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I've never played it, so I can pick a combo for you based on how fun it sounds, ok?
Too late! I picked Gargoyle Earth Elementalist.
Chances are I'm dead in a few minutes though
where can I see a list of choices?
octopode warper.
Oh dear
Warper is an okay class, but octopodes are weird and difficult
it might be that surprisingly imba thing!
@Jon Are you here?
Care to help me with SQL? :D
I'm not sure if I can use a subquery for this:
I have a sql table containing the player inventory items
Where one of the columns contains the ID from another database which refers to the item
Should I use a subquery such as select * from items where ID=(select ID from player_items)
You have a player table, and a items table... then you have a playerItems table?
You are going to want to use a JOIN
Exactly, how?
ok, so first you define what you want for your output
Select character.name, item.price, character.whatevs
then join the two tables
I think he understands that. It's the cross database stuff he's not getting I assume.
lol, ok well my sql skills are lacking now i haven't done any in a while
Q: SQL Inner-join with 3 tables?

Bob SandersI'm trying to join 3 tables in a view; here is the situation: I have a table that contains information of students who are applying to live on this College Campus. I have another table that lists the Hall Preferences (3 of them) for each Student. But each of these preferences are merely an ID Nu...

sigh I died again. It was such a promising run! :(
cool i can watch that!
Yeah online play is fun :)
Also, the character is way stronger than I expected it to be
Defeating a band of orcs on D:1 is no small feat
Shit. Dead once again.
@Jon Sorry ill look at it now :)
@Lokkij but did you have fun?
I did! :D
Octopodes are surprinsingly fun
I just realized I worship a god who gives me lots of weapons and armour.. as a race that cannot wear armour and a class that uses lots of unarmed attacks. :/
kill him
become the new god
yeah it will broaden your horizon
I don't think I can survive his wrath :P
Also his other abilities are pretty sweet
@Jon I can only see a white screen
if you have an old player it might not work
which player?
unity player
Looks good @Jon
Thanks, its pretty cool that it will be playable in a web browser
quite frankly I never expected it to be, haha
ah I see...not for linux
Not on chrome either =p
I'd like to see something like the wii u gamepad as a hardware development platform
@Christoph Your suggestion of Octopode Warper actually broadened my horizon! :D Not only did I realize octopodes are more fun than they sound, I also about know the immense power of rods now.
they sell a broken wii u on ebay for €200 !?
It might not be bought but that's not a reason to not put it online for that price
i can get a working one for less Oo
Hey guys!
we're sleeping
Where are you guys?
I swear its still afternoon in the US
how would I detect whether there's a wall(black) in the way of the player (red)?

I'm using a 2d array to store all of the level data
@Deep It's also Sunday in the US
You've lost me. Should I come back later?
You could try to figure out the colour of the grid space you are moving to and do some other stuff, but the real solution is make the graphics simply a representation of the game, and have the game run regardless of how it's being displayed.
I wrote an answer to someone else's question to that effect here:
A: Isometric Collision Detection

John McDonaldI'll come straight out and say that I don't know how to solve the problem you have described in the question (collision detection between iso-tile-shaped rectangles), but I can tell you how others have solved it in the past: The way it's done in other games is to separate the game world from the...

Basically: you know where the player is [x, y], and you know where all the walls are (array of [x,y]). See if the proposed new location for the player matches a wall or not
@Deep (and it's just that Sundays are slower. Chat away!)
if (Color.Black) { return wall; }
else { return notwall; }
in a situation like this, just check before you move
if the place you want to move to is a wall -- don't move.
My first game (ever) checked the colour of the pixel I was moving toward. Not highly recommended
I tried doing pixel perfect collision once
I realized that was ridiculous
lil' bit
in quite many disciplines one of the first and most important lessons is that you should accept "close enough" when more is not necessary
internet back up
alright, that sounds reasonably easy to do. Thank you.
googled mass effect 3 - accidentally didn't type the "m"
Oh wow..
@Jon The join worked :)
Can't seem to add foreign keys to SQLite though...
make em
ALTER TABLE player_inventory
add foreign key(id) references Items(id);
Should that work?
yeah, a foreign key doesn't technically need to be formally declared
i don't know what sqlite supports
My sql version might be out of date, btw
Because I found an official site where it states that foregin keys are supported
you can model your DB in a gui
Yeah, I thought SQLite didn't support foreign keys
Oh nice, Foreign Keys were introduced in SQLite 3.6.19
My GUI doesn't support foreign keys, but the command marks as existent:
@JohnMcDonald https://www.sqlite.org/foreignkeys.html
:) been a while
Like... a long while actually. damn, 10 years maybe?
heh, why do I remember useless facts for that long? lol
Many of us do. This is more useful than most though.
Because you were furious it didn't work? :P
@Jon I use this: http://sqlitebrowser.org/
looks nice
I'm running version 3.8 and still gets a syntax error...
@Hjorthenify :p Probably. I was more furious that they didn't allow you to drop columns though
O_O Yeah.. That's kinda weird :P
So... get it right the first time!
sqlite is awesome for games
that is all
Why are people so pissed about this paid mods for Skyrim thing?
I used it for a local tool, and I needed a local database that didn't reuire installing a 200mb package
they are saying that bethesda is taking 35% of every sale
@OMGtechy Partially because this means the end of awesome free mods, and partially because the creators of said mods only get 25%
without having any responsibility for anything
@JohnMcDonald Thank you! That actually fixed my problem :D
Oh, the faq
@JohnMcDonald well the 25% I don't like, but it's silly.
"SQLite has limited ALTER TABLE support"
If you don't want to pay for mods...don't pay for mods D:
Made me think: Perhaps I need to recreate the table?
And that worked
I think..
Isn't it supposed to stop me if I try to index something which doesn't exists in the other table?
@OMGtechy yeah, but this is also the end of a golden age. You have to admit, there are some awesome free mods out there. This is probably the end of that, or... nearing the end of that. On the other hand... these mod creators (us) might be able to make a buck
3Wave is the only proper way to play Q3 and it was free.
oop game starting
I suppose. I personally think that this will encourage more modders to appear, and more companies to think about making their games "moddable" if they can take a cut.
perhaps, but maybe our favourite mods wouldn't have become as popular if they had charged a buck. (counter-strike, day of defeat, natural selection, red orchestra, firearms, pirates vikings and knights, vampire slayer, etc.)
But... I guess this is leaving the choice in the modder's hands
I hope it convinces people to make extra awesome mods, but does money really motivate?
now that people are more used to paying little amounts of money for mobile games I think charging similar amount for a mod won't change the world
Not to mention the issue of policing the mods. Who actually made it? Did you just rip someone's free mod from some other source and re-package it for a buck?
there will be a lot of crap around, but that's nothing new
PRAGMA foreign_keys; gets set to false after I set it to true...
re-packaging open source work and trying to sell it can probably only be defeated by rigorous reviews
@Christoph yeah, I feel that'll be commonplace, at least at the start
@BlueBug now I really wanna have a go ...
hardware dev board developers face a similar problem with cheap ripoffs from china, but still make good money
also, we're not talking about new laws here - if they don't work as desired, paid mods will disappear
I think it was a necessary move, and only time will tell if spells the beginning or end of amazing mods
hmm, what if Portal 2 opens up charging for maps? If Mevious were to charge, he'd be swimming, and I'd probably pay
That guy makes some amazing maps
So simple looking, no tricks, just pure logic, but damn hard
So, yeah, I'd pay for that
For any of you Portal 2 lovers out there. Try Push from Mevious, and you'll see what I mean. So awesome.
My least favorite argument against this so far has been "modding is supposed to be free"
that is not even an argument (or is it?)
I don't know
if modding is (by definition, so to say) free, they're simply selling something different. they could add two dots to the product and call it möd
Well, originally there was a bit of a grey area if you tried charging for your mod because the game designer could come after you, and that's why mods have traditionally been free. But now that the company has to be on-board with charging for mods, everything is game
I think people are upset about getting more bang for their buck when a game they buy supports mods which have historically been free... and now it's going to be like paid DLC from amateurs
:( yeah
There are a handful of unresolved issues too, like if I buy a mod, then the mod no longer works after a game update, what do I do?
Happens all the time with mods
Not to mention paid mods for early access games.
Yeah. What I would like to believe is going to happen is that this is going to increase first party support for mods and subsequently proper upgrade paths and standards should be put into place, etc. making the whole mod thing significantly more accessible than it has been in the past
Steam Works has already helped with the accessibility standpoint
Monetization for the first parties should aid in first parties having proper mod support from the get go
If mods follow the standards there should be some sort of guarantee saying that a mod is guaranteed support through version X
This is all just wishful thinking I'm sure but I think that it's possible this is where things could be headed
It's kind of like leveraging a third party REST API
@SpartanDonut But as my dad and I know all too well, if the game is on version X+1, there's no way to run version X
I guess this is why they are starting with Skyrim
It's an old game, with a solid modding community
sounds plausible, kinda
I thought the skyrim mod had died?
In the ideal world I was dreaming up it was more of a guarantee that they would support a certain set of standards for a long time (I'm looking at it like MS deprecating .NET functions, etc.)
They would announce with a certain predefined amount of time that X standards would be changing and mods leveraging them would need to be updated
@SpartanDonut I thought the point of .NET was that it would never deprecate functions?
This way consumers know how long they have to use mods
@Hjorthenify well not 100% like .NET. You can run code on old .NET versions but future .NET versions might remove deprecated functions
So the big difference, as John said, you can't run old versions of games
But at least consumers would have an idea that if they buy a mod they have X amount of guaranteed time to play it, if not longer
If the ability to revert games to previous versions was an option... most of this would be moot
But still.. That would be a huge limitation to put on a game. "I wont alter this too much until 6 months into the future"
Kinda halts the development
Well it depends
If you have official modding channels (i.e. an API, etc.) as opposed to just hacking the files that already exist... a lot of that can be abstracted
Allows the developers to change the underlying systems without affecting mods
This would be the streamlining, accessibility, and whatnot I was getting at
Mods could just get better
Because developers would have invested in the tooling and support for it
The monetization bit allows for that to more likely be a reality
Yeah that's what MC is doing
But has killed a lot of mods because the developers didn't want to update them until the API was out
We have a bit of a chicken and egg scenario here
I think it could become a reality if you get big support and I'm willing to bet Valve will front some money to help get it there
Without that support its very much chicken / egg as developers won't see the benefit and consumers won't want to buy into something so risky
Yeah :/
It has taken them a great while though
Not sure on the current status of it
@Jon have you worked with views?
select * from load_inventory where Inventory.id=1;
Where load_inventory is a view: create view Inventory as Select * From Items inner JOIN Inventory ON Inventory.item_id=Items.id
returns the error: no such column: Inventory.id: select * from load_inventory where Inventory.id=1;
The outer query has no idea what's inside the view
So, you need to do: select * from load_inventory where load_inventory.id=1;
It treats the view like a table... kinda
I see.. New problem: I have two columns by the name ID
Because container id and item id
right. The database I work with all the time has a bunch of ids, and they prefix them in the DB for this reason. So, itemID and containerID. You can either do that in the tables, OR you can do that in the view.
So if I remove the where statement then one of the columns is named id:1
Hmm right
I might rename stuff in the view: create view Inventory as Select items.id as itemID, inventory.id as invID, other, stuff, here From Items inner JOIN Inventory ON Inventory.item_id=Items.id
Or, go back a layer and rename the ids, :/
I renamed them. The database is a dummy one atm :P
Dammit.. Now I have two item_id columns xD
remove one
the power of being a programmer
Dropped the view thingy for the where statement. No need to create an outer query when it's going to be called from code anyways.
But honestly, you need to understand, that the power of a cpu, or even a gpu, is at your hands
and they are only getting more powerful
I still added a player_items view for convenience
and quite frankly, we are the smart ones
I know. We will soon be manipulating photons by the power of our keyboards!
soon, you will be able to heat up and feed burritos to fat people all in VR
i still use a light switch for that
but in real life
I'm trying to remember where I read this great article on hungarian notation, and how it was originally designed to denote the kind of data being stored in a variable, not the type. So, a variable that stores inventory IDs might be prefixed with invid, and variables to do with counting something would start with i. Just by looking at the prefixes, you know what kind of data to expect, and what makes sense to do with it.
Pretty awesome article imo
hungarians are all dead
Ping me if you figure it out :D
@Jon Yeah.. Too much death metal
ref is if I want to assure that the data is passed by reference, right? (C#)
did you know that the top egyptian kings would be entombed in mercury.. their corpse literally floating in metal
Cool, that was easy to find
@Hjorthenify Making wrong code look wrong: joelonsoftware.com/articles/Wrong.html
Yes I've heard that before. :P
@JohnMcDonald I'll take a look at it later. My mind isn't up for reading right now....
Thanks though
it just came to mind because you have two ID fields for different tables
I have a hungover from wine(those are the worst) and it's getting late..
kids don't drink
Yeah :D Newb mistake i guess..
No, wouldn't say so. But a great thing to learn, :)
In Denmark kids are born with a bottle of beer.
Yes :D
Last time I did SQL I was 12.. I think.
in canada, they force us to smoke weed at 6 months
with one of these
rite of passage
Damn I wanna move to Canada..
How's the beer there?
i'm on 7% + now
anything less taste like crap to me
@Hjorthenify Shrug
@Jon mmmm, IPAs
hahaha, yeah you got it
Oh wow.. :P I'm at 6%.. anything less tastes water, but I'll get there, @Jon :D
Got a Carlsberg Black Gold in the fridge..
A few days ago I learned vodka tastes like shit.
@Lokkij I also have a bottle of this:
Wanna taste? That's 80% alcohol
Probably burns like hell
You're basically drinking medicinal alcohol
It kicks out a cold right instant.
You're disgusting @Hjorthenify :P
@William You're welcome :D
yeah, you are gross
Stroh Rum is some of the vilest I've ever had to drink :P Absinthe is less disgusting. :P
Absinthe can be quite good if used correctly.
but seriously people don't drink stroh it's more used for mixing
There's a reason this Stroh is still standing on my shelf. I've only had one occasion to use it :P
been drinking this one because of the robot, and its good too
@William Roskilde Festival
Nah. Not much of a festival goer.
Stroh works well there..
@Jon HopCity.. Wut?
i'm going to wacken this year
hop hop citty bitch
I've always liked the Hop Box:
Partially for the puns, :p
It got some pretty cool labels as well
This one's ma' favorite:
malt liquor
lando calorisian flavour
Is that one of those pisswasser beers where you get 2L for 99 cents?
this it the kind of beer that you can make in your bedroom over 3 days
its a step above spit potato liquor from jail cells
Oh wow..
Sounds like the famous(among students) beer from Denmark:
This is probably my favorite beer right now
Midwestern beer?
@Jon what man
Also we might as well just rename this room to "Game Development and Beer"
it is alive on the web @Almo
milestone :D
Yes! I see you fixed the clamping issue as well :D
took me 3 hours today to design that page to give all that info, and fit on an iPhone 4 screen
checking your link jon
Looks good
dood that's cool jonm
thanks hjorthenify :)
its a start :)
Now you just need dynamic water, cave systems, NPC, players, ores, items, changeable tiles, weather....
The crotch grab dance move is basically the unsexiest move possible, but people still do it :(
user image
Is that... From your game?
@Hjorthenify That was a perfect opportunity to say "AAahhhhh". Common'
@Lokkij agreed, lokkij
Q: "Almost-finished" versus "almost finished"

blazs I am attaching an almost-finished version of the report. I am attaching an almost finished version of the report. Which is the preferred form, (1) or (2)? Why?

woa that 9-voted answer isn't correct
mine's WAY better
i have a bunch of crap
(read that as please upvote mine)
Looks like you've been making a really nice engine, but how is the gameplay coming @Jon
well that is the thing.. i am revisiting it in unity atm
the game play was lacking , as this was mainly a world gen engine i was doing for fun
ah yeah, I've been there.
i had a game
and now I am considering actually doing it.. and focussing on the core gameplay
I wrote the most of a ASCII game engine for fun..
@Hjorthenify now write a UTF-8 one :D
Well, any unicode encoding tbh
@OMGtechy heh, I laughed a little
You could do a lot with that :D
@OMGtechy It was boring as hell because no fancy graphics.. :/
But yeah UTF-8 could spice it up a little..
I'd be tempted if I wasn't already doing my language
Not really fun when you only have 16 colors to choose from :P
yeah, but Dwarf Fortress
Constraints are the things that make it more fun :D
I guess DF is pseudo-ASCII, but still
It is?
This was pure ASCII.. Ran in the console of vista+ versions of windows

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