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well anyway, point is there may be issues that other languages just don't have. I think ruby is a better language for websites anyway, at least until the vnext stuff is stable.
vnext might really be cool though.
ive not tried ruby but ive heard mixed things about it
stuff like "ruby is great if you do exactly what it wants"
and "ruby will hate you if you don't do what it wants"
I feel like mvc is a nice middle ground
everything is pluggable and replaceable
nah it's a pretty loose language. I usually say it's like what php should have been. it's easy to work with and often really convenient, but it actually makes more sense as you learn more instead of just going batshit like php does.
im thinking of rails (the ruby equiv of mvc)
rails just has issues with development moving faster than google, so if you have a problem you might find outdated answers
otherwise it's pretty awesome
if the plan goes well with mvc and webapi back ends merging then i will likely not be going anywhere for a long time
i have so little code at the moment in my exising web stack on mvc and webapi if that gets better it'll be seriously cool
more so if i can use roslyn too
From what i nuderstand compiling a web app with roslyn pulls in just the stuff you need so you bin deploy (copy the files) on to any web server and it should just work
assuming the server is setup right
GoT season 6 teaser: youtube.com/watch?v=IxI8aPISq8I
april next year. way too long to wait.
@TheMuffinCoder nice avatar :P
@IcyDefiance rails is pretty awesome
hype for rails 5
Hey Pip! :D thx I was playing around with gameboy colors a while ago
Well today was a failure, spent all the time figuring out how to illuminate the inside of my house
My goal for the next hour or so is to get fps and stuff rendering
@TheMuffinCoder LED lights are a good way to go.
The save energy in the long run.
@MartinSojka I still don't get it. Виреники is pronounced as "Vi-re-ni-ki" with all short sounding Is. But they always write the English version as verenyky. Which looks like Ver-en-ee-kee.
Should be vereniki
But that could be pronounced the same way :(
Bah! English spelling is weird.
yes, yes it is
I also can't read whatever character set that is :P
english spelling is weird, but that's probably unrelated here. there are usually semi-standard methods for translating between character sets, and those methods are usually just dumb.
the same issue exists with chinese characters. like "xin zhao" is pronounced "sheen jow"
but everyone is supposed to use the same method or it just gets more confusing. you'll end up with 10 different english spellings for the same name and people will think they're different people.
he said he can't read it
Lol. Thought he said can.
@IcyDefiance and they change every 15-20 years.
@IcyDefiance That is so retarded gitted.
lol is that a meme here now?
For me :)
For...me me.
1 hour later…
holy crap
VS is even more awesome than I thought it was.... I just discovered a "new" feature
if you autocomplete a switch template, then switch on an enum and press tab again, it autofills a whole bunch of case statements, one for each value of the enum
saved me a ton of work
thanks VS
(ping @IcyDefiance)
@Pip But it's not Vim...
I also don't like VS because it is owned by MS.
meh vim is just nice for the keyboard shortcuts
I don't like a bunch of its interface stuff, cause MS don't know shit about interfacing, but on the whole it doesn't annoy me that much. After installing DPack, anyway. Why isn't "show file in solution explorer" a default option?
debugger seems to work pretty well
@IcyDefiance TBH I'm kind of liking the simplicity of gedit. No auto complete, but the lack of auto complete I think makes you work harder to think about your code.
I don't care too much about editors.
Simplicity is nice.
Not so much stuff that you never use.
iirc mick said he uses gedit too.
the lack of autocomplete would really annoy me, but I can see arguments in its favor
I think many programs have a bunch of features that are just frivolous. You never really learn to use them.
I honestly can't say I miss it that much anymore.
@Pip that is pretty cool. :)
@Almo dude oh my god
I can't believe it's serious, it seems like it has to be a troll
I wouldn't be surprised.
That's what happens when you show somebody a neat language feature and they decide that it needs to be used everywhere.
Whoa! I just took a strobe light into a dark room. When I moved around, everything looked like it was playing at like 5 FPS in real life!
What exactly does grounding do for electric shock?
Man. I still don't understand how electric shock occurs.
Or grounding.
6 hours later…
Anyone have any example on PID controlled homing missiles?
Hello, I am new to this chat and I wanted to know if this is the right place to ask an architectural question regarding game development, rather than a specific problem with a specific question
yeah you can do that here
You can ask philosophical questions too
that's cool thanks, so I want to develop a chess game to serve over the web, I am most comfortable with javascript and I thought I could do this using angularjs, or jquery or any javascript framework really. I am comfortable with php but I could easily pickup nodejs, ruby or anything alike. First of all I am not sure on the MVC side, which technology I should look into developing this with including the database portion, so that is my first question.
the game does not involve AI by the way, it is more of a tutorial type of game, I have specific patterns I want to use to help a user learn through very intuitive game behavior
I don't know if it matters either but I do plan on doing this by myself on my free time, cause I love chess :)
ah and just to be a little open ended I was recently looking at ASP C# AngularJS framework combination, not that I am familiar with it, but it does seem like a very robust way of building a program, just in case that clicks in someone's mind as a better approach... I am looking for any advice really before I start digging into some code
@AGE server-side doesn't really matter. my only advice is to stay away from mysql, because it does some really dangerous things with data that might cause you problems if you're not aware of them.
php is dangerous too, but if you're comfortable with it then it doesn't really matter. it's generally best to work with whatever you're used to, unless you're doing the project specifically to learn something new.
i have no issues with mysql
I have major issues with mysql. like when you set a column to disallow nulls, then insert null, it doesn't throw an error. it just inserts 0 or empty string instead.
it is free.
so is every other db software
and yeah, i don't think mysql supports triggers
lol, ok call me when you get oracle set up
or mssql
mysql does support triggers
well I thought it did anyway
I use mysql and never had any serious trouble with it
haven't tried mariadb but I've heard good things about it
yeah i don't know if it does
giving away unity code for a incomplete isometric engine
if anyone wants it
does this
mysql does support triggers now. it looks like a pretty recent feature though, so it's probably not on every webhost.
I don't care about that, though. That's not why it's evil.
ok, i know it was an issue for me a while back
it's things like "Illegal DATETIME, DATE, or TIMESTAMP values are converted to the "zero" value of the appropriate type ('0000-00-00 00:00:00' or '0000-00-00')"
someone needs to make a big blog post of this stuff like the ones that exist for php
@Almo hey! turns out my other friend was not offered a job "because they didn't want to offer him something too low". I think they were looking for either someone junior or senior, and not intermediate...
oh right
Business is hard for some..!
@IcyDefiance I will look more closely into the databases, however when it comes to developing the app on the front end/API side of things, is AngularJS/NodeJS or anything that falls along the category of Javascript Frameworks a good idea? That is also a dilemma I am facing. Think about playing chess and a tutor helping you through each step. At any point in time the program will try to correct where you went wrong or help you progress to a more challenging chess game as you make progress.
@IcyDefiance This type of architecture requires data flowing seamlessly between front-back ends. I understand this may be broad that is why I am trying to narrow it to Javascript technologies and whether or not this architectural approach is recommended or not.
Yahoo mail is built in Javascript.
you can build very complex systems with it, so sticking with JS won't hinder you if you know how to work with it
node is a server-side thing. it's pretty awesome in its own way, but unless you're trying to run the game outside of a web browser, you don't want to use it client-side.
I've never looked into angular so I can't speak there
anyone do advent calendar today?
@IcyDefiance that's good to know then the right approach is to stay client side for which I can narrow down a few JS frameworks, @Almo how about you with regards to plain JS or AngularJS or anything else that you may have used?
as for the data flow thing, you can just have the client use ajax to send things to the server
I have not done much Javascript. I just know from my brief experience with it and reading Javascript The Good Parts that there's nothing wrong with building stuff in it.
@IcyDefiance excellent, I know AngularJS (and others) do well with their AJAX style of communication
I suggest you try out today's advent, I wanna talk about it
normally you'd want something better than that, but since chess is turn based, latency doesn't matter much, so ajax will work fine
I managed to get it, but my calculations for part 2 were pretty slow
can't do advent yet. need to work. :(
@IcyDefiance good to know, this game will not happen between two users, it will be an NPC to user but regardless ajax will be useful when tracking with the DB
^^ chess is really simple in terms of multiplayer
@Jon the data I will be looking to use will have comments for each new chess problem, such as explanations on the problem, directions on how to get it right and any little thing in between.
@Jon Considering I could make this work for a small case of chess problems, I could easily blow it up with over 3000 just by recording in a few chess book problems say over a summer break. So in terms of storing this data I am a bit lost. I have already been advised not to use mysql but then again I don't even know myself
mysql vs postresql doesn't make any difference in how you store the data. that's just software behind the scenes.
the real trick is designing database tables in the right way
if you haven't, read up on normalization
Yeah, pick up a intro book on databases
designing databases is something I'm horrible at giving advice on. it's always been pretty intuitive for me. I'd say just try it, see what you come up with, then ask questions when you get stuck.
or you could read a book about it, but pfft who actually reads anymore...or maybe that attitude is just me
lol, i don't recommend a book nowadays
However, making mistakes in your database design can be a real bitch down the road
Trust me.
You should see the crap I have seen in previous projects.
hahah :D
One time I applied for a programming job, when I met with the manager it was revealed that it was for Sharepoint.
I ran away
did you give him donut's number? :)
lol, should have
She said (manager), that the ad was posted that way to get programmers to come in
She said she knew if she put sharepoint no one would come.
Why use it.. geesh.
Also, why ask for a programmer... ask for a business analyst, lol
@Jon @IcyDefiance @Almo thanks a lot for the help!!! I need to get my hands dirty with databases first then as the front end/API seems to be pretty straight forward. This project should keep me entertained for about half a year so wish me luck :)
have fun man
while you guys are on the db subject ... any chance anyone here is knowledgeable in EF?
Q: How to define EF Many To Many Relationship in type that has other relationships to the same other type

WardyThis is quite a simple problem that has quite a long explanation so please bear with me if this gets long. (i'm really going to try and keep it to a minimum) Ok so here's my "extracted sample" that produces the same problem ... public class TestContext : DbContext { public DbSet<TypeA> Type...

EF = ?
i first read fags
i was like, wtf
yeah , no idea @Wardy
:( it seems like a pretty common scenario so I would think there's a simple fix ... i just can't see it yet
hahah jon
@Jon omg ... I knew it would be something simple
what was it?
so what, no one did that Advent thing today?
Someone created a visualization of day 3
So, I was gonna ask, how would you optimize to get the answer for part 2 of this puzzle faster?
I came to the conclusion that you can't. A brute force is the only way.
part 2 of day 3? or today's?
day 3 was almost instant for me.
I can probably do today's now... waiting on an api password before I can work more.
yeah day 4
it is a md5 hash crack
okay yeah, I just finished it. you're right, brute force is the only way.
though it would probably be easy to write a compute shader to brute force it in a millisecond
gpus are really good at that
1 hour later…
@Jon look at the answer on the question :)
1 hour later…
@Jon ring ring, I have postgres running, what now?
I knew I could not have been the first to think of "DataBass"
DataBass AlgoRhythms are always fun
2 hours later…
I'm using bash for this adventofcode stuff.
I can see that working pretty well
@AidanMueller i used to use chrome developer tools
Why do Python programmers have crooked teeth? Because they don't use braces :P
27x26x23 feet? That's how big santas gifts are?
I'm asking for the wrong stuff :P
@AidanMueller I know right, those are some huge presents
4x3x9 is one of the smaller ones I've seen.
I think those should probably be in inches
but still, some big presents
I think you're both weird for looking at anything in the input file other than the format...
"3 ints, split by 'x', got it" and close tab
for a physics based basketball game, has anyone here ever thought about how to prevent a score from happening when the ball moves up through the hoop instead of down? or scoring twice when the ball bounces down through the rim, back up, and then goes down again?
right now I'm thinking about a system where i have two sensors, upper and lower, and then mark balls when they collide with the upper one, and only score them if they collide with the lower one and have that mark
even then, though, if the ball bounced out after only hitting the upper sensor, and then say another ball collides with it before it hits the ground, and it goes up through the hoop then..
are you using bullet physics?
ah then I don't know exactly which methods you should be using, but you can probably get the ball's velocity to know whether it's travelling up or down. that or some info on the collision to see if it hits the top or bottom of your sensor.
> All numbers in the elves' list are in feet. How many total square feet of wrapping paper should they order?
@Pip Here ^
also instead of marking the ball, you can put the sensors close enough together and check if the ball is colliding with both of them at once
though I'm not totally sure if two sensors are necessary
@bazola Just make sure that it has downward velocity.
that is true that i could look at the velocity. i guess if i made the sensor taller then i could just have one sensor and check the top and bottom. if it is anything near the size of the rim though, then it is totally possible for the ball to be pretty far below the rim and still activate the sensor and then bounce out
Actually, that might not work.

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