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are you a fan of lazy evaluation?
lazy evaluation... like most of linq?
if(a && y) // if a is false y doesn't get evaluated
First I've heard the term
I use that on occasion yeah
Depends on how long the conditions are
oh, yeah, big fan. if someone ever only uses one & that's usually bad code.
pros are obvious, if(a != null && a.foo())
cons? if(a != null && ++a == 1)
Trying to be clever usually is bad for maintainability
that example right there is the only time I've ever seen one &, and it's horrible practice.
@MLM very true
I don't understand the example
@SpartanDonut because it's being lazy, ++a wont happen
@SpartanDonut if a != null, then it increments a, then it tests if a == 1
if a == null, then a does not get incremented
horrible practice. never increment things inside those parenthesis. do it inside the body of the if statement instead.
but a would be null...
I think a better example would be
well no
I don't know
I wouldn't write code like that but what you say is expected behavior so if you write it like that I don't see the problem
if(a == b && ++a == c)
++null makes no sense
well yeah, you wouldn't want a to be incremented if it's null. I'm just saying not to increment things right there under any circumstances.
It is done sadly, a lot
Like @MLM says, trying to be clever is rarely good
if(a == b && ++a == c)
if(a == b & ++a == c)
these are drastically different things
I guess I feel that point isn't actually a con of lazy evaluation and just bad code
@IcyDefiance yes, but what's your point?
@SpartanDonut agreed
@SpartanDonut indeed
Yay! I didn't actually miss the point
but given the chance to be stupid, people will be stupid. The same applies to macros
because there wasn't one...
@OMGtechy my point is the only time that the latter is used is in very bad code. if you just force the former, nothing important will be lost.
@IcyDefiance they do totally different things?
they're not for the same purpsoe
bitwise operators vs logical operators
I'll do my bitwise operations outside an if statement
One thing I want to add into my language is some syntax sugar for bit manipulation
in C# or Java they're not bitwise operators. I mean they can be, but right there they aren't.
I think he's lying
I hope so
in C# and Java, && is lazy evaluation and & is eager evaluation, when applied to two booleans
when applied to anything other than a boolean, then & becomes bitwise
this is necessary, because bitwise operators in C# and Java return int, and if statements can't work with ints like they do in C++
so it is
I've never used it as such
And never will
(I think)
That's so horrible I can't even express how much I hate it
I've used them for bitwise in creating bitmasks for unity raycastding and that's about it
I have never used eager evaluation outside of little experiments, and I have no plans to use it
actually, I take that back
because I can't imagine using such bitwise operations on booleans
[From MSDN](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/sbf85k1c.aspx) Binary & operators are predefined for the integral types and bool. For integral types, & computes the logical bitwise AND of its operands. For bool operands, & computes the logical AND of its operands; that is, the result is true if and only if both its operands are true.
The & operator evaluates both operators regardless of the first one's value.
I have no clue why that isn't working
it hates you
here, one sec. I'll create an example.
I give up
I'll use || instead of &&, just because the example is simpler, but the point is the same
| instead of &?
I guess I'll know when I see the example
haha ok
the || and && confused me
static void Main(string[] args)
    int x = 0;
    if (true || ++x == 1)
    if (true | ++x == 1)
that's the code
and it outputs...
@IcyDefiance makes sense since I read the docs. Still feels like a bad idea to use the eager evaluation approach (which I believe is what you were saying as well)
So we all agree!
@ElfSlice Really nice aesthetic actually
check out his UI work on the game too
@SpartanDonut the only time it's a good idea to use eager evaluation is when you want x to be incremented every time you reach the if statement. but you can just increment it before the if statement instead, and it's better practice to do so.
I'd agree
that is...
if (true | ++x == 1)
is exactly the same as...
if (true || x == 1)
It's an easy to misinterpret sort of situation so it's much better to be explicit about your intent even though the docs are clear
@IcyDefiance finally got monogame up and running ahah
stupid mac
oh wait
it can't open the solution
what did you make it with?
Visual Studio no doubt
don't tell me visual studio
that totally mac and linux friendly solution ;)
yes, VS, but I thought monodevelop can open VS solutions...
one sec. I'll fix this.
You should probably get a windows machine and download 2013 community edition
I have VS 2013 ultimate on my PC
because PC master race
Xamarin on here
actually, it might not be vs that's the problem
oh, monodevelop can open VS solutions, but it doesn't like the content project
there's a content project
and a contentcontent project
guys. I think the content project is the problem
yeah the contentcontent project is necessary. it's one of the annoyances of monogame I was talking about.
might be able to think of a better name later
I've never had it before?
whats content content?
houses compiled XNBs?
content does the compiling, contentcontent houses the content before it's compiled...or something odd like that. I haven't figured it out entirely.
Why not ContentRaw and ContentCompiled?
I was guessing Content was the content (gets compiled by XNA) and outputs XNB to content content where content content outputs (copies) the XNB to the build folder
If you figure it out let me know because I'm curious lol
not enough content
@OMGtechy might work. the names there are just the default ones I got when I created the thing. I didn't bother to change them.
when I make a monogame project I don't get all that crap
but when you make a monogame content project you get both content and contentcontent
without the content project then you need to use XNA to compile things
I didn't want to do that
not IIRC...I remember using it on ubuntu
let me check the current state of things
you can load image and mesh files directly without compiling them, which is probably what you did before
but you can't do the same with spritefonts
it says not to use the content projects anymore
so I won't
wait, what?
actually I think I misread
there's a nuget package for content
think that's something else
when I make a monogame project I just make a solution, then use nuget to add monogame
rm -rf Monogame
think I might just go use my linux box and be happy again
I have no idea what nuget might do
depends which package you use
only things I've ever used it for were MoreLinq and SharpDX, and in both cases the only thing it did was download dll files
I'll give it oneeee moreee o
need to get the latest version of monodevelop on my computer instead of the crap included with unity
I think monodevelop just needs to know wtf monogame is
UnityVS would be great if the debugger worked
and it doesn't by default
Well Xamarin in this case, but same diff
it's still monodevelop to meee! D:
I'll try a punch it into working hang on
bingo, found some 3.2 templates
still can't open the contentcontent project
is it worth me creating the project and you using that? It's more more likely to work that wa around I think
and we could use vector graphics rather than textures
@OMGtechy debugger works great if you remember to import the package to your project
I am interested in how you can compile content without either a content project or xna
@SpartanDonut ooo, I'll look into that
From Unity -> Assets -> Import Package -> Visual Studio 2013 Tools
i don't know, I just did things the way I always did, and there was a processed file at the end of it
it was a while back now
@SpartanDonut thanks
I always forget that step when I haven't worked with it in a while
Everything but debugging works if you don't import that package it seems
And that's the missing link for debugging
@IcyDefiance it really really REALLY doesn't want to work on mac
well done Monogame, you crossplatform tool that only works on one platform
well, that's not true but it's certainly not simple to get this working
yeah, if you have a way that works, just use that
I can't get it working on xamarin studio here either
if this was xna I'd have a ship flying around already :'(
Yeah I'm a spoiled MS stack developer and I like it that way.
@IcyDefiance it'd be no different with XNA, because it still wouldn't work on my mac :P
I think I've almost got it
also why doesn't xamarin have a dark theme? :'(
so blinding
why doesn't this chat have a dark theme either?
Yeah but in the case of XNA we can just shrug our shoulders and say "use your PC"
nope it's screwed
I've thought about putting together a user script for that
Maybe I'll make that a project this weekend
OMG are you able to just recreate the project your way?
or is that fucked on a mac too?
I can try
Let me see...
Getting out FireFox Developer edition for this
If we'd used Unity, we'd already be sorted by now. Just saying ;) @IcyDefiance
nah, then I'd be spending the whole night watching video tutorials
and fuck video tutorials. I don't learn things that aren't in text form.
On the plus side, Unity only takes one night of video tutorials
we're gunna be spending the night doing this instead it seems
Once you understand the different bits of the editor Unity is so easy
Cmon, make the leap, it's great
but lowercase public variables :'(
We promises you won't get addicted
When I first saw Unity, I said it was horrible and I wanted nothing to do with it. It took two years for me to even go near it again.
Now I think it's awesome
I've been hooked ever since the 2D tools came out
I've actually tried unity for a couple hours, but video tutorials pissed me off
Why not just ask us?
I'm having to teach someone Unity atm anyway
might be able to
People here like you enough we could probably make a separate room and help you through the early stages
JUST enough
or you can just ask here
the thing I'm most scared of is doing reflection in unity. importing scripts from other languages and fun stuff like that.
most of it is pretty easy
well some people have their levels saved as XML rather than scenes
you have C# so you can do whatever really
not for levels. for the AI code.
Why not define a format for it and have it deserialised?
or just throw some python in there
omg, I think I have what you need
nope, that doen't work
tried it
tried an update version too
cmoooon ;)
btw we should stick it on bitbucket if we do that
actually nvm
it's 3am here anyway
I strongly recommend creating a Unity project
I'll even do it for you
it's 10 pm here too. I might be done fighting with this for tonight. maybe tomorrow I'll play with unity and see if I can figure something out.
I can't load the unity download page anyway, for some reason
homepage works fine, download page doesn't. wtf.
like a sign from god. "don't use this" it says.
just going to leave this here @IcyDefiance
and now I must go
we can discuss this tomorrow
well, today for me
I got the 4.6 download page to work
Aww.... just missed @OMGtechy
@IcyDefiance it's a start - pastebin.com/ZPRDGbAu
slightly adjusted the current user message text so its more readable - pastebin.com/2GUgUtJU
good enough for tonight
I already like it better :D
Going to have to polish this
Probably make it less grey
More blues I think
odd, it doesn't change the message color for me, just the background
I built it in firefox and am using it in chrome so it should work in those two =/
In chrome I'm using the "Stylish" extension
yeah same here
and the css should be right
Now I need to make a dark twitch theme
oh, closing and reopening the tab fixed it
looks like there are already some good themes out there for twitch actually
But yeah I'll see about getting a nice background image, cleaning up the sections for consistency, and adding some color
Good enough for now though
a little more complete than yours
Saw that. Didn't like how it was by default. Might use it as a base though
yeah that's what I'm planning to do. I'll probably change the colors to to be like solarized dark.
The diablo bit of the battle.net launcher was going to be my inspiration for colors - i.imgur.com/M76o5WR.jpg
solarized dark is my VS theme though :D
If you're on twitch a lot, this is the one I just installed and really like - userstyles.org/styles/105577/twitch-dark-view-evo
not a lot, but enough to be worth it. thanks.
got black google too
I'll probably just replace things with black versions every time I get blinded :D
I approve
[heads upstairs and replaces white family with black one]
lol oh god
Gear VR is the coolest thing I've ever bought.
do you have a rift?
I have a dk1
ah ya
so that won't be as nice
gear vr is so spot on though
its so much more polished than dk2
super easy to set up
can literally load up a demo then hand it to a person
you can use it without the straps for light demos
its nice
oh sure
I could see that
wireless is a bonus too
The straps take <10 seconds to take off
yeah. You can sit in an office chair and spin
the headtracking is literally flawless
So spot on. no lag at all
Was there lag with cardboard?
no stutter during the main part of all the apps. occasional stutter right in first second of some
@SpartanDonut Yes, there is a lot of lag on cardboard.
Gear VR has no motion blur when moving your head
Everything is sharp.
Resolution is amazing. Watching movies on it is great
It's just so fast to set up to. pop in phone, pop on face
Ooo can you get Avatar on it?
The big 3D movie that came out several years ago
You can download any movie
And put it onto micro sd card
Would be cool to watch an actual 3D movie with a VR headset. Avatar seems like the right choice
3d is so bright too
That's my gripe about 3d glasses - the darkness
Full AMOLED brightness 3d. its mind blowing
on the moon
its nearly photorealistic moon landscape
Nice. People just show me that damn roller coaster demo every time so I don't have any idea what that's like
moon theater is great
the screen is like ambient light in the room
so it lights up the moon
frustrated with rest of programming team..... they just discarded a ton of work that I did over the past two weeks.......
I want so bad to say "fuck you" and put my own code on the brick :/
well why was it discarded?
@IcyDefiance damnit I was just blinded by the main site
watch out... here goes nothing
damn 23 is just irresponsible
i never beat 17
make sure you play with sound
yeah, sound helps
keep forgetting
don't play with FF on mac
horrible for gaming
works better with safari
I haven't uploaded this yet
ok i think ive officially ruled out wild west theme...
tied hobo
what should i try first... a wave after wave mode procedurally? or a static level
spawn stuff randomly but have set stuff too
can't get past 27: i.imgur.com/W1kN16T.png
not actualy 35
lol oh cheater
its the default text
in the editor
There we go
1 hour later…
My in-game value tweaker is working great, and I already put it to use by determining a text size that is readable and doesn't mess up the pixels!
the right side sliders are rendered by the game tweaker class, and it can take any float pointer, and given a range for the value and a display name the float value will be changed run time!
I'll also probably add entry boxes for strings and maybe toggle buttons for booleans
taking a haircut, bbl
slider now works for int pointers too!
tweaking and customization everywhere!
the lower box is an entry box that is bound to the text in the button (topmost)
needs work on the visual stuff but the basic functionality works and it's awesome!
@Tyyppi_77 cool
not sure how usefull it is to actually edit strings runtime, but it is very cool on float and int values
@Tyyppi_77 add color ranges for background
I can do that (the ColorR slider changes the R component of the sky color, but it's currently just for testing, as is pretty much the whole program)
@Almo you ready to have your mind blown?
@Tyyppi_77 check it out ^
@AttackingHobo Looks awesome!
awesome, I really love the "stack history" in the background
Though I'd probably place the score text a bit higher on the screen
to be honest, I kinda liked the old front view more
@Tyyppi_77 hmmmm stack is pretty cool but hmm I guees the front view might be better....
looks the same to me
ah refresh
I prefer the plainer view actually, but you know I'm a purist :)

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