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if you don't like it, chances are it will be very easy to transition to Unreal, just might take some time to recode the main stuff (no hard references on this, just my observations)
@Hakase appreciate it
@Tyyppi_77 looks not jungley anymore, that's a plus
@Sie Oh, that's exactly I was considering. thanks
but what is it supposed to convey?
what is that brief thing that appears
That the game looks pretty cool and interesting
@Jon icon indicator that there's a gun there
I haven't played and to me it looks mysterious and I don't understand who's the main character here immediately
it looks weird
usually the camera is fixed with the player in the middle but it's static and everyone is moving
@Jon very lucrative. Thank you
@Hakase That's too expensive in a gif
@DummyBeginner Here are some tutorials for Unity.
I have positioned the camera to a level border so that the background doesn't move
I'd start with Brackeys as he is beginner friendly and very easy to follow.
just focus the camera on the player? idk it might look bad though, but could you try and post that?
Parallax in gifs costs too much memory
@DummyBeginner your welcome
I can't do that.
ok maybe not
(that's a penis)
try to remove that for the gif
how about the player (whichever one that is, I assume the green shirt guy) stays static in the middle of the gif?
could be worse for the action but would make clear who's the player character here?
@Sie Thank you
it looks good aside from that -- it would also jack up the gif size.
This gif is actually a little too big already
ok so what is going on?
he comes out of his jail cell and murders the guard that shamed him
killing a prisoner in the process
but by first releasing him
I thought the player is trying to kill the bad guy behind the door, but fails, and an innocent dude in the cage dies too
because the player is the guy in the green, "friendly" colored shirt
and also in the middle
but everything is shaking so idk
there may be an explosion going off somewhere
at a glance it's hard to tell
i like it
maybe try a different situation?
ok from the old gif I see the player is orange and the bad guy is green
neutral dude is also orange, like player
I think they blend in too much with the orange background
The sun is setting
it could be explained as camouflage, and if the player is always in the center of the screen, it shouldn't be a problem
Everything is a little shaded
it looks like the guy (and Eva from WALL-E ?) in the cage are killed >.>
but this is me looking too much at this gif by now, I don't think any sane person would be sitting so long looking at details
the goal is to make something attractive and immediately understandable, which to me is not happening in this situation
the old gif did a better job at explaining that you're freeing people from cages and killing bad guys
here it looks like you're dying, the hostage is dying, and the game is pretty challenging, which could be a good thing if you're going for that feel
nice one tyyppi
@Hakase You raise really valid points, but this is a 1 second gif
and it shws an ai, I like
I can't show and tell the potential customer everything in a 1MB gif
I do think that this would be a better thumbnail though
it is also your #1 marketing asset from which most passerby players judge your game, so it is not to be taken lightly
I'm not taking it lightly
But the fact is that I can't put the player in the center, unless I crop the parallax backgrounds from the gif
can you do the same thing as in the jungle gif but in this desert setting? it doesn't look like the cage guy is being saved honestly
the wobble effect would require a full frame redraw you know that right?
green is really hardcoded as "good" in many people's brains and the green guy dies, which is confusing
yes, shaking is also probably a bad effect for this gif unless there's an explosion which would justify it
do you have any advanced gif editors which show frame differences?
It looks like you blew up the guy in the cage actually.
I can see he falling
The problem is where he fell
if you look closely which most wouldn't
@DH. yeah but it's away from the expected direction so it's basically invisible
sleight of hand magic trick style
ok this is so much better
Amazingly better
Yeah, makes a lot more sense
you can probably put that up now
do it
I'd recommend switching the shirt colors so that player is green and enemies are orange, red and other "bad" colors but that's already much better than before
That gif is now live
@Hakase Well you're playing as the dark side actually, you're the hero bringing the world the violence of guns and saving them from peace and boredom
the logo is green, has Hero in it, and the green guy is an enemy here − a little dissonance
lmfao idk I was joking
I think the world is already pretty gunned up as we can see :p
Also Tyyppi, you could make some slaves, like, prisoners that are with pickaxes breaking stones or a cave wall with a ball and chain in their legs
in the US yes. Then only guns I've seen in Bulgaria are Airsoft guns and real ones on the popo
I meant the game :x
@Hakase yeah the people have voted, guns are in, now we just need a hero to get rid of all those anti-gunners who want to viciously shoot down my love... for guns
I meant THE GAME :X
Communist countries were very scared of the thought of their citizens owning guns.
if everyone had a gun on them at all times, there would be zero violence
@Hakase The one you just lost?
no, the one I just found and thinking of returning it back to the store
@MartinSojka What ? During socialism most people got to carry their own AK from military training home. In case of a "Amerikanski" invasion.
@Hakase As long as you're thinking about the game then I guess it's all good ;)
@UriPopov It wasn't their gun though.
well yes it was the states. but you still got to operate it.
k I'll be watching those other vids from the guy with whiteboard
for free mind you
Switzerland has a similar system, but you also can just buy guns and ammo in any bigger town. All you need is a permit. Which costs about 30 EUR last I checked and is mere formality for most citizens.
yep. I wish we could get guns as easy.
Hey pip
@Pip I see you're involved in the trello game collab, can you explain or link to more info about that?
I'm not particularly, you'd have to ask @PearsonArtPhoto
oh ok
The trello board, along with chat logs here, is all there is.
It was an idea tossed around yesterday.
was there ever a detailed talk that outlines what the goal of this is?
Not realy.
should we have one now or sometime soon?
I'd like to get involved
The thought is increasingly to do a 1 day game jam, and build the favorite project into something larger.
so everyone gets 1 day to make a prototype and then we vote on what we build up ?
That seems to be the most popular idea.
is that how game jams are usually done?
don't people sit down and throw around ideas, and then work on just one of them?
I thought competing game sketches is for separate teams
The two key elements to a game jam are a time frame and a theme.
The theme is more optional, but usually still done.
I feel like the theme would be essential here
Agree, hence the Theme card.
no suggestions so far?
The subject was just started
can we just take some random theme from past game jams?
hmm there's gotta be a random game jam theme generator
@Hakase It's the spinoff of an idea I proposed, that @PearsonArtPhoto didn't fully understand the core point of before running off and creating a Trello which crashed and burned violently almost instantly
solved... next
"Entity" is such a clunky word imo.. what do you call your objects/class? I only really have one class with a lot of components. I wanted to call it for Creature. But a rock, tree or a chest does not really feel like a Creature does it..
@Hakase i linked first :D :D
Uhm, you ran yourself off the board.
@Hakase There is a detailed plan, but the person who created the Trello page didn't understand it at all, even slightly.
@OliverSchöning CEntity for me
@OliverSchöning NPC or GameObject dependin on how far up the abstraction hierarchy you want to go
@PearsonArtPhoto What? No I closed it and never came back after you let the troll in. It's that simple.
@MickLH can you link or quote your original proposition?
yesterday, by MickLH
Wait a second, we've got a room full of game programmers who more or less get along. Why don't we have a nice kushy company yet?
This was as far as I got, didn't even get to finish the joke before someone got overzealous and tried to take over the project.
@Hakase I like those suggestions. @Tyyppi_77 what does the C stand for?
That it's a class
Oh so you do hungarian notation stuff?
@OliverSchöning name it something you understand, not what the convention recommends if you're getting confused by it all the time
Entity confuses me because I am dyslexic.. all them tities
@OliverSchöning Just for type names, so that I know what to forward declare the type as
you could consult with CodeReview and other programming chats, perhaps they'll give you some ideas
Oh thank you for the tip @Hakase
you're welcome
@MickLH so that was a joke, you didn't really mean it?
Thanks for the kind words @Lasse!
@Tyyppi_77 I keep that in mind once I move to a static language :p
@Hakase No I did, just not the way it reads at first glance
Basically I'm getting at that Jon and I should collaborate lol
@OliverSchöning you can link to specific messages in chat by pressing the arrow next to the message you're replying to, and that would make it easier to follow the discussion
@MickLH ah so you didn't mean anyone else really
@Tyyppi_77 :)
@Hakase @Hakase thanks for the info
whops :D
you're learning :)
@Hakase Well I was open to other people contributing, but I'm not open to them screwing it up
I'd like to contribute tho
I think I got what it takes to not screw it up
Probably most people here could
But when you explicitly let trolls in, that's not gonna work
I will agree that not screwing something up is a priority.
not sure what you mean by trolls
I know you're pissed that Shaun is in there
(Aka "Alan Turing" now)
But that's why we could give only a few persons control to the master branch
I must have missed some local drama
Oh you have no idea
@Hakase Specifically this guy Shaun comes in filling the trello board with unreasonable shit. Frameworks that don't even apply to the task.
ah that confused me too
So I delete the unreasonable shit and say stop trolling, he easily manipulates @PearsonArtPhoto and there's no point to using his trello
Maybe keep the master branch control to Pearson, Ali.S, you (Mick) and Jon, if he has the time to contribute to it even though he is busy with GORB
but is trello even the best tool for planning game jams?
He just opened a bit of discussion, that while it might not have been well aimed, but that was clear enough without any interference.
@Hakase I highly doubt it
(idk much about collab planning so I'm wondering about alternatives)
I need updates!
Trello probably isn't the best, someone suggested start a trello board to help organize things, and I thought why not.
@WilliamMariager Stats?
I can't be bothered to scroll in the chat!
Yes :P
1971 unique visitors, 630 "yes" votes, and 94% of the way to the top 100
Today has been a suuuuuuper slow day though
is this in just 2 days?
@DH. I've learned the hard way, either I am the BDFL, or fuck your project you can engineer it and maybe I'll fix a bug or something
Yeah, two and a half
@Tyyppi_77 Yeah, it likely doesn't get as many visits after day one.
Takes updates and progress.
Oh yeah
I should just figure out what to work on
I wonder how Tallowmere went
tomorrow you will probably finish your trail in GL
super record
@Hakase I think Chris was lit in 6 months or something
He said yesterday that he was at 65%
@DH. Even when people all have the best intentions, if anyone else is allowed to make engineering decisions they inevitably pull a "manager" move. I can only trust myself to know I ALWAYS can be ignorant to something and I can't know just how much I don't know. I can't trust anyone else to absolutely force their own ego away when it matters.
A "manager" move is not actually knowing the best thing to do, but trying to decide anyways.
I'm like that too
I've got a feeling we could get stuff done
Well jon and I have been very slowly getting hyped over an idea that maybe the name explains the whole thing: gta.io
> Want to buy this domain? Send a fair offer to lesdomains at nym.hush.com
I don't think we can actually name it "GTA dot IO"
probably get sued for unfair marketing... it's more like a codename
unfair marketing huh?
in my experience, games named in that fashion are too generic and just not worth it
That sucks
Try playing better games? lol
they say don't judge the book by the cover but people totally do and it shows :p
I've never heard of an MMO and thought, "Man! I'd maintain an account on there!"
But if it were old school gta...
anyway, do we have any ideas on what to do next? from what I've learned so far this just happened, and the theme you're looking for is gta and I haven't played it enough to understand what that encompasses
Man, I'd maintain an account on there.
By old school you mean the days GTA was 2D topview?
GTA2 was the last good GTA game
I'm kinda burned out on it though after all the stress from the other day, I might try caring again one day but it's hard when we don't have any assets yet
so you want to make something like gta 2? what would the focus be?
@Hakase The main point of the game is killing everyone else and taking all the money and cars until you have the most power and control over the game I think?
reminds me of some steal sale game from a few years back where you crush zombies in a car
I think it was called Zombie Driver or something
Be hated by the gangs
So you have a excuse to cause chaos
Make it team based and players would join some gang and then try to make that gang to be the king of the hill
Player-controller gangs
"taking all the money" kindof is a blanket term for general gangster shit, so plenty of room for gang wars there
is the car, city and money really important for the aesthetic?
could it be ships, space crafts or some amoebas instead?
I guess but it's just an extra resonance for me
Did you ever try Auto Assault @MickLH?
personally I don't feel any attachment to the old GTA's look but I think the feeling of a city and roads can be modified pretty hard to make something interesting to me
@WilliamMariager I haven't
It was a post apocalyptic 3rd person driving game. You'd have various vehicles and loads of guns. It was extremely entertaining.
Mining was pretty much running over critters and destroying buildings.
I always thought a top-down 2d version would've been interesting.
I was just looking it up, its too bad the masterserver is offline
The controls were superb in Auto Assault.
Yeah, it shut down years ago.
I'm a sucker for 2d. :P
top-down? isometric? side view?
All of them.
I should just stay focused on my software, I could make a million shitty little games how I used to but I know I can completely solve the long-term-masterserver problem and I think that would be a much more meaningful contribution to gaming
I'm not sold on the idea of a top-down car driving killing everyone you see game
I don't have a vision of it that I'd like yet
@Hakase That's not how you're supposed to play gta lol
I guess it's the popular way though
well, I wouldn't know coz I haven't
fixed a bug with reverse normalization of my music to slider position
Syntax error: Unexpected part-of-speech near "music to slider"
naw I was naively doing this...
MusicSlider.Value = ApplicationData.MusicValue * MaxValue - MinValue;
Warning: Comma inferred. Continuing...
When it should have been.....
MusicSlider.Value = ApplicationData.MusicValue * (MaxValue - MinValue) - MinValue;
NormalizedValue = (Value - MinValue) / (MaxValue - MinValue);
reverse of that.
@Jon Wait, really a - not a + ?
hah, yeah a +
oh ok lmao
that second - should be a +
ahh alone at the office again
> First, yes, the game jam is to everyone build their idea to see which one will be the best. But after that we would build the game as a team, and then we would need to agree on a single engine
how much "build" we talking about?
is just describing the mechanics and the basics enough?
@Lasse I feel like GTA hit its peak in GTA:SA. Of course I liked GTA V but lets cut the crap, it rode off of GTA:SA's success. Still fun though.
I'd say IV was the low point.
gta:sa <3
vice city best city
Vice City never really did it for me. I think it is because I played San Andreas before Vice City. Vice City just felt like a gimped version of SA.
I played vice city for like 2 days straight once and then went straight to the bank to cash a check... bad idea
@Pip no, not "turing" I think it's "turning" or something.
But again had I played them out of order so that is probably why.
I didn't do anything stupid in the bank... but when I walked out I noticed a cool motorcycle closer than my truck was
GTA games are just boring. (to me)
I absent mindedly walked towards it ready to jump on it and trade it for my truck lol
The moment I started to hotwire it though I said, wait, fuck.
@Hakase Disagree. Who starred this.
Anyone feel like Bioshock Infinite was a downgrade from Bioshock 1/2? I loved the first two but I didn't even get halfway through Infinite.
I feel like starring Almo's message just for the lulz
@Sie lol think of sequels like a geometric series
@Sie It was... different. I liked the game, but yeah, it didn't feel as Bioshock 1
It just felt like a weird on-the-rails shooter that was trying to be edgy.
And part of me hated Bioshock 2 because there were almost no changes in the game
I didn't like Bioshock. Didn't feel I needed to explore any of its systems because you could just zerg with the wrench.
But I really liked the history in Infinite
What I didn't liked in Bioshock is the lack of counterplay
I thought Bioshock had awesome graphics when I first played it, but as a game I felt like I was waiting for an hour or two to get past the god damn intro just so they could bore me with no reason to do anything
If you find yourself against a Big Daddy you are either fucked really hard or you are using all you healthpacks
I'd say that most people have an "irrational desire to live"
I'm not saying a desire to live is irrational, but I am saying that people have that "magic" reason on backup so when there is nothing else. You're supposed to still want to live just because do it. Irrationally want that even if you have no reason. You have to.
I already fucking covered that.
Sorry Professor Mick.
lol you can't guilt trip me! I just take it as a stroke of the ego!
Anyways I think game developers don't plan for the players who don't really necessarily value life just for it existing, but demand a reason instead
Because I notice a lot of games get me into some character, but don't give me a reason to live before dropping me into a fucked up situation.
I tend to think, well shit everything is fucked and I've no reason to live. Where is the suicide and go play Counter-Strike button?
True. Some games are really good at pulling you in though. Like in The Stanley parable you really begin to care about the narrator and Stanley.
I don't think it's about that, it's probably about wanting to know what happens next after you get out of this situation
sometimes you're just a circle in a rectangular world
can't explain that
@Hakase I like puzzle games but they are a different thing to me
Like the difference between skateboarding fun and watching a movie fun
I've been hearing so much praise for Limbo but I've just played it yesterday and I don't think it's all that great
@Hakase lol I have to try again when I'm feeling more drunk and high and alone
It's just fun for it's puzzle and all the spider stuff
setting is important but you gotta understand that sometimes it's there for no major reason
I never make it past long intros when I'm sober or have company
Limbo has almost no intro Mick, bad excuse for not playing it
Lol I legit tried
the intro is like 7 seconds
then you're in control
I couldn't skip the intro I was freaking out and I knew I had to try it later to give it a real chance
Or else I'd be biased by having wanted to skip the god damn intro
ok that's a good reason
Yeah it took me one minute to realize I had to press one of the directional buttons for the character to wake up lol
Lol kindof amazing how effective it is to give something away on steam
is it?
Servers were overloaded when they gave L4D2
in what way?
@DH. I think that was a calculated attempt at measuring maximum load
Limbo gave away free copies on steam and now there's people talking about it who probably wouldn't have otherwise
nah it's just been such a long time and I've been studying platformers, don't take it from me
The moment you cross the no credit card barrier, the user swarm pressure skyrockets
I already saw Limbo but never bought it to play myself
Same it's not really the type of game I usually go for, but I'm gonna try it if it's free lol
I for myself am trying to try games that promises different experiences
Like for example LISA and Undertale
When I try a new game I compare it to Source and to Nazi Zombies, and if I still want to play it after playing a round of either of those, I really like the game lol
It doesn't have to be similar, that's just how it has worked out historically
me: Hey, did you happen to get the game working okay?
brogrammer: Yep, works fine! Busy working on an update so not too much time to play. Without destructable terrain it actually plays very differently to broforce!
I like games that think out of the box
Makes the experience of gaming great
@DH. it all depends on what the box is in your mind
I want to work on an FPS game, but I want to be a new person in the pattern. To fill a role that currently doesn't exist at all lol
I have a lot of ideas about "game flow" and have been working on mathematically describing the way maps play
I need to equip an FPS game designed for this concept though, and gather a shitload of data to make empirical measurements
@Hakase Something, that even using already existing elements, can me a mixed up to feel like something new
The combat system in Undertale is the best example I can give you if you still didn't play it
I've played it
on a gamepad too
Should I give letters to my stars?
Why letters?
I'm too stupid to get this joke
letter, stars, postal stamps
omg thank you
you idiots
to identify them

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