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10:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

hey still considering what game to make next
I have a few weird concepts floating around
like an MMO PvE RTS clicker game
floating where?
oh nice.
maybe clixxor mobile
maybe the astroids game
just can't decide
I don't do that unfinished project thing, so I take a long time to determine what I will start
ok maybe I prototype the asteroids thing, get some different ships in there, and see what people think
that might be a few weeks to get up and running
so on mac osx 10.10, a connected Windows machine has that icon. Is that a blue screen of death?
it's certainly an ancient 4:3 CRT
hahah :D
Been in there a while I think.
@Almo my macs show that icon for all windows networks, even if they don't contain an actual windows computer
oh hehehe
Triggers for any Samba share basically
(so amusingly can trigger for a Mac hosting one)
@SevenSidedDie I just thought you should know that I'm not like you in this way, and so you may be at risk of making incorrect inferences about my sentiments if you guess at them without asking me. I tend to think deeper than is expected for a given statement.
@JoshPetrie heheh :)
@MickLH Wait, you summoned mod attention back to this room just to say that you're not responsible for writing what you mean and meaning what you write? Man, that's too bad for you.
Excuse me?
It's not clear what you're trying to convey by that, but I appreciate your concern?
I after all never wrote anything even remotely related to who I view as a father figure.
@MickLH The onus for not breaking the rules via objectively observable data (messages) is on the account holder. So, get on that. Whatever your intentions are aren't relevant.
2 days ago, by Mithrandir
No one doubts your intentions. But it's your actions that have ramifications.
Where did intentions come into play? We moved on from that quite a while ago.
I was simply helping you understand that your method of inference may have been faulty. It is clear to me that nobody has involved emotions related to a father figure in this discussion.
I thought maybe you should know that.
I think I'm a father figure to you Mick
You are like my son that I never had
Mick I know you're smart enough to know what the mods want you to do. How about just do it and not argue about it. Arguing with mods never ends well, and I'd rather you be able to stick around because you're really genuinely helpful to people with some tricky problems.
@MickLH We're not going to ask what your sentiments are, nor are we bothering to infer them. The rules aren't concerned with intentions, just what you write.
@Almo The point of the fun here is that I'm not arguing :P
@MickLH We all know what's going on here, and this is enough of this.
:37145634 Considering the notes on your account, maybe take up a different hobby than jousting with mods. Maybe… gamedev or something constructive. :)
what do you think of this?
@jgallant he's terrifically photogenic
(now i wish LittleBigPlanet supported drawing custom faces. We could make the handsomest sackboys. Like that one.)
cant you kinda do that with the stickers?
@Tyyppi_77 ... I guess you can!!
One more thing that I'd like to point out: don't get so worked up over exactly what the rules say, or what we say. You should be able to follow the spirit of it.
and from a totally 3rd party view of all this... yall need to chill
yall of you
@jgallant yallaya?
life is too short to get worked up on nonsensical nonsense
So long as that's not invoked to defend ignoring the rules everyone signed up for, yeah. More chill would be great.
A guy was telling me about Stephen's Sausage Roll, a really hard puzzle game. He said this: "I played 2 levels last night, not my best choice to take a break from rewriting orx's internal memory allocation system" (he made an engine called ORX)
(if you're interested, it's apparently available cheaper in a humble bundle at the moment)
@Almo this is... a game about cooking sausages. amazing
haha yeah
supposed to be super fucking hard, too
it looks like it would be.
(for the record I am interested in this room developing less swearing, since i genuinely believe it's in our best interests in serving the professional and hobby community. but i can appreciate the emphasis. just thought i'd acknowledge what would potentially be an elephant in the room there.)
I'd weigh in that cursing was not an elephant in the room two days ago...
The above link says that, basically, avoid swearing in the main room for the site.
I won lol
fair and square :')
oh, the elephant in the room i refer to us the reminders we made around cussing. i brought it up since Almo just prior did that.
oh well, I started to refactor some code
I started a pretty tedious refactor, combining two codebases with slightly different conventions
that sounds rough.
i've had the joy before of working in one codebase with two slightly different conventions.
what kinda of conventions are we talking about? naming or like architectural/program flow differences?
The only really shitty difference is one seems to prefer shared & weak pointers while the other one uses unique pointers and references to objects that carry possibly shared and possibly deleted data
I think I actually like the weak pointer design better
But it might just be that the data is more reasonably encapsulated, I usually try to avoid smart pointers unless I actually need them
hehehehe :D
Ah there we go, I can hack the unique pointers & references codebase, now I have a hard metric to go with
I could produce inputs that create an arbitrarily long chain of objects referencing objects to share data. Insane recursive hackish crap going on in some places because of that design style
I think I've worked hard enough on this one, my job here is done! delegate!
That's enough of that.
So I'm getting my wisdom teeth extracted tomorrow
If I don't come back it means I died
@jgallant ooer. best of luck with it not hurting & the not dying part.
i hope it doesn't hurt too long. i hear that varies a lot (mine only hurt a day)
My ex wife, her recovery was horrible
So I'm pretty worried about it
She took like a week before getting out of bed, get head was engorged
Her head
i'll kid you not, that is the worst recovery i've heard of so far
mine was that i came home, kept an ice pack close to my jaw for the evening and part of the next day (it was sore, but not painful) and then I was OK. they were a bit sensitive ongoingly, but i just had to chew carefully and avoid stuff. from what i can tell i got pretty lucky, i might've had a pretty good anaesthetist and dental surgeon.
oh no :(
I didn't like that
I have one wisdom tooth extracted, I went there and went back to school after that, didn't hurt at all at any point
Though my breath smelled bad for a week
I had chronic bad breath... until I had pneumonia and they hit me with a dangerous antibiotic and then it was gone.
I was scared to hell about the operation, and I still would be even though I had such a good experience as I generally have a fear of dentist
Anti dentite?
I also can't stand needles around me which makes it pretty hard to relax in the chair when they put in the anesthetic
@Lasse i have trouble with needles too. i have a pretty good track record of fainting if i see my own blood. :l
yeah well the blood isn't the problem, sharp things going inside me is the thing
i've had a decent track record of looking away and putting an awful lot of effort into thinking about other stuff. (that's just me though.)
it's hard to look away in the dentist chair when the needle is in front of your face going in your mouth
oh. right. yeah.
i never got that. (i had full anaesthetic, not localised.)
Needles I don't like but meh
then again i had all four out, not just the one.
Get er done
yeah I still have three left, I've actually twice ignored some wisdom tooth pain and it has luckily just gone away
I know it's not the best thing to do but meh, the alternative is scary too
I know getting rid of all of them would probably be the best thing to do, but I just can't push myself in to it
in my case all four got removed because they were trapped caught behind the teeth immediately in front of them, and that was going to cause trouble later.
I only had two
the other two never formed
Baby almo
i was dopped with that same shit for my ankle
they are going to give me these drugs that basically make me feel great about getting my teeth pulled out
The thing is... I rememgber when they fixed my ankle
this drug is hard but I can handle it
and I remember
@Almo you represent evolutionary progress, good fellow.
The doctor asked me if I remember who put my ankle back
and I remembered
i remember him putting it back
and it was fine
and the doctor was like.. wtf
were you not meant to be able to remember that bit?
based on the doctor's reaction
he didn't believe me that I knew whta happened
He put my ankle back in place, and I said immediately after "Awesome! I'll walk home now"
and they all laughed
it was hilarious... that drug is pretty nuts
so it is apparently the same shit I'm gonna get tomorrow
that sounds impressive
it is scary really
oh you seemed to have stabbed me in the neck, haha, good job sir.
it is a drug that just makes you not give a shti about annything
@doppelgreener :D
One can see how it would be abused
@jgallant [starts writing dystopian scifi game]
albeit useful and interesting... it is pretty scary.
I know someone who's had Valium. said it was fucking great. nothing matters. just calmness.
it is scary that it exists, yeah. O_O
i did LSD a lot
oh really
only drug that ever interested me. not tried it though
back in the 90s
i know someone who did it as well, their description makes it sound pretty cool
i did lsd about 50-60 times
timelapse multicolored skies and shit
it is a very interesting drug
Must have been freaky for the guy who accidentally discovered it
did you read it?
yeah he took a massive dose
biked home
yeah after 24 hours he was back to normal
he had discovered Lysergic acid diethylamide
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), also known as acid, is a psychedelic drug known for its psychological effects. This may include altered awareness of the surroundings, perceptions, and feelings as well as sensations and images that seem real though they are not. It is used mainly as a recreational drug and for spiritual reasons. LSD is typically either swallowed or held under the tongue. It is often sold on blotter paper, a sugar cube, or gelatin. It can also be injected. LSD is not addictive. However, adverse psychiatric reactions such as anxiety, paranoia, and delusions are possible. LSD is...
Albert Hofmann (11 January 1906 – 29 April 2008) was a Swiss scientist known best for being the first person to synthesize, ingest, and learn of the psychedelic effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). Hofmann was also the first person to isolate, synthesize, and name the principal psychedelic mushroom compounds psilocybin and psilocin. He authored more than 100 scientific articles and numerous books, including LSD: Mein Sorgenkind (LSD: My Problem Child). In 2007, he shared first place, alongside Tim Berners-Lee, in a list of the 100 greatest living geniuses, published by The Telegraph newspaper...
lol yeah
my late friend ben and I would do this together
this one time we got this insane batch... we went through a soccer net with a hole in it
and it was like a portal to a new world
anyways.. i can say a ton more but it was pretty wild
enlightened me in a sense
we spent hours that night analyzing songs from the doors
that does sound pretty wild
microdosing is something that is really interesting to me
you take a little bit, enough to not actually hallucinate
but enough to activate your receptors
they have been researching it recently with really great results
Personally, I think everyone should try a small dose.
(at the right time)
And learn a bit about themselves and the world around them.
It makes you think.
(I wonder if there's a game about the experience.)
absolutely not
the fear, pain, love, wonder, enjoyment -- you can put that in a game
not yet anyways.
yeah that'd be challenging D':
I'm not going to do it
Someone left a review saying my game crashes computers
Like wtf is that allowed?
10:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

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