Kinda like someone walked up to you and said that pants have actually always been banned, you've been misbehaving your whole life.
Makes me sad when the majority of the star board is filled with non-gamedev stuff :(
@doppelgreener Yes; but you're a mod, you know it will suspend the user, you have the delete option too. I suggest mods use that delete option and warn the user instead, at least for a couple of weeks.
Yes, can we nuke the conversation and/or at least the majority of stars
@AlexandreVaillancourt I have been using the delete option for a couple of weeks, actually, and I have been mentioning to people please recuse themsevles from certain language.
@Tyyppi_77 I can understand that alarm, but all I am asking is that people don't insult people, and that's all someone got suspended for. I don't think that's an unreasonable request to make. It's also the site rules -- you wouldn't do it on main site, don't do it here.
Yay for nuking stars \o/ - Also do we need 2 pinned messages about the be nice thing?
@doppelgreener Oh okay then!
Erm, I'd like to add that I'm confused by the rules. Do I have to be nice part in the FAQ states that: "Yes. We expect community members to treat each other with respect … even when they don't deserve it.", doesn't this mean people outside the community are irrelevant of the rules?
Thank you for the de-starring a bit
Nooooo we were so close to ending this conversation
what would you call this option?
Preview Mode?
@JohnHamilton no. Meta has also dealt with that one. Be Nice applies to everyone, site user or not.
"Show block length"
as opposed to directly drawing in the color
@jgallant some form of trace
@jgallant preview mode sounds good
A name for users i'm talking about.
Why? I dunno
oh yeah preview actually seems nice
Move Preview Mode
how about showing the number in the last tile?
@AlexandreVaillancourt I'm happy to work with y'all, just so you know. Just that I will be using that flag if someone's insulting somebody, and I'd request you do the same as well and self-moderate on this front.
number is roughed in yeah, it looks stupid right now
@jgallant It looks pretty nice, I think.
I like the ease-in effect of the tiles filling in all at once.
that is a good idea actually Typ
That might be covered up by the cursor though
If you mean the highlight effect
I think preview is a bad name
You could also display the number in the first tile; that one won't ever have the cursor over it because by the time it's showing up, your cursor is in the second tile.
yeah or covered by an X or a filled in tile
@doppelgreener Sure!
Just render the number over the entire screen
@AlexandreVaillancourt Thank you. :)
have a twitter bot tweet you the value as you play
@jgallant I think the "count number on the mouse" is good. Just make the contrast better, white is not really good there, or maybe thicker borders.
Also, I think this is just quality of life improvement and doesn't really need a name. Maybe Highlight mode if you really wanna name it
@jgallant If you plan to port the feature over the mobile game, I suggest you find another place in the UI to put the number, as it will be hidden by the finger.
@JohnHamilton The name is presumably for an option to enable/disable it?
obviously lol :P
Figured as much =p
Progress, but it will still require some work... Sigh.
I wanna go hooome and do gamedev
@jgallant combined with a phone call from chris obviously
CHAT! Dependency injection in game startup yes/no?
Yeah @ChrisMcFarland Can I hook into your dial-a-player api?
I like a healthy mixture of singletons, dependency injection and service provider
@jgallant gotta setup my 1-900 number first
Dependency injection is good if you think you will make it in to something.
30 messages moved to Trashcan
Thanks very much @Art.
:37406750 no.
I need a person that is not a mod to confirm.
ehh the site is 13+, not all 13 year olds know about those topics
so, not really mod abuse, no
I deleted those messages because that conversation was getting out of hand and best moved past. (And I have been a moderator for literally two weeks and apparently don't know how to move messages to trash yet.)
I'm joking man
@JohnHamilton woo, finally I wasn't the one to bring up the age limit :P
is anyone there
why so quite
no they all flew away
@BlueBug nope, we're all figments of your imagination
my imagination must be running out of lines to pour out
or maybe I am too old that my imagination is a lot quiter
i don't know what that means, so it is probably true
I'm thinking quieter rather than quiter
imagination doesn't make noise though
your logic is flawed
It does inside your head?
yeah but noise is not something you just pretend
Well, actually... :P
it is something that is capture by an auditory sense of some sort, be it an ear, or a microphone
If there is no auditory capture there to interpret the sound wave, then there is no sound at all.
People imagine they heard something all the time though :P
...yes! YES quieter is auditorial term. So you cannot use it with the term imagination! I totally meant to use quiter because it is actually a term that you use for things like imagination.
and it takes imagination to use it that way, so that makes total sense
you just blew my mind Blue Bug
me irl right now
oddly educational
did you ever watch this show?
like, an episode from start to finish?
Another book I have to think about getting... amzn.to/2r91D3X
@PearsonArtPhoto first edition is cheaper, not sure what's different
The usually are...
@PearsonArtPhoto I think a friend of mine has that, I should borrow it
I'm slowly getting better at Tallowmere...
Still can't get past Room 13, but...
@KevinvanderVelden And I wanna go on the bus to do non-game and non-work dev :P
Slow and steady ;)
I've gotten to Room 13 a number of times.
My son I think passed that on the first time, but he had a pretty high ranking katana, which helped, from early on.
what do you guys think about the book: pragmatic programmer?
Haven't read it...
@RicardoAlves If you have the choice between reading it, and not reading it, I say read it, even if turns out to be not as good as you thought, you will still have expanded your knowledge a bit.
Very good advice
@AlexandreVaillancourt that is one of the best advices I've heard in a long time
I'd say skip reading that book.
@jgallant Did you read it?
No, i just wanted to give some conflicting advice.
@jgallant I will flag you as inappropriate to the book XD
@jgallant Thought so :P
if you've got the inclination to want to read then that's a good thing really
Some books will just waste your time or money. Depending on your level of programming / engineering experience, you might want to skip it.
yeah if you are scared of the price, i mean.. i would suggest pirating it even if it is illegal, but only if you plan on purchasing it
its a great way to see if this 100$ book is worth it for you
@jgallant you ever get charged for stuff you pirated there?
The one I would advise against, if you're an experience programmer, is Refactoring, by Fowler.
its actually 30$
i'd just buy it
Waste of time and money.
what I want from that book are mostly some notions that they include there. that was the first book that mentioned rubberducking and they have some other "good techniques " and self improvement as a developer and how to handle clients there
it sounds based on the reviews, that it is a great resource for a beginner
not so much for someone that already has been programming
yes, from that my option might be getting it delivered to me by jack sparrow
but never the less, want to read it XD
@Tyyppi_77 Monkeypatching!
@RicardoAlves I like The Codeless Code.
Zen programming
@Almo that is deep man
I happen to think so
they're not all as good as that particular one, but I found reading through the whole lot of them entertaining and informative
already back to case one
one hour seemed a little excessive
the one on SQL triggers made an impression on me too :)
@KevinvanderVelden after doing a check on what SQL triggers do exactly, that story's fantastic. (and TIL about database triggers.)
not there yet, had to stop reading as I have some animation bugs to deliver till 6pm (almost 4 pm)
@KevinvanderVelden yup, that's the one
I had used a trigger once, and that story made me say, "yup"
@Tyyppi_77 mods can only time people out at multiples of hours IIRC
except for the usual 30 min suspension
That's via flagging
Which targets a message
well seems that a message was targetted
my guess is that I got a little extra
Bitmasking is a pain...
its that easy.
personally I like using bit-shift notation for setting bitmasks, and C# enums have a Flags attribute that can be super useful.
and the & and | operators over adding
if (Top.HeightType == HeightType)
    count |= (1 << 0);
if (Right.HeightType == HeightType)
    count |= (1 << 1);
if (Bottom.HeightType == HeightType)
    count |= (1 << 2);
if (Left.HeightType == HeightType)
    count |= (1 << 3);
though it's pretty safe to just use 0-8 and + in that UpdateBitmask method you wrote originally that I riffed off there
that is a good looking tutorial :)
The problem I'm having is I essentially have 3 types of terrain, which makes it a bit more challenging.
Maybe I'll go back to what I did for my main game, using some kind of a fancy shader.
Yeah, I think I'll go that path. It will be more flexible, and give a more distinct look.
2 hours later…
drop or key?
I got two crates with the car in them, but it's random and I hate that shit. So I gave the crates to a friend. He opened them, and agreed to keep everything in it except the car if it showed up. And I agreed to pay him $4 for the keys if I got the car.
I really like the sound of this car, too.
yes i stole your paint job
you have the green wheels though
sped up my solver
oooh cool
here it is in realtime 25x25
that's really neato
its significantly faster, so I'm going to add 25x25 puzzles
is the left to right an artifact of doing stuff in ascending order in the arrays?
Oh maybe depends what you mean
the thing seems to solve from left to right
like it's a for(x = 0; x < 25; x++)
so it finds the ones on the left first.
If people get to see this thing work, I might consider doing the search in random order. Would cost a teeny bit in setting up the random order lists, but it would make the solving look more chaotic and interesting. But I'm weird like that.
My chat server I wrote had a bank of little lights that showed people connected.
It is something I could do
yeah, not a big thing, just one of those little dorky details I like :)
1 hour later…
@PearsonArtPhoto re: 'Art of Game Design' book by Schell - if you're on the fence about it, DL the free companion app. I did that first & was curious enough about some of the ideas to get the full book. The app is a very very shallow cut of the book's content, but it's free & might help you make an informed choice. I liked it, but a) I love books & B) I don't have formal experience or peers to fall back on for some of the topics covered. Your milage may vary.
@PearsonArtPhoto I also liked Tynan Sylvester's "Designing Games" book. Sylvester closes mentioning Schell's book as having alternative, but insightful opinions about many of the same topics (esp, experience centric design). They're formats are very different as well, but I appreciated having having two different perspectives to explore the material covered.
@Pikalek Good to know. I'll look in to it, thanks!
rocket league
lemme boot just a sec
back in the day, we needed those rockets fer jumpin
dinit have enough rocket ta go 'round fer a fancy league
'n music was bett'r
I gotta go get some kids off my lawn
@jgallant was fun :)
we look good in green
hhah tyeah
@jgallant @Almo @StephaneHockenhull Any of you know a Canadian web host that have you pay in CAD? I'm currently on a Canadian web host that charges USD; change rate varies too much to my liking...
ah right
I do not, sorry
I would just hit google and look
Yeah, I'll do that I think :)
00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

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