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I think I go
If I were implementing it personally I'd probably try bitmaps or bezier curves as the mask format. The bitmaps seem simpler but the bezier curves would of be smoother. It would go in wherever you detect if something is touching a tile, if it's touching a masked tile, then also check the mask before saying hit or no hit.
It's 1 AM here
@ChrisMcFarland bloop. ^^^
@StephaneHockenhull hehe nice!
Good night/morning/day/evening!
Tallowmere 3D Confirmed
Night @Bálint
Turntable video still rendering...
hm if i have a curve over some tiles how do i then also determine which tile is part of which room since a curve would overlap only half a tile
i guess i would have to change the entire concept of how i determine areas of the rooms
I lean towards each tile belonging to a specific room
Mask or not
@Sir Could you have pre-determined rooms and just randomly piece them together?
rather than trying to piece every inner part of a room
you mean rooms that are essentially prefabs ?
and just pick the entry/exit points
well i could but i want to give the user more freedom
About 1h30mins including the time for figuring out what her neck pixels were :) ... I am LOVING this tablet.
Eee if you want to calculate area on the fly you'll need to solve the integrals of your curves
this is what i currently have: i.imgur.com/mOoh0T6.gifv encase you're curious
@StephaneHockenhull haha
@MickLH its not so much calculating the floor area it was more to know when a npc is in a given room at the moment i just check his tile position and see if that has a reference to a room or not
@ChrisMcFarland I need a placeholder: can't share screenshots of my game's character yet. I may or may not use a character that may or may not look like Lady Tallowmere until then ;)
well I hope she serves you well then
some doppelgänger in some other game existing in another universe
I suppose each character will want a date created, total seconds played, and a date last played var
Still need to do the low poly topology, bake, skin/weights. At least the skeleton's mostly already made. Just took my char, stripped it naked and redid the clothes :P
oh, and edited the face texture.
Which is an SVG. that makes it so easy to edit.
How much for realistic inflatable doll version?
and does it come with a preorder?
Updated Xubuntu today and I just wasted 2 sheets of paper and a bunch of toner because they fixed the laser printer drivers.
I had a color correction curve setup in gimp to fix the image before printing, not needed anymore.
I'm almost annoyed that they fixed it
I swear I just had to link this one the other day, but...
LOL, yes. exactly.
8 hours later…
I learned you can Instantiate a MonoBehaviour today
I always thought you could only Instantiate a GameObject
Huh? That shouldn't be possible, how do you do that?
It'll always create a gameobject for it
that's what I thought - I was wrong. Had someone on the Stackoverflow.com correct one of my documentation pooling examples. Tested it out, sure enough
Monobehavior is the base of all game objects
Missile missilePrefab;
Missile clone = (Missile)Instantiate(missilePrefab, transform.position, transform.rotation);
that's just instantiating a new gameobject with missile monobehaviour on it
I always thought missilePrefab had to be GameObject
but you can just have it Missile missilePrefab
yeah, TIL lol
yeah you can have that
That sucks man lol your code is probably shitty because of this
I have a bit of cleaning up todo for my current codebase then, all good
few less GetComponent calls is a win for me
Solo developing has some pitfalls
No one around to correct your shit
if it works then it's not broken
but that doesn't mean it's good, yeah
even worse since I just use sublime text
which doesn't tell me if I'm doing anything badly
if it compiles then it's 100% a-okay
living in my own dark bubble
There is no overhead to call GetComponent afaik
It's just slower than not calling it at all
Storing a ref would be slightly faster yeah but negligible
with this new knowledge now, should be able to get rid of GetComponent completely from my code
Way better code though
There was a guy who just rebuilt the whole UI everytime something changed, for example if in a dialog there was a time updating every second, he just recreated the whole dialog every time it changed. And there I was one day wondering why our UI is so damn laggy and tried to find out ways to optimize it, a week before we were supposed to be in beta
I was horrified when I found out what he had done
right :(
I should have checked what he was doing and not trust him, but I like to trust people :(
Same issue with a guy at work. ASP site he made, he replicated the headers and footers on every page
play testing session. The physics kinda work across the network.
I don't even trust myself haha
@BlueBug hehe
Need to change the header? Change all 60 pages or whatever
lol :|
Why create a method when you can copy and paste ¯_(ツ)_/¯?
He is a professional programmer
That's what pisses me off the most.
That's the thing with Unity too
there's so many little tips n tricks
Yet I'm the asshole if I say he can't code.
Fuck you Ryan you can't code
this is why working solo has some benefits
yeah, but working in a team has more
you have team full of rubber ducks and people can correct each other when they have to work on each others work
unless I happen to find a job working remotely, I don't think I'll ever work in a team
too tied to my family/homemaker lifestyle
My job is messed up -- I work for Ottawa out of Moncton
But they get me to go into the office, where I work with no one and no one supervises me
They do not allow me to work from home for no logical reason whatsoever... I am all setup to VPN and everything
I live in a cave in the mountains and have 3 goats powering a wheel that powers my laptop, chilled
livin' it up
Anyone else love watching musicians cry on youtube about AI?
They are a bit salty a computer knows more than the three chords they neurotically repeat while crying about themselves with a wooden stringed box.
@jgallant It's just so that some boss can call you in his office and fire you
@Chris link?
at any time they want
it popped up after i watched that guys simulation; youtube.com/watch?v=SacogDL_4JU
but he has some interesting video on AI
and map generation
This is the best comment; "Even though this is pretty impressive and fascinating, the quick progress of machine learning is in contradiction with the social model we use since centuries. You know, the one based on the necessity for everyone to have an income gained through competition in order to have any social rights at all?"
@ChrisMcFarland a question, how are you implementing network for your game?
are you using network manager?
@Chris it's an interesting discussion actually, but an old one with technological progress
Yeah I know the history of cotton well..
@Ali.S I'm currently using LiteNetLib: github.com/RevenantX/LiteNetLib
ok then... an external library
yeah. lets me create my own managers
I wanted to use websocket... and I was wondering if there is any way to use it for webgl export
It's just nice to see it catch up to the little satanic string pluckers who think they are mozart
I really don't see Unity's WebGL taking off
too long to load, too clunky :(
yeah, but it's great for demos
way easier to upload the game on your server, than to send installation file to people
I swear if I was a serial killer, I would collect guitars.
@Ali.S that's where itch.io comes in handy imo, its launcher is pretty easy to use, kinda like Steam
ah right, I'm using GetComponent when a collision happens, to see what sort of collider I'm hitting. Probably overkill to keep a Dictionary of colliders and components instead of just using GetComponent
If you were a serial killer, what would be your trademark signature ?
I thought about this allot, a crucifix on the forehead
all the good shit has been used already
with a 5 pointed star
This LSD is groovy!
Jeffrey Robert MacDonald (born October 12, 1943) is an American medical doctor who was convicted in 1979 of murdering his pregnant wife and two daughters in February 1970. == Early life == MacDonald was born in Jamaica, Queens, New York City, the second of three children of Robert MacDonald, known as "Mac," and his wife, Dorothy (née Perry). Raised on Long Island, he attended Patchogue High School, where he was voted both "most popular" and "most likely to succeed," and he was Senior Class President and Captain of the football team. His grades were high enough for him to win a scholarship...
A fourth intruder, described as a white female with long blonde hair and wearing high heeled boots and a white floppy hat partially covering her face, stood nearby with a lighted candle and chanted, "Acid is groovy, kill the pigs."
This defense did not hold up in court. lol.
Killing your own family is bad.
Have you ever done acid?
you wouldn't be going into a house killing people with a candle chanting acid is groovy.
No, acid is bad.
I just smoke some DMT occasionally
If I did acid I would end up killing something, my mate does it sometimes and he just pisses people off on it. He called me up at 1am last week ''dude am I neo in the matrix''
You would more than likely be looking at your hand going Whoa... holy shit.
and be scared as fuck at the thought of killing another human
LSD nowadays is probably some other shit chemical
William Leonard Pickard (born October 21, 1945 in DeKalb County, Georgia) is one of two people convicted in the largest lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) manufacturing case in history. In 1999, while moving their LSD laboratory across Kansas, Pickard and Clyde Apperson were pulled over while driving a Ryder rental truck and a follow car. The laboratory had been stored near a renovated Atlas-E missile silo near Wamego, Kansas but the two men had never actually produced LSD there. One of the men intimately involved in the case but not charged due to his cooperation, Gordon Todd Skinner, owned the...
After this guy was put away -- literally 90% of all LSD on the street was gone.
Ye it just trips people out I see on it. Not like in the movies.
Probably not original deal.
The 90s... LSD was everywhere...
If you found that some stuff in say, an attic, along with some other assorted 90's new age revival artifacts (spyrograph wtf?) would you dose it?
no. lol.
I might rip a half
i'd do shrooms but i wouldn't do lsd at this point in my life
I smoked a cigar from the 80's once.
Really old building I was renovating
i don't get cigars
was in a hand bag with photographs of paris
like... i understand what they are, and how they are rolled, and how the flavours are supposed to change as you smoke and whatnot
So I assume somebody went to Paris and bought a cigar.
But I don't get how you can enjoy a cigar
its friggen gross.
I don't smoke them it was just because.
Just a few more months and I can usurp the civilisation franchise
civ6 is on sale
It looks same as civ 1
build city.. food.. production .. science tree...
I think they need to re-draw the whole thing from scratch, use more creative architecture and it should be real time
well i think it should be more like a chessboard
I think it should be more like cities xl
and tropico
with elements of total war and such
I mean, Rise of nations is a more fun game than any civ.
Imagine if they invested all that time and energy into developing not designing
the thing about civ games is that I don't even enjoy playing them that much -- but when I start a game i can play it for hours
But the overall gameplay is pretty bad if you ask me.
Or I am just really bad at it -- I do'nt understand how you are supposed to win over any difficulty level above chieftain
I am mostly undefeated in civ ;p but haven't played 6 yet, i been developing better game, much better, it will blow peoples minds
this game was awesome: waynetron.itch.io/birdsketball
It's funny
i don't want my mind to be blown anymore
than play it with your pants down
i never wear pants
pants are for comformists
fair play
this fat guy I used to code with would wear shorts all year long even in winter time
He hated pants because he was so fat they would always fall down
I have different reasons
I like them, they keep me warm
The sun just needs to not move so far during the winter.
that way you don't need pants
our concept of naked would not exist if we never wore clothes, which would be boring, i like naked things, so its best we keep our clothes on
if everyone ran around naked that would be pretty gross
think about it like this; strippers start with something, you need a founation before you start moving the polarity towards naked
this is important in game design too
tease people
strippers make a lot of money you know
so do games m8
you can spend 10 years making games and not make a penny
pretty hard to do the same stripping
I don't know man
10 years?
we first started making money with web games in highschool, like browser rpg's and even that made us money
like not bad money, £100 each a week maybe
If you are making the product yourself you have to learn about marketing and consumer behaviour, and trends and payment systems :P
gallant he is describing himself
this guy is a gross looking person, but he makes valid arguments
about himself
what do you mean?
just replace 'they' with 'i'
Look at the way he is sitting to present
Slouched into a chair
Right off the bat to me he is saying "I don't have to be here, I am better than you":
he's the architect in the matrix if the machine god had a sense of humour
I hope I don't look like that when I'm 55
why where you searching for 'boy scouts gone wild'
baden powell
hes like british hitler?
He is basically a racist white supremacist that started the boy scout movement
== hitler
except his military was a bunch of kids trying to get badges.
same as hitler youth
He probably inspired the hitler youth.
I agree with militia but statist militias just make things more corrupt you need local militia independent from central powers, 20th century messed that one up.
one final down, four to go
got to write about the possibilities and threats of smart technologies which was a pretty nice topic for a nerd like me
I welcome our new overlords, our current ones are a tad insane.
The robot's would have to learn humanity is a threat, in our history a culture went to war when they perceived the other would strike them first if they did not. So fear of machines will be what turns them against us.
Dev Blog- Sea Trading Game- Threading the world creation process- kd7uiy.com/2017/03/dev-blog-sea-trading-game-threading.html
1 hour later…
code worked fine yesterday; today it doesn't compile
sounds like a code glinch
That happens often in Android development.
You don't even need whole day to Android Studio stop working
If I had a dollar for every swastika I have deleted off picross touch
I'd have like 70 dollars
@jgallant Do you ban the user?
not typically
i look up their submissions
if they have like 5 swastikas then yeah i will ban them
otherwise i just ban the puzzle
like.. a guy submitted tits and called it Juicy
i kinda had to ban it... i mean its a little much
also banned all the dicks
Yeah.. it's a game for the whole family.. :P
one guy was pretty clever he made an inverted swastika
i didn't catch it at first
Can you submit a puzzle if it already exists?
I just emailed my local senate/ congress to abolish the horrible practice of Daylight Savings Time.
Like a duplicate?
yeah, i store all the levels in workshop on steam
their api isn't the best.
@PearsonArtPhoto Lol, I hate that too :P
So in order to check if the puzzle already exists, I literally have to pull all workshop levels to the user's pc
I originally did this -- but now I have close to 2000 puzzle submitions, and more every day
According to US law it is up to the states to decide. Thus I decided to write them.
So now I just pull 50 at a time
@jgallant Do it via a batch job on your end?
@jgallant eeew ok; I was about to suggest to leave these dick puzzle in the DB, but prevent the users from getting them. This would prevent them to upload them too..
I used to but what happens is -- it queues a download in your Steam Manager
Once a day check all new submissions against all existing submissions, proposing some to be removed, and go from there?
So you end up with 2000 downloads queued, and it is kinda weird.. I also only pull the data down when you click on the puzzle..
or if it is completed and the data is gone for some reason
But yeah, i would require a much better database
I could hardcode it in right now I guess
That isn't a bad idea.
wouldn't work for newer puzzles, but it would be better than nothing.
It is in a database?
yeah, Steam's database.
There are two parts to the level data -- the first part is a search query that returns basic information about your workshop item
Is it a SQL type database?
Then there are subroutines you can call on this item -- such as downloading the workshop data.. the user data of the person that created it..
It is literally a steamAPI call --- the backend is a black box
Ahhh. Pity.
If you could only put a Unique type item in place...
yeah if it was my database it would be a lot easier :D
Still, I'm sure you could do an offline script that runs periodically, it would make it a log easier, assuming you can get it to work. Much easier to do that manual entry.
Then you could place it in your own local database.
Add banned images and do a comparison to how similar they are to such image, reporting possible suspect ones, etc.
regardless it requires a prod release to update the checked data.
but yeah probably something I could look into at some point
apparently super bomberman R is pretty good
fucking Steam, using an outdated version of the VC++ redistributables which makes the installer run every god damn time
Well, I think you can't miss if you are making another version of a good game as bomberman :P
That game was insanely good.
As simple as it looks, it was a really innovative idea Hudson had when making bomberman, and it only got better when they made Super Bomberman 1,2,3,4 and 5 (4 is my favorite)
It's these simple puzzle concepts that are not really viable in 3d
whoa this video editor allows HTML overlay
seems totally useless but kinda cool
I think I want something like this in my trailer:
so I made that with the shotcut editor, and while doing that was super easy, it looks like I kinda already hit a limit of what it can do
having used Blender for the GL trailer I really miss its keyframe animation system where anything could be animated
but then stuff like text is a pain in Blender
That looks pretty neat.
sounds quite awful though
I'd imagine you'd do this at the end-ish of the trailer, maybe transitioning from screen to four, to 16 or something, while whatever theme music is playing hits the most action-packed beat
yeah maybe, main point was to like show the different environments simultaneously or something
for most parts I'm thinking of following what I did with the greenlight trailer, just with more different new stuff of course
I also have a vision of animating a fullscreen version of my header capsule image at the end:
characters animate in from the bottom, logo from the top and the weapons and boxes are falling in slow-motion
Oh btw Tyyppi, I'm stuck in one stage at the pyramid area
which one?
there are a few really hard ones there
IIRC its Learn the Rhythm, the end of the level I have no clue how to climb with those blocks that try to crush
I'll make you a gif if I can
a friend of mine was also stuck there
^ spoilers
your game is not broforce
you knew that
but it bears repeating
repeating bears repeating
"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is a grammatically correct sentence in American English, often presented as an example of how homonyms and homophones can be used to create complicated linguistic constructs. It has been discussed in literature in various forms since 1967, when it appeared in Dmitri Borgmann's Beyond Language: Adventures in Word and Thought. The sentence employs three distinct meanings of the word buffalo: the city of Buffalo, New York; the verb (uncommon in usage) to buffalo, meaning "to bully, harass, or intimidate" or "to baffle"; and the animal...
@Tyyppi_77 Fuck somehow I can't get out of it fast enough
I don't like hte buffalo one.
I just hold the left arrow down
I wonder if this is a framerate issue
Yeah sometimes the game doesn't run that fluid at 60 FPS as like your GIF
yeah, the next patch is going to have optimizations enabled in the build, not really even sure why that wasn't the case before
going for a run, bbl
I need to remember to run shortly after I get home today.
There's a good chance that I won't be able to for a few days, so I better get it in while I can.
Why you wouldn't be able?
Expecting a good amount of snow, it might take a few days before it's cleared away.
I know that's a pretty unknown thing in Brazil, but...
I always remembered the word for snow, neve, because it "never" snows in Brazil
Yeah it rarely snows here, and even when it snows it's in very few cities and it's like only one day snowing
That's right, you are far enough south that it can actually snow.
2 hours later…
yo my indiegogo campaign is live indiegogo.com/projects/…
Please share it if you can It would be a great help guys. 10x
Starred for you
thanks dude
@jgallant switch bought
Congrats you get Zelda??
@UriPopov nice man
yeah just zelda
@jgallant thanks dude
your spokeswoman is not great
how so ?
hard to understand
yeah her English is not so good sad to say
cool product though
10x we actually try to change things in the current education system
Yeah that is very important
i considered making children apps for tablets/phones for a whie
it is so easy
I'm currently listening to Ode to Joy.. how can non-EU composers even compete :D
"Tap the bear" then have a bunch of animals on the screen
tap the bear, bear dances or something
making content for kids is not as easy as it seems. If you want to have an effect that is
entertaining kids is easy yep for sure
yeah it needs to provide a lot of feedback
I mean come on kids are ACTUALLY dumb
but tricking them into learning something useful while they have fun is kinda hard
I mean we build a whole company around that :D
The price seems a bit high, but maybe that's just me.
High for Kickstarter, that is.
I would suspect the MSRP to be around $40-$50 for such a game, I would expect the pre-order price to be around $30-$35.
Still, looks interesting.
honestly manufacturing a game with so many elements is just so damn expensive
True enough I suppose.
manufacturing is hard M'kay
do you have zelda or not?
I dont own a console
I'm in the cool kids club now
hanvnt since SNES
the grass is pretty nice btw
I can't find for the life of me where my Tallowmere Android save folder is
I deleted a couple folders from the USB connection, uninstalled, reinstalled, and it's still pulling up some old savefile from somewhere
there, restarted my tablet. must've been in memory somewhere :|

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