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@jgallant I wanna flag that only because it made me think of Hillary's donut.
GPD Win still crashes under Linux if I use all 4 cores even with TurboBoost off. Tempted to do the better heatsink mod.
4 hours later…
Q: How do we feel in regards to questions that ask if a certain piece of technology is capable of a certain feature?

GnemlockHow do we feel in regards to questions that ask if a certain piece of technology is capable of a certain feature? I am sure I already found a relevant meta discussion, in which we discussed this in regards to being a "opinion-based" or "what technology should I use" question. However, for the li...

Really good twin stick shooter.
4 hours later…
AC1 was fun
AC2 felt too samey
tried a couple other AC's over the years but yeah I've had my fill
if you mean assassin's creed and haven't played black flag, you should give it a try
2 hours later…
I've got too many other games I'd rather play :D
that's a problem I have everyday... halfway thru andromeda and my friend forces me to get factorio... now I can't stop playing factorio everyday. don't get me wrong it's fun, but I'd like to finish andromeda too :D
after 4 mornings of listening to complaining about not wanting to go to school, and having to repeat myself over and over for an hour every morning, while losing my shit when he refuses to leave the car. Fuck kids.
This constant testing is driving me fucken insane.
This week is fucken ridiculous.
Bargaining usually works with kids. You take some give some. Teach em about the real world, tell em to pay for their room / food by studying, heh.
Breathe deep
it worked with me at the time lol
Dude, I took him out for breakfast this morning thought I'd take some extra time and treat him
He ate 1/4 of his bagel and then started again
naw naw, you don't treat kids
I don't know what his deal is right now
they don't get what being "grateful" is
that's a grown up term
Kids' emotions change on a dime
how old is he?
I wondered if he was being bullied or something, but it doesn't seem like anything like that.
he just loves games
I was the same way when I was going to school
and hates school
I would often skip school and go to internet cafes
at 9?
probably not the first kid that declares they hate school
yup, even earlier
I started at about 7-8
i used to take legit notes my mother wrote for when I was sick, out of the teacher's garbage
even 1 buck you would give me, would be spent in front of a computer
alter the date, and save it for that day
if I had no money, I'd watch people play
like if it was signed May 11th.. i'd change it to a 21 or something
Then I re-used the note
worked every time.
I never even took the notes or something I would just skip school
I almost had to redo a grade
my mom practically begged the principal, and he agreed since my grades were good
I know a guy that was so troubled in high school, all he had to do was attend
I'd reward him according to his grades
his test scores were like 20/100 -- and he graduated
his dad was in jail, and his mother was a psycho
if his grades are good, what does school have to offer to the kid other than a social environment?
like if he gets all Bs and better, give him a day off every week
if the grades are bad, what does the school offer to a student that doesn't learn in that manner?
All As and better two days off
well, that's the problem with the education system but that's not the issue here
I was top of my class myt entire life, and yeah it was boring as fuck
you want your kid to attend the school
I didn't have to sit there like everyone else. but I did becuase that was the rule.
and the best way to get him to go is to bargain with him
Shit they would teach you the same damn thing for 4 years straight.
and still 4 years later, some people didn't know how to solve for X
I was almost the top of my class without studying and still had to go and sit there and listen
it was deathly boring
I took advanced math in grade 12 -- teacher gave a "hard test" on the first day to gauge our skills
i aced it
like I said, bargaining works when he's younger
he was like.. well this class is gonna be boring for you
my teachers would often reward me with "free class time" in high school for scoring good
(it was)
I'd often try and do that
we had a few empty classrooms for recreational time or free studying time
we got into integration and differentiation near the end of the school year
it worked like a charm, the kids who didn't study would get envious
and try harder later on
school could be much better than it is that is for sure.
this concept of MEMORIZATION is fucken stupid.
What the hell does it matter if I can memorize shit?
I've never seen a kid who was grateful after being rewarded, at least not for long, and have also never seen a kid who responded to being denied stuff. I've seen a LOT of kids who respond to being rewarded after a task is done tho
They actually try harder at it, if you show them a good enough carrot at the end
I was in a psychiatric hospital for 6 months at age 12
they had a "school" but it was so below-level that my proper school gave the psych ward a note saying I didn't have to attend
after that, went to a private behavioural school 12-16, learned next to nothing
guess I sorted myself out after that
yeah it's like games, effort for a reward
My parents would often deny my access to a PC
I would find ways to override bios passwords
replace power cables with printers etc.
you can't stop me... and if you do, I'm going to an internet cafe
would you call "first player with X kills wins" a deathmatch?
classic deathmatch
Deathmatch, yeah
I'd call it a bloodbath
is it death match or deathmatch?
Deathmatch, or more appropriately, Free-For-All (FFA, also called DM or Player vs All) is a widely used gameplay mode integrated into many shooter and real-time strategy (RTS) video games. Normally the goal of a deathmatch game is to kill (or "frag", from the military term) as many other players as possible until a certain condition or limit is reached, commonly being a frag limit or time limit. Once one of these conditions is met, the match is over and the winner is the player that accumulated the greatest number of frags. It is an evolution of the competitive multiplayer modes found in genres...
as a gaming term, latter, as a general match to the death, former
What do you call a deathmatch where the goal is to die first?
suicide squad?
idiotic game design
a bad game? lol
no, wait...
this might actually be genius
you have powers that protect people instead
and everyone is trying to score saving blows
you have to get creative in killing yourself
and trying to die
Euthanization Racer
saving blows are like 1 point, deaths are 2 points
The Bog of Love
and if you accidentally kill someone
your points get deducted
Losing a limb is great because you can bleed out
but someone can cauterize your wound
have to outrun the medics trying to help you
"leave me alone!"
the grittier and the more painful the death, the more points you get
if you are bleeding from razor fence
get blood transfusions to keep you going
more points
holy shit this is actually a good idea...
I'm not gonna develop it but it's doable...
there is a secret way to die by scapphism
which gives you the most points
but you have to do it in a very secluded area as it takes 7 in game days to complete
that's a boring as fuck feature tho, don't do that lol
achievement - death by starvation
in real-time, yeah
you actually have to die and post your death certificate to get the achievement
its like the anti-survival game
force feed people to keep them alive
for my game's magic spells
trying to decide if I want weapons
or just balls of energy in front of you
do things need to be tied to a physical thing you can hold
but what about gems/enchantments, hmm hmm
have a different hat for each one
kinda like Kirby
BALLS of energy
goodness gratious, great balls
Scrotum of Fortitude
Enlargus Penisus
it's a spear throwing technique
Curse of Mudbutt
Lower charisma to 0
+10 Mudbutt rep tho
To break the spell you must venture into the land of the mudbutt king and destroy him
if you're into that
"destroy" him
Join me in the brown side!
Brownies Unite!
Some good brainstorming
I move in favor of stopping before this becomes a shitstorm
i jotted all this down
I've copied it to a txt file
this is gold johnny... gold.
I really do think it's a good idea to make a reverse deathmatch tho
a small game like 1-2 bucks for pc
if you're the first to do it, it might just sell a ton
arcade update trailer in the works:
the end is where the action hits off
totally feeling like a pro, animating text and all
menus are boring
just skip to the action :D
it's true but there isn't a whole lot to show and I want a build-up
No, no. I'd rather have ACTION, menu, menu, MORE ACTION, menu, a bit more menu, A LOT OF ACTION
after a little build up tho
<people shooting each other>
Can we get a update where you are a girl?
how can you tell what you are right now?
Boom! Boom! Hype! Get pumped!
Up to 4 players!
hmm you're making a good point
fuck me
@Tyyppi_77 put some shades under the boobs, they're all girls / really muscled up guys
or they're all guys but don't mind dressing up in drag
or they're all body builder women
have a option when you first start the game that asks what gender you identify with
Choose lipstick and wig color!
Then change nothing
^that give an input field that is irrelevant
just save the value somewhere and keep it like that
no one else will ever see it but ppl will feel nice lol
that is hilarious actually lol
I do kinda want to add hats though
so? add them
gender won't stop your hairstyle :d
that was really just an additional note, mainly for jon since jon likes hats
naw jon hates hats
A: Do we need a hats tag?

jgallantI sincerely think we need a hats tag. I love hats and I constantly refresh to see if there are any new hat related questions. Please do not remove the hats tag, I use this hourly.

i forgot about that
It's now at 0.
hats = money for cosmetics, If you wanna add em don't stop at just a few
at 100+ and then jon will be satisfied
josh ruining all the fun
who's josh, eh?
Hitman IP being ditched by squaresoft
they done fucked up, episodic hitman...
anything episodic is a NO THANKS from my part.
but it worked so well for valve!
If it wasn't a blatant "Hey let's charge people 30$ for each level"
At least with Half Life it was a full damn game
Now it is literally just a way to sell DLC at a premium.
I don't even remember what happens in EP:1 and 2
you play fetch with this giant robot dog
for like 50 hours
honestly i never finished any of the HL games.
I remember trying to play through ep:1 a few months ago but quit out of sheer boredom
i played them all but never finished any
yeah came close though
I have fond memories from when I was younger
i played HL1 in university
now I'm just old, cranky, and impatient
and i remember being blown away by the facial animations, lol
and the voice acting!
yeah, those were magical times
yeah, basically they created an environment that made you feel like you were playing a game way ahead of its time
even just playing online
THen I remmember seeing the HL2 demos
The physics in 3d world
using the physics to your advantage and stuff ... i was again blown away
but now all the tricks have been had
seen it all before
that is exactly why HL3 doesn't exist.
so... might as well just focus on pvp games
. no
might as well focus on owning the #1 software marketplace in the world.
and take a 30% cut
and that
the game dev at this point is just a side gig
HL3, i'm sure they have a team picking at it, playing with shit
probably a fun job
One can hope
they don't even game dev anymore
valve said so themselves recently lol
they're focused on steam and improving it as their words
someone playing with my generator :D
Q: Enemies are penetrating in each other when following player

Mohammad Faizan Khan As you can see the image my enemy (when following my player), penetrate each other. How can i avoid it? I am using NevMeshagent to follow the player. void Update () { currentNavMeshAgent.destination = player.transform.position; } I have added a Rigidbody and a Collider to my enemy object...

I actually laughed a bit too hard at this one
the title got to me lol
tried to come up with something witty but I'm too tired lol
that did make me smile, so job well done I guess, heh
Almost, I was really close
Had to practically choke on my coffee
ah dear he's tried to edit my answer with a thank-you feedback
It's cute though, he made this screenshot
that's cute.
Ehh, he's not a bad guy, just not the best with English
I'd include that anyway with a "from the asker in response:"
or something like that
Too tired lol
1 hour later…
@jgallant HL1 and HL2 were just scripted FPSs. HL3 is hardly warranted, and all the hype and memes about it are superfluous.
This unpopular opinion brought to you by Cherry Blue keyboard switches.
We put the klikadeeclack at your fingertips
I like blue
This may not seem like it, but it took me at least 2 hours
I'm a bit rusty now
I can believe it
time well spent
sometimes the simplest-looking things are tricky
now we can look at it
I even copied every opengl helper file I could, only the vertex positipns tool that loong
I copied them from one of my older projects
It' not even a cube, just the 3 faces you see
@Alex Leci n'est pas une carreau
Ceci* :P
But yeah, it's an illusion :)
Game devs try to fake things as much as possible :)
They are smart people!
I misread it
If you take a photo of a phograph, do you see a photograph on it, or do you see a photograph of a photograph
I'd say I see a photograph of a photograph of something
this lkooks cool
hmm the reviews indicate the AI is weak :(
It's not perfect but might be good enough
The last pitch shift is a little off
3rd page loads, first two don't
You know, yesterday I started writing an algorithm, that creates a random path between 2 point in a 3d space...
now this
I'm pretty sure I overdid it
looks pretty cool tho
It does, but you should be able to see how it goes
And in it's current state...well...you can't.
I probably should add some limits to it
I have an idea though
And it may or may not involve rainbows
@Tyyppi_77 i think there was some issues with steam workshop
ah yeah, makes sense
can you do me a favor?
Q: Is "IAP" a synonym of "microtransactions?"

Josh PetrieWe've had microtransactions for some time now. We've recently created iap. Are these tags the same (and thus, should iap be a synonym of microtransactions)? Note that the excerpt for microtransactions currently contains the text "also referred to as... in-app purchasing."

@Bálint that looks really cool!
@jgallant me? uuh sure but I'm not at PC anymore, so PC favors need to wait till tomorrow
Use it if you want
It's just a simple random walk
@Tyyppi_77 yeah linux users are saying pt doesn't work in fullscreen
I can boot up my VM tomorrow
i tried in a VM and it worked for me
What drives me insane is that it works fine unless fullscreen lol.
and it is like the hitboxes are just gone.
christ man
can you add more jpg to that jpg?
@Almo Yeah; OOP has its flaws.

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