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wish i knew who was sabotaging our egg
Probably Code Golf, as they've been doing it to basically everybody.
It's a dumb game, poorly conceived, quickly implemented, and completely broken in terms of trivial expoitability.
@Joe Includes the salary survey. Nice.
^ they do pretty good with this the past 2 years I read it
Even full time QA is a very viable job. Love to see these stats
And nobody at SE is going to do anything about it, it sounds like, so it's basically not worth playing.
Sounds like you're right
Anyone want to get help make sure Code Golf doesn't get too far ahead? I haz a UserScript...
2 mins ago, by Josh Petrie
It's a dumb game, poorly conceived, quickly implemented, and completely broken in terms of trivial expoitability.
^--- you were right!
Contributing to the exploits is not a good idea.
It's just automating what we could all do anyway. (Clicking "Restart".)
> Fifty-seven percent of indie game developers (including both solo indies and members of indie teams) made under $500 in game sales. On the other end of the spectrum 2 percent made over $200,000 in game sales.
Also an important stat
queue pokemon music "immmabtheverybestleikno1evarwuz"
Right, so, lots of people are annoyed at the behavior of the PCCG users and calling their behavior various forms of reprehensible, so the solution is to do the same reprehensible thing back?
No thanks.
The game industry gender wage gap is smaller than the national average
that's kind of surprising
86 cents to the dollar opposed to 77 cents to the dollar
Q: C++ project ideas?

VenomiKitten I have a project to do for my C++ class, however I don't really have any ideas for it. I need to have at least 3 functions, one array, one string, two arithmetic operators, and a user input in the program. What could be something that would have these in it?

QA females earning more than males way to go
All I get from that is that maybe the pay gap isn't entirely due to sexism
But I'm not sure how that's measured
Might just be years of experience
But many people with a certain number of years of experience doesn't equate to the same quality of knowledge regardless of gender
I dunno
Fun to read stats anyway. Thanks Joe.
np I like the book good read... wish I could buy a copy in paper
@SpartanDonut The pay gap doesn't exist. IIRC when you compare males and females working the same job, the difference goes to 97 cents on the dollar instead of 70-whatever, and when you control for hours worked as well the difference disappears entirely.
been watching the pcg egg..... somebody is restart voting them
that's not to say sexism doesn't exist in other ways (glass ceiling), but pay isn't one of those ways
@IcyDefiance Those stats are also in the article
ah okay I didn't read the article. just got here.
@Almo yeah, some assholes from codegolf SE
Being an optimist I would like to believe that the gap really isn't there as well if you truly compare apples to apples
@KevinvanderVelden pcg is code golf
Then some asshole retaliating probably
someone there apologized for restarting us
as far as programming goes, the most blatant sexism is probably refusing to hire a female in the first place. the people who would hire a female would probably also pay them close to the same.
people who don't get hired don't enter into those wage statistics
At least the employers I've worked for have that kind of attitude (I think)
damn whats with audio
interesting that audio and art have much bigger differences than the others...
arts not far behind either but still
Anyone else noticed StackEgg?
trying not to, seems like a mess
Does C# use C-style casts?
@Hjorthenify as in do they look like them or do they work like them?
Because Yes and No in respectively
@OMGtechy What's different about them? And yes they do look like them.
In what context, C -> C# or C++ -> C#?
@OMGtechy yes
there's a huge fight about it
What, why?
Q: When something that was supposed to be fun became not fun

Simon André ForsbergStackEgg! What a great invention. Probably the best thing to hit Stack Exchange since the invention of unicoins! Very entertaining game, very fun to play. Many users have probably spent several hours playing this. And April Fool's day is not over yet. However, where there is great inventions t...

@OMGtechy C++ -> C#
PCG went around as a group voting to reset other sites' games so they could be on top of the leaderboard.
we got reset several times... we used to be #3 on the leaderboard
That was featured in the Meta newsletter
@Hjorthenify how much do you know about c-style casting in C++?
@OMGtechy The syntax and that it's generally avoided. Also that it's not validated in any ways.
@Hjorthenify open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2011/n3242.pdf 5.4 Explicit type conversion (cast notation) [expr.cast]
C++ c-style casts try lots of different types of casts
the first that appears to work is used
(very loosely speaking)
hence them being avoided
Indeed. I'd imagine the C# style cast is more akin to static_cast
Which is much nicer
C style casts do all sorts, including removing const-ness and just plain reinterpreting
Ahh I see. It there dynamic_casts in C#?
@Almo what a disaster
@Hjorthenify yes
it's not called that of course
I can see an reintrepreting cast would be bad if not intended..
yup, it is
in C# there's two types of casts. first is the (Type) cast, which can change the type of an object to any of its supertypes, or any type that it has an explicit/implicit cast operator for. (msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/xhbhezf4.aspx) invalid casts throw a compile time error. casts to a subtype also work, but will throw a runtime error if invalid, IIRC.
the other type of cast is "as Type", which is basically the same, except it never throws an exception and just returns null if the cast is invalid
I see. Thanks!
+ there's is
How do you do the as type cast?
@Hjorthenify just type myVar as SomeType
So 22 as float, etc?
What the heck is Stack Egg :P
@William'MindWorX'Mariager tamogochi stack exchange
it is aha
it's a group tamagotchi
but it has deep exploitable flaws
no surprise that code golf is winning aha
it seems they have a few restart raiders I'm watching their votes
really sad this degenerated so fast
I am voting to restart all the time just for teh lulz
on the SO one
Also, I'm making a colour space conversion library for .NET, any requests?
I'm really enjoying Of Monsters and Men's new song, though it feels like some of the lyrics were put there primarily because they rhyme.
Didn't know they had a new album. Thanks for the tip :D
pcg has 3 restart trolls now... would take many more to reset them
I'm about to win
Or something
The last few hearts is tricky
game dev close to finishing one?
I had no clue ther ewas a close button
could have been done years ago
Whoever joined when I said something has doomed us all xD
close is such a bad option this late in the game D:
well maybe with traffic being low now it will be ok
Higher traffic it seems like you don't get ahead close voting
probably not
if you go to the pcg chat, you can see a lot of interesting strategy discussion. they seem to have analyzed it pretty well
My strat was questions should be higher than answers; Quality comes before users; Vote the rest up while you can. lol
Worked pretty well
I had it down to two hearts at one point and then all of a sudden "Close vote!" and we ded
Could have been sub 300 :(
they voted to close and in a rage i accidentally voted to close
this person
Whieee, giant map
Takes 20 seconds to generate
(But could easily be multithreaded)
I quit
All hearts filled except 1 quality and 2 traffic. guy votes to close
And new game anyway
but still
Does anybody know the difference between $( ... ), $[ ... ], and ${ ... } in bash?
woa nice
@AidanMueller sorry i don't i'd have to look it up
@AidanMueller yep and it's a very depressing result lol
Yeah I've decided stack egg is no fun
I can't communicate with the others playing the logic behind my decisions to sway their voting
So I just sit there and hope they vote the way I do
nice map @KevinvanderVelden
And then I hope I win the coin toss when they dont
@Jon thanks :)
I'm currently rendering a better one, I found a bug =p
you could communicate with me
I'd vote with you
Better games to play :D
(if you are trying to increase the size of something by adjusting the min/max values from which it is calculated. Increase the max value)
^ 2048x2048 pixels, click to view the full thing
i cannot focus on that ahhhhh it's too early in the morning
last call for Tallowmere iOS testers, just need your email, bout to click the "Send Invites" button :D
itunes email ?
kk ty
no no ty ty
going to play this all day at school lol
@Chris oh yeha
Test Flight doesn't work on iOS 7 anymore
so I can't test this even if I wanted to
ah, well there ya go :\
well good luck with it anyway :)
:D downloaded
Tell you what my thumb covers the health
What is a good name given to a weapon which has different damage amounts based on distance like a gun, far away = less damage, close up = lots of damage.

I currently call it "damage gradient" but i don't like the term and the general player may not understand from reading it what it even means
shot gun
oh opps
@Mutch95 that is true. imo in a way, if you're getting hit you're gonna die shortly after lol. but a big "Your health is low!" text comes up at the top if you're <= 50%, so hmm
yeah that's true, also enabling the shield I think it should be hold to enable otherwise you need to learn to double tap quickly so you can flip the shield to right if you need to block it
but i can tell I'm going to have some fun today
i'll make a list on what i think is wrong and what can be improved :)
thing is with hold to enable, the amount of time it takes to let go of Shield Block and then switch your thumb to Attack, that's a lot of dead time
you can click Attack and have the shield drop instantly and then you Attack
oh really
cuz in the desktop version, half the game is letting go of Block and pressing Attack immediately after super fast
did not know that ;p
when you've got 6 enemies trying to kill you
@Chris which is half the fun :D
those few milliseconds would be bad news I think
yep :)
it's a twitchy smash-all-in-the-face-fast-then-hide kinda game
so as a next-best thing, I felt that a Shield toggle on/off and pressing Attack to drop it instantly is probably the most user-friendly
i think that'd make it too easy
it is, in a way
I tried it originally as press-to-hold
did not like
camera's also zoomed in a little more on iPhone (not so much on iPad) just cuz the screen's so small, hard to see heh
I'm using my bent iPhone 6
pretty decent size
curved glass; it's not a bug it's a feature
@Mutch95 lol. Do you think the camera's zoom level is alright?
i have light leaking in the lcd...
lol :(
I find it difficult to believe that the iOS version could be "too easy" given how difficult touch screen button controls are to use
the zoom level should be able to be customisable
and the font size aswell
personally the font is great for me
but what about people who can't see all to well?
@Almo yeah it's still a massive finger juggle in hectic situations
I'd be for giving as much assistance as you can. It shouldn't be too hard to detect if you've overdone it.
Swapping attack and jump would also be nice
@Mutch95 this is still using GUITexts and GUITextures, not scalable, would be possible to add options to change the resolution, but it really can't go less than 640p which is the 3.5" screen minium, text starts overflowing on the inventory menus
with about 5 people playing the 24-hour contests on LowDown, it's quite fun.
i try to press the right side for attack
yay @Almo i'd play it more if I had an iphone
if the # gets over about 25 or 50, it will need the score system for sure.
Score system is slated to go in after the interface bugs are worked out
I would be seriously interested in seeing stats for a game of like 1000+ ppl though
can you make it be available in NZ almo?
two days ago, looked like this
1 - 2x
2 - 3x
3 - 4x
4 - 2x
8 - 1x
next one:
1 - 2x
4 - 1x
5 - 4x
6 - 3x
7 - 3x
8 - 2x
i'm not gonna pick 1, cuz everyone is gonna do that... and i'm not gonna pick 2, cuz everyone is gonna think like that... so im' gonna pick 3
the point system would say for the last one, people who guess 5 are runners-up, and 6 was second runner-up, etc
anything lower than the winning number wins nothing
so there would be lots more ways to score points once the chances of actually winning get low
VS2015 community announced
@Chris It's just CA for now, worldwide once I'm satisfied that the interface is better. Like upcoming is Results and Your Results. so you can see data for previous contests if you've been out of the game for a while
currently, you can only see contests you were in
so if you're out for a day, you have no idea what people are currently playing
yeah but NZ has like 2 people in it
hahaha :)
I can put you on betatesting if you want
I'll give it a whirl if I have access!
just give me an email address for testflight and i'll get you in
you can mail it to me if you don't want it public
ok sent, thanks
1.0.6 doesn't have the previous contest without your entries view yet
that's 1.0.7
ok heading out talk later :)
sweet ty
@Jon not shocked but glad, did they give any cool info about it out?
@OMGtechy what do you mean?
5 mins ago, by Jon
VS2015 community announced
oh, no
just saying they are continuing with the free version
well, that's good news as it is :D
Yep, it was expected
This smoke simulator idea is funny
if you don't get a smoke in time, you go into rage mode and everything you touch gets trashed, and you get fired
whut aha
that vid i just posted, lol
ahaha xD
the joys of indie game dev
no deadlines, no bosses, no limits
no money
no requirement to make anything conventional
0 girls
sometimes no other job
most people can't relate to anything you do
Most people, have a hard time understand what my job is
they immediately assume I fix computers
I spent 13 hours working on my game yesterday
@Chris woo :D
that is what i'm talkiong about
indie dev, at least at home, yeah it's like, wat
"oh hey, half the day's gone by already"
@Jon same. I occasionally correct them but sometimes I cba
I do game dev for fun, what the hell is wrong with me
I broadly split it into IT, Hardware and Software
@Jon probably the same thing as most of the folks here
@Mutch95 Did you look at mine?

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