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(Makes me feel like I should renew my subscription to beef my stats just in the hope I can take a year or two off at some point in the future to really play Eve with the total immersion I require)
30 minutes?!
oh... it's like 10+ years
I thought I'd like visual scripting. Turns out it makes things even more confusing since I have to learn this whole weird node system.
you have to relearn all your intuitions about program flow
it's all very weird
and there are lots of overcomplicated ways to do things if you don't have someone experienced looking over your shoulder
@MikeP wat
where you been jpetrie?
Around. :D
What are you doing here?
nobody talks about game development in IRC anymore, so I'm looking around
I've noticed that.
So apparently google apps is no longer free. So if you want to host your domain email on Gmail you now need to pay at least 5$/month
was there IRC for game dev?
Mine is still free. Anyone know if they grandfathered old accounts?? I can't find any information
@BlueBug There are several.
Q: Is ruby's garbage collector still as big of a problem to game developement?

ZeroI am beginer wanting to make a game and chose to learn ruby since it seems easier to read than most languages and I checked this post: Is ruby viable for game developing? From what i could understand from the answer to this question on that post was that ruby could be used to make small-scale ga...

None associated with this site in particular.
#gamedev on AfterNet has been around for basically forever
used to be pretty lively, has been slowly tapering off lately
why could that be? slow? I am curious.
We talk gamedev 70% of the time and the other 30% we talk about @jgallant's fart jokes.
it's not easily discoverable
so not lots of new blood
IRC is not super accessible.
@JoshPetrie tons i would imagine
kids these days haven't even heard of IRC :)
So yeah, nobody new joins. It's just a bunch of old-hands.
IRC feels like something that should have died out by now.
Poor Josh wants new hands
Nothing specifically funnels people to the AfterNET IRC either, so nobody knows about it.
it's very convenient for certain things
Like pedophilia?
what's the channel?
certain things insert immature sexual references that is funny to age group of mine
I could put it on my list
is this u are talking about ? irc.lc/gtanet/gamedev
Chat on Stack Exchange isn't exactly that easy to discover easy. It's easy to join in but the site doesn't exactly advertise it that much.
#gamedev on irc.afternet.org
cant load that page
the gamedev reddit is even more sad
[#gamedev] Game Development Channel || Not affiliated with gamedev.net (#gamedev on irc.afternet.org)
that one?
All IRC channels are pretty dead nowadays. It isn't the 90s anymore.
I stopped going there a long time (the reddit site).
or am I at the wrong one?
You mean /r/gamedev?
/r/gamedev sometimes have a really great posts though. sometimes...
Yeah. I do not like it there.
It's alright but it goes too much into the marketing side of things.
Reddit gamedev has a lot of idiots lol.
@Almo yeah, that's the correct one
ok cool
I'm there
I've found some useful info on Reddit, although usually after a lot of digging through massive amounts of bullshit
Daily posts on how to get started what tech to use.
ok it's on my login list now
waiting for three different code reviews in my three separate git checkouts here at work
there is alot of people there
can't be assed doing another git clone
haha awesome
Git on with it you should say
Like a week ago I read on /r/gamedev about dev of octodad and his new game and how he approached to render cartoonish yet believable water effect.
we don't have QA, so people are pretty thorough with reviews
THAT was interesting...
I have no idea if gamedev is what I want to do. I'm basically fueled by trying to lose like 80 pounds and this chat room.
Yeah there are some very nice articles sometimes main reason I keep going back to it
they're rarely original articles though
Calorie counting is harder than it looks. Thankfully apps help a ton.
they're just aggregating from around the web
80lbs? Good luck my fat friend.
calorie counting lost me 30 pounds over 3 years.
That is a lot of effort. You can do it.
stayed off, too
that was over 10 years ago
It's not really that hard thus far. It's really just paying attention to how many calories you intake.
the pneumonia dropped me another 10 in 2009, but those came back
so I think I'm at my normal weight now
The eternal struggle
A pack of crackers? 200 calories. A Sweet Tea? 200 calories.
Now you are more aware. Which is what you need.
I ate like 3 sausages. Notice they were 500 Calories each after the fact.
No more food for me.
@Sie and fidget as much as possible--BIG calorie burner over the long-term
I was drinking too much soda but the app reminds me to drink water. I find that I am more hydrated. I can run off a coffee and two bottles of water for the whole day. Soda left me thirsty.
@DukeZhou What do you mean by fidget?
My big one is beer
160 calories per beer
Raspberry Zinger tea, chilled, is reminiscent of cool-aid I find
I used to drink quote a bit
When I drink I only tend to like Coronas and Lite Mikes Ice.
drops tampon box
currently I have trouble with my drink of choice, the mudslide. cream khalua bailey's and vodka
Seriously though I really like hard lemonade. Most beer to me tastes like shit.
I don't like any beer
I drink IPA mainly now
@Sie fidget as in shift around in your chair a lot, scratch, etc.--not big burners individually, but taken in aggregate, they can account for burning a surprising amount of calories
I don't like most beers
Also get up and sit down more than you need to
All lagers are shit
lugers, on the other hand...
Anyone tried Angry Orchard? I've been wanting to try it but I don't think I will like it much.
I enjoy a nice pilsner, but the over emphasis on hops in American micro-brews is annoying
Also sex is a great way to burn calories
reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/5omw09/… So they say the two started working on making game without prior experience and it had been a year since. This looks interesting youtube.com/watch?v=sLsL3bsiWOc and they have a kickstarter page as well... kickstarter.com/projects/865490690/…
I don't know. Looks like FarmVille in 3D to me.
I think it is, exactly, that. Interesting part, I think, is that they started without any experience yet they managed to pull it out over a year together.
Most people would not be able to accomplish anything in a year without prior experience
@BlueBug That's cool and all but I mean at some point I feel like you have to ask yourself what makes this different? I mean it just doesn't really have any real hook over any of the other million farm type games I've seen.
yeah the game is definitely one hundred and fifty percent not interesting. But the story is interesting. So it is like "Oh man... cool story bro."
Also I found this on /r/gamedev randomization for procedural buildings. youtube.com/…
then I realized it was nothing more than using random numbers to choose A out of list rolls eyes
"the single number I generated allows me to randomize all these features. So they are not identical"
I personally think Farmville type game need more violence, like slaughtering the animals, feuds with your hillbilly neighbors, managing abusive, drunk farmhands, etc.
I would play farmvill with such a dark twist. That sounds fun.
The cartoons kids watch today are appalling for their lack of anything interesting, entertaining or funny.
I liked Pocoyo
I sat down with my 5 year old niece on this shark game, and she sucked to much to actually control the shark, but had me eating as many people as possible, and seemed to like that part of the game the most
I know another kid, around ten, who hates Calliou but spent an hour showing me fan videos of either (a) Caillou being murdered or (b) Caillou murdering his family (there are apparently an endless number of these videos)
Kid seems alright too me!
Yeah... kids pull apart legs of insects and throw rocks at dogs and giggle at it. Yet most of them grow just fine.
Most of them... most of them... except one or two.
But this kid is gentle. I actually think it's a response to being forced by his parents to watch straight Caillou
which I hear is so un-entertaining, any normal person would want to see the character murdered
whispers except one or two
I grew up watching cartoon animals smash and blow each other up, and I turned out ok!
caillou is not entertaining
(ps- that last post was a set-up if anyone wants to take the bait and throw out an entertaining insult)
man, even teletubbies is better. at least teletubbies is fucking weird
@Almo my feeling is that Caillou, Dora the Explorer and their ilk are aggressively un-entertaining
that's probably true
anything entertaining might be offensive to someone
Grover on Sesame Street was a great character, and got replaced by the simpering elmo
I always felt like the teletubbies are sort of satanic, with all their creepy whispering and telling kids what to do through the tv set
guys need help i got deadlock but not 100% sure who cause it i left some comments inside
i got deadlock when trying to proceed to new state
Now, Bakshi's New Adventures of Mighty Mouse, that was a cartoon: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mighty_Mouse:_The_New_Adventures
(Reportedly kicked off the air when they had the mouse snorting grated cheese)
cartoon looks like either absolutely boring or some very twisted cartoonish stylized adult cartoon(mainly because I feel like these characters look overly plain exaggerated even)
I liked Rocko's Modern Life
unfortunately the DVD release was sanitized and they removed all the adult humor
I started revisiting my top down car sim
Now that I am smarter, i'm restarting from scratch
That's 100% adult cartoon. Everything about it is screaming "I AM AN ADULT CARTOON".
well the first one was literally position movements
I want to write it with RigidBody physics now
yeah. there's a character, Mr Bighead, whose catchphrase is "I hate my life"
and full transmission model
He is an executive at Conglom-O, whose slogan is "We Own You".
wheels, engine, body, transmission, gear ratios
I love the logo with the earth as an olive in a martini glass
Q: What would you add? www.pixelboo.com

James Birkentall JDI'm starting up a new texture website and it's in its infancy stages. The idea is to have large 7k UHD photos available for commercial use. My website is www.pixelboo.com What would you add? *make seamless *add more textures, but what? Thanks a ton!

great cartoon man
I once pitched a series to adult swim, based on a character named "Hamfat" that everyone loved. (Hamfat is a reference to the method of his conception, per his aging mom.)
"Hamfat, Biscuit & Marmalade" was the title. Everyone loved the title, but hated the actual script.
I don't get it. I must be yet too young to understand the reference.
I could explain, but it might violate the decency standards of the chatroom
K-Rap Studios
From one of the dune books: "Adam ate the apple first. From it, he learned that he should blame it on Eve."
Q: zebra puzzle generator algorithm

fauveI code an open source zebra puzzle generator also known as Einstein puzzle. So when a generate a table, I have to obfuscate it and make some letters hidden with the good indication to solve it. So, there is a known algorithm to obfuscate a zebra puzzle table?

Q: A* algorithm works silly with heap

ibvftehI'm trying to use A* and visualised it, but when i add a heap optimization it start looking in incredeble ways sometimes normal(better then next to be sure), somtimes he looks on few columns. Code: Pathfinding.h #pragma once #include "Node.h" #include<iostream> #include "Heap.h" class Pa...

Q: Guidance for starting a game in C++

abhinum95Well I have already covered basics of C++ such as control flow, inheritance, pointers, etc. Now I am interested in game development and need help for the same. I will learn SFML and SDL next. But I have no idea how to make graphics and sprites for C++. Can any one suggest good game engines and gr...

humble beginnings
the engine works, but the wheels don't yet :)
this is an amazing resource
I might modernize it
depends what I learn and how this goes :)
My space colonization article was used to explain the algorithm in this thesis theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/105312/…
Q: Hold button down by mouse?

user43474When I hold down a button by mouse for 5 seconds, print a message. How to do this ? I wrote this script but is not working. I don't know if there other methods. Public float clock; Public Button out; public void quit_out_mouse() { clock = Time.time; if(Time.time - clock > 3.0f ) {...

You wrote a space colonization article?
cool idea, having the branches grow toward the leaves
If I were to revise this, I think if you generated two trees instead of one
with the same pattern, but different point gen
Then have one behind the other one,
might make it look nicer, but I never tried doing this
The algorithm sucks for trees
Heh, i'm the #2 result when you google for space colonization
The #1 result is the original paper I used to write it
You do come up second on a search for "Space Colonization Algorithm"
good work!
Yeah thanks
Still, not the kind of space colonization algorithm I thought you were talking about...
How did you find out about that thesis?
(Now you just need to crank out a game about space colonization to take advantage of that web traffic)
My suggestion would be an Angry Birds type mechanic, where you launch colonization ships with a high-tech slingshot and hope they don't spat against celestial bodies on their way to the target planets
You can have the populations of the ships be really high, so when they start to spat, the body count racks into the tens of millions
In face, you could combine the Space Colonization Algorithm with a game about Space Colonization...
Do something like plant trees inside a dome, that can't be too large or the dome will crack, or too small or you won't get enough oxygen. I'm stretching here...
@PearsonArtPhoto that's actually not bad. A colony ship game where you have to manage the botanical aspects of the ship to keep everyone alive.
I really need to work on a space game...
That's what I want to do next, using a lot of what I've learned in my sea trading game.
@PearsonArtPhoto have you checked out Rimworld? Pretty interesting exo-planetary survival sim
Sets (in math) are boring.
Q: Projection Texture Mapping

UnheiligI have been trying to understand how projective texture works; and, even I have been able to achieve the result by following the steps in tutorial, I fail to understand how it works in my mind. To my understanding, we need to construct a model, a view and a projection matrix for the texture alon...

Most people seem to hate set theory
guys how could possibly my server by doing nothing take 13% of my cpu ?
just a while loop for listen new connection
What's the timeout on listen?
how to check ?
at one moment it was taking 100% of my cpu until i restart him
and i have quad core 2.9ghz
probably it's just the malware chugging along in the background
dont have that shit
i am currently running a lot of stuff and total cpu usage is 15% 13 used by server
Q: Need help on double jumping in Unity

Matthew minerI have been making a game in Unity 2D with a group of mine. We got a character in and are able to make him run infinitely and able to jump. Currently I have been trying to make him double jump so someone can't just spam the jump button and go flying, but nothing has been working. I've been throug...

i mean i might probably do something stupid
or maybe not , because if there is no connection then it will just printf that failed to accept one
i dont think its expensive operation
@DukeZhou I've seen it around, sometime perhaps...
@JoshPetrie do you have some experience with noexcept on the IRC?
Anyone know what x|x means in the context of B = {x|x +6 =10 }
is this some programming language?
or mathspeak?
The latter.
which language?
I know this is not a math chatroom but I figure maybe someone here who I know may know.
I meant the latter. I get them confused sometimes lol.
hahah ok
i think that's B is the set of x where x + 6 = 10, which would be {4}
I could be wrong though
Set of X? I don't get that.
Like I'm not sure how x+6=10 is a set of x.
it's a set of all values of x that satisfy the equation x + 6 = 10
that's how I'm reading it, anyway
Ya but the only value that can satisfy is 4. So that would make it a poorly designed set, right?
there's nothing wrong with a set of one number
doesn't seem terribly useful
but... not like it's bad or something
@Sie hey i just checked with my phd math bud
he says I'm reading it right
Well I don't think it's well defined since x is not defined as 6.


Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
At least that is what the math chat is telling me.
x isn't defined
B is defined.
Right. So therefore that set is not well defined, right?
in such a way that it's a set containing one element, "4"
the set IS well-defined
not well defined means shit like x = 1/0
Well the set as a whole is well defined but the inner part of the set is not well defined?
Good lord I hate math.
it looks fine to me
it just doesn't look terribly useful
<almo2001> B = {x|x +6 =10 }
<almo2001> is that B = set of all x such taht x + 6 = 10, or { 4 }?
<almo2001> axeboy
<Axeboy> yep
<almo2001> ok thanks
idk I'm not getting sets at all
B = {x | x % 2 = 0}
that's the set of all even integers
a set with an infinite number of elements
B = {x | abs(x) = 2}
that would be { -2, 2 }
the set of all numbers such that the absolute value is 2
This shit makes no sense. E = { x|x E (rounded e) & 14 < x< 85 }
the rounded e means "element of"
I know.
14 is less than x which is less than 85?
so I think that set is all x between 14 and 85, not inclusive.
Doesn't that mean if that the value 85 is more than 14 it's false?
x > 14 and x < 85
so between 14 and 85
not including, since 14 is not > 14.
But it's written as 14 < x < 85
which is the same thing
14 < x and x < 85
x greater than 14, and x less than 85
Oh I see. So basically a number between 14 and 85?
So I guess that set is considered well defined?
I believe so
it has an infinite number of values, unless you're restricting yourself to integers
but there's nothing else weird about it
Q: Why does transform.position value stored in a list update automatically?

May Rest in PeaceI am the value of transform.position in a list like this : List<Transform> TransformHistory; void Awake(){ TransformHistory = new List<Transform>(); } void Update(){ if (TransformHistory.Count == 0) { TransformHistory.Add(this.transform); } } On logging ...

Q: Android build has white image over game

Dino AlvesIn unity when I am playing my game it displays fine, but when I build and run it to my nexus 5 there is this white something I don't even know over my game. Any suggestions for fixes?

@AlexandreVaillancourt are these posts from the bot the same ones that used to be in the popover at the top of the site?
looks like it, I think I preferred them up there.
I still clicked through to check on them when they were there.
Q: SharpDX Texture to Image in C#

CIAScorpionI currently have an image processing application that outputs processed images post pixel shaders have been applied. However, using the examples I've found on the internet, the colors are flip to BGRA when RGBA is expected. I currently work around this with by post export processing to get the de...

@Almo No? No idea who that is.
Sure you are in the right channel/server?
good evening
@Almo Yes, this is it. Some users wanted to have them like this.. :P
Q: Box2D ( +libGDX ) - Drawing a sprite over a rope joint

Frank I'm trying to put my own visuals on top a Box2D rope. This is the rope, drawn by the debug renderer. It's made out of bodies that are connected by rope joints. What I'm trying to do is replace both the bodies and the joints with sprites. So far, I've managed to accomplish this for the bodies, ...

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