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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

And finally, to close with solid proof of the complete irrelevance of any exponential friction:
> I'm using Hooke's Law here as the definition of a spring.
But it should be noted that the notion of improved accuracy in the original proposition is also false, because the proposed modification produced an oscillating system where the envelope does not decay, thus rendering the behavior completely unusable for the asker's task.
@TheMuffinCoder you sure it's not actually a doge JS miner?
@Almo lol nope, chrome is using 0.5% cpu rn and i have the bitcoin and litcoin faucets open as well
they earn money by me having the ads open so I get free dogecoins for leaving the tab open
Lol apparently js miners aren't plausible rn anymore
1 hour later…
quick question: gimp or krita?
Stackoverflow: Where egos run wild for those easily butt-hurt. (Stool softener not included.)
@SpicyWeenie Downvotes cut through the soul lol
Apparently he got kicked out of MIT.
But nice lines.
1 hour later…
Aw... embarrassing to ask, @Ali.S, but could you help with a simple question?
Hint: No. lol no you can't.
2 hours later…
@tereško GIMP
@Chris Was wondering if you've used Unity Remote
@TheMuffinCoder How many dogecoins do you get per hour :D? And can one open them in multiple tabs?
I'd guess that the ad registering is an per-IP thing
The Roanoke colony mystery really annoys me.
How the ...... do you even do dotted lines like that
mind blown...
@Dev2rights I think he holds it in such a way that the chalk bounces across the board.
@tereško For casual editing, Gimp (or Inkscape).
@MickLH but I can... feel happy with yourself...
Is it better to call native openGL code wrapped in C++/CLI in WPF/SharpGL? Or create an OpenGL control to host the window in WPF? Hmmmm...
@Hjorthenify Yeah I use Unity Remote 4 on both Android and iOS. Android one sometimes just doesn't wanna connect up though some days
reads transcript on mobile I feel mick is just devolving in to a troll more and more
@Chris Do I need to install the android SDK first?
@MickLH and by the way... I couldn't improve accuracy, because I was completely trying to solve the problem from a different perspective. One that you couldn't even comprehend, and I've never seen anyone else to use it. So stop this non-sense argument already.
@Hjorthenify Yes, I believe you do
That might be why I couldn't get it to work then :/
has to be able to communicate with the device
Im bored out of my mind in introductory programming
@Hjorthenify which language?
Any really. We're just going through basic variable types
Over half your class isn't going to make it to the end lol
make an interactive program that eventually results in, "Teacher, may I please be excused from this class?"
or just ask to do the final test hahaha
@Chris I could choose not to show up to the classes, but I'm worried I'll miss something such as how they expect variables to be named and such
My final project for my introductory Java class was an English to Morse Code and vice versa translator
Also I did ask for the final test, but without luck -.-
dang lol
@SpicyWeenie Sounds simple enough :P
I know quite a few people who did that as a Uni project
my first year project was to create a Hunt the Wumpus Game
text based artwork
@Chris What I've learned so far: Constants(final) have to be written in uppercase(which I already knew was good practice)
In my advanced class, I made a desktop overlay to replace Windows 7's desktop
@Hjorthenify A+
I hated the coin toss example with strings
@Hjorthenify are there any girls in your class?
I'm pretty sure one will try to cling to the smartest kid all semester riding his coattail
all my classes had one
man, I remember this one student, he was super slack
constant excuses for why homework wasn't done, always trying to ask us other fellow students after class all this stuff... think he just didn't get computers
I had one girl that suckered a male student to do all her homework and take-home projects for her. The professor failed her at the end, because the quality contrasted from in-class work
I'm not proud of this, but on 7th grade, when I was just a stupid nerd, I let all the pretty girls on my class copy most of my homework...
Anyways, I've got another two hour break now between classes
And because of it's friday, I came home to eat some pasta from a bag and do some programming
I've got this piece of code that is pretty much duplicated again...
But one piece does things in a loop with the Y value and the other one does stuff with the X value
It's inside two nested loops...
Ends up with like 5 braces at the end
	// Loops over the tiles in it.
	for (unsigned int y = 0; y < levelHeight; y++)
		for (unsigned int x = 0; x < levelWidth; x++)
			// If there is a tile at the position, set the value in the mask map.
			if (auto collisionItem = collisionData.GetGridItemAt(x, y))
				for (unsigned int insideX = x + 1; insideX < levelWidth; insideX++)
					if (collisionData.GetGridItemAt(insideX, y).H == collisionItem.H)
						collisionData.SetGridItemAt(TLevelEditorCollisionRect(), insideX, y);
And then I have another piece where insideX is replaced with insideY, and then used of course as the Y value
Any ideas?
The code differs actually on other parts
So maybe I'll just leave it out
Sometimes nested loops is just what you have to live with.
Sadly very few languages support something like for( unsigned int (x, y) in (0..levelWidth, 0..levelHeight) ) ... (at least not easily)
I don't know of any languages that support that (in a method that does not devolve into calling a function every iteration))
Tuple unpacking?
Python supports it.
Yes, but generating that tuple still devolves into a function call
you mean the underscore underscore type of function?
Note that we're talking about for( unsigned int (x, y) in (0..levelWidth, 0..levelHeight) ) syntax
In python the tuples would be generated by [ (x,y) for x in range(width) for y in range(height) ]
Which is several function calls
>>> for a, b in [(x,y) for x in range(4) for y in range(4)]:
...     print( a, b )
coffeescript has the x..y notation
Is perfectly valid and does what you expect but is still a bunch of function calls
@KevinvanderVelden Oh, I can actually do that in Java. It's a bit of trickery and magic and fun with implementing your own Range class which implements Iterable in a way which only need the minimum of state data, and only really hides the nested loops, but it's possible. Just not easily.
~20 lines for getting a filename from a dialog in windows seems reasonable
Someday I gotta go trough my codebase and translate all this stuff so that it works on Linux and Mac too
@MartinSojka iterable is still a bunch of function calls =p
@Jovito only for generating a list, and you can't do 2 loops in it as far as I can tell
You can zip both lists and traverse that instead.
@Jovito that's just doing the function calls sooner =p
(Admittedly, useful if you're going to do the same loop a bunch of times)
Okay now I'm going to make the pasta from the bag
I'll be back in an half and hour or so
What do you mean its just a function call? Aren't most procedures reduced to a function call at some level?
@Jovito yes, but a loop of for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) is no function calls
So basically, Java's version would look like for( Pair<Integer> point : new IntegerRange(0, levelWidth, 0, levelHeight) ) with a simple constant Pair<T> class for same-type values and an IntegerRange implementing Iterator<Pair<Integer>> to create an Iterator<Pair<Integer>> on request.
So, a new reference type construction and deconstruction and at least one function call per iteration? =p
.. and that's the point where you start asking yourself if starting a new life as a hermit in Siberia isn't the better alternative.
Does not meet my simple requirements of "No extra function calls"
The good news is that you can mark every single class and method in that chain as final, which lets the compiler and runtime strip the function calls and inline the whole thing.
Also, class constructor in Java is heapPointer += class.dataSize followed by executing whatever is in the constructor.
It's the garbage collection which eats processor time like crazy.
Note to Java programmers: Be nice to your garbage collector, reuse your instances.
Yeah, so in my js13k the map size is 256*256, that's 65536 extra references to collect for no good reason
While a for ( int x = 0; x < levelWidth; x++ ) for ( int y = 0; y < levelHeight; y++ ) has way less code, is unlikely to have bugs, causes 2 primitives to be allocated on the stack, does not require you to access a value on the heap for every iteration, etc
I'd say that does not actually support multiple for loops in one statement
(Where support means: Can do it in a roughly as efficient fashion as regular ones)
@KevinvanderVelden In the example above, it's one reference for IntegerRange, one for Pair<Integer> (you're not supposed to hold onto them ... and if you want to, clone them first) and one for Iterator<Pair<Integer>>.
As I wrote: Reuse your instances. In this case, the Pair<Integer> instance.
@MartinSojka that is going to cause so many bugs =p
Because that is not the expected behaviour =p
I mean, yes it is way more performant but still
@KevinvanderVelden Programmers not reading the documentation cause bugs? No, really?
@MartinSojka I mean, you could just go the PHP route and make everything behave in a subtly different way. But otherwise people are going to expect a roughly standard behaviour of things
Can anybody please explain to me how a vector is actually helping me shooting a bullet to the position of my mouse? I don't get it :c I got the vector distance and even a unit vector but how do these variables serve me? How can I actually use them for my bullet movement?
"Don't store instances of this object" is roughly standard behaviour of many, many Java libraries already. In particular when you're dealing with the UI and various renderers, or database connection pooling, or various other classes which optimise away costly operations by first gathering what you're trying to do, then doing them only when you're finished.
@MartinSojka meh, I don't know enough java to go this deep =p
@Don'tclickonmyprofile what would you propose using other then a vector?
(If you say 2 variables, x and y then congratulations! That's a vector without all the helpful bits of having a single class dedicated to it =p)
It's just a useful technique to keep in mind when you're dealing with performance issues stemming from creating lots of objects, or costly object creation (like in the case of the database connections).
@KevinvanderVelden I really don't know. I am probably too stupid :D
@MartinSojka or alternatively use C++ =p
@KevinvanderVelden Establishing a database connection is as costly in C++. :)
@Don'tclickonmyprofile The position of your mouse on screen is a vector. The view direction is a vector. The bullet position is a vector. I'm not sure what the question here is ...
@Don'tclickonmyprofile I'm serious, try writing a bullet class without using a vector. You'll realize that all you are creating a bunch of code over and over again (adding posX = posX + velX; posY = posY + velY). Then you realize you can just store posX,posY in a single instance and voila, you have a vector class
@Don'tclickonmyprofile The vector from the gun to the mouse pos gives the angle with which the bullet will be shot.
Basically, any list of same-type values which are independent from each other is a vector. The amount of values is its dimension.
Yeah, so the question "What use is a vector in writing a bullet class?" is basically "What use are the position and velocity in writing a bullet class?"
Which should be fairly obvious I hope =p
@KevinvanderVelden yeh you are right
So the real benefit of a vector class over 2 separate variables is that you can say pos = pos + vel; (in a language that supports operator overloading)
Which you can read and just understand what is happening
Or you can say position.add(velocity) in one that doesn't.
Aah okay, that makes sense
@Jovito though .add is kinda ambiguous. Does it modify position or return a new instance?
Thank you for the advice :D
@Jovito ... which hopefully would greet you with an "Incompatible type: Velocity, expected Position" or similar compile-time error.
@KevinvanderVelden True. Pygame names methods name_ip to signify that they change the object in place.
@Jovito it's also why I like operator overloading + is unambiguous, as is +=
Python has operator overloading tho.
JS unfortunately doesn't.
I'm aware, I've used python=p
I know, that's why I brought it up.
Vectors are cool, typed vectors save you from bugs like adding velocity to a position without first multiplying it by time, or confusing force with acceleration.
Added bridge collision box generation:
That looks really cool :D
@MartinSojka I don't like to think about types in a dynamic language like python or js.
You'd expect the bridge collision box to be a different one from the general terrain collision box (you can generally jump up from below the bridge). Would be nice to have it displayed somehow, maybe using a different outline colour for the collision box.
Well, unless your game treats bridges and terrain the same, in which case disregard that.
Bridges are not jumpable from below
I have different platform visuals for that
Bridges are just a pure graphical element
And I believe that my debug renderer already renders "passable" boxes with a different color
I think I gotta make a decision on the level data format soon
This is a comparison of data serialization formats, various ways to convert complex objects to sequences of bits. It does not include markup languages used exclusively as document file formats. == Overview == a. ^ The current default format is binary. b. ^ The "classic" format is plain text, and an XML format is also supported. c. ^ Theoretically possible due to abstraction, but no implementation is included. d. ^ The primary format is binary, but a text format is available. e. ^ Means that generic tools/libraries know how to encode, decode, and dereference a reference to another piece of data...
It's probably either TMX, or a custom XML format
JSON ftw
I'm not getting into this conversation again
though if im sending it over the internet i tend to crunch levels out on a byte level to make them super tiny
I typically prefer OpenDDL, with a few custom data types where needed.
Intersting, im going to read up on that now
Yeah similar to the binary parser i wrote for Unity, only uses precise number of bits and keeps things nice and small
For me the decision is a bit tricky, because I can already load TMX files... but then there's really no reason to use a format created for Tiled in the game anymore
ITs all binary, it can all be serialised and stuck in a blob in any other format too
depends how big the data is oc
having been used to writing games with a stamp size of 52kb i tend to make everything as physically small as possible.
I have no idea what that feels like (cough JS13k)
Also I suppose some nintendo ds development
yeah right, J2ME was crap. I did a bit of DS development for fun in Uni. So little memory
but taught me a lot of good lessons
pixel perfect collision with bit masks was fun.
The best one was when mobile devices didn't have floating point processors. And calculating physics in fixed point using a single Int. That was fun
Always fun, the company I interned at had a fixed point number library for it so =p
Yeah i had to role my own........ If i had £1 for each time i swore at rounding errors .....
(a template with the base type and an int for where the decimal point is)
yeah i had to move the decimal in certain calculations to get the most amount of accuracy depending on the calculation to
like ranges from [0-1] or [1 - 100]
Eep, no fun
i wonder what happened to that lib ... ? will have to go through my old Java projects see if ive still got it
might be worth giving away on github
or not...
Also using java for that kind of stuff is no fun
Yeah JVM's also handle memory differently
another nightmare with J2ME
With C++ at least you write one template, add a few typedefs and you're done for all variations possible, with the efficiency of hand writing the variations of each
Yeah and it is also running on the CPU not thorugh some random home brew JVM
Ladder Trigger Generation is working:
anywho i could rant about this for hours, need to finish of the last Archetype for this level editor
Why does firefox not have requestAnimationFrame, but it does have window.requestAnimationFrame?
Because W3C is a farce ?
Well, isn't everything in window supposed to be the global scope?
When coding my player class, I assumed that he will always have a gun (the game's called GunHero). However, now in the edit mode, he has no gun, and I'm getting annoying errors...
@Dev2rights or I'm using firefox 12
That would help
if ( gun != null ) ?
But I need to go around and that to places
and not sure, would be a question for my business partner he is more clued up on web tech than me tbh
he is out of the office atm
awaiting the arrival of a new graphics tablet
yeah it has a screen embeded in it
cant wait to see the resoloution and colour
sounds awesome
I've been thinking about getting a "dull" wacom thing
yeah, im wondering if you can change the colur profiles to match the screen your designing for though
as otherwise it will never look right
My two monitors don't have the same colours
yeah same series iphones dont either
So on somedays I draw on the other, and sometimes on the other
ive been reading about applying LUT transformations to the artwork either as post process to the artwork or on the fly
but still screens are so diparitive its somewhat pointless
I'm not sure if a tablet will however improve my pixel art workflow at all
as long as the artwork is all using the same color warmth and tone to match it will look the same uniformly on specific screens
Oh clock is already that much
I gotta start getting back to school, one last english class and then it's weekend time!
see you guys in a couple of hours
aaaand Im home
He's home! Quick - hide the vodka!
no worries, im not old enough to drink
That just means you're not legally allowed to drink, not that you physically can't
Well it kinda means that physically it will destroy me
But anyways, very true
hide the vodka!
I'm not sure if there are legal limits to how old you have to be to be allowed to drink alcohol here in Germany ... Maybe something like the "adolescence" limit, 14? There are however limits to "drinking in public" and "buying".
@Tyyppi_77 welll, that's just a case of your body weight being less
"Drinking in public" is 16 if with legal guardians and allowed by them, 18 otherwise I think.
In Finland you're allowed drink "normal" alcohol at the age of 18, and heavy stuff at 21
or maybe that's just for buying
I know the commercials are "Under 16 not a drop" but I don't know if that's the actual law or just what the commercials have to say
Should be 18 now
Ooh that changed last year apparently
Hmm, I don't feel safe returning a HWND* from a function
But that's what I might have to do
Oh this is annoying
I want an utility function for easily getting the HWND from an SDL window
Wrap it in an opaque type
But I don't want to include Windows.h in a header
Hence the opaque type
What's an opaque type?
I create a struct that contains a HWND?
class WindowHandle;
WindowHandle* GetWindowHandle( SDLWindow* );
Ah, right
Nope, you don't say what is in it at all. At least, not to the users of the API. The things that can then take a WindowHandle include another header for the definition of WindowHandle
Why didn't I think of this
Because I've got a few more years of doing this stuff on me? :p
Translating these things to other platforms is going to be a bit annoying I think...
But I don't have to worry about that now
@MartinSojka I live in germany and one can buy beer and several wines and drink them too with 16 years and stronger and high percentage stuff like vodka is okay when you are 18 years old
@Tyyppi_77 one of the reasons for the opaque types! You would just have to implement the few API functions, not everything that uses it
Right, true I guess
Oh for real
They suggest that instead of a "simple" 20 line solution people use this (msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/…) for opening filenames
That if (SUCCEEDED(...)) pattern seems really pleasant
Also the code box is way too narrow for nesting like that
I suppose that if I do that once properly I won't have to touch WinAPI in a while again
I suppose I could use something like this: github.com/mlabbe/nativefiledialog
But then I can't complain about WinAPI
I don't get any of the WinAPI methods even tough I included <Windows.h>
SDL_syswm can't be included before Windows.h it seems
Including windows.h breaks so much
#include <shobjidl.h>
Also, does someone fucking memorize this stuff: HRESULT res = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FileOpenDialog, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARGS(&fileDialog));
Oh and don't forget to disable OLE1DDE
are you fucking kidding me
I gotta reinterpret_cast an object to a void**
good morning gdse
hey joe
hows it going in here
enjoying some quality time with WinAPI
fun fun fun
Okay that seems to work
can you guys tell me why this doesn't work as expected? codeshare.io/Z8nqL
What happens?
And most importantly, what is supposed to happen
What tyyppi said
My player is supposed to go to the mouse position
I appreciate the editing effort Almo :D
@Don'tclickonmyprofile what I saw in that code before you edited it was if the player was further from the mouse than 1, it would add its speed to its position.
what you need is to set the speed in such a way that the player moves closer to the mouse.
Thank you for that life session solution. Who ever that spooky ghost coder that was :P
No problem man, glad I could help :D
How familiar are you with vector math?
I learned that stuff like 3 years ago lmao
when I was in 11th or 12th grade
Ah, yeah
Forgot about all that stuff :D
So you can understand what I did?
To be honest not yet. I try to figure it out now. #MySlowBrain
I can explain it to you
Come to the code :D
They already got some of that stuff :D
they even got normalize
Vector is probably the most used type atleast in my game
Is your game already playable :D?
Yeah it is, I play it to test all the new things, but it's not in public testing yet
Currently I'm working on an in-game level editor
I dumped Tiled and started making my own
will it be cross platform?
That's the goal
However currently some features might now work on some platforms
But I think I've written those that the game doesn't crash on other platforms that Windows
Where do you mainly develop on?
I use SDL for everything, and that's crossplatform
But there's somethings that SDL can't do for me, so then I gotta use the awful winapi
I always found it too exhausting to download modules on windows. Ob ubuntu everything is so easy
kek :P
Hmm I wonder what would be a good way to design the spawn point placing
I could do that automatically, as the player(s) always spawn with the parachutes
Or I could make it a brush tool
Or I could add trigger tools and make it one
holy shit I think I have my layout stuff figured out
wow that was a hassle
though I THINK I have the rules figured out, so I shouldn't have to worry about it again
I can hope anyway
looks like doing the gradient won't be easy though. In SpriteBuilder, there's a built-in gadget for it. Took me like 5 minutes to implement it.
Stand back! I'm about to open GIMP! (I am not responsible for any profanity you may see in this chat until I close it)
"This is a sophisticated tool that may take a bit of effort to understand."
always encouraging.
with regard to the gradient editor.
ok, I'm stumped
I have a gradient, and I want to set the opacity to 0.2 on one side, and 0.85 on the other side
What I don't see is how to set the opacities of the endpoints directly
it seems to want all or nothing
"There is no 'undo' available within the Gradient Editor, so be careful!" Gotta love GIMP.
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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