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@jgallant You mean back when you had to walk up the hill? Both ways? In the snow?
Q: What strategies are best for managing Game Center and off-line games in the same app?

rghomeI have an iOS app for which I want to use the Game Center API for saving games. But at the same time I want to have the option to save multiple games on the local file system using the familiar save-slots mechanism. I anticipate that a user may not wish to use the Game Center, or may wish to supp...

yeah, during the day, they would displace all the dirt
so we would have to walk back uphill on the way home
then at night, they would reverse it back
They did this because of the bible.
that's why I went to night school
(I do admire Zuckerberg's pluck. Jobs only had the one mansion in Palo Alto as far as I know, and to my recollection it was only medium sized.)
looks pretty good
its a start
if you can make it look interesting to drive a rectangle in an empty screen, you have something
supposedly Criterion tried to make sure it was fun to shoot the weapons in BLACK in an empty room
I have a ridiculously good idea
I liked BLACK
no puzzles, no hunting for anything, no fucking jumping... just shooting stuff and trying not to get shot
Well I'm first and foremost making this game for me and my son
good place to start man
We are gonna coop drive this car together
hahah cool
Whats the good way to determinate witch direction mouse are moving ?
keep the mouse location to the next frame and compare
yeah, deltamouse
average it over a few frames if that latency won't hurt you
a cool way to do it , is to keep track of a magnitude vector between the previous and current swipe positions
and directino vector
Speed and direciton
how important do you think it is in a game with a music mute button for the app to detect if the user is already playing their own music and mute it for them?
Man I strained my chest (core) like 3 days ago and it hurts like hell still. At first I was worried it was my heart but they did an ekg and blood pressure test and I was fine. So they just gave me some steroids and muscle relaxers.
@Almo everyone is freaking out for this on PT
Problem is I can't really rest it since it's always in use basically.
Its a Unity thing
Picross Touch on android
oh right
wait PT has music?
no, it cuts off music when it starts
oh ok
ours leaves their music running, but keeps its own music running, too
so they're both playing
Q: Need help solving EventHandler issue

DayTripperIDI have an issue with my EventHandler for Key events in my game. The specifics are in this forum thread: http://www.java-gaming.org/topics/problems-with-key-event-handling/37998/view.html Basically, the issue is that a KeyReleasedEvent is fired in a very inconvenient way. I recently switched fr...

Q: How can I easily render Box2D polygons with ShapeRenderer in LibGDX

Andrew900460In the PolygonShape object, there is the method setAsBox(); which allows for creating rectangles easily, but there is no getAsBox, in the case where you know a polygon is a box. I know Box2D comes with it's own renderer, but I need to make more custom renderings. Also, PolygonShape objects have...

i don't know why mine cuts off
You have to go back into spotify or whatever, and hit play then switch back to the game
wow that sucks
@Almo is this right ? pastebin.com/w4ceCWfg
Vei2 is typedef _Vec2<int> Vei2;
no looks like you're updating both in the same frame
no i am updateing MousePos only if MouseMove is true so each second frame
but you're getting the mouse coords and putting them into mousemove THEN comparing mousemove to the current mouse coords
or i am wrong ?
if m_lastMouse is a vector with the coordingates it's like
ok to check if current cordinates are same ?
difference = currentmouse - m_lastMouse;
m_lastMouse = currentmouse;
how to do this , now i see that i am capturing both at the same frame
like I said. compare current value to the stored value THEN update the stored value
pos is the difference between the last mouse position and the current one
it's not a position, so the variable is named wrong
pos is position of camera so i am adding difference between them
ok I can't help there since I don't know how you've defined "camera" etc.
i just start making camera
pos is position of camera
ok what you have might work
it could be backward, like the sign might be wrong, but I think you'll get something resembling camera movement from it
doing last changes and wil ltest
wooyeah. R u starting 3D programming? Vei2...? What is this? Never seen Vei2 on either XNA OpenGL DirectX libs...
Vei2... RectI...?
R u building these data types by yourself? @yahoo5000
it's a vector 2, looks like
VeI2 is 2D vector type int
RectI is rect int
I don't recommend using your own vector types
u mean vector class ?
you're going to get better support and features from whatever types are already in the lib you're using
why r u using inted vector and inted rect?
cuz its templated class based on type
float int double
but why
what's wrong with float or double
Ok. Let me rephrase it... Why are you not using floating(or double as Almo said) type?
in vectors ?
the vectors in Unity take non-integers as their arguments
Why are you intentionally not using float/dobule? Is there a reason that you chose not to use / disregard decimal data type?
when i need floats i am using floats when i need ints i am using ints , when i need vector int i using that and when i need vector float i am using float
i dont understand what you saing :D
why do you need an int for working with the mouse?
like vector int ?
instead of int x, int y ?
Vector2 { float x; float y; }
why int
why floats ? i dont need floats at this metter
cuz i am dont calculating half of pixels
only full pixels i would use float if i would calculate player movement
you don't lose anything by using the built in float vector and just putting the float values in to your player position, and letting that truncate to int if it wants
u mean build in standard library ?
i never heard of those kind vectors
Just not use your own data type for now @yahoo5000 because there exists data types built for game for a reason and by good design.
std::vector ?
First of all, are you using Unity? What is that you are building your stuff on?
i dont
how to find those vectors
whats the call
not stl containers
I don't know what library you're using
u said they in standard library
I don't know what you're working with
you got an engine or soemthing?
custom framework
i replayed to you blue bug
fucking annoying C++ calls a List a Vector
you just changed the text you was asking
makes it hard to search for info on actual mathematical vectors
@BlueBug as i said i am not using unity and using custom made framework
looks like in C++ you're not given 2d coordinate data type
so you get to write your own, or find one in a library
not even in std::
yea thats what i did
well, don't do it with integers
ok tnx for help
that mouse drag seems to be working
tnx for that one too
Man this whole month had been totally gloomy outside. I would kill for one sunny day.
are u from england ?
Q: How does one calculate the surface normal, in 2D collisions?

SteinbergI have been pulling my hair out trying to work out a generic normal-finding algorithm. In my game/sim, I have a ball, which should reflect away from any surface it collides with. Everything I can find on google has suggested to simply check for the walls orientation (hits left, handle left refl...

@yahoo5000 sure
@BlueBug you gotta look into moving to Southern California!
man I would love to
I didn't understand the song "here comes the sun" until I lived in the UK for a few years.
Try the Pacific Northwest
if you like constant drizzle and little sun
(Never seems to rain very hard out there though, as opposed to the Atlantic coast where you get drenched to the bone in under a second)
@BlueBug Man, this whole month had been totally icy outside, I would kill for one day I don't slip every 2 minutes
It snowed on 5 consecutive days, then it rained 5 times in a single day, each time having a short sunny break in the middle.
Then back to -10--15
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Can I edit my edit?
I realized that he was asking how to get normal out of what he has, my edit makes him as if he is just mindlessly throwing questions. I should add something like " I have these but I do not know how to compute normals based on the collision"
I may be able to answer that
I too!... but I am too lazy and I am too tired anyway...
so I will hand over this sweet fake internet points to you @Bálint
@DukeZhou I am not like super into sun but as Balint said, when it is gloomy outside for whole month, you really start to miss that warmness on your skin man. For now I would kill for even a drop of sunshine, and sell my soul for "drizzle of sunshine"
I feel you Blue Bug. I feel you
@Bálint its cuz global warming man. Global warming is such a bbbaaaatch. I am sure somewhere some other place folks are suffering from hellish rain of sunshine, praying for rain or one single cloudy windy weather.
@DukeZhou BlueBug not "Blue Bug". " " is a big difference of 0x20 VK_SPACE 32 ASCII.
good point!
There is also a very influential personality @blue on this chat
haven't seen him a while though.
probably feeling a little blue
Hey, anyone have any thoughts on good places to promote an original game? We launching our Alpha in about a month, and want to restrict it to uber geeks, boardgamers, and the like for a while
(The game in question is very simple on the surface--think Chess or Othello--but the strategy is nuanced and interesting)
Probably going to reach out to computer game clubs at universities and such
boardgamegeek is another place I'm thining about (even though they seem to be mainly interested in physical games, as opposed to electronic, but our game requires a gameboard that can do simple processing)
you have any idea how annoying it is to have stuff like that sitting on the screen?
post more info here with a link? Ping me when you do so because I might peace out for now.
You guys will be the first to know when we go live
sorry @Almo
um can we hide it or delete it? I tried to delete it but too late.
it's actually kind of growing on me...
it's not against the rules, but use judgement in the future :)
let me report this see if that works out
Now I'm playing Rick Astley in the background as a score for the image
it's actually kind of groovy
@Almo DONE!
<3<3 moderators ty!!
You're welcome ❤️
Q: Texture filtering of look-up table in post process shader

TenFour04I am doing post processing by drawing to an FBO and then applying a certain fragment shader when drawing the FBO's texture to the screen. I want to use a look-up table texture to apply color grading. Since I am targeting OpenGL ES 2.0 and possibly older PCs, I cannot use 3D textures. Instead I ca...

What do you guys suppose would be the best way to control two vertices at once? Currently the way I have it setup is I shoot a ray, get the mesh, and find the vertice. However I'm not sure how I should go about controlling two at once. Should I like try to find the next closest vertice or store the first?
In what context?
Real time (in-game) mesh manipulation.
So, translate it along the surface of a plane made up of the vertex A -> vertex B vector normal with vertex A (or B) as the plane origin?
Can you find the closest edge?
Basically I want the player to be able to control the two vertices in yellow using that line or space in grey:
Since a mesh is made up of triangles though I'm not really sure if I can search along an "edge".
You could build an edge table that tells you which edges of the triangle are "real" edges
Then raycast to the triangle, and find which of the one, two, or three valid edge is the closest.
Other option is to build a adjacency map/table and check adjacent triangle normals to figure out if the angle is large enough to count as an edge (dot product of triangle normals is < cos(angle) )
your map tells you for each triangle, who the neighbor triangles are for edge A, B, and C. You then take the normal of both triangles (cross product of two of the triangle's edges) and do the dot product
if both triangles face the exact same way, the dot product should be 1 (within rounding errors) which is equal to Cosine(0 degrees)
if both triangles face at 90 degrees the dot product will give you 0 (Cosine of 90 degrees)
at 45 the dot product will give 0.7something (again, same as Cosine of 45 degrees)
Watch out for degenerate triangles. That could give you divisions by zero or NaN when figuring out the normals.
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