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That's the name you came up?
That's the plan as of right now.
I'm somewhat hard pressed to change it. More than anything, I just want to give it a name, I'm tired of "Unnamed Sea Trader Game"
Ustrag, the name of the start ship of the player
Anyone doing Ludum Dare?
Starts at 9PM tonight.
I don't plan doing it
I'm toying with the idea, but probably not.
The new site is being overloaded, I can't even register lol
You don't have to register until you submit.
Theme is Small World
Yeah I went to the LD Twitter to see it
Do you guys ever get really excited about working on your game but by the end of the day when you sit down to work on it then the motivation is gone?
Nah, that NEVER happens...
never ever?
you wouldn't lie to me would you now?
Of course it happens, all of the time!
I'm just so fucking sick of not knowing what I want to do.
I mean one day I feel like making an engine, the next working on an old game, and I just can't seem to focus.
If you don't know what you want to do right now, do Ludum Dare
Build a game in 48 hours, theme Small World, no prior artwork or sounds.
@Sie I recommend taking a break from coding anything game-related for a month
Let your brain rest and focus on other things in life
You're pushing yourself Sie
You guys don't get it. I haven't worked on anything game related in months and I tried too just yesterday and I already feel this way lol.
I should get back to my UI stuff, but I'm increasingly feeling sleep calling me, an hour early...
I might just hit the sack...
Just because you haven't made anything, doesn't mean you are not pushing yourself
If you can't find a minimum of motivation by yourself, just stop it
2 hours later…
I usually set my time expected to complete to at least a year
or couple years
I just know if I work on this a bit by a bit then it will be completed eventually
and that helps, for me
3 hours later…
@Sie I'm joining
I just woke up because it started at 3am or so
Unity doesn't recognise iOS Bluetooth keyboard input :| Gonna submit a bug report... doesn't sound like it's ever supported it
2 hours later…
Yay it works
The theme is "A Small World"
So of course step 1 is to render a world
Looks like a low resolution ball of puke
First working then not looking like puke
Hopefully less low-res puke:
The puke is molding
I'd go with boils
But it's higher res!
2 hours later…
That's some pretty puke
2 hours later…
Haha yeah I was just pilling your leg in case you thought I was serious
The bump map makes it so much better
Yeah, it's still just vertex shading but it looks like there's detail
I'll probably do something with a watershader later but I've only got 2 days =p
And I'm currently blanking on doing proper pathfinding
You'll need to create a weird bunch of inter-connected nodes.
spamming nodes around the sphere at some <radius> distance of each other
Then connecting the nodes that are within <radius * 2> of each other and a clear path
then you can go A* on them.
If your surface remains as low-poly as that you could use the centroids of your sphere triangles as the nodes.
And use triangle edges as the connections
Yeah I'm creating a isosphere right now
Hmmm... how does a triangle have more than 3 neighbours?
This shouldn't be happening
If more than 2 triangles is attached to the same edge?
a collapsed triangle?
Nah, I'm subdividing everything
I found it, the cache key was borked causing it to reuse improperly
This seems pretty evenly divided:
Looks reasonable
I've got kill scoring working
(I'm working on a PVP-arena-battle thingy, choose an arena that fits to one screen and kill your pals)
@KevinvanderVelden cough cough too many holes
I don't want more points than I need =p
Besides, that can be controlled with a single variable
Q: Catfish creations, where I have laborously written long lists, numbered from 1-10 of different species

Conrad R. SnyderIIFirst off need to state that I am all about low tech. What I need is a better way of deciding what list, and what # on the list is chosen, which would be randomly chosen. My current way since I do not have dice, or a computer, is using text, from a book, and by assigning each letter to a single...

Difficult to read this question is.
From Yoda he a lot learned
@ChrisMcFarland this looks awesome
1 hour later…
controller only game
is that a huge deal on PC?
i mean like... rocket league is kinda burp controller only
Depends on the game, it'd have to have a really good reason to not support keyboard control
Dunno. Mine's pretty much controller-only.
And even rocket league supports keyboard control
yeah rudimentary keyboard controls
rocket league lets you use your keyboard like a controller... it's bad...
but the game will suck without a controller
the nature of the game
Then as long as it's a case of "The things the game wants you to do can't be properly done with just keys" as opposed to "The dev is lazy and implemented a shit keyboard system" it's fine
this one is going to be intersting guys :)
never been done before hahaha
i have this game mechanic I am developing
Sheep Simulator 2017?
Awwww man that's better than my idea....
@KevinvanderVelden I agree, but I'd love an example of a situation where a reasonable keyboard input is really unfeasible
@MickLH twinstick shooters where you need double 360 degrees aim is the common example
But even that is just hell with a keyboard and not impossible
Hmm I guess, I'd prefer to use one mouse and just left or right click personally
Sweet, pathfinding now looks smooth
(pathfinding on a course grid of triangles representing a sphere has... issues)
(smoothing by looking slightly ahead ftw)
2 hours later…
another set of tinted wheels woot
Aaand another Korok...
I got my walk cycle to look half decent...
@jgallant I made a thing it's "wtf"
Sounds avant guard
Link me up
I took the output straight into an MP3 and onto G drive, good luck
I'll listen and see if it even recorded properly, FL magically fucks up the MIDI playback / recording part sometimes
can ihave it?
you wanna use it lol? go ahead
oh i can use this
let me know if you need adjustments or w/e
well it doesn't loop
but yeah its fucken pimp man
I mean part of the sound is that it's mastered to sound like shit, but also it's a really lazy production
I feel like it has to sound somewhat shitty to get the mood right
this is great
at the end of it
pull it back
then maybe go back hard
really good shit man
so... make the rest of the song? :P
yeah haha

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