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@StephaneHockenhull in fact, I've read they're not sure what to do with the show now that it's popular... the premise is so simple.
LOL yeah, they should just stop the show with whatever "dignity" it has :D
It's a novelty show. It can't continue without losing all interest/value.
I think the proper marketing strategy would be to make a completely different goofy show "from the same author" instead. that way they don't ruin the original. They can still ride on the popularity.
Like, there's this "The devil is a part-timer" cartoon where Satan works at a McDonald-look-alike burger store.
It's on Netflix, pretty good show :)
might not be in canada :( unless it's an NFLX original
it is. I'm in Canada.
found it
He's the evil lord of a parallel fantasy world that gets his ass kicked, big 'splosion, and sucked into our world. So he has to make ends meet until he gets his power back...
hilarity ensues
@JoshPetrie Are 3 upvotes on a meta post to remove a tag enough to blacklist it? From my experience, it is not...
@Almo just a heads up: there's only 1 season :(
that's ok :)
I'm a sucker for goofy slice-of-life + superpowers shows where the emphasis is on the daily life part.
Not many games like that. Octodad is one that comes to mind.
not so much superpowers as "unusual character".
but close enough
@Almo According to my estimations, you need about 2.25 Alpha clones to support an Omega clone. The cost of entry is high because you need 5.5 million SP to use a skill extractor, which is about 234 days of skill training without implants (and being there when the skill training completes).
1 hour later…
@AlexandreVaillancourt completions aren't that big a deal anymore with the new skill queueu
oh wait
alphas don't get it duh
6 hours later…
Hello all
I'm new at game Dev, can any of you help me with something?
Depends on what you need help with =p
I'm searching for some documentation on SDL2 but in objective c
everything I find is in C++, and my main language is objC
either some documentation or a sample code, as I can't find either for the love of god
Near as I can tell there's no objective c bindings for SDL
So just look at the standard C api
so I show code in plain C++ for it then?
ok, thx, I will do it that way
Where are you getting your documentation from?
they're website plus lazyfoo.net for most of the tuts that I've used
Oh tutorials
If you want documentation go to the official SDL site, it has the API listing
yes, I've also passed my eyes on that
but will focus more on the documentation now, the tuts were mainly for me to pick up the sdk
Yeah the SDL docs are actually pretty good
ok, thanks mate
goddamn my friggen jaw
i noticed holes in my left lower jaw and turns out the surgeon had to drill 2 extra holes to pull one of these fuckers out
my gf never told me
yeah i wondered why that side was so jacked
"Would you mind doing something about the ridiculous achievements (thousands levels completed) ?"
what do you think about that Chris?
about 3-4 people complained about achievements that were too hard to complete.
2000 puzzles required to be completed.
thing is ... i really don't think it is hard to complete -- I think there is eomthing else here I dont know
Do you gain steam levels for completing every achievement in a game?
It's an achievement that is actually an achievement, quit complaining =p
2,000 puzzles - I dunno, what's the rough amount of playtime a user would have to play to achieve that?
not really
you can easily do 1000 5x5 in a few hours
Nothing wrong with achievements that require a lot of time, gives people something to strive for
Yeah the people asking for me to lower it have very low play time
this latest person doesn't even seem to have any playtime at all
Playtime past 2 weeks: 0h
0 of 18 (0%) achievements earned:
why the hell are you bitching about this?
People getting too used to "Clicked a button You started the game!" achievements
man feck that
Nobody complains about Stanley Parable having an achievement for:
**Went outside** - Don't play the game for 5 years.
as far as you know they didn't :P
hehe nice
Did you see that piece of shit that created an account on reddit and said he never received a giveaway this youtuber made on an overwatch channel?
thousands of people started tweeting/emailing this guy telling him to go kill himself
(the guy that had the giveaway)
Turns out he did have a giveaway, and did give away 100$, and the guy that created the account made everything up pretending to be that guy
like, what the fuck.
The internet mob mentality is pretty fucked up man.
when you've got nothing better to do with your life
and you just wanna troll
Like, I get it ... i did shit like that as a kid too
But this is like, top level shit
he found someone that won a giveaway that didn't have a reddit account
Just to shit on some random person for no reason.
Welcome to the world of tomorrow!!!
People are fantastic 👌
When setting joints parameters in bullet physics, must it be done in local object space, or in world space?
typically local.
in most cases joints function in respect to their parent bodies.
Yeah, it seems like it, and according to the name of the parameters too. I think I've messed up the value of a parameter. Seems to be 'correct' now, even though it's still awkward...
Man, my kid was such a piece of crap this morning.
He didn't want to go to school
Then he took off saying he was gonna walk to school
Had to pick him up on the side of the road, lol
goddamn ordeal.
At least he does not wake you up a couple of times a night because he wants a boob in his mouth :P
Yeah, ok, seems that I had put the wrong values for the parameters...
why even offer a goddamn salad?
ahhh, so if you didn't take the crispy chicken and dressing
well shit people, duh
perception is everything
it's like saying Subway subs are good for you
you're eating a giant vessel of carbohydrates haha
burgers, if you don't eat the bun it's not too many calories usually
@ChrisMcFarland don't put bacon in it, though. And use cheese and not processed cheese :P
I've had success with losing weight by monitoring calorie intake, and also doing the keto thing where you eat < 20g carbs per day, both work
or what was that teacher that ate nothing but twinkies for months
so there is this app called dailyburn
you can input what you eat and it shows you how many calories approximately that you are taking in
Until you do this for a week, you seriously have no idea what you are doing
MyFitnessPal is a good app too
calories can come from varoius sources
Yup. Some people say: no calories should be taken in beverages.
just gotta form habits
yeah water is good, sugar-free is good too
beer is my downfall
i only drink water and beer
haha, hops everywhere
strong beer :P
none of that american shit
vodka for me atm
I don't like strong beer because they're generally too sweet for me.
try an IPA
its a good starter beer
I'm ok with IPAs :)
there is this place here in town that makes 2 kinds
one is called 4 alarm IPA
damn good
They're generally not above 6, 6.5% though
its like 8% i think
oh they can go up to 9 i think
Oh, ok, these would probably taste too sweet for me :P
this one is super bitter
that is why I like it
Ah, I'll try and see if they sell it around here then
naw there is no way
its a local beer
you can only get it at this bar
they don't even sell it outside the bar
I think it needs to be drank pretty fresh to be honest.
hi everyone.
anyone experienced with bulletphysics?
@ManmohanBishnoi I'm trying it at the moment, not far along though...
not bulletphysics, but physics yea
but i mean if you are going to be picky with your help, nevermind :P
I have worked with bulletphysics before. but never came across this issue
that is
when i debug draw my physics world
the rigid body's collision shape keeps on offsetting in the direction of motion
think of a simple raycast car moving in a straight line
when car starts the graphical mesh and rigid body's collision shape (drawn in debugdraw call) are perfectly aligned
as the car speed increases
the rigid body's collision shape start offsetting gradually in direction of motion
and when the car stops, the rigid body shape aligns again with graphical mesh
I haven't used the debug draw features of bt though.
Seems like the graphics rendering is one frame behind the physics..
Yeah, that just sounds like an artifact of rendering and to be expected
i also suspect something related to graphics drawing call not in sync with physics debug draw call.
here's how i draw my world
RenderFrame() {
Is there any multi-threading in that?
and in stepPhysicsWorld() i do these steps:
setOpenGL matrix for the graphical object

shouldn't stepSimulation happen before the openGL matrix thing?
put dynamicsWorld->stepSimulation() before the rest
it is normal
the debug draw is always behind the update loop
keep in mind your physics are running at a set timestep while your gameloop continues to update
what is your problem?
@jgallant in this case, he's updating the graphics matrices before he updates the physics simulation.
When I activate box2d debug draw calls, it is the exact same thing
The debug draw lags behind
It isn't a problem with the physics engine, it is how the debug draw renders
@ManmohanBishnoi what if you step your simulation before applying the mosionstate to the opengl graphical objects?
@jgallant so you mean to say that any moving rigid bodies will have their collision shape lagging behind their graphical shape?
that is what I figured -- I thought it was a CCD thing
it will only lag at high velocities right?
Yeah, that is normal and I wish I could explain it better but I never really thought about it that hard
for simple things like a box falling from a height of 10m, things look just fine
@AlexandreVaillancourt same behavior even when stepSimulation is before applying motionstates
maybe i'm wrong.
bulletPhysics demos don't have such rendering artifacts
how are you calling your debugdraw?
Do they have bodies that go at high velocities?
so I need to capture RNG state for my input recording thingy. Someone suggested that I'd use a global RNG to seed the RNGs inside my entities, but I was wondering if there's any benefit to that over just using a single global RNG for everything?
my physics world setup is simple
just one ground (btBoxShape)
another small box of 10Kg mass which falls from (0, 300, 0)
as the box starts gaining velocity, the gaphical mesh lags behind collison shape shape
as soon as the box hits ground
both the graphical and collision shape align perfectly
@Tyyppi_77 was it mick?
so any thoughts on this? is a global rng a terrible idea?
I don't see why it would be.
using the global rng just to seed would actually save me a lot of work
one instance seems smart to me.
currently every entity that needs and RNG has its own one
what if you call multiple RNG quickly
does it use systime or what?
it uses the most accurate time from SDL which I believe is nanoseconds or something
it's a "high resolution counter"
so this thing where I use a RNG to seed would also remove any timer resolution issues
yeah man
@ManmohanBishnoi so you have your own graphics and bullet's debug graphics? And if you use bullet's debug graphics, maybe bullet uses multithread and that's why their graphics is one frame behind?
@AlexandreVaillancourt bulletPhysics does not have any kind of rendering capabilities.
there is an abstract calss btIDebugDraw that we need to implement
calls your custom class to do actual rendering
Ok, I guess it should produce the same transform matrix..
What is your problem though?
collision response still works
everything looks fine
collision works fine
it's just the lag between collision shape and graphical mesh for fast moving objects
i'm investigating my code and searching old forum posts , see if i can find something useful
Dev Blog- Colonial Sea Trader- Improved buttons, planning the cityscape! kd7uiy.com/2017/05/dev-blog-colonial-sea-trader-reworking.html
looks good man
that entire "Leave City" button could be reduced to save size if you ever needed
I'm actually not very happy with that.
I will probably use the same style for some of the dialogs, but...
I'll have more of a prototype of it done maybe by Wednesday? Not sure yet...
In my stepPhysics() changing this line
trans = this->m_RigidBodies.at("CubeMesh")->m_Body->getWorldTransform();
solved the lag issue
You can see where the spambots really found my forum, and where I put in the registration question.
BTW Vanilla Forums are really easy to maintain
I recommend, if the simplicity of the forum itself is good enough for your purposes.
when i submitted my liquid physics article
i jumped from ~100 pageviews to 3000 in a day
imagine writing something that normal people can understand instead
so I've now got this stacking system where I can playback a recording, and then record a new one ontop of it
I still need to write it so that the input devices don't have to match, and dying breaks it all
that sounds awesome
That's starting to be a link only answer..
A: How to automate iPhone app without having the source code?

kenorbThere are automation testing applications designed to automate iPhone apps such as Appium. See: Android and iPhone app automation tools. Another way is to use iPadian, install game and automate it from there. Alternative way is to access the iPhone screen in order to hook in the AI algorithms is...

A few weeks ago, I watched a friend streaming Dragon Quest Builders: it features Minecraft-style town building, and everything it does that Minecraft did it does so much better that it makes Minecraft's implementations look plainly awful. I got to thinking, wow, we could bring stuff like this to a multiplayer Minecraft game and do so much better.
Then last night, a friend decided they wanted a more explore-ey, adventure-ey, loot-ey world in their Minecraft server, and were talking about what they wanted it to be like, and I pointed out "that sounds more like you want a {different game completely} server than a Minecraft server" and they agreed, and off they went digging for Minecraft mods.
I am somewhat tempted to build a multiplayer game that actually provides those features while having actually good PvE and PvP gameplay and without making all the mistakes Minecraft did in its building.
(but I don't know if the market isn't already just saturated by minecraft-likes, and if it is then making such a game might not be worthwhile)
shitload of flooding in quebec eh
No idea why their aerial shots are all so damn low res crap
that's like the best shot I could find lol
damn I'm very close
it doesn't matter anymore which device the player is actually mapped, the recording now overrides that
however, if I record movement on a keyboard and play it back on a player that is mapped to a controller, it doesn't give the same result
so there's some if-check somewhere or something
damn you jon, this is on you for wanting ladder jumping
The ladder jump hate is real.
what people are asking for it?
wow crazy
That's the first time I hear that somewhere on the island of Montreal is flooded. I've been living in Montreal or around it for 35 years.
is it so bad out there?
in Portugal they said it would run this weekend, not even a drop...
last year we had one of the driest years ever
@RicardoAlves It's worse than it usually is.
That's the intersection in streetview:
@jgallant yeah I just totally forgot that I hacked it in for just controllers basically
Just me playing, first recorder a singleplayer run for the first player, then recorded the second player ontop of that recording, combining the two into a recording with both ones
and just to clarify, I didn't press anything in the gif after I typed the command in
dude you are killing it
you seriously need to release a workshop update
people will create these ridiculous levels and it will bring the community into it
This friggen guy this morning tried to get me to delete achievements before even launching my game
Maybe you should try it before you start providing feedback????
lol... anyways
yeah I'll get to the workshop stuff soon, just gotta finish this battle mode thingy (yeah I got a little side tracked but this will allow me to make a trailer for the battle mode)
how can unit allow this?

bool isLevelUnlocked = (levelValue == 1);

where levelValue is integer. C# doesn't allow implicit conversions
but (levelValue == 1) evaluates to a bool
so it's fine
Oh shit totally forgot that. Sorry :)
It was a comparison not assignment. I need some sleep thanks :) Almo
not a problem! Glad I could help.
oh man you can use custom faces in this game
whose model is that?
i don't remember
Still need to figure out what to do with a really wide building, but I might not mess with that actually... Haven't decided yet.
Looking awesome!
With just a bit more work I can customize the houses however I want them to, without too much work.
I think I won't bother. I'm not planning on making it work, so...
I can always fix it later if I want to.
2 hours later…
@AlexandreVaillancourt In general probably not for a tag that is in such wide use. But it's not really generating a lot of discussion. I'd probably wait until the weekend and take action to blacklist it then, unless opposing views come along or pro-blacklist votes jump

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