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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@Hjorthenify Now do a remake of that windows screen saver!
@Sie Korea min wage of 5.70 with the same living standard and cost of newyork city.
@AlexandreVaillancourt Just remember, the most presumptive and ignorant users are usually the loudest ones also. The vast majority of user complaints are (at least indirectly) because of user error :P
@MickLH Yeah; the request was from users who 'used the feature in another room', so I figured that people here could like it too, but they did not know yet!
"...Please star responsibly." I am born rebel. The blood of revolution flows within me!!!!!!! Can't stop won't stop!!!!!!! (stars "staarrrrrss" message)
@MickLH did you get my email?
can modders tell who stars which message?
I'm not sure
@Almo yessir, amazing timing lol
I wonder if your email mindvibe is what triggered me to visit the chat :P
@BlueBug Room owners can't, dunno about mods..
And TBH, if a message is starred inappropriately, we generally just remove them...
*inappropriate is defined arbitrarily at the whim of whoever has the power for the moment. terms and conditions may apply.
Absolutely ;)
I generally remove those about singletons, java vs c++, and politics...
I'm not quite sure if I like this place anymore, ever since the room synchronized and everyone posted the same thing (gamedev advice related at that!) and filled the star board with copies of it... and then they all got deleted.
Like whoever deleted those let me ask you: Who do you think you are? Do you really think that you can just come in and deem something "inappropriate" when nearly the entire channel starred it and re-posted it?
Because I'd rather not hang around a place that enables people like that
(btw, writing your designs down on paper is actually a really good idea...)
I will devour your soul
Sadly everywhere I turn... someone is screwing up pretty badly... so even with people like that around, this place is still significantly above average.
So stop caring so much
That's what i do
My ego won't let me fully stop caring
No shit you gotta work at it
The more I care the more I get worked up
I get annoyed about it... How dare people suck at life on MY home planet. I'd like to believe my species is better than that.
No point in getting all worked up about nonsense
I'm inspiring.
Gonna put that on my resume.
I'm still adjusting to it... I have all the time I could ask for to work on my personal projects now.
Would it be dumb to make a game for a OUYA?
Doesn't that thing run Android?
Thing totally runs Android!
Yeah, but they're kind of out of business :P
I mean... It could easily be ported to mobile platforms at least?
That's the theory!
Or to Razer's platform :P
Oh did Razer do something with it??
wow look at that "Forge TV"
They bought it! I guess they did it for the users base and the developers base, though. Did did not do anything with the technology...
I'm out, good night!
@MickLH I suspect it was
@AlexandreVaillancourt good nite
I think Unity is great. I kinda felt about site being flooded with Unity question but I guess it's the new meta
I submit
It's hip and easy enough to get into
I've been dabbling with Unity for 5 years now :|
4 hours later…
Hi friends....
i have question can somebody help me?
I want make game bot for telegram by unity but i don't know how can i use Telegram APi
unity HTML5 can support in mobile without install any plugin (WEBGL)
@UriPopov Use the vertices of the mesh itself, possibly plus random displacements
@smkplus So what do you need help with?
@UriPopov Make sure it's tessellated regularly, so that it distributes pretty evenly... or alternatively use transform feedback with a geometry shader to do a one time conversion into a surface point mesh
(actually you could do that as a prebake if you wanted to be able to fine grained tweak it by hand after it generates all the particle spawnpoints)
1 hour later…
@MickLH what are you on about m8?
Just use the verts as particle spawn points
You might want to pre-process by converting large polygons into several points
but it should be pretty straightforward
oh yeah I figured that one out already
unity does that for me
lmao so that guy's plugin is pretty much totally frivolous
just choose mesh as the shape in the particle system and it uses the verts
well not really cause it is a lot of work to make the effect itself
Since i'm just a coder I can now spawn white ball shapes with a glow from the vert points
not make it look like fire :D
lol! I guess I kinda like making those kind of sprites
but I'm pretty sure I'm going to write my own particle shaders for the new game. It could be fun. Like the soundwave to screen distortion shader I made for GGJ
that's pretty much the art I can do, is those kind of FX input buffers like particle sprites... the stuff that's not actually really so artsy, but is more like math hacking
well.. I guess drawing shooter game floor plans is sortof an art too
it's really easy to make a bad fps map... much more subtle making a good one
I think the particle shader is the right approach, no need to hit a texture unit just for something you can do with a gradient probably
yep. I recently discovered this plugin for unity called ProBuilder Itlooks really cool
dude I was looking at ProBuilder the other day... made me want to try Unity harder lol
it's like for modeling whole levels
yeah it exactly covers my primary use case
tbh Unity can be a really cool and powerful engine if you fork out a extra $200 for 3rd party stuff
Dude that polygon shaped area light shit...
I think it was a team of Unity guys and Uni guys who came up with an awesome math hack
Using linearly transformed cosines to approximate PBR BRDFs, so that you can analytically integrate them
Allowing you to compute arbitrary polygon shaped area lights
star shaped light bro. it's actually way cooler than it seems lol
it means we can start using actually lightbulb shaped lights in game next year maybe
I'm gonna steal that code I think
I mean for bulbs it's no big deal, probably still use point lights for efficiency...
But for fluorescent tubessss
Finally... the lighting environment will look right under industrial light :')
well in the paper they say that using 8 rectangle lights rendersr at 15ms per frame
slow as hell
yeah... but next year! after a bit of optimization bukakke
The core of their idea basically leads to an awesome framework for doing analytic integration effects with PBR materials, without completely destroying any hope of playing in realtime lol
Someone just needs to come up with an efficient way to pack "fuzzy shadow maps" or something along those lines
Like using a lightfield as a shadow map basically
It also handles importance sampling based on the underlying cosines, so it's probably possible to do a Gaussian quadrature with a few importance samples and get the beautiful soft shadows to go with the area light.
man you are really going into the deep end :D
If Unity came out with extremely extremely scalable physics, I'd definitely re-evaluate using their engine.
But my game is mostly physics based, and it's way too much to ask from Bullet or Havok or anything. I have to use lots of hacks and weird custom shit everywhere. Basically imagine a destructible world, except instead of everything breaking into generic chunks, there's artwork for all the pieces inside.
I'm pretty sure that's the part I have to write myself
and idk it just felt weird trying to coax existing engines into doing what I want exactly, even though they do most of what I need, I can't afford generic solutions for some things and so even Unreal doesn't scale past the smallest test levels
actually I came up with a totally different approach to physics on this trip lol
Instead of doing tiny "steps" every frame, I just prebake the entire physics animation in advance
So the first frame does all the physics and then after that the engine just plays back an animation of everything falling into place
Sounds like you've made a pact with the devil
doesnt Farseer do something like that ?
I'm not sure, though it has a timestep so I don't think so
There's no timestep this way, you can use delta time to interpolate a smooth formula
something like: position = lastPosition + dt * lastVelocity + dt * dt * gravity / 2.0;
It actually might be possible to get the efficiency of an approach like that higher than standard step-based physics, because you only need to hit the scene graph and only need to do collision detection once per actual collision, instead of once per frame
The drawback that makes me not sure if it's actually asymptotically more efficient or not is that each individual collision detection actually becomes a sweep test... and a non-linear one at that
but! it can yield "perfect" physics where there's no object penetration ever, if you compute collisions accurately
(feel free to code up a highly optimized GPU implementation of this kthx, will buy on asset store ty)
Hey Mick
You're still alive
yeah technically, I guess
Don't cry for me, I'm already dead.
Dibs on the loot!
What are we talking about?
Oh hey mick
Hi Kevin
1 hour later…
show me another tripeaks game that you could play that small
that's cool
i typed tripeaks in google image search, and i'm the first result
Because google search is "optimized" to each person
Google probably knows that you are proud of yourself
so Application.OpenURL no longer opens links with www on iOS
@jgallant you dont even show up in my google search bro :D
image search
21 messages moved to Trashcan
What? How? Why? What?
not game related
that's not appropriate for a pseudo-professional, public chatroom. Keep it clean and respectful, please.
well ... not video game related ;)
That can't be the reason
it was definitely "game" related LOL
oh all right
@StephaneHockenhull not at all
@KevinvanderVelden different type of "game": dating game.
are we going back to the time where if I post a meme I get a timeout ?
@StephaneHockenhull nope
Not at all related to dating
@UriPopov and no, if it's just a random regular meme I don't think anyone wil have a problem with it
what if it's a really dank meme?
Same case, lost everything since no cloud save....and still no achievements.....but you are greenlighting a new game ?
Nice comment thanks bud
Sorry. I will be adding support for cloud saves and achievements soon enough.

It is true, I have other projects. Over the past few months I have contributed a lot of code to the game development community, and it required a lot of effort and time. I even wrote articles.

I would like to point out that a lot of support was provided for Picross Touch since it's original release. Workshop support was added, the UI was overhauled, options were added, and bugs were fixed.

I continue to support Picross Touch, and I do it completely for free.
My reply. Fuck you is what I wanted to reply
Sooo... He's complaining that you haven't added minor features to a f2p game? wtf
Picross touch isn't free to play
Wait it is
I thought it was a few bucks
It is free
Free to play has iap
My game is 100% free. That is the best part.
A donkey fell into a bowl of sugar
Now that is a sweet ass
i'll be here all week folks
Here's a dirty joke
Three white horses fall into some mud
Sorry.. Wifi dc'd, don't know why but i has been very bad today.
@jgallant i was waiting for the next part until I got the joke
@jgallant Your game has really good ratings. Don't let one salty fuck annoy you with a bad review.
Wait letme take a pic
we had one salty guy on our game. "FAGGOTS This game is boring... People should play Minecraft or GTA instead of this." Our game is a educational one X_x
Was probably lacking education
@jgallant #canada?
yeah lol
And im annoyed by the snow we have here in Denmark.. wtf
that is going on right now
we beat our 1992 record
i got power though :D
Quick stock up on Tuna cans
and drain that car for fuel while you can
also, the snow drifted all around the cars
so that worked out really sweet up to now
But yeah that guy -- I get it he was pissed his save was gone
I should have put cloud support 5 months ago
Add cloud support, then accidently make his cloud not work
My motivation went away so I started doign other things.
That is the best part about having a hobby -- you don't have to feel obligated
I should put a check for his user name, lol
randomly delete levels everytime he beats 3
Can't you just tick a checkbox and use the legacy cloud system?
unity stores the shit in the registry.
Add microtransactions for enabling cloud save
that's stupid
yeah, PlayerPrefs
Chris uses the legacy thing though
so I guess he has a separate save system then?
PlayerPrefs in registry makes sense.. Just the "windows way"
as long as its a file
@jgallant uugh, I may need to throw up after reading that
@jgallant HAHAHAHAHA
office closed for the day
i wonder why..
Maybe there's a bear at loose?
maybe its because all roads have 3 foot drifts on them
Nah that wouldn't stop a canadian, would it?
plow hasn't come on my street yet, the road is impassable
tfw your Texture artist has spent the last 2 hours painting fine details on the horns of one enemy unit. This game is gonna be sick
I sometimes just go out to do spin outs all over the place
listening to this I presume youtube.com/watch?v=XCiDuy4mrWU :D
damn son that's old school :D
Aw yiiiiiis. The old notification overlay is back and the spam gone.
@AlexandreVaillancourt yes, it would.
That thing was DOA
guys guys The dice in my game had no friction so in rare cases it would spin forever:D
haha :)
@UriPopov there's a Run DMC track (King of Rock) where they say "strictly new never ever old school" hahaha
jokes on them Run DMC are hella old school now
@UriPopov Now I'm wondering why your game has a die
cause its a board game ?
Oh, you have more than one project?
well The educational board game that teaches kids rudimentary financial knowledge is done(fixing some bugs and improvement based on users) and then there is the hack n slash game with the reaper girl that is in early development
Oh yeah right, the educational one, I remember
ok started randomly getting null references in a old method that worked great
breakpointed it
debuged it
nothing happend. Restarted the game. Now the errors dont happen anymroe wtf
Probably a serialization issue
@jgallant now I'm on a queen wave
yeah lol
I'm watching some python openCV tutorial video and cringing so much
The guy generates a filename as path + "/" + str(index) + ".png" and CUT & PASTE this all over the place rather than shove it into a string
that's just 1 example :P
i love it when tutorials are done by people that don't have any idea what they are doing
The guy also sets a counter variable rather than check if the file exists to resume mass downloads. And spends more time explaining to people to watch out for the script overwriting files if they don't set that index var properly than adding a 2-line check that would avoid that issue.
I listened to this guy explain to me that command prompt is a updated version of old windows
some teenager on youtube, lol
If you are below the age of 20 you shouldn't be teaching anything other than how to light a fart on fire
right @Tyyppi_77?
I guess so, I'll try to shut up in the future :)
yeah leave the teaching to old farts like me
you asshole :P
@Almo There was fun games on it :P Get drunk and play small and simple games with your friends!
Breaking news: the issue is fixed in 5.4.3f1. Now, in PlayerSettings (Android) you'll find a checkbox named "Mute Other Audio Sources". If unchecked, the game won't stop external audio when run. I
The guy was also renting a linux server, having to SSH to it and the server was a 1Ghz 2core/2thread 2GB RAM "server" to do his openCV crunching.

FFS My 5 years old laptop is a 2.2Ghz+Turboboost 4C/8T 12GB ram dual-boot Linux/Win7 machine. The hell is your home machine, a 486?
Boot off some live Linux USB key or virtual machine... geez.
Can do that with a PS4. Plenty of little indie games on there.
but with a decent controller.
i tried to fix this
goddamnit unity
unity should pay me for lost time
lol, damn free software, who do theyt hink they are?
@Almo But the cost to ship games on the PS4 is higher, isn't it? I mean, there is a cost, right?
I beleive so
but there are a lot of nice $10 games on PSN like Rotastic.
if it has DLC i'm interested
Rotastic does not :)
But on ouya the games were 5$ :P
(or less)
but i bet they weren't as good
and the controller is crappy
What annoys me the most baout the Zelda season pass -- is that people are excited about the "new storyline mission".... they don't get the fact that it is content that was held back for extra money.
Some were ok; not big games, though..
yeah I'm talking about small games too
Oh, hehe; I guess I don't browse games that much!
Haven't had the time to play at home since Christmas..
Hate the console digital shops
I can't buy shit because most stuff "isn't available in my country"
canada passed a law that allows any package under 30g to be opened and searched if deemed suspicious
So now drugs dealers send packages of 31g?
i guess so... how much does fentanyl weight?
Well we used 1700 kilo globally in 2013 so probably not much
solution -- send your drugs in 35g+ packaging
weigh down your dildos
protect your privacy
So now letters aren't protected anymore? It's all warrant-less searches now...
that is why i mentioned it.
piece by piece, we are eroding away our rights to privacy.
It's not just privacy. Anything can be taken out of context and used to make up charges if they don't like your opinion.
If you told everyone in the 80s or 90s that everything they did was kept in some secret government profile
They're already using vague "hate speech" laws to punish people they don't like
There was have been massive revolt.
it's the attitude that if someone does something bad like kill someone, it's not that person's fault. It's the fault of the system for letting it happen. So we give up liberty for security
But if someone makes a joke then he deserves jail time.
its like costco -- we are all deemed to be criminals trying to steal until we show our receipt
walmart has started doing that here not sure if elsewhere
the concept of preventing murders by watching everyone, is fucken insane.
and why people back that concept is beyond me
I totally understand it. "I have nothing ot hide, go ahead and watch eveyrone"
they don't realize that once the surveillance is in place, it takes little for someone to decide that you do have something to hide.
over multiple generations -- piece by piece.
Until the bad guys are the gov and they take any excuse to jail dissenters.
people have a hard time looking at the big picture.
the worlds of 1984 and brave new world weren't assembled in a day
They're using 1984 as an instruction manual :P
Look, i get the need for control.
10 billion people
they must have come to be over years of changes
@jgallant It's also to prevent you from going out twice with the same receipt but new items..
i don't care i don't steal
why should i be treated like a criminal
I'm okay with costco checking receipt because that keeps my prices low. I wouldn't be okay with costco showing up at my house checking everything I have in case I stole something and then I need to prove I didn't steal whatever thing 3 years ago...
Because you might be a criminal. Maybe your neighbor is afraid you're going to steal some of his snow?
I went to costco and I made this huge deal over the receipt thing... I said you can see it in my cold dead hands!!!
Then I pushed my cart through
The guy puts his hand on my shoulder
I turn around, and I look at him and I say "You best tkae your fucken hand off my shoulder right now"
He does, and then I say "I don't steal, but I know karate motherfucker"
...then don't shop at Costco...?
Naw, I like to create scenes, I go there all the time
I made one at the airport one time over their "airport improvement fee" extortion. If everyone did they'd stop it. But people prefer to just bend over, take it, and get on with their lives...

Cheaper short term, costs a lot long term.
Governments handed the fossil fuel industry a “shocking” $5.2 trillion in subsidies in 2015
That is pretty sick.
hmm to re-write the entire player class right now or not to
Do iiit
Otherwise its going to spread out on your code like acid
635 lines....
nah fuck it I'll keep hacking onto it until it just werks
aint got the time and resources for this shit
Is this Unity?
my office abandoned me to rot anyway
yep its unity
Everyone says ideas are a dime a dozen and they are but for me I can't seem to think of a good one lately.
@Hjorthenify what What?
600 lines of code is just a lot for component based system :P
Doesnt matter. Parts of it can be placed in other places and so on. At the end of the day that code still needs to execute
oh its 296 lines of actual code according to the analytics. I guess the rest is just my formatting
@Lasse Remember I said I fixed my wifi?
Yeah, then you said it started again
I think its just the hardware, because its happening on windows as well
Also, journalctl reports some CTLR- error when it happens. Googling has turned up empty except for one sad soul who had the same issue but never got a reply
Hmh yeah that can be. Have you ruled out the router?
Well it happens at uni and home
Ethernet works fine
Have you tried some dongle?
Dont have ony at hand :/
@Sie Don't try to think of a good one, just come up with a ton of random ones and chances are you'll get a bell curve distribution with mostly medium, some bad, some good, maybe one or two really bad, and maybe one or two really good
central limit theorem in real life
@Sie Still stuck at level design?
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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