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...debates about singletons :P
@Jon ?
@AlexandreVaillancourt does it really count as a debate if one side is objectively right, one side is using a different definition for the word "singleton" and is also objectively right, and everyone else is just trying not to lose the only design pattern they actually understand?
... I don't understand singletons :(
How can you not understand singletons?
Am I supposed to use static methods, and I supposed to have a static instance of the singleton? Who initializes it? When is it initialized? So many questions.
You don't need them
@tkausl Mostly a joke. As Icy pointed out, there are different definitions.
@IcyDefiance It's a stupid debate but still a debate.
I guess the question is when does a misunderstanding become a debate? Or does it ever?
The best part about having an opinion nowadays is that you can debate facts
Debating facts is no fun though. What you need to do, is find various fallacies and start using them all at once.
Ad Hominem the Strawman! Get them confused!
did i miss something? didn't see a discussion about singletons today
You missed a lot of things
@WilliamMariager What happens when you try to fight a strawman with a strawman then?
That is an amazing question
I'm not sure @Sie. But I'd love to be spectator for that discussion :P
Well let's try it. Why does dirt not have the same rights as a a blade of grass?
Well, obviously, grass grows on dirt, and since grass doesn't have a permit to carry the blade, it can't have the same rights by association.
Mudglops love wet dirt. In their society dirt has much more value than grass. In fact grass us shunned upon as it prevents mudslides
I read that as mudbloods and imagine this right out of some Hogwarts Book of Muggleborn Facts...
So the grass is allowed to use the dirt without repercussions? Well what dos the dirt get in return? The grass should have to pay taxes for using the dirt.
Well wait. If we own the property should grass have to pay the taxes, and then the taxes that the dirt gets go to us?
@IcyDefiance :P
Anyone else ever feeling this room becomes too much of a distraction? Usually I just leave it idle even when I leave but sometimes I get too engrossed in it.
in Lounge<C++> on Stack Overflow Chat, 1 min ago, by StackedCrooked
Users have been surprisingly nice up until now. Can't recall any hacking attempts.
in Lounge<C++> on Stack Overflow Chat, 1 min ago, by StackedCrooked
Except when I first announced it in the lounge
@NaCl Context?
Dead link.
Not really
Prior to the edit it was. Now it is working.
Anyone here have experience developing horror games?
trying to use xamarin with visual studio to make a cross-platform thing. not a game or anything, just a basic form for some data entry.
it's horrible.
so far I've compiled the template and changed the "Welcome to Xamarin" string and I already hate it.
when I changed the string and tried to run the program, it didn't recompile that file. and I can't rebuild that project either. I had to clean the whole damn solution and rebuild.
plus F12 to go to definition just doesn't work in that file. no idea why.
intellisense doesn't work either, except for things defined in that file.
@IcyDefiance Why do you like hurting yourself?
well I need some cross-platform solution for a potential contract. xamarin seemed like a good thing to try first.
maybe xamarin studio will be better. microsoft doesn't want me to use that on windows, but monodevelop still forwards to a working copy.
Xamarin Studio is like a poor man's Visual Studio, but it's probably better than trying to use them both.
All that introp between them is pretty new and likely quite buggy. :\
Xenko looks very cool but that license looks like garbage.
"Using the official releases, you can distribute your game without disclosing the source code, but you're not allowed to modify the engine code.

By compiling Xenko yourself, you're allowed to modify and compile the engine but you must distribute all the source code with your game."
wow shit
The source code of xenko, I assume. This is like GPL
@Sie Yes.
@AlexandreVaillancourt It's not
GPL doesn't tell you to distribute the source with your game
gpl is if you use it you must give source to YOUR work and release it under GPL as well
yep, or any gpl compatible license
like Apache
Apache is GPL-compatible? I thought Apache was looser
@Sie A particle effect is an abstract concept. It represents an entire family of techniques, including ways nobody have discovered yet. "Particle effect" is an extremely generic term.
> Most of Xenko source code is released under the GPL v3 License (unless otherwise stated), a few specific parts (stated explicitly in the source header) being released under MIT, CPL or Apache 2.0, usually matching the license of an original contribution.

> It means that if you are free to build and modify Xenko source code and use it in your game, but you must publish the source code of your game, as well as any changes to Xenko that you might have done (as per GPLv3 license).
ok right
"By compiling Xenko yourself, you're allowed to modify and compile the engine but you must distribute all the source code with your game." this is a real bummer
@Sie Billboards otoh, are a common implementation of particle effects. Particularly one that can efficiently isolate and modify the pixels you're targeting with a beam like that, because it can use hardware Z-buffering, hardware accelerated interpolation over space, and has a good path forward for anti-aliasing and polish like that.
@NaCl Yeah, that's intense.
It's really a shame. Xenko looked very promising.
At least theirs Wave Engine. However again their license (not really one that I can see) is questionable...
"One thing I don’t really understand, nor could I find a good source on, is the business model here. Besides the splash screen, there are no real costs or requirements when using this engine. There is currently no value add or upsell version, so I don’t understand where the company is making their money. For non-open source projects, that is always a huge question mark in my head when evaluating an engine.
Companies ultimately need to make money to continue development, so this is certainly a huge question mark. So they either use this engine for their own development and release it to others for altruistic reasons, or something is going to change." - gamefromscratch.com/post/2015/10/05/…
Here is there LA for anyone curious: pastebin.com/MSxgyX0v
okay xamarin studio is somewhat better. at least F12 works there. but it uses google's android emulator that takes months just to boot. too lazy to figure out whether I make xamarin studio use microsoft's emulator.
The OP hasn't even upvoted the text anti-aliasing bug in Unity... Sigh. issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/…
How can you tell?
Well, I voted once, and someone from this room did. That means I know who voted, and none of them were the OP.
BTW, if anyone with a Unity account wants to help me out, it'd be nice to upvote that...
2 hours later…
holy shit I just opened visual studio/xamarin again to see if I could deal with not having intellisense in that one file...and now it works. wtf.
I restarted visual studio twice and my entire computer once and it still didn't work after all that, but now it does, for no reason at all
@IcyDefiance that's my experience with most Microsoft products
I mean hey, if it works, that's cool. The only alternative I could find was using Node.js, and I really didn't want to go that route.
Node.js's current popularity is scary
eh, its popularity seems to be falling. I think the hype ended like 2 years ago and now people are starting to realize it's javascript.
it still dominates google for certain things, though
Some people are starting to realize that it isn't feasible to build all their apps on a VM on top of another VM with both VMs using a terribly incompetent GC.
Like writing Android apps in React Native? JS on Java on an already low specification embedded system?
That sounds terribly convoluted.
I don't understand how people say it's simpler than C or C++. C and C++ are ironically more portable than the languages like Java and JS that were designed to be write once run everywhere
C++ is daunting though. like Visual Studio can deploy C++ to Android and iOS, but it would take me more than a few days to figure out.
I need something I can pick up and have a basic idea what I'm doing by Friday
C++ isn't as daunting as you'd think it is. Most of the image of C++ is from the 80s and 90s, modern C++14 / C++1z looks cleaner and simpler than Python in most cases and always lets you explicitly instruct the hardware to do what you want
The toolchain around C and C++ can be daunting though, I understand
oh I know. I've been using C++ for other projects. using it for mobile development is the hard part.
Mostly because there is very poor native SDK availability on mobile
Anyone know of a free [windows] alternative to garage band?
@Sie lmms.io
LMMS is probably better than Garage Band
@MattJensJensen that, a lack of tutorials, and no high-level templates means I'd have to figure out almost everything by scanning documentation instead of just looking at example code.
totally doable, and kind of tempting to do on my own time if I didn't have other more interesting projects, but time consuming
@MattJensJensen Wow. Looks promising. For someone who never came here until like 48 hours ago you've very helpful :).
@IcyDefiance to be honest, I've mostly stopped reading friendly documentation anymore and just go straight to source code and specifications
@Sie ;) a couple of my favorite rappers use LMMS
Cool beans. Going to try rolling my own track. A lot of the truly free music I found just wasn't doing it for me.
@Sie also, if you do any recording with mic, I usually use Audacity and put that into LMMS
What do you guys think of this first track? I really like it and with some modifications here and there I think it could make a good ambient track. Not a huge fan of the other two though.
I like it, but is that synth voice part of the track or a copy protection?
That's copy protection.
Then it's damn good, I usually prefer more organic instrumentals than synth organs but it's really good
I think so too. There is a bit of a catch though. Here is the license: audiojungle.net/licenses/music?license=music_standard
For one after I hit 10,000 copies I need to get a different one which is $112 or so. Even then the "TV/radio broadcast, broadcast advertising and online equivalents" bit is ambiguous. Like does that mean streamers can't play the game with the music on? That sounds like "broadcasting" to me.
I don't like envato's licensing, but I'm sure you'd be fine if people steamed it
"All of our Music Licenses including our base Standard Music License allow for streaming web video." Never mind their FAQ has an exception.
Well, I'm pretty sure that licensing term means direct streaming
As in using it in a stream
I don't think you're responsible for the secondary use from streamers playing your game
At least not yet, it depends on the legal environment at the time, what country is your company based in?
Ya that'd be ridiculous. Plus their FAQ says I should be in the clear.
For anyone who is still secretly curious: I reduced the cache misses to zero by storing those indexes in the same memory block where the objects are
anyone know how to use glm::mat4 as a parameter in a function apparently this is not possible ??

GLint SetupDefaultMat4x4(GLuint program,
GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose,
const char *lenstypematrixname,
glm::mat4 *lenstypematrixvalues,
const char *cameraposmatrixname,
glm::mat4 *cameraposmatrixvalues,
const char *modelviewmatrixname,
glm::mat4 *modelviewmatrixvalues
What do you mean not possible?
Yeah ^
It outputs an error message, duh
Yes, but it's hard to provide any help without knowing that compiler error or the context
And not possible is a really wild conclusion to make
@Tyyppi_77 "not possible" or.. maybe you have a syntax or semantics error
By the way @Tyyppi_77, when do you think you'd have a playable release of your game, every time I see new screenshots I wish I could play it
GL_Engine.hpp:35:11: note: no known conversion for argument 5 from 'glm::tmat4x4<float, (glm::precision)0u>::col_type* {aka glm::tvec4<float, (glm::precision)0u>*}' to 'const mat4& {aka const glm::tmat4x4<float, (glm::precision)0u>&}'
Not sure. I kinds have a stable build right now, but I'm not really sure if I want to put out a demo build. I guess I should... So IDK
@DominicHughes Something with missmatching pointers/references
I see.
hmm well urgh.
Dominic, are you trying to pass a reference type in as a pointer?
Can you just show the gist of the code that's actually calling it?
transpose,(const GLfloat*)&modelviewmatrixvalues[0]);
glm::mat4 *modelviewmatrixvalues
Natrium, what're your axis?
x is the number of the run, y is milliseconds
gonna make it public quite soon
Dominic, did you mean &modelviewmatrixvalues[0][0]?
glm::mat4 foo;
glUniformMatrix4fv(.., .., .., &foo[0][0]);
glm::mat4* bar;
glUniformMatrix4fv(..., ..., ..., bar);
@Tyyppi_77 Not to scare you away from it but you may want to look over this video (gotta find it again).
To be honest, after playing the demo of Budget Cuts, I never want to play it again
I won't buy it when it comes out
Was it no so good? It looked great from the trailers and game play that I saw. Not brilliant but pretty cool.
I have a Vive so I should probably try it out sometime. I've been busy with my own project though.
It's only cool looking if you've never played a VR game, once you get into the game you realize that in comparision to other VR games like Job Simulator, it's just really clunky and get's you wrapped up in your harness
Job Simulator was fantastically designed for the average play area
I tried Job Simulator and it was cool but I just felt it was boring after 5 minutes.
Job Simulator doesn't have much substance or replay value
but the controls and feeling is amazing
Budget Cuts got boring so quickly, it's not challenging and doesn't present any kind of compelling story or puzzles to solve
I'm personally developing for the Vive and while room scale is a cool feature if I forced my game to fit into that it would just be a butchered game. I wrote a little blog post about it a while back: elysrealm.com/blog/….
It's more of a "fling knives at robots simulator 2017"
I agree
I'm building a hybrid RTS right now
Playable on normal screen, VR sitting, or VR standing
I really wanted a game I could enjoy on VR with friends that couldn't afford VR
I may add some room scale bonus content WAY down the road but it's not a priority. I just feel like unless you have a dedicated room or a large room it will be a gimmick.
I figured a 2x3 meter space would be enough for a good room scale experience, but so far all of the games I've played for it don't do it as well as I'd like
@MattJensJensen That's what I'm doing as well to an extent. I'm constantly making sure that compatibility between a traditional setup (kbm/monitor and VR) is staying compatible.
I gotta say you really remind me of Jared from Silicon Valley (the HBO show) for some reason.
hahaha Is that a good thing?
Jared like in this scene? youtube.com/watch?v=-2QjmYDtjv8
Mainly just the look from your avatar.
Oh yeah, ironically I took that photo in Silicon Valley
(and by silicon valley, I mean Malibu)
This is still my favorite scene from the show...
That's beautiful
In his defense, that's not the most extreme reaction I've seen from someone looking to score adderall
I think Guilfoyle is my spirit animal.
are a serie of IFs and a switch case equivalent performance wide?
@Leggy7 most compilers reduce it down to canonical form
It depends on your language
I mean, unity script
in c#
In all likelihood, the difference between ifs and switch cases is a stylistic preference in the C# runtime in Unity.
thank you Matt
@Leggy7 yes ... under the bonnet so to speak they are both a series of if's
the compiler generates IL to that effect
mono compiler and .Net compiler behave the same way on this
Realistically, your issues with performance in C# are going to be memory management and dealing with the managed runtime
I have a concern regarding Observer pattern
it exists to apply the concept of separation of concerns, I guess
but what is exactly the difference between let for exaple the player talk directly to the gui or let an observer notify the GUI player's actions?
You don't have to write calls to GUI code in your Player code
I just dove into it and I can see benefits in terms of readability of code, centralization of callings and so on
With the Observer, you write "hey I just did this" in player, and then GUI and anything else that cares about that event can act on it
but why this should be better?
With no direct function calls to GUI or (insert vibrational controller whatever here) in the Player code
Because, the implementation of your GUI code shouldn't break your Player's mechanics implementation
but what if it doesn't?
I mean
I have my player controller which does just stuff
It's not necessarily the right solution for everything
in certain lines I insert direct call to the gui
or send a notify to the observer
what does change?
unity has a sort of message bus
Because, your player and observer doesn't care if you have 1, 2, 3, or no classes listening to a message your player sends out
"Hey this happened" ... some time later ... "oh look, i'll respond with ..."
oh right, I was just stuck with only one bserver
things change when observers are more
its a loosely coupled pub sub model
for instance, graphic, audio, gui, ecc
@Darth_Wardy "some time later" implies non-deterministic delay of message propagation, you can have a direct, low-overhead Observer pattern without much complexity
is thi correct?
@Leggy7 yes
@MattJensJensen yeh i know ... was just pointing out what unity has built it ... personally I would avoid unity's built in messaging but playing with it would give someone at least some ideas on how they might go about this "right"
It just comes down to 1. Does it run significantly faster or slower. 2. Does it make my job as a programmer easier. 3. Is the code more readable and stable?
at the end of the day its just a bunch of delegates you may or may not have subscribers for
With the caveat that in C# and Unity's C# runtime you can really get hurt if your memory management is broken in your observer pattern
As far as I know though, you can write unmanaged C++ in Unity for performance critical sections where you want to manage memory manually
well, now they come issues with parameters to handle by the observers
observers are thought to be quite generic
I could use to notify changes in different section of the gui, for example your health, your max health, your damage and so on
I could not add 200 parameters
so maybe it is good practice to add for instance a list of float to the notify method
sounds good?
considering that the gui should not be the only notifiable thing
if I have just a list of possible float to be passed I could handle them in each observer conseuently
so when I send a message to the observer to update max health I could add a couple of float to the list and it will handle them in the specific case GUI_UPDATE_MAXHP
sort of
Observers could be a packet of information
Not just a single magic number
You could send a struct of infomration
yeah I could have just a more complex structure to give in input
but the notify function is shared between observers, right
that's what i looked
Give this chapter a quick read, it should help answer both of those questions
Oh okay
So yes
it just says that I coud add as many parameters as I want
Yes, but there's a point where the data sharing can cause performance issues
it explained the basicss then it said that this could get more and more structured in order of needs
You don't want to go too far in your application of the Observer pattern
it says that a slow observer could harm performances, of course
It could add massive overhead if you use it as the core of your game's communication
I just want to follow the path and see if my needs push too much the system or not
but even with my little needs
I have an observer for the gui, another for the graphical effects, another for audio fx
Have you profiled to see how much time you're spending in the Observer?
what does this mean? profiled?
Measure CPU time spent in the Observer functions
and side effects of the Observer pattern
nope, I didnt'. at the moment it is unnoticable
Is your game multithreaded? I'd be careful with data sharing with Observers
no multithread
Then it should be fairly simple to monitor it
you suggest to count elapsed time on notify call?
Count time spent in all Observer code and subsequent time spent handling its memory management, and watch for memory bloat in a soak test
this could get a bit complicated for my current caphabilities, I should postpone it to when more features are added under observer controller
I think that if I have adozen of possible messages there aren't issues
but I still have a concern with notify parameters
I understand, it's more of an art than anything. You just have to figure out how you want to do it as your project evolves
assume the folowing: I need only some float data and a couple of eneities to the observer to know. so since this float number could vary it could be handled with a list of them
I understand so there is not a best practice I'm ignoring
You could have the observer hold those values either in itself when updated or within the notifications
all i wanted to do was write games.... why is this so complicated?
i had just a simple mmorpg made with java in mind
I'm scared of the final product :)
I just asked a simple question about making a game, its not like i'm writing a business application here!
@Jon all I wanted to do was make my game run on linux and now I'm knee deep in the ELF format reading it byte by byte in a hex editor with a specification in one tab
java code crash? ideas thx
why elf?
make it not crash.
ELF, Executable and Linkable
I worked with elf before in my xbox1 days
didn't know it was actually a format
how to structure java mmporpg?
Making universal binaries is hard, linking is hard
@Tyyppi_77 lol
Shared dynamic libraries
fuck me
@MattJensJensen You must be doing something weird
@MickLH Yes, I am, on purpose
Aight, finally time to gamedev!
I always thought the ELF format is meh, but at least it's better than PE lol
math exam went surprisingly well
I have a single codebase, three rendering backends, and optional VR library
ELF is beautiful in comparison to PE
but still crazy
@Tyyppi_77 ooh, what kind of math?
statistics and probability
not my favorite
Ouch, yeah I prefer Linear Algebra
Don't be silly. Calculus
I really enjoyed calculus, but this period the courses were logic and number theory and statistics and probability
So I'm with Mick on this
Calculus is wonderful, but without Linear Algebra I can't do shit in my daily life
you use linear algebra to shit?
@Jon of course
lol'd a little, still too much
@Jon That you would even ask this is honestly disturbing...
I use a 4x4 matrix to orient my skeleton unto the toilet
4x3 when I export to the world engine
once you export, don't try re-importing... trust me
@Jon Are you saying you would ever consider not having a rigorous precision to your bathroom experience?
I shit at work
^ I've never shat in school
Peed like two times during 12 years
I had to buy a couple Titan Xes so I can shit with double precision
i don't do it because I like it... I do it because it beats shitting on my own time.
Real job: Get paid to shit
Startup: get paid in shit
Only literally though
Why take a risk when everyone can take the risk together!
5% rev share if you do 50% of the work
Why take a risk on your own when you can task a risk with 4 non-engineers with no skills or experience
Obviously I want the reward for myself or else even a very very small risk is not worth it.
Then don't get cofounders, take capital, and always work alone
I meant that to mean, don't take capital
that's more or less my situation tbh
I cofounded a startup for a year, things went great until they didn't
And by great, I hated my life and cried in the fetal position in a small apartment in LA for a year
I kinda like the chaos, the problem I have is that I just want to "coast along"
Coast along? In what way?
Like not working hardcore hours 7 days a week?
hell no I could never do that
Mick is super religious doesn't work on Sunday
That's not what I figured from the profile picture hahaha
It looks more like post-modern jesus core irony
I am super religious, and I don't work on Sundays
But my religion is a firm belief that the universe will provide evidence, and follows rules of physics
And I don't work Sundays because I don't like to work on schedules
My religion is a firm believe in evidence, donuts, and poutine
I tried buying a corner shelf from this older couple. It was Sunday. They would take my money but refused to finalize the sale in the Lords day. They wanted me to come back to pick it up another sayw
lol rob them for it and force them to keep the money
@Jon that sounds like thye just wanted to take your money
I said well fuck you then give me my money
Had to stab the guy
Fucked up
Hate it when that happens
Knife kill
Craigslist tho
Some weird people on there... better safe than sorry
The people that sell a single sock for like 50 cents
Craigslist in my area
And there are like 100 socks posted
Having that many guns should be illegal
Stolen from a motel that was just condemmed by the EPA for having far too high concentration of meth in the everything
Murcia fuck yeah
Sort of 'Murica
Most of our drugs come from BC
I'm looking at you, Canadian!
@Jon I think the banana clip alone is already really illegal :P
Marijuana yeah
We make the best
Is it legal in your providence?
It is here :D
Jail because you are clearly destroying people's lives
They need their prescription medication

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