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I never did a selfie
I keep hitting B to quit the camera mode
for some reason it's X
I wish you could kill shop owners
Aw come on, Link totally looks like a Voe
does new zelda have procedural generated stuff?
Nintendo will never do proc gen.
uh ... Pikmin?
Uh yeah.
Not proc Gen.
they have procedurally generated floors in the caves
Not zelda, Pikmin does
Any of you guys any good at working out the correct way to structure data in C#
i've kind of got myself stuck at the moment
What sort of data?
Well i have a 2d grid. And i use a Blueprint class which contains List<Tile> for all tiles in that blue print
now i am trying to work out how to set up my walls for the logic
it doesn't fit any where in the structure since one wall connects either between 2 tiles of different blueprints or 1 tile and null (edges of the map)
so im struggling to work out the logic to check each tile efficiently to then update the walls accordingly
any advice on how to go about the logic of it ?
Could each Tile have northWall, eastWall, southWall, and westWall variables?
it could but having it part of a tile kinda confuses me since a wall connects two tiles so it belongs to both at the same time
also it connects to null:tile aswell
a Wall could have northTile, eastTile, southTile, westTile vars
have two 2D arrays of walls, vertical walls, horizontal walls.
or create your map with an invisible border of tiles
so no null tiles
that could work
9 hours later…
@jgallant someone apparently counted from 3 to 9 4 different times in the 5x5 levels
Needs a clean up
How do you store the levels?
Anyone know most computer friendly way of converting a vector into a distance from its origin to where its pointing? like 2d, origin 0, vector (5,6) etc?
@Chris √(x² + y²)
That's the only way as far as I know
Thanks, makes sense. :)
8 hours later…
the fastest way to do anything is to not need to do it
Sundays are quiet...
Monday morning \o/
i'm suprized how well my game engine is coming together
@jgallant I'm officially a wizard
148 out of 122 is pretty good
I know about that bug lol. It's only in your version
@ChrisMcFarland What's around Lady Tallowmere's neck? is that part of the dress or a scarf or more like :
Kind of like the latter I think
but cloth for sure
there ya go
bit more like that but not cheap?
just a mini cloth shawl I guess? Not really a scarf
I'm not a clothing connoisseur admittedly
Q: Do we need a [blender] tag?

BálintIt's obsolete and it makes people think modelling related questions should go here. There's already a separate Blender SE for that. In my opinion this tag should be separated into blender-engine and blender-file-format.

got it! it's called a "Detachable Lapel"
it's funny to be able to put pixels and be "meh, it's something on her neck"
Such a time saver :D
lol nice. thanks
What do you reckon's more fun/rewarding - Killing a boss and knowing you'll get some awesome loot, or finding awesome loot in a random chest leading up to the boss?
Guaranteed carrot like Destiny or WoW (or even Diablo), or that small chance carrot from some trash? (or both can be valid I guess)
I'm typing up a rough design doc for a blog post, and it's on my mind
@Chris Well, Legend of Zelda was always amazing.
Zelda's loot is very fine-tuned though
my game is more about just random stats
I dunno. I like games to surprise me at some point.

Like if the boss is part of the storyline, it's totally legit to give a piece of coal :D
If it's a side quest it better be worth it...
@Chris Diablo was also fun
I like sometimes when the boss make a surprise entry. Have a mini boss of moderate difficulty, walk to the chest thinking "that wasn't too bad..." BOOM ass kicking boss bursts in.
I think it's best to give the player small amounts of treasures randomly but give a big stash after a boss kill. It keeps the player entertained and gives him a huge push toward the next boss/level/dungeon
yeah like, Zelda is in a league of its own. Each item is basically a mechanical key to unlock a door in the dungeon (bow&arrow, boomerang, leaf, bomb, etc)
defeating a boss just gives you an overarching quest item and a +1 heart
Acquiring trash in a more "action rpg" game can get old, but it is fun when you happen to get that small chance of a rare drop out of nowhere
but I think it does feel nice when a boss drops something good you wanna equip right away
otherwise it feels like a letdown
bosses with loot tables is fun too, small % chance to drop this, that, or the other item
and if you really really want that certain item, you'll spend 30 mins rushing to the boss to try and get it to drop the item
Every single Bethesda game. All the useless drops. Ugh.
Then the base building they added to fallout 4 to make up for it.... Ugh...
but, how else am I going to have a collection of 1000s of pillows?
haha. i never even built a base in that, couldn't be bothered
Bethesda games are getting old.... Really old...
I dunno if trash drops are fun
It's the whole "diamond in the rough" scenario
but ehhhhhhhh
@jgallant Don't forget the embalming tools.
At one point I said "f*ck it" and started collecting it.
After a couple dungeons I had a layer of them om the ground in my house
I couldn't move around without getting damage
Hehe it was fun to drop a bunch of random crap on the ground
I think every Draugr I encountered had at least 2 of those, just in case
haha yeah
In fallout 3 I found this room with thousands of toy rockets
Boxes full of them lol
This is worth a watch
There's a part where he says "Someone found a way to [sell the merchants items to the merchant] in Oblivion, then someone else did it in Morrowind, then Fallout 3 and later I did it in Skyrim. So if something, Bethesda is consistent"
I imagine the engine's boilerplate code is all the same, yeah?
Each game is just new models, environments, NPCs, weapon types?
lol that must be why I had the exact same response to every single one
"Oh this looks nice:.." few minutes later I'm doing something else lol
I never beat any of those games or even played past the first few minutes on my own save file
Bethesda used the same engine for Morrowind as for Skyrim, but they "patched it up". Not sure how well that worked when going from DX 9 to 11
alright I've whipped up a new blog post: tallowmere2.com/blogpost/and-back-to-tallowmere-2-2017-03-13
people kept asking if I was working on it so I thought I'd write something lol
@Chris a "Yes I am" would do the trick
@Bálint yeah but that'd be a boring post lol
I like to ramble
Boring, but target-oriented. This basically describes my clothes.
I'm looking for some advice from someone who is good at data structure based on a design that i have no idea how to setup to begin with
i currently have a map environment which is all grid based - works perfectly. the problem is, every thing is square/rectangular in shape
and in all honesty i feel like curved areas would make it look much nicer but going from a system with grids to a system involving curves i have no idea where to begin
do you just want a few fixed curves to put into corners? Or to free form draw curved shapes into the map?
so the game system currently is a bunch of rooms inside a building and currently all rooms box shaped. i am not sure if i want the curves quantized so with fixed discrete sizes or totally free hand. i think discrete sizes would make life easier to control the overall visual end result though
since i currently use a grid i imagine curves don't really apply to a grid data setup like tiles[x,y]
if it's based on tiles you could have a mask for each tile
If you have rooms, then have a room object, which stores it's position and a pointer/reference to the neighbouring rooms.
yeah i have a list of rooms and in each room is a list of tiles
This way you get a graph
...An empty mask would be the walkable tile, and a full mask would be the wall tile
hmm ive never heard of a mask in this context before, do you have any articles on it so i can read about it
it's sorta ad-hoc, just applying the mask concept that's usually used in tile graphics, to collision detection instead
Do you want the rooms to toucj each other?
Would there be any gaps?
there are gaps this just has a black void between them
they can also be touching too
think of like the sims
You can try thinking from the other direction, instead of having rooms, you have walls.

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