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@KevinvanderVelden @Noctrine good suggestions thanks guys
@TheMuffinCoder dude raining boxes has a way better game... but it doesnt fit the theme at all
@Joe LOL ik, a lot of them dont even try
Yours matches the theme perfectly :D
Reversed text, reversed running :D
how did they do this style you think?
3d renders as sprites?
@Joe Pretty much, i see it a lot in the older and mobile games
love d1
i gotta learn how to do this
Lol i wish I could learn too
Joe once we learn, we can make a whole spritesheet together for GDSE :D
Here's a recent game that did it too
Lol i loved Clash of clans, stop since it was so addicting
i never tried it but i might have to... you know... research!
It's more addicting than minecraft and candy crush
I got my teachers to get addicted to it too
ok your right i need to make a game this month
I had 10 accounts o.O
Lol i need to finish all my summer hw before Saturday
Then I can hardcore game dev with you on Sunday and Monday :D
hey sup
starts to eat all the muffins
How are you doing?
doing allright... getting ready to go watch the mr robot finale
Lol I was doing hw but my hand was starting to pain
Came here to rest for a few minutes
We have to look for a free alternative :P
man this looks awesome but im going to need to learn how to model
Lol joe I think you can make better stuff than me :D
Lol this was the best thing i ever modeled
thats not bad at all man
i like it
Lol my stuff is all low poly since its what I can render at a reasonable time xD
I'm taking a break from coding.
im a big low poly fan
; - ; my computer would be a completely potato if it werent for the gtx 750 ti
@Asaltaviejas yea man sometimes just gotta rest up
Lol I code as a break
Especially after playing intense league or hw
Well, i'm gonna do exercise, i'll be back later.
League of legends
Exercising is a great choice :D
I'm a little thin, so i'm exercising to get stronger
lol I'm a quite heavy from being so lazy, have to stop eating so much
Actually now that I think of it, I spent my entire summer playing video games and coding xD
I'm forcing myself to get back to exercising daily
might try the keto diet again too so I can eat bacon and chicken all day
@TheMuffinCoder You really should turn that into a game. I reckon it would sell
potentially NSFW
just a little hahaha
somewhat reminds me of the silliness of Monty Python's animations
@Chris done 12 levels in TIS-100 now. Really interesting man.
That game looks too hardcore for me
@Lokkij @IcyDefiance my pal got 131 cycles on sequence generator... o_0
if you're the guy who wrote tallowmere, I'm sure you can handle it
the instruction set is small enough to make the puzzles solvable
you just don't have enough freedom to get really lost
yeah but I don't want to pay $8 to find out if I'm good or not lol
also each node only holds 15 commands
for me, code is just the medium I gotta use to make things happen
me too
try to avoid it if I can I think
which is why I didn't think I'd like the game
hmm hmm
3 hours later…
@Ali.S hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahah oh god I feel bad for you
yeah I derived that formula, from scratch, in about 20 minutes on klonopin and marijuana
sorry if you can't do that, don't doubt others
and yes my medications are all legal, I have thyroid conditions and anxiety issues
Hey guys, I am using python and pygame to program a little 2 d game for fun :) I already used spritesheets and tiles but creating a tile map is super exhausting. That is the reason I used Tiled to create my tmx files. Now My problem is that I don't know any good software to parse those tmx files now. I tried out PyTMX but it seems a little buggy. Do you know a good approach to do less work when one want to go for tile maps? Do you even use tmx files or what are your approaches?
can you export it as another format?
looks like it has csv, txt, json...
@MickLH anxiety sucks ;(
@Chris yeh csv and xml are also possible
@Don'tclickonmyprofile csv and xml are easy to write parsers for
If @KevinvanderVelden is around he might be able to help you with Pygame
Woo :D That would be awesome
@Chris I know right... tell @KevinvanderVelden to stop being abusive, it doesn't help.
@Don'tclickonmyprofile I've always just programmed my own TMX loader
Morning Tyyp
Morning Hjor!
@Tyyppi_77 Ihana!
I appreciate that, thanks
I've just picked a generic XML loader and used that
@Hjorthenify Thank you very much, I just noticed that it is possible to export it in json format :D Looks promising and easy to parse as well :)
@Tyyppi_77 Pretty much sums up my finnish.
@Don'tclickonmyprofile Get coding! :D
@Hjorthenify alrighty :P thank you!
Well I've worked hard for myself to get where I am, I don't claim to have some vast library of knowledge either. I just have fluid intelligence and can solve a problem. Sorry if my solutions end up better than what you memorized from your textbook. I'm not trying to threaten anyone's intellectual dominance... ( @MartinSojka @Ali.S @KevinvanderVelden @tereško )
"Can't we all just get along?"
@MickLH Wait, what, why am I even mentioned? :D
I don't know maybe I'm just projecting, I didn't want to miss anyone
And for the record, I'd advice against using the CSV format for Tiled export. Use something structured, like XML or JSON, so you can utilise the object layers for metadata like "trigger areas", "enemy spawn points" or "NPC paths" ...
@MickLH Projecting what exactly? I just don't get the context.
I've felt like we've had rough times in the past
@Don'tclickonmyprofile @Hjorthenify I'm somewhat around. In a train
If so, I don't remember any of it.
Meh the past doesn't matter anyways, mainly I just want to beat kevin to a pulp while hysterically screaming "BE NICER TO ME BE NICER BE NICER"
and I think ali is ... slow, and I'm so proud of what I did to teresko
See, still missing context now. Who's Teresko? :D
that guy idling up there next to jon
Free WiFi in the train is great. But when there's a delay everyone tries to use it so it's really slow :(
@KevinvanderVelden You think that's bad, you haven't been in a train with my colleague. He tried our file transfer management software we recently updated for the Swiss television while on a train - by uploading a video file several GBs in size over their WiFi.
Our software worked great, the file got transferred without problems ... eventually.
Ha nice
It's actually holding up pretty well I think.
Though of course it is in the Netherlands so there's not as much infrastructure to set up
In our case, it was a German ICE from Zürich to Frankfurt am Main.
Off the train now. Back in a bit
@MartinSojka for context...
@MickLH Ah yeah, the Latvian guy. What, did you show him the error of his ways? :)
ahhh that's a good read :)
@MickLH Just your usual internet flamewar then? Sorry, but I'm unimpressed. I was expecting something related to game development. :)
I never set out to impress you
I won't ask why would I care what you think of me, you can do that internally.
And I never claimed you did. :)
What I am setting out for, what I am asking for, is an end to the hostility
@MickLH Hey now, you're changing subjects here. I wasn't talking about what I think of you at any point, nor do I intent to. Ad hominem is not my style.
Too quick to assume I'm changing subjects.
Assume I am competent, and then re-attempt to parse.
Hint: I am explaining why your message was irrelevant.
My message was a comment on the text you posted. As such, it was relevant to the text, and commenting on it.
It was an anecdote with no significant contribution towards the ultimate goal, but loaded with an emotionally uncomfortable tone.
It was plainly unnecessary, and even outright counterproductive
Wait, you had a goal with sharing it? If so, I missed it. Can you spell your goal with me in more concrete terms then?
My goal with that tangent was to provide the context you requested.
My ultimate goal here is to find a mode of correspondence which is effective and emotionally comfortable for us both.
And you succeeded with that goal already, so nothing I could do or say could be counterproductive.
Assumed too soon again.
I had said, "no significant contribution towards the ultimate goal"
The ultimate goal being finding our effective mode of correspondence, which we clearly have not.
No, I'm not assuming anything. Your goal was to provide context. That context was provided. As such, the goal was reached successfully.
See, you are plainly wrong.
That is not my goal. Period.
Do not quote my message.
Quote this one: > My ultimate goal here is to find a mode of correspondence which is effective and emotionally comfortable for us both.
And so, each of these counter-productive anecdotes has been a waste of time, and a lead in the wrong direction objectively as they each constitute a misunderstanding.
So far, our current mode of correspondence is as effective as I can imagine it would be, given the constraints, and I don't give a damn about anyone's emotional comfort, in particular not mine.
The emotional comfort of yourself and others is highly important, and I suggest you integrate an awareness of it into your social interaction algorithms
I am le back
I tried. It led to loss of effectiveness. Nowadays, I just say what I want to say and try to be as concise and helpful as I can manage.
This claim is not baseless, in fact it is based in physiological effects of comfort and stress on communication
Looks at @MartinSojka's text Yeah I'm still glad I've put mick on ignore
On both communication and cognition actually
I'll just say, for my own ego's sake, that @KevinvanderVelden uses python
And just like that, I feel so much superior
(Because I truly am)
If we're chatting ranting about how some software is clearly inferior and created by "literal" monkeys, why the hell did the SAX developers feel the need to output diagnostic messages and non-fatal errors on the standard error output as a default?
Martin, you're killing me, I also wanted to point out that his poorly produced nethack clone also had no innovative features and sub-par gameplay, while also delivering immensely horrible frame rates on high end machines.
But now I look like an angry dick
It's annoying enough when you use the library yourself, but downright infuriating when some other library uses it and doesn't give you a chance to change the parser's settings unless you feel like using reflection ...
But I'm not angry at all, it just makes me genuinely happy to check logically at the people who are abusive towards me, and see that in fact none of them have notable accomplishments
@MickLH What, like this? :D
heya @MickLH
hey @Jovito
Ever used browserify?
Yes but I don't even remember what it was
Oh yeah the JS loader
(For those who don't get the reference, that's an angry Dick Cheney ...)
I hate node
I'm getting a stupid error and I can't figure out why.
Further, I take deep pleasure in knowing that those who are abusive towards me have consistently had embarassing work portfolios, which gives me strong confidence that their views are fueled entirely by cognitive dissonance.
Story of my life.
I don't know why I lumped you in, @MartinSojka
I should probably stop reading the transcript, @Mick you should honestly probably talk to a psychiatrist about this
wtf is going on
Oh man...
@MickLH For the record, I don't feel lumped in, but if you did, I still wouldn't have cared. Getting criticised for my own stupidity is a good thing, no matter the tone. It allows me to grow. Or at least know myself. Some of my vices I don't want to change.
@KevinvanderVelden yay that makes me sure you're actually proud of that ... "program"
Like, if I wasn't such a damn lazy bum, I'd never have started programming computers to save me time.
@MickLH what program are you talking about?
@KevinvanderVelden The sub par nethack clone
The one with no innovative features and horrible performance lol
@MickLH the GDSE gamejam one that I made in 48 hours while learning a language and a library?
Oh yeah that's terrible for a first gamejam
Heheheh see, he's proud of it
To be fair, it's hard to make a good clone of something that's been refined for over three decades now.
Also it wasn't intended to be a clone of nethack
But using a library made specifically for ASCII/tileset based roguelikes does kinda box you in a certian graphic style
There's a library for that?
I thought everyone just used ncurses and a terminal ...
God I love it!
Well that doesn't quite work on windows =p
Anyway, saved for future reference, thanks.
Smugly bragging about a library that does everything, while also defending his quality due to lack of time
mmmm the proud tastes so good
@MickLH the hell is wrong with you? Honestly
Sigh nevermind
@KevinvanderVelden I just want you to be nice really
Refreshes so the mick is gone again
@MartinSojka it's quite useful, also has implementations of field of view, bsp tree dungeon generation, a* path finding
I really picked a winner there lol, I thought he was proud of that abomination but man am I glad he's this proud
And bragging about how the library does everything... it's like he can't remember that he just defended himself on time constraints a moment ago
@MickLH That's how it usually works, really. People are proud of things they accomplished even if those things seem trivial to others ... or even if they are things they had no significant contribution to ("proud of my country" and such) all the time. I'd say to let them; it provides a nice motivational boost.
I don't want to bring him down a peg, don't get me wrong. I just really enjoy knowing that I'm a higher class programmer
@MartinSojka Exactly, I'm glad he's motivated, his motivational boost applies to me with a multiplication factor >1
@MickLH You're not doing the "... let them" part very well though. :)
@MickLH can you shut up?
@MickLH you are still adorable
So, what have you released?
@Jovito Click on his name and then ignore :)
It's mostly all under NDA
Oh, ok.
Also, can we please not flag every other chat message? We're just chillin' here.
But some control systems for heavy machinery, control systems for medical devices, digital testing systems for state testing
A few "cool" things
@MartinSojka wait, is he doing that again or is someone else?
Expect to see equipment operator certification go digital in the next few years, that's my code
At least in the US
(Curse my lack of 10k network rep! SO CLOSE)
OSHA already wrote the laws in our favor
If you think NDAs are bad ... I have friends who are coding combat UAV software. :D
@KevinvanderVelden You don't see who is doing it, and I don't really care.
@MartinSojka well, is it everyone but him? Then it's probably him
@Jovito can you pipe down? lol
Anyway, back to coding. It's been nice chatting with you all.
Peace @MartinSojka
My roommate is supposed to be back by now, I wonder what's up
@Jovito hug Kisses are unhygienic.
@MartinSojka well, I recall reading some preliminary study that proposed that kisses are for sharing germs so you strengthen the immune system
(Well, I recall an article about the study)
mmm herpes
(Programming/math papers: Yes. Biology papers, I have no idea what you are talking about)
@MartinSojka That made me feel... AWESOME! PULLS YOU CLOSE AND HUGS YOU LIKE A MAN
Hmm, I have a stylish window open, what did I want to do with it again
@KevinvanderVelden I did.
@KevinvanderVelden u dont have 4G?
real fortran programmers aren't integers.
@MickLH honestly, maybe you should talk some more, and I'm not saying that to belittle you. Because I was never against you until for no reason known to me you started going on a rampage against me, even after constantly flagging me for no reason I gave you a second chance, maybe I said something you took as an attack but that was never my intention. I don't want to have you on ignore but you're making it really hard not to.
@Hjorthenify I do (well, 3G), there's also free train wifi, the somewhat around bit was because mobile is horrible and I wasn't sure how well the wifi would work
@KevinvanderVelden Alright well talk through it, I'm on my crazy pills
@TheMuffinCoder Your modeling reminds me of pigart (look it up on youtube).
heya @AidanMueller
Someone made a voxel based game for the ludum dare jam O.o ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-33/?action=preview&uid=2297
@KevinvanderVelden Ah alright :)
@KevinvanderVelden Hey, it's McFunkyPants.
He does one game a month.
Also the ludumdare site is loading really slowly, I blame indiegames
The website, Onegameamonth
Why indiegames?
Because they just released an article (well I think just, not sure) so everyone is hitting the ludumdare site and the ludumdare site is crying
@AidanMueller Why wanted to ask you about the solution you gave here: gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/69339/…
I hate that I cant use my dedicated GPU for firefox -.-
@Jovito What is it?
It really isn't the best solution.
It checks collision twice.
I'm getting some incorrect collision resolution in my game while using it (your solution).
You may want to consider making your own method that works on corners instead.
Exactly, the corners.
@Jovito I'm not responsible for personal injury using my solution*
@Jovito What do you mean?
What's wrong?
How can I send the link to you privately?
Why private?
I don't want to share my game just yet.
You could PGP encrypt it, but public would be easier.
You could just share relative code.
Or do a GIF.
I can do that.
Plus I'm on Linux.
I could send the link to your email or something.
Going through the whole game code is counterproductive anyway. Can't you extract the parts which are the problem as a stand-alone program and put that on Github, Bitbucket, SourceForge or similar?
Nobody wants to steal your collision code if it's not working :D
Nobody wants to steal your code here anyways.
I'm not worried about the code.
If you've been writing unit tests like you should, the "extracting" shouldn't be hard either.
I don't do unit testing.
Unit testing is for people who want to make debugging easier. Where's the fun in that?
Unit testing games is hard
Seriously, I don't.
@Jovito Please state the problem.
Brick! Its a game about brick!
Though adding unit tests for, say, a specific data structure is the best
I usually "just" write unit tests for specific systems (which is why an ECS is such a nice thing to have: Lots of already separated-out systems)
@KevinvanderVelden Only time i've written a unit test was for my heap tree
@AidanMueller It would be easier if you saw it yourself.
@MartinSojka ooh true, I never thought of that for the ECS
Though the drawing bit is of course difficult
@Jovito Y u no gif?
Send me a
user image
I will always pronounce it like it is spelled, if only for the fact that that is the dutch word for poison
Jovito, could you upload some poison?
By the way, games often solve the "how do I stick to the ground/wall" problem by literally having a bunch of "sticking to the ground" and "sticking to a wall" flags on the moving entity's collision component.
Like ... if( onGround ) { force.y = max(force.y, 0); /* assuming y axis goes "up" in the positive direction */ }
I'm solving a collision between a circle and a rectangle. Sometimes when the circle collides with the rectangle's corners, the collision is resolved in the wrong axis. Otherwise, if the circle collides closer to the midpoint of each side of the rectangle, it works fine.
Make sure that you are doing this:
x += xVelocity
y += yVecolcity
You could also try moving and resolving the axis that has a higher velocity.
I'm doing that. Did you see the code?
No. You took it down.
each(['x', 'y'], function(axis) {
    circle[axis] += velocity[axis] * dt;

    var collided = _.filter(bricks, function(brick) {
        return utils.testCircleRectCollision(circle, brick.rect);

    var revertVelocity = true;
    _.each(collided, function(brick) {

        var depth = rect.getIntersectionDepth(brick.rect);
        rect[axis] += depth[axis];

        if (revertVelocity) {
            velocity[axis] *= -1;
            revertVelocity = false;
What lang is this?
Why do you store axes in arrays?
Nothing is necessarily wrong with it, just curious.
its not an array
OH, I see now.
That's just not how I do JS :D
@Jovito Try checking the higher velocity first.
Remember to do absolute value.
Why would that help?
Because when you do X += velocityX, you are moving it past the edge.
It's probably not perfect, but it could help at least a bit.
Alright, I'm going to try that.
To expand on what I said, think of an edge that is in the way of a falling object. The object has a bit of horizontal velocity. The object has mostly downward velocity, and would hit the edge, but because the X gets checked first, it moves out of the way of the edge, making it fall past.
School stuff gets done a lot faster if I do not keep this chat open in the background at the same time :)
@Tyyppi_77 If you want to get school done, press Ctrl-W.
Heh, I just summarized another religion text book chapter, so I deserve a quick break
Sorry man. Didn't mean to do that.
What? That last message is confusing me.
@Tyyppi_77 I was apologizing for potentially making you close the tab.
Shouldn't've shut my brains
Could he be more sorry?
Wait you probably can't do that "Shouldn't've"
It's English - you can do whatever you want :D
Probably not correct, but looks correct.
== English == === Etymology === shouldn't +‎ -'ve === Pronunciation === (US) IPA(key): /ˈʃʊdəntəv/, /ˈʃʊdn̩təv/ === Contraction === shouldn’t’ve (nonstandard, informal) Contraction of should not have. ==== Synonyms ==== shouldna (colloquial)...
I was right!
Q: Can a word be contracted twice (e.g. "I'ven't")?

MatthewMartinI've seen a contraction of two words. I can't see why it wouldn't be possible to contract twice. Is it possible and how should it be punctuated? Update: Ok, to sum up the answers so far This appears in spoken British and American English It is from one of the lower registers of English Even...

I'm such a cool dude.
not that Wiktionary is a definitive source though
Yeah you are. I bet you have an awesome and cool hat on too :D
A cool dude who needs sleep at 0355
@Chris Doesn't matter, at least someone thinks I was right.
I'dn't'ven't'ven't've used somanycontractions.
I don't haven't used..?
Is that even something you can say???
if you're drunk
OK. I really do need sleep.
haha yes
hava gudd dnigh.
an spel gud
I'll get back to the religion book, but I'll be back once I'm done with that
hop it werx owt jov
it's 9pm and I'm having a coffee

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