I have a list of nodes and i iterate over them to check if they have LOS to each other. I want to merge them into one node if they are very close to each other, but I can't do that while iterating. If I add them to a list and merge them later, then some paths might become invalid because they will point to the erased nodes. Any suggestions on how I can circumvent the problem?
it was a matter of "we don't wanna waste all those bits on this pointer when we know the value can be stored in less, so we'll use a smaller pointer size"
x86 memory segmentation refers to the implementation of memory segmentation in the Intel x86 computer instruction set architecture. Segmentation was introduced on the Intel 8086 in 1978 as a way to allow programs to address more than 64 KB (65,536 bytes) of memory. The Intel 80286 introduced a second version of segmentation in 1982 that added support for virtual memory and memory protection. At this point the original model was renamed real mode, and the new version was named protected mode. The x86-64 architecture, introduced in 2003, has largely dropped support for segmentation in 64-bit mode...
Is there a container in C# where the same combined key can't be added twice? Such as if I have a pair of Vector2(1,1) and Vector(2,1) then it would access the same element even if they are reversed?
Does anyone know if there is a good equivalent to Java's Set collection in C#? I know that you can somewhat mimic a set using a Dictionary or a HashTable by populating but ignoring the values, but that's not a very elegant way.
We had an issue with JUCE that went on for years and years and and we thought Microsoft's DirectWrite was broken due to some uninitialised data, which we hacked around in a way that worked most of the time until Windows 10, but recently we discovered that it was us all along and facedesked
But then again... Im using it to check the distance between nodes and its obvious that the nodes in the triangle is spaced farther away than the one near the corner
This answer was just posted. Their solution is using standard meshes instead of a geometry shader which is what the question is about. Consider voting appropriately: gamedev.stackexchange.com/a/107908/16587
I'm seeing about using my standard game art background and font and style. Kind of left this late but gonna see if my local shop can get some printed by Thursday, cuz the nz gamedev conf is on Friday haha. The monthly meetups I go to, I feel naked without a card lol
might list my title as "Independent Dungeon Developer"