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I came up with this mouse input system a long time ago where you never have to pick up the mouse.. Imagine a regular Arc-Ball mouse rotation, but you're rotating a virtual joystick
I had fun toying with it for a while, but it's exchanging one discontinuity for another
Instead of having to pick up the mouse when you go too far one way, the extreme case happened when you're turning quickly and overshoot
That small correction requires your mouse to snap more than halfway across the screen instantly
Now that eye-tracking is getting cheap... I think I can use that input mode
If anyone gets eye-tracking gear, I really want to hear about the details. I don't have any yet
any comments on that monitor?
I'm thinking I should really get a 4k monitor with my monster video cards
I don't like Dell so I wouldn't buy it
have had HDMI audio problems with their monitors before
ok. I have a dell 23 I've had for years, I like it. What would you recommend instead?
going blind
I just have bad luck I swear
no alternate recommendations ;p
heheh ok :)
Glad to have your wife in the clan :)
Why do they all want to build a game engine?
u can make a crappy game engine fast and easy.
one trick pony shitty game engine.
is, what I am making right now.
Why do you make a game engine?
for resume, to get a coop... and get out of college.
"coop", you mean something like an internship?
yes. Folks here make make a game instead game engine. But I suck at making something fun and creative. So I am, instead, rendering stuff..
But how to you know your game engines is good if you don't make a game out of it?
that's true... in fact I am not actually making a game out of it.
It is an offline rendering program...mainly aimed to render cool things out of my tiny laptop.
I make weird things... Maybe I can't get a job forever... I guess...
:( sudden depression maybe I will be living under the pile of student loan forever while working at grocery shop.
Ok, so it's not a game engine :P
but I want to work on making game.
there's money in making games
I dunno if there's money in making engines (feasibly as a one-man army)
Yeah; you should try and get experience at making games first, generally, some game companies don't really care if you can make something fun and creative, as you'll be paid to code stuff that other ppl will be paid to think about..
too much is expected of an engine these days for making one to be a one-man show.
No poop physics in any engine
Huge letdown for people that want to make poop games out of the box
Gotta write your own poop code, mildly infuriating
@BlueBug why so depressed? What's bad about such a life?
He has a celeron
Yitang Zhang had a really tough life and was or is even still working at Subway, even thought he has proven that there exist infinite many prime gaps which do not exceed 70 million
It's all about passion
its about trying to make yourself echo in history
that is all everyone really wants
to be significant
I want to be significant.
no shit everyone does.
get in line
I don't want to be significant
I just want to have some fun
and I want to have fun as well.
bullshit you don't want to have fun
@Jon Yeah, I really do hate fun
Fuck fun
fun is for chumps
the last time I had fun, i hated it
yeah... me too... I... hate... fun... trying hard to fit in
Fitting in is overrated
fitting in is for losers
if you shit your pants, take them off
don't leave them on just because you want to fit in
good advice
Time to get schwifty in here
serious though
i saw a woman shit her pants int he mall
alright, build submitted to nindy
might play a game to take a break
yelle game time~
Play some good 'ol Schiffbruch.exe made by Dirk Plate github.com/eXpl0it3r/Schiffbruch
@BlueBug Be Elon Musk then. :P
I think the closest of Elon Must(Net worth: 13 billion USD (2015) Forbes) I can be is a hardcore porn star, the one does kinkest stuff to make huge bucks.
Would that be fun though?
I guess it would
I don't think all porn stars have it fun.
Musk is an extreme go-getter
I prefer to be lazy lol
I am not sure. I have not done any kinky stuff yet. Maybe not...
I'm an extreme go-getter like, 15 minutes a day. I'll be 15/1440=1% Elon Musk :P
actually never mind, I did a research and it says male porn star makes tenth of that of a female porn star.
It's more socially acceptable for guys to watch porn, and the majority wants to look at women.
unless u go to the... other gender themed studio.
I guess I will stick to programming then.
And most women I know that watch porn, usually prefer the women, since the men usually aren't very attractive.
I don't get it
Playing with a console on pc? he is not a real pc gamer. Thus the example is flawed.
see, if you had 16 people in the same room playing games telling you you suck, it wouldn't go down too well lol
the shield of anonymity brings out the best in some
@ChrisMcFarland s/best/worst
I used to think anonymity was like, the main reason people were being idiots.
But, enter the age of Facebook, and people, with the picture, name, address, everything, are still acting like shit doing stupid things.
The main reason is distance
You don't look at each other's faces
you then realise that most people just don't care
Yeah, people, in general, suck :P
This is why I don't mind sitting at home all day where possible
Life is easier
Some suggestions for graphic programs (gnu/linux) to draw stuff in isometric projection?
Although I really like gimp, it's a huge hassle there
@NaCl Hmm, you could check out Kenney Studio.
@ChrisMcFarland It really is. As long as you have a good network of friends. There are a lot of loners out there. :)
Anyone know of any tutorials on spherecasting? Unity's API is farily shite on the topic.
Gonna remember that! However, I prefer to use my art style :o)
@NaCl Oh, I thought you could use your own textures. Guess not :P
Krita looks promising
Spherecasting... So you take Point A with a radius, and cast to Point B. From memory, whatever is enveloped at Point A will not be hit, so keep that in mind
@NaCl Looks just like any other Photoshop/PSP/Gimp tool :P
That's kindof what I'm looking for :P
Right, I missed the platform part :P
@William If you shave your goatee, and put on a pair of round glasses you'll become @NaCl
You think so?
Actually that's not quite a goatee but still.
More or less anyway.
I'm kinda chubby. And not really German.
Although, as a Dane, we're pretty similar.
There's time for that.
That's a very creative thought, @Sie
There's time for being German?
Well, NaCl has what appears to be a stretch in his ear. I could never do that, I'd look silly.
I'm afraid your idea is rubbish.
I wish I could beard
@NaCl Boredom and procrastination may lead to side effects of creativity at times.
@ChrisMcFarland I wish I could manly beard. It's still kinda thin on the sides. :P
I can't grow a beard properly. It looks patchy and something that should belong on my balls rather than my face.
But being 28, I doubt it'll happen ...
I can't either
I actually also have a mustache now.
Something like the medium stubble :P
evil villain stache
You mean the Imperial one? :P
I thought evil villain immediately :P
You ever get up to go to the toilet, but on the way you remember you need something to drink, and you're also kinda hungry so you make a quick snack, and then get back and realize you forgot to go to the toilet?
nah, I usually just go
Well, look at mister "clear goals" over here ...
I usually do the exact opposite
the biological urgency usually guides my train of thought
I'll get distracted with other tasks though
"Oh lets take a snack", going to the kitchen, "oh, when I'm here I can just go to the toilet fast", going to the toilet, going back to my pc
trick is to just have it all in the same room
therefore no room for error
@ChrisMcFarland So the computer at the toilet or the toilet in the office? :P
you can push water cooling to new limits
Well here is my mesh being updated in real time (for the sake of clipping prevention among other things) so far I like it a lot. Just need to make the raycast more consistent (spherecasting probably) and make things feel generally more responsive.
> Encoding video...
Oh... Give it a moment.
You should use gifs. This is too much for my narrow attention span ...
There it goes. Live now.
I feel like it should fall over :P
the robot is so exited
Looks great @Sie.
Play some Garry's Mod to get inspiration :P
Ya. I need to adjust the rigid body values and a few other things to make it feel a bit better.
@WilliamMariager I have actually a little bit anyway.
I totally didn't rip this tools functionally (still need to work on it more) from the Physics Gun for instance: gfycat.com/WhirlwindBlaringBobolink
@Sie Yeah, I noticed it seemed similar :P
Q: My husband keeps dying

drewI'm on peaceful creative mode and my husband is in full diamond armor. However, my husband keeps on dying. He's not being attacked by anything either - he just drops dead? I've done everything I can think of but every time I remarry he keeps on dying. Anyone know how to prevent that from happe...

rip husband
Can anyone recommend a good computer mouse <$60?
Mighty Mouse
@TheMuffinCoder amazon.com/…
It looks cheap but it actually is surprisingly good. I love it so far.
Now Just gotta compare the specs with my current mouse
it's your brother?
So when I build my new PC, the mouse goes to him with my old pc
Then I'll be mouse-less D:
@Sie that DPI seems to be a bit... bad? :P
@TheMuffinCoder Compared to a $80 mouse ya you're going to take a hit somewhere.
I don't really game much and I bought that one as the scroll wheel on my old logitech one finally gave up on life.
ouch that 14000 DPI difference hurts
I made the mistake of buying one of those mice with 6 buttons on the side
could never tell what button did what by feel
wait this mouse is more expensive because of the excessive led lights, gotta look for it's nonled equivalent
I've got this Logitech G502 at the moment though which is very nice: amazon.com/Logitech-Proteus-Tunable-Customizable-910-004074/dp/…
@ChrisMcFarland lol must had been for moba's
I must be cheap but I can't fathom paying more than $40 for a mouse.
it was just bad all around, sounds good on paper, felt bad in functionality
I used to just buy Microsoft's low-end optical mice
@Sie lol don't worry, I'm ultra frugal in every other way
but they'd break like every year or two, and then they stopped making my favourite model
I buy cheap food to make up for all of this :D
@ChrisMcFarland I did the same too :P
+ with the keyboard shudders
Ya I have odd priorities too when it comes to my computer. I upgraded everything even and even sprang for a 980 (for a good price) but I still used a PS/2 keyboard that was probably older than me up until a month ago.
all the other mouse except this one is too big for my hand
rip I can't stand using wireless mice
I keep knocking them off the desk
Seems kind of pricey. I've seen (and have) a few just like it but I don't think they cost more than $30 or so.
Well they look similar anyway.
That one's got fancy design, which makes it 4 times more than it usually is.
Ah that explains it.
it is actually variation from this one
$15. Sounds about right lol.
it is about size of four quarters
3 + 1/2 quarter coin size. Very small yet durable compact model.
Who is paying $60 extra for that crappy design? I mean it looks ok but nothing too special. Plus that material (I'm assuming glossy plastic) isn't very good (to me).
I just checked. That's the exact model I have.
we share the same mouse model @Sie
Logitech M325 aka the dirt cheap tiny wireless mouse.
Well for my laptop anyway.
the cartoon sometimes get gory with its cartoonic expression.
ya after the "golden age" of spongebob their gross out humor went over the top
Spongebob quality dropped after the original creators left
Those first few seasons had excellent writing
supposedly the main dude came back after the second movie
So my laptop ram usage (with Chrome) idles around 50% or 60% and when under heavy load it gets up to 70-80%. Perhaps I should add a stick of ram?
I think u should download a bit more of ram instead
Christ almighty. Quite the journey to get the ram slot lol.
It would be so much easier to just put a panel on the bottom of the laptop. That's value engineering for you.
my acer just need to flip, open the cover, then switch the ram.
took like 7 mins; very easy.
that's two years ago.
I think the new models (one I have) have implemented the lessons they learned from the older versions.
@Sie Or you know, get a desktop :P
Kids these days :P
@WilliamMariager Pfft. Of course I have one and that blows the little laptop out of the water but I need something for when I'm on campus.
Good good :P
Yeah, I have considered upgrading mine. It isn't too happy when I run a VM or Visual Studio.
Guys I learned how to use normal maps
So I'm going all out on detail! :D
nvm o.O there's too much surface that needs detail

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