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01:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

It's only been since Wind Waker that you had to have the most powerful sword to beat the game.
My copy of Zelda is on it's way, I should check to figure out what carrier sent it so I know when it will arrive, but I'm pretty sure it's UPS, which shows up here around 4:00.
Which is good, I won't be tempted to leave work early.
Yep, UPS, so it should be there about the time I get home. I think I'll be home a bit early tomorrow anyways, which might give me a bit of game development time.
I'm almost ready to try some usability testing with my new tutorial. It's still lacking a bit, but I think it's at least a step in the right direction...
I'm refactoring. Moving some generic code from a project into the engine itself. So dull
almost generic code...
got to remove a few project-specific dependencies
oh wow, it built already
4 hours later…
Anyone familiar with Cmake?
could this actually be true ? youtube.com/watch?v=kOUPbSakz9M
@DenisKa Yes
@Hjorthenify Cool, So I am using SFML and I included library using Cmake(I have that choice only) and I made a class which I declared in Movement.h and defined it in Movement.cpp but when I hit build of my IDE it prints this error but when I implement class in same file like main.cpp no error is reported?
/home/deniska/workspace/cpp/pong/main.cpp:44: undefined reference to `Movement::keyPressing(sf::RectangleShape&)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
CMakeFiles/MySFML.dir/build.make:99: recipe for target 'MySFML' failed
make[3]: *** [MySFML] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:67: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/MySFML.dir/all' failed
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/MySFML.dir/all] Error 2
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:79: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/MySFML.dir/rule' failed
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/MySFML.dir/rule] Error 2
this error ^
Are you binding the library after including it=
target_link_libraries( DetectCircle ${OpenCV_LIBS} )
here is my CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.6)


set(SOURCE_FILES main.cpp Movement.h Movement.cpp)
add_executable(pong ${SOURCE_FILES})

# Define sources and executable
add_executable(${EXECUTABLE_NAME} main.cpp)

# Detect and add SFML
find_package(SFML 2 REQUIRED system window graphics network audio)
^found pretty much on internet, I don't really understand cmake but school demands!
Do include_directories(${ CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR }) somewhere before add_executable
done but didn't solve problem
@Lasse Apparently that new Ryzen chip is fast, but it only works on good code.
hi can i ask flash game questions here?
I dont know.. Can you ?
::*although I don't know anything about gamedev*:: but some other geek will answer
@MickLH Yeah? The problem is I guess that games are optimized for HT, not SMT.
@user273084 Yes. You can ask about anything, if there is someone able to answer they probably will
General rule is don't ask to ask, just ask
Flash... now that's a name I haven't heard in a long, long time
wow guys breath of the wild UI is horrible
that stamina meter
1 hour later…
    class F{
       void foo(B &x);
how do I call std::thread for foo member-function?
or launch a thread. not call*
@Tyyppi_77 Found some new cool bugs for ya
all right
@DenisKa use std::bind
@Tyyppi_77 and how will I do that, sorry just for time saving?
std::bind(&F::foo, yourInstanceOfF, parameter);
I pity da foo
who does the bar
@Tyyppi_77 Thanks :D
I was really really close to LMGTFYing you there
oh actually, looks like std::thread has a constructor for this
A: Start thread with member function

inf#include <thread> #include <iostream> class bar { public: void foo() { std::cout << "hello from member function" << std::endl; } }; int main() { std::thread t(&bar::foo, bar()); t.join(); } EDIT: Accounting your edit, you have to do it like this: std::thread spawn() { retur...

Again, something that was extremely easily found by googling
The first bug is that when the icicles fall in a tank, the tank tries to be placed above the icicle, causing a funny chain reaction to launch the tank in to the sky lol
I think I might have already fixed that on my builds
@Tyyppi_77 Nah I read that answer it is a bit confusing and does not tell what to do when you have reference arguments
The other bug is that when you slip off from those sledgehammers, you dont stop at the side of it, you get teleported like 200 pixels back lol
@DenisKa Oh all right yeah sorry I missed that you had a parameter
So you mean when you jump to the very edge of a sledgehammer and the player slips off?
All right, that I have not seen but it's very possible since the sledge hammer implementation is quite hacky and awful
Mainly because of my crushing thingy
Those were the bugs I have found, and now I have some suggestions
Would be too hard to make you get back to the area selection whenever you kill the boss for the first time? You know, QoL change so that the player gets the idea he actually finished that area
that wouldn't be too hard
currently what I implemented from Pearson's suggestion is that it doesn't take you back to the area selection screen, but once you go there yourself, it moves the truck to the next area for you
So what you said might nicely complement that
Super Meat Boy does exactly that
Which was a big inspiration for the world map system
Yeah, like I said, QoL change
Yeah, absolutely
And the other one will probably need a dirty hack to do, but I noticed that when you are trying to leave an elevator ASAP with the hostage on your back, and you are on an elevator going down, he/she gets crushed by the wall
Oh yeah that sounds annoying
I'll just disable crushing for hostages or something
And the last suggestion would be to make the tank AI a bit smarter, because he killed himself in the introduction level lol
The wall next to him make his missile explode and kill the tank guy
Would also be good to make him to have more health, killing the guy is too easy, doesn't provide a real challenge
Oh yeah definitely true
Oh and I almost forgot, the second boss has any other mechanic other than launching straight-moving missiles? With a SMG it died too fast and the kill was too safe
the second boss is pretty easy
I may or may not try to make it better
Games aren't perfect and I just gotta let it go at some point
I won a 20€ gift card to a store that sells PC-stuff from an IT competition I took part in school last fall
Thinking about investing it into a Steam Controller
For sure, but since you are in beta I'm expressing my opinion :D
yeah and I really appreciate it
Was thinking and... maybe you should add one of those seeking missiles to the boss? Like, it's launched at 45º so it requires the player to jump to destroy it, while taking the risk to get killed by the straight-moving missiles
Just brainstorm, not sure if it would work lol
yeah definitely not a terrible idea
I'll see if I can come up with something cool and fast to implement
But so far, I must admit, you have made a good game and, by seeing your progress trough here and your blog, a really good work
I think it's pretty solid, I'm wondering a little if anyone is going to find it in the flooded Steam
Well, that's where marketing and advertisement comes :D
@Tyyppi_77 Is your game available for buying?
but I'm getting there, I'm currently estimating a launch in early April
cool! Good luck :)
thank you!
hey chris, how's it going?
Good, further progress for creating a network game tonight
did you guys saw the video I posted I think I'm starting to get a decent looking light scene
Looks okay, keep going :)
2 hours later…
I want to send OTP for registration
specially in United States
@DH. I can't reproduce the sledge hammer bug. Maybe I misunderstood what you meant? There doesn't seem to be any ledge slipping for me.
user image
Well, all I did was jumping to the very left edge and get teleported back 200 pixels
oh got it
this is weird
Always fun when you can successfully argue your bug is in fact a bug:-)
fixing this will be a pain so I think I'll just try throwing random conditions to random places and see which one does it
all this platform logic is such a mess
I would clean it but that would just break it all again
Cleaning it will cause bugs where you worked around it previously?
Yeah, it's this huge pile of frame counters and odd conditions based on the player's and the targets velocity
then on top of that is added the crushing mechanic
and its framecounters
and those framecounters are reset at correct conditions to prevent jumping and crushing and I want to kill myself just talking about this
I want to send OTP for registration purpose
specially in unites states area
for this purpose I want to use any 3rd party service
at present I found this one
still any better one exist compare to this?
2 hours later…
I've been doing this jump for hours now
Glitch happens very rarely, it's amazing that I got it on a gif
The fun of making a game
lol yeah
what a way to spend a friday evening
Combination of the character going down and the hammer going up?
Bought a switch on impulse
Was a huge lineup for them lol
Not sure how I managed to get one but cool balls
How much is it costing right now?
also, don't leave us wondering: did your son go to school today?
400 bucks
He's playing Zelda right now lol
googles time in canada
all right, coolio
@DH. 2.000 dollars at walmart
Sounds like a good deal
all right, the issue is that the player is resolving a collision vertically against the top bounding box while having velocity upwards, which resolves the player inside the larger bottom bounding box
I haven't looked, I wonder how much I could sell my copy of Zelda for...
Actually, it can be downloaded, so I doubt much more than I paid for it.
I can download a NES emulator yet still a working NES console is worth a lot
Nostalgia has its price
I'm assuming he's talking about the new zelda, which I should hope doesn't have any nostalgia surrounding it yet =p
But if its the new zelda, why would he sell it already?
@Lasse or more specifically, that only the most utterly basic optimizations are done by hand and all the nitty gritty is done by Intel's compiler that is known to output fast paths only for Intel chips and a "fallback" (slow lane) for everyone else
Heh there are plenty of copies
There are more Zelda games than there are switches
Now that I thought of it, other than the new Zelda, what other games Switch has now?
@DH. 3D print a NES box and put a raspberry pi in it
3D print the game cartridges and put a USB drive / SD card inside it
you could even go full ridiculous and get the original ZIF socket and make a ROM-dumper, to play original carts on the emulator :P
Nostalgia isn't expensive. Being naive is.
Nostalgia is just basic psychology and if it looks and feels the same, it is the same unless you mentally force yourself to feel otherwise
No other games worth playing now.
Literally a co sole just for Zelda right nkw.
Zelda up to now is pretty awesome
It is kinda hard
I just want to say...
I told you there are glitchy corner cases with finding the floor at the edge of ledges...
I told you so hard... so long ago...
Thank you @DH.
I hope everyone else can take this as a lesson... When I say your game has a glitch, don't get ego-butthurt and try to deny it, because I'm probably right.
Ray's aren't involved here, so you are wrong. That's a whole different thing we talked about back then. Don't get butthurt and try to argue me here since this is a whole different issue.
@MickLH I understand this is just meant to be blunt, and isn't rude IMHO, but opinions differ.
I would appreciate it if you tone down a little bit, just for the sake of hell not breaking loose
Rays for ledge slipping have been working just fine.
tee hee
A robust collision system is a robust collision system
Your failed idea about rays or whatever else can only be a strawman argument. My suggestion was to entire replace that logic with something rigorous.
By definition, something rigorous would not have these issues, because you would have mathematically ruled them out.
Either way, good luck
Oh one other point, you can't make absolute claims about the source of an error when you haven't actually even identified the error yet. So there's 100% hard proof that what you said can't have merit.
I solved an issue already. One still remains but I also figured out what happened there so it's just a quick fix tomorrow.
Here is a kitten!
You just tried to hide the fact that you were wrong behind that wall of text. Wrong. Period. Scary word for you, eh?
I wonder if the kitten, or the anecdotes are more irrelevant :P
The kitten is there to lighten the mood :)
learn how to NOT abuse the flags
flags are for rude/abusive/against-the-rules stuff
Can't you see who does that now?
@ThomasWard I think someone felt it was "rude"..
Whoever the flag abuser is should be caught by now, I thought mods had access to seeing who flagged. This person has been flag abusing for a long time.
I think this room literally has the most flags on the network because of it
Weird how you've been banned for months because of flag abuse...
@MickLH You have data to back this?
Surely invalid flags wouldn't cause that...
@AlexandreVaillancourt Some mod said it one day during one of the usual flag abuse sessions
That time when it was really extreme and they were doing it all day and there were like 5 diamond users
And soon after the feature of seeing who flagged was implemented
So... why is it not being used now?
They slipped and forgot that they aren't anonymous anymore
i think my point is being missed
I believe you are missing the point, sir. The flagger knows well that they are abusing the system.
Mick is good at that @ThomasWard.
And we all otherwise know not to abuse the system
we got some flag shit goin on again?
@MickLH Once the flags are out of the queue I can't check.
@Almo also I think this guy @ThomasWard doesn't realize that flag abuse is a long standing problem here, either
well, let's try to NOT incite flags, mmkay?
Ok, guys, that's enough.
Ok let me try my comment from the top since I'm too raw
I like that the names are "vince" and "bob"
@Tyyppi_77 If you invest the time to define your collision behavior robustly (which is possible especially in 2D!), then you won't have the glitches and annoyances that come with the "randomly adding rules and variables" method you described
You can use "Vince" as a short for "Vincent", right?
It'll actually save time in total.
@AlexandreVaillancourt yup
But that's not what you said in your original message, which obviously referenced that ray-conversation.
That's something that doesn't translate in French; Vincent works in French, but you can't use just the 'Vince' part..
@Tyyppi_77 I'm referencing it not to imply that specific situation was the problem, but that the design theme of "try it, does it work?" is.
Theory: You can use addition to multiply.
Proof: 2*2=4, replace * with +, 2+2=4, it works.
I don't see anything inherently wrong with my collision/physics system, it's the game features using the physics system that are cluttering it up. I'm not perfect like you, and neither is my codebase, but at this point I won't start breaking my collision system.
If correcting one piece of logic breaks others... that's something inherently wrong with the system.
I mean I don't know what to suggest, I understand that you set up expectations for your steam date already
The platforming system adds some clutter (not the cause of this issue) and so does the crushing system (not an easy task for me to implement, also not the cause of this issue). I was a big noob when I implemented the collision resolving system and I've had to do some major refactoringa since to fix some shortcomings.
Coupling is a major issue, which is again something that I overlooked earlier in development.
@Tyyppi_77 I get this feeling that you'll take almost anything I say as an attack right now
I'm feeling pretty calm right now. I get the feeling of being attacked since I believe you've done that for a long time. Just above there you were using me as a bad example and as something others should avoid. Hard to take that very positively.
I want to be clear, I'm not implying that you got "fully ego-butthurt" which is why I didn't tag you. It's actually a mix of several experiences in my life fueling those feelings.
I'm not trying to tear you down, I think it's great that you're working on something awesome and I hope you see that regardless of tension between us I'm eager to help out if possible
I'm just a mean person too
And before you assume "I just can't help it!" or tell me to "help it"... know I am "helping it"... a lot... and this is where I land.
Yeah I understand that the main motivation for you is to try to push me forwards. I think I haven't just learned yet that the way you do it is different from the other guys here.
So the first thought I get isn't "Mick is trying to help me" but more like "Ugh Mick is bashing me again"
I totally understand and I can admit I've thrown a bash in here and there when I get really frustrated
And I've said some stuff that I shouldn't have in response to those or your initial conversation starters.
Hey! Thanks for calming down, both of you! As a reward, here is a couple of puppies!
But what if I hate puppies?
Then you will be puppied to death
then it's heresy. nobody hates cute puppy pictures.
You'll have to write enough text here to make it go away :P
i hate cats, but I adore cute kitten pictures, and puppy pictures too.
quick @DH. write the next class I have to write, to make it scroll away!
make sure it's complete, so it goes all the way off the page!
I feel a little like an idiot since I feel that we've had a conversation like this Mick previosly too. Maybe I just forget and then jump to conclusions on the next feedback you give me.
I think you accurately sensed my frustration, but mistakenly assumed I meant it purely to you
In fact I'm not really frustrated with you, but some of our past interactions remind me of frustrations I do have
Either way don't feel like an idiot, that makes me a douche
All right. It might be fair to ask you this, given all the help you've actually given me that I've actually accepted: want a GunHero beta key tomorrow when I get on a computer?
yeah buddy!
Add me on Discord, Tyyppi_77#2378? I hope it doesn't disappoint. You on Windows? Or are you one of those godlike Linux users?
There's no Linux build yet.
I usually use Linux and usually SDL apps work great in wine, but I have a windows box also
Oh all right. Is Wine like a Windows emulator or..? There's a little WinAPI in there but not a whole lot.
Yeah it's really cool, a re-write of WinAPI + a loader that pulls the code from the EXE into the ram
Also, there's no shame in using the windows build through wine as your "linux build" these days :P I've encountered several games, even heavy games, doing that
What I never understood is why some games work like a charm on wine while others are total crap
Does that require me to put it into some Wine-container or something? Have those games been on Steam as packages as such?
alright, I've got Discord's most elite samurai delivering a request
@Tyyppi_77 Yeah usually people bundle it with wine, just in case the user doesn't already have wine installed
You can strip it down to only the WinAPI dlls you need in that case, also
Oh all right, thanks a lot for letting me know of this. All though since I think WinAPI is only used for windowed fullscreen a real Linux build might also be plausible.
probably, and it would be appreciated, just thought you should know several games have done it the cheap way and there appears to be very little drawback either way :P
oh! the wine thing also gives you a "mac version" for free* lol
(*not actually free, may cost significant time)
Man the new Zelda sucks
@jgallant wut seriously?
I'll turn my focus to an episode of Bones now, bbl
It's not linear you can just go wherever you want
Way too many things to do
Well, its the main point they have been showing: it's an open world full of stuff
The stamina meter is actually annoying
Sarcasm guys geeze
I knew it
The stamina meter requires way too much care
Aside from that the game is solid as fuck
So, it's like playing Dark Souls?
Not quite
Dark souls sucks compared to this
I knew you were joking because it would be a legitimate crisis of gaming if you were serious
I didn't like Wind Waker
I doubt I would like any Zelda game.
I hate Dark Souls, it's just that a stamina system that requires careful handling then it's the first game that comes to my mind
but I'm a weirdo and I know it. :)
I mean FPS games going to shit is one thing, but that's just to make room for my game when it's ready. Other games shouldn't be significantly effected
Windwaker is a fucken wait in a boat simulator
it's not the boat thing that made me hate it though
When you get to land it is fun
I certainly didn't like that aspect
but I didn't like other game design mistakes they made
Triforce charts were fucken bad
it was a beautiful game though. great graphic presentation
I mean like the game is slightly repetitive
You attack bobokin camps. Cook food. Heal. Find gear.
Solve shrines.
But it's fun
Also. Needs more music.
Clouds are cool
I remember everyone loving Zelda when I was a kid, and I thought it was pretty cool but I was simply born too hardcore of a PC master racer to really enjoy it in full (or pokemon for that matter, or any of the most popular things, they all just achieved "pretty cool" for me)
Hm, have you guys seen that? Xbox Live Creators Program
Eventually though, Grand Theft Auto came out and I realized gaming is the mother fucking shit. Then Counter-Strike, Golden Eye, Perfect Dark, Halo, ...
The world was amazing for some years back then
The true king of gaming, FPS, was rightfully in reign over the kingdom.
Everything else is glorified pong. FPS is real life.
Another thing is the lack of secrets.
No hidden caves or anything yet
But what if there are secrets, but you didn't find it yet? :P
there has to be secrets
I don't know haven't found any trace of any secret whatsoever
No peices of heart
they probably have just been watching too much battlefield dog tag videos, and made the secrets like 100 steps that require years of in-depth knowledge from unrelated areas of expertise
Heart containers are collected from shrines
Gonna bomb a cracked wall now
Nothing behind it. Just an item.
There are absolutely no secret caves it is quite disappointing
Jon. Do you love me for who I am or do you love your expectations of me??? :'(
Nostalgia takes time to kick in, and continues kicking in more and more slowly
New Zelda will need some playtime in to it before it has a chance to compare
@DH. Fucking doesn't support multiplayer -_-
and please, nobody say "Well the devs don't pay for servers with that!" because the users paid Microsoft for the Xbox Live subscription. The server time for one player to be on one game at a time seems like a very modest request, given that the player pays monthly / yearly for subscription.
Xbox live doesn't pay for game servers.
unless you can show me that game companies get payments from MS out of that money to host their servers.
I highly doubt that MS pays for anything
I'm saying they should since they collect money from the users
On subscription
Storing a few MB of user profile data isn't really worth whatever $10 a month
Imagine if Steam all the sudden required you use their hardware and OS, and started charging monthly...
I was pretty annoyed when PSN started charging for network games
I'm doing my best not to rant lol
PS3 you could play network games, just not store save in the cloud or auto-download patches
Now you have to pay monthly... because all that user spying data costs real bandwidth and storage lol
frickin servers
gonna cost me a small arm to deploy a few when I wanna get going :)
@ChrisMcFarland I've got a solution to this problem for games
p2p lol
Ideally I'll let people host their own things, offset my costs
I haven't given p2p much thought
I've been working out the logic to keep cheaters out, and it's looking promising. Some good results already
Most game rules can be protected from cheaters, even in a p2p setting
I guess with p2p, everyone's a host and everyone's a client?
I'm going towards a host model so that people don't have to muck around with router ports and stuff
It's definitely flexible like that, the only gotcha is that you'll need a punchthrough server
IIRC Unity provides a punchthrough server for you though
@ChrisMcFarland When you use NAT punchthrough, you don't need to update any router settings to host
Unity's networking sucks
I'm using LiteNetLib: https://github.com/RevenantX/LiteNetLib
right. LiteNetLib has some sort of NAT hole punching but I haven't looked into it
It's simpler than it seems... when you send a message outbound, then your router automatically opens a port but only for that partner
So you have both players send an outbound message to each other, and now they both have a port open for each other
Now you just connect as usual
The punchthrough server is to let them synchronize on that idea
I've been experimenting with the concept of using the nearest 3rd player as the punchthrough "server"
I guess atm, I'm focusing on having a middleground GameServer that can support multiple games, multiple clients, just passes messages around, that way if a "host" leaves a game, the game still exists and the GameServer just picks a new host as the computer that will do the physics calcs. (I haven't yet decided if I want to go full authoritive, or just let people have fun, and hacks will be hacks, whatever)
haha ah yeah
I think you're probably pretty safe from hacks
and I guess in a p2p setting, everyone connects to everyone else, that way if the host leaves, all the games will magically just pick a new host?
That can work for sure
I'm sure hacking will be a thing, but w/e, it's not like I can do much about it. I haven't fully decided but I'd rather just let people muck around with their savefiles.
But on the other hand, I do wonder if I want a mode where my server and my cloud storage has full control over the loot drops, which would then allow for in-app purchases or DLC stuff too, I am not sure if I wanna do that though yet, need to see
One interesting thing: You can mix authoritative server and p2p together
but for now, connecting to a somewhat dedicated host computer sounds like the simplest networking solution
aye right, the players auth through the auth servers still, get their data, and do the odd call/check to make sure things are still legit
yeah that's what I've been focused on for exactly the reasons you said a moment ago
:) yeah this stuff gets complex
I need to control the random drops, but I can't afford to run everyone's physics for them
yeah, I can't compute that. A client will have to do that
So far though, players connect to a Lobby server where they can chat, browse existing games, or create a new game. And upon creating a new game, player chooses which GameServer they want, they connect to that, GameServer is connected to the LobbyServer which sends details about the new game and updated game info as it changes
so it should feel a bit more homely than just, launch game > fetch server list, pick a server
I'd probably stick with that approach, seems pretty much exactly like what I'd want
then it's a matter of hoping my RAM usage isn't sky high lol
Even if the players run the GameServer themself, you can still control drops from the server really cheaply
Yeah for sure, that's a good point
I dunno if I'd trust myself handling database data
And I love the album cover for that one
The simplest secure way I've thought up is that you send a hash for each drop in the map, all at the beginning
Then when the server agrees they got a drop, it gives them the input to get that hash
sounds good
It works for 2 players but for 3+ players it needs a signature instead of a hash
otherwise it works the same
If you don't like signatures because they are annoyingly complicated then you can still use hashes, you just need more of them with more players
Like instead of a hash for each drop, you have a different hash for each player's version of that drop
Idk which one I'd go with, the hashes is simpler, but the signatures becomes more efficient with >3 players
The hash method won't scale to an MMO, but the signature method will
01:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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