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02:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

oh god Sarah Palin with her whiny voice on the TV. (Apologies to anyone who likes her)
4 hours later…
> We haven’t declared it, so it will throw an error. Or even worse, if we have declared it, but not initialised it, we’ll end up with undefined as our name argument. Of course Javascript has an excellent way of dealing with this. Coerce undefined to a string, then use it as a key all the same (oh, Javascript…).
@Almo Sarah Palin is a pretty hot milf tho
1 hour later…
Currently stuck on the knapsack problem for ImpProg :(
Its my day off and I've slept 10 hours but still feel like I've been hit by a freight train -.-
Sup guys
Just spreading the waters
Btw, have you ever experienced unity GUI getting covered by other game objects?
How to move it forward? Subtracting the Z position of the button doesn't change anything, and the canvas, can't be edited
oh poor me
it's unity 5
What is your canvas set to? World Space?
You mean render mode?
It's screen space camera
And the render camera is set to main camera
And your game objects is overlapping it?
Try restarting Unity
no good
even after restarting
Set screen space to overlay?
red circled is my game object
not sure what caused the canvas so gigantic
cant resize it either
btw it's a mobile app (idk if this is relevant or not)
Thats unity's way of handling screen space canvas :P
Just use game view to edit your GUI
what caused this btw?
screen space adds depth to the GUI as well, which is what caused it to be behind your objects
hmm, and what exactly caused the scene and game visual doesn't synced?
The render mode on the canvas
i see thanks
ah thanks
ok i gtg btw later!
Arrgh.. Whenever I have to use Eclipse it makes we want to scream -.-
If you're making a scanner it has this neat feature which says "Add argument to match InputStream" and what does it do when you click it? It writes fucking Scanner(null)
It could write Scanner(System.in) which is the most used AFAIK, but nooooo it gives you a fucking null!
Gotta hate automatic code evaluaters...
Yay! Now here's the source:
public static void main(String[] args) {
		Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
		sc.nextDouble();sc.nextDouble();double val = sc.nextDouble();sc.nextDouble();
		else if(val==0)
		else if(val==-1)
Morning Pip
Yeah.. Now I hope my teacher doesn't get mad xD
way to trick the system
But he can see my source for my last two
I'm heading to school pretty soon, so I'll talk to you later for sure
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.Scanner;

class Line
	double Slope,Offset;
	Line(double a, double b)
		Slope = a;
		Offset = b;

	Line(double a, Point2D.Double p)
		Slope = a;
		Offset = CalculateOffset(p);
	public String toString()
		return ("y=" + Slope + "*x+" + Offset);

	Point2D.Double GetPointOnLine(double x)
		return new Point2D.Double(x, Slope*x+Offset);

	double CalculateOffset(Point2D.Double p)
		return p.getY()-Slope*p.getX();
	public Line GetIntersectingLine(Point2D.Double p)
Original source :P
1 hour later…
I continue to be unimpressed with git
was trying to do something, and someone with git experience and someone who's used it some were unable to get it done without 15 minutes of fucking around and some command line shit
The more I work with Java, the more I start to dislike it...
"you can't lose anything with git. well, unless you do this. Or this other thing. Well, you could do this too, and that could lose you stuff too."
collaborative software still seems primitive.
it's just too fucking complicated
"Checkout" doesn't mean anything of the sort. Checkout comes from libraries, where you write down in a central list that you have something, and others can't get it.
in git, checkout just seems to mean "sync to this point in your local repo"
@Hjorthenify what specifically is annoying you? I can't say I like it either
@Almo help me out here. I'm making pong using an ecs system just to verify if I have grasped the ecs concepts well enough to apply them in a real project.
@almo No structs, having to use Intenger instead of int for collections, import system seems weird, Eclipse and some of the syntax.
I'm not an ecs architecture expert
That's ok
@Hjorthenify oh... eclipse. yeah I didn't like that very much
I just need general advice on a problem.
why can't you put ints into collections?
I'll answer if I can, Jovito
@Almo I want to use IntelliJ but our teachers makes us use Eclipse and every assignment has to be in that -.-
oh fuck
@Almo I have no idea. It just won't let me.
My components are just data, entities hold components and systems do all the logic.
must be that ints don't have the "object" inheritance for the collection to hook into. or something.
Yeah it must be since Integer is a object wrapper for int
@Almo One more thing: I had to use Point2D with double values.. That's Point2D.Double for some weird reason.
So I have a Collision System that processes entities that have either a Circle component - that would be the ball - or a box component - those would be the paddles.
no more xbox indie market
@Almo Ever used an EnumSet?
But the collision code for each of them is different, so bundling the code for both cases, ball and paddles, just makes it messier.
@Hjorthenify have not
done very little java
Documentation of it is horribly bad
@Almo So do you think that it would be a good idea to split the collision system in two separate systems, one for the ball and one for the paddles?
@Jovito let me think about that for a minute
it almost sounds to me like ball and box would implement an interface for collision, and would implement their own collision code
but I'm not an ECS programmer, really
I still think of things in terms of objects and inheritance
so I don't think I can give you a good answer about how you should structure it for ecs
Yeah, I need to figure out a way to reuse the common collision code between the two families of entities, those that have circle components and those that have box components, and separate the differences. But since components have no logic in them, the systems end up with code for each special case.
I think that means your "compenents" aren't really "components"
again I'm not really up on how to make things in ecs
I just cobble them together in Unity and hope for the best :)
I don't really know
did you mean components?
My puzzle game I'm working on will attach Item code to gameobjects, which will officially be components, but I'm not thinking of them that way
I'm thinking of them as Item class objects, which just happen to need to be attached to game objects because that's how Unity does things
(Item is the square object players interact with)
In the original proto, Items were classes with Sprites as members that they set up to display according to their color and shape
so Item has both data and logic?
If so that's different from the model I'm working on.
which is what I'm saying
I don't do ecs so I can't really comment on how you should do it
But that's still ecs, its just different
my structure isn't ecs.
my item has all sorts of code in it
it is not composed of components
Where do the rendering code goes?
Isn't item itself a component and game objects the entities?
Item chooses which sprite to display by assigning to the SpriteRenderer component on the GameObject.
this is not my doing though
this is how Unity displays stuff, so I use it
but I don't compose anything of my own from components.
So I'm building OO stuff inside Unity's component system
That's weird.
I don't like ECS
I'm only using Unity because it gets me easy cross-platform access.
I much prefer working in Cocos2d in iOS
I just want to understand how it works, that's all.
I'm really not the person to ask because I just know enough to get Unity to display what I want it to. I don't subscribe to its methodology of constructing systems.
Is SpriteRenderer part of your code or is it unity's code?
I give the SR a Texture2d and a color to display
Does it also contains both data and rendering logic?
It seems like it does.
what's "it"
the sprite renderer?
Um, it has a reference to a texture 2d and some other info like layer and color
I imagine it inherits from a Renderer class.
I'm not sure internally if it also contains the actual rendering logic
@MLM I didn't even need --standalone at all.
I guess its only useful if you need to attach whatever is exported in the entry file to the global object.
Or if you're consuming the bundle with requirejs or some other module system.
The problem I was having was related to the require calls that were kept in the bundle even after browserify was done.
Hmm, I don't think I can make my JS13k game fun
You can do it!
I'm not seeing how though =p
@KevinvanderVelden Add explosions.
Hmm I probably have the space for it
Isn't any more fun though =p
Whats the current gameplay /features?
Here, current version, no calling guards yet :(
(Also, debug autostart because too lazy to push button every time I start =p)
Hmm there's a bug in the minified version that doesn't show the entrance tile =[
Purely visual though
Im on my phone :D
Holy shit, just got an email saying our Madonna concert seats have moved for the show tonight. Somehow, I didn't get it in my calendar, and had totally forgotten.
Had it not been for the seat change, we would have missed it for sure.
@Hjorthenify well, it might actually work :D
You must be really excited for that koncert :P
You just can't move the camera
Madonna's a performer who puts on a good show
I can't say I like all her music. I like enough to go to a concert though. :)
Can't see the level Kevin :/ GUI is fine though
@Hjorthenify aah, your phone is lame :p
Oh, there's something bugged on my phone now as well =[
Aaah well
It used to work!
It may be that it doesn't like things being on top of it
Doesn't work here as well.
GUI shows up but nothing else.
What browser?
Is your pc capable of webgl?
What does the console log?
kevin looks fine on my puter
some guy walkin around
I can edit tiles
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '5' of undefined
ugly.js:1 WebGL: INVALID_VALUE: getUniformLocation: no object or object deleted
ugly.js:1 WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: vertexAttribPointer: no bound ARRAY_BUFFER
ugly.js:1 WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: drawArrays: no valid shader program in use
property '5'? .-.
@Jovito the challenge is a size limit: A number is the smallest possible thing =p
No wait, that error is from moving your cursor during init, I kinda need to catch that
And also, in the readable code it's in a constant so =p
@KevinvanderVelden It works in firefox on PC
No clue what I gotta do though :P
Well you can't currently do much
I haven't implemented the guards yet
Ah thats why
Game could be fun
1 hour later…
This room is quiet for the amount of people it has in it
That's because I'm not here
if you listen closely you can hear the furious tapping of keys
@RhysW that's partially because a bunch of people are only technically in it
(As in, they've got it open somewhere but not checking it)
that makes sense i guess, im used to it being hard to get a word in edgeways here though :P
Don't fear, I'm here
headache, day 6
want to blow my brains out
Did u see a doctor?
going to see eye doctor tomorrow
Ah yes. Not being able to see properly can result in a headache :/
@RhysW sup Rhys!
Hey @Jon did u see the codejudge fail I posted earlier? :P
"I'm gonna go poop on my cat, because that is the only thing I am ABOVE!"
this video is amazing
Drugs, how cobra got the baroness.
7 hours ago, by Hjorthenify
user image
@Pip hey pip!
Gotta love them rounding errors >>
Gonna confront my teacher tomorrow and ask if my "solution" was acceptable :P
so im recently stepping into java and im feeling a little lost, do you guys tend to lean towards getting screen managers and camera classes setup right at the start?
punch him in the nuts, and yell "DEEZ NUTS!"
@RhysW I can recommend that you step away from Java and turn to C#
I haven't coded a game in java in 12 years
11 years
@RhysW @Hjorthenify is correct
@Hjorthenify i was having an investigate with monogame but ive honestly had more luck getting started with java in jmonkey engine so far
however, if you're stuck with Java you want to get a bit of framework up first, or use something like libgdx or an engine
This kid knows whats up
Today I was looking into converting my old PC into a Steam Box, which is fine
well im using the jme3 ide and it comes with most of the frameworks setup with it, but im not really sure where to go from there in terms of setup
But I found out that you can't play windows games on it, as it is Linux based OS
They are coming out with a streaming game tech, based of nvidia shield
so you effectively need a gaming PC, to compliment your SteamBox
AKA - 2 Gaming PCs
The steambox can be lower quality build
Which works out perfect for me
@RhysW Alright. I've only used Unity for games C# wise
@RhysW what are you trying to make?
trying to make a randomly generated terrain i can wander around in, but im finding that i dont know what i dont know, if that makes sense
yeah ive been through all those, they help with the really basic basics, but don't help much in terms of what i need or how i should structure a program, i.e it never mentions anything about managing screens or handling stuff like that
That engine probably wants you to implement that yourself
precisely, im trying to find resources to help me do that
That is a piece of cake
You group your Scene into a Scene object, and whatever loaded objects are tracked by this global class
Then in your Base Game Class, you instantiate scenes, and call their Update/Draw based on which one(s) is active
Typically, you would create a base class (in unity this class is called a MonoBehaviour), which all objects in your scene are derived from
@Jon have you used an ecs before?
Well that bug was hard to spot..
for(int i=0;i<num_iterations;++i)
                        long factorial = CalculateFactorial(i);
                        Console.WriteLine("Factorial: " + factorial);
                        sum_e += 1f / factorial;
                catch(System.OverflowException e)
                    Console.WriteLine("64-bit intenger overflow. Can't calculate further.");
long CalculateFactorial(int i)
    //Console.Write(i + "\n");
    if (i <= 1)
        return 1;
    return i * CalculateFactorial(i - 1);
Who can spot the error? :P
the exception isn't thrown
hmm I don't know what "checked" means, and I see you putting an int into a long
but that doesn't strike me as a bug
1f / factorial
is it messing that up because factorial is a long?
divide by 0 happening?
should it be 1.f?
how does it leave the calculate factorial method? it keeps calling itself
if(i <=1)
it calls it on i -1
so it eventually comes out
must be blind today
Looks like standard recursive factorial to me
i'm the guy from Halt and Catch Fire @Pip
preview of next season
@Almo Checked means that it throws an exception if long overflows
ah ok thanks
@Jon That's a badass beard
Oh well the bug is that the intenger doesn't overflow on
long factorial = CalculateFactorial(i);
but instead when the function returns and therefor checked doesn't detect it and no exception is thrown
oh shit
so you need checked inside calculatefactorial?
   long CalculateFactorial(int i)
        //Console.Write(i + "\n");
        if (i <= 1)
            return 1;
        return checked(i * CalculateFactorial(i - 1));
Quite proud it only took me about 5 min to figure out :P
@Jon heh
But yeah.. Pretty tricky bug, but now I can calculate e :D
Wish I could get more decimals without a 3rd party lib...
@Hjorthenify grats man :)
I like programming challenges like this. Small, but fun :P
that means you need to play TIS-100
almo you off work?
@Almo I will once I can run DirectX9.. What I do now is that I take whatever formula we are taught in basis math(its far from basis...) and throw it into a program, because otherwise that class is useless programming-wise
@Jon no, at werk till about 5 EST
I mean i'll be home at 5
@Hjorthenify why can't you run dx9 (just curious)
alright, later all. I'm heading home
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands
@Almo Win10 happened
TIS was made with Unity and it requires DX9, which won't run on Win 10?
@Almo tried compatibility mode?
not me having hte problem i play on my mac
I think I might get a Mac sometime soon
our game is finally released on local market
@Ali.S awesome!!!!!!
@OMGtechy do it!
@Almo I'm just waiting for them to announce a new one
but at the same time I'm in seattle soon and they're SO much cheap in the US than here
@Almo yes. For whatever reason i can't run ANY DirectX9 games/programs, which is really annoying. DirectX10-11 works fine though.
@OMGtechy hehe :)
@Hjorthenify :(
Which is why I'll dualboot win7 and 10 this weekend if I have time
Windows, more like RapeYoPrivacyDows
@Hjorthenify if you do play tis, add me on steam so i can see how much better your scores are than mine
@Hjorthenify and me
@Almo Or how much better yours are than mine :P
I am certain it will be a mixture :)
Also.. Khans academy is the most encouraging website for studying I've ever seen
Also.. This blew my mind:
I have never been SO excited about math before
yeah, that equation is amazing.
5 of the most important constants in all mathematics in one simple equation
My friends doesn't get it :( Just send it to one of them and he was like lolwut?
does it talk about how it's related to
Yeah I told him
cause that's some weird ass shit there
Man.. Khan is amazing. Why haven't I discovered this earlier? D:
no clue.
rocket league was updated
@Jon yep, matching making is rather slow whilst people get the update :P
not slow for me
slow now
@OMGtechy buy one there, they're cheap because Seattle with it's Apple products and coffee is a stereotypical "white teen girl" heaven :P
but moneyyy
but macc
but choicesss
I don't have a mac but I'm fairly interested in getting one eventually
for iOS dev mostly
We should all abandon mac
> Memetic algorithms are inspired by memes [Dawkins, 1976], pieces of mental ideas, like stories, ideas, and gossip, which reproduce (propagate) themselves through a population of meme carriers.
That word is now probably more popular than they expected :P
Quick everyone abandon mac
I'm done
02:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

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