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I should really use Gentoo; I just love compiling things from source
@SpartanDonut your first object pool tests?
taht is awesome
Yeah I've not really dealt with large numbers of objects before
I just used a stack
The decision was driven by my need to "spawn" a ton of objects at the same time which caused a huge performance dip
pooling is just one of those crucial things you need to know in game dev
I knew this day would come eventually
I quickly found this with Unity too. In the end, I just made a generic pooler type that took a lambda and called it whenever it needed another object
and also had a starting size
im going to need to learn to do this
oh yeah, pooling in unity
is interesting
first time I've written such a thing, although I've written similar things for other purposes in the past
it's quite satisfying :D
I first used an object pool when I made my own particle system. Optimizing that thing was some of the most fun I've had with programming.
I mean that non-sarcastically. It was great.
yeah, that was the first time I ever touched upon it, although it was a highly specialsed pool rather than a generic one like this
You can make one for AIsteroids ;)
@OliverSalzburg hello
I might. :D but right now I just want a ship on the screen and a reference to a separate library where that ship can be controlled.
I'll let you know when I get monogame up
might not be tonight, as it's already past midnight here
well technically, it's the next day already, but yaknow
Mono requires mono to build
pretty straight forward
I wonder what it was like making the first assembler
The naive high level programmer inside me says it was likely a real pain in the ass
I suppose it's all relative
one of my profs can interpret base-16 and base-8 numbers about as easily as base-10, just because it was required for the first so many years that he was programming
it's impressive to see
I'm pretty used to base 16, but not base 8
I wonder what the world will be like when we're the old programmers
I'm "used" to hex. like I see 0xEE and I think that's about 95% of the way to 255. I can't just convert it to 238 instantly.
this prof can
I wonder if video encoding will every move away from transform/quantize/entropy
@IcyDefiance ahh, well I can't do that
I see the hex number
not the base 10
lol actually I think about hex numbers in terms of colors, because that's where I see them most often
sat at working trying to work out why someone wrong some_small_number & 0xFF
my first thought when I see 0xEE is "ah, so just slightly off-white"
then realised it could in theory go above 0xFF
@IcyDefiance ahahaha
not quite 0xFF ;D
it seems to be that when I work with base 16 I think in base 16, but I struggle to read it as base 10
for example I use hex editors a lot at work to examine bit streams, but I have no idea what they say in base 10
Do you ever wonder what life would be like if we worked in a different base?
I mean it makes sense that we work in base 10, but what if we didn't...
there have been societies that used other bases
if I remember right, 12 and 40 were pretty common
Movie is about 12 (obviously)
and it talks about why it would be good
It's interesting anyway
just look at the imperial system
Good enough for tonight.
Looks like LineRenderer?
would you believe me if I said I was still trying to get mono sorted
You and Pip and your silly Linux builds
i'm not on linux
on linux it is lovely and easy
bloody mac
haha ah
kill it with fire
but then I can't build for iOS
mobile apps are just a fad. they'll go away in a year or two :P
I can at least pretend I'm using linux until I want to do something useful
and yeah clearly :P
my other laptop is looking at me
tempting me in
saying "look, I have arch linux on me! life will be simple again!"
I don't know what Pip does to make it so difficult
it's like anything,; if you don't know what you're doing it's difficult
he's just learning
arch can be quite fiddly if you're a linux novice
as it's very bare bones
it doesn't have an installer, it's just a livecd with some tools
That's what he said
and I made fun of that
because I can
it's by design, but for those who want a pretty basic setup, someone made a lovely tool
and aha :P
Why not go the way of Ubuntu? Desktop vs Server (headless) releases?
There are pros and cons to each, neither is better IMO. If you want bleeding edge though, arch blows away the competition
if you want extreme stability, go use debian
if you want something in between, ubuntu maybe
I think you missed my point
Ubuntu has two releases
a desktop and a server version
the server version is basic / headless
Which is what it sounds like Arch is
does it come with a GUI?
Desktop does
might look into that then
headless means no gui
I just like arch because it comes with pretty much nothing when compared to other distros
and it's bleeding edge
it feels like your own mini distro :P
I just feel like the lack of an installer / requiring a 3rd party tool is a silly move
I understand the reasoning...
but just do what Ubuntu did and have two versions
mmm, but then since the whole point of arch is to be "just enough to switch on + tools EVERYONE needs"
Problem solved :D
well, this other project does a great job
That sounds like a silly point to not have an installer
it would be odd if it did IMO
it just wouldn't feel right
I remember configuring it all manually myself, it was a great learning experience. Not for the faint hearted though, but the arch isn't
But why?
I'm not saying the installer needs checkboxes for every little thing a desktop user might want
I have two Ubuntu 14.04 VMs on a Windows 7 PC, a Windows 8.1 PC, a Mac, and my arch laptop
Pip said the 3rd party thing included the ability to set up your parition
Is it so wrong to want a GUI for something like that?
I guess it's probably a matter of priorities for development
there is no GUI, that's the point
you don't get one
Installer != OS
But I suppose
when your'e install arch, the process is pretty much this...
set up network
partition stuff
chroot into machine
at this point you have the most basic system there could be
there's not even a kernel on it ahahahah
then you pull down the base install with the package manager and kernel etc on it
let that set up
then you're done
it's pretty much like ssh-ing into a machine, only the machine doesn't have ssh
Why can't there be a command based installer to set up steps... well you didn't provide numbers but up to the point of chroot into the machine
Sure there could be, there are many
*not included
indeed, but you can quite happily get one if you want it
Just seems silly
arch = "sure, if you want it go get it"
I do see your point
I have to assume Arch simply doesn't care about user adoption and it was made for other reasons which is fine
but since it's not aimed at novices as such, most are quite content without
it's not trying to be ubuntu
as in get all teh users!
I dunno
If I make something that is intended for extremely computer savvy people I still wouldn't want to make the barrier of entry that high
but that's just my personal opinion
Like I said, apparently Arch has other motivations
But I feel like the barrier of entry could still be low AND meet those goals
Because, as I said, installer != OS
yeah I understand what your'e saying
I guess people just aren't that bothered, and those who are just use the 3rd party stuff
But realistically you're probably right. If I don't know all the commands for partitioning, setting up the network, etc. I'm not going to make it far once the OS is installed
ooo I have a quote from the FAQ
> Arch needs an installer. Maybe a GUI installer?
Since installation doesn't occur often (read the rest of this article to know more about what rolling release means), it is not a high priority for developers or users. The Installation guide and Beginners' guide have been fully updated to use the command-line method. If you're still interested in using an installer, consider using Archboot.
Doesn't mean I'm not lazy and would like assistance from the software to get me there
That's really not a good answer :P
But at least they have good documentation (supposedly)
with this new uefi vs bios crap I've been finding myself going into the command-line to install any operating system, including windows, just because the installer fails hard
I've had no problems =/
installer is definitely a lot nicer though
My biggest gripe with command line based installers, it means I need either:

1) knowledge to do it without documentation
2) Physical documentation (book, print outs, etc.)
3) a second device for looking up the documentation
I'm now at a point in my life where that's not an issue but it was a big gripe of mine when smart phones weren't around and I had one computer
but then most people have another device nowadays
a phone if nothing else
plus there's always --help
If you know about it
and cat README | more
I'm just speaking in general now, not against arch fyi
well, yeah, but that's like saying you can run the installer if you know how to put the pc in plug in
As a computer user I should be able to do everything I need to from my active computer session
I think arch comes with a command line web broswer on the cd
I remember using it once when I didn't have my phone handy
it worked very well
that's good to hear
but if you need to look up how to set up wifi then your'e screwed aha
which I would be :P
Arch is not for me needless to say ;)
I really should install a Linux dev box just for fun and so that I can boot into it if I were ever so inclined and actually be able to speak to the process a little bit
I wouldn't ever recommend arch as someones first linux box put it that way
I think Ubuntu covers that nicely
or fedora
or even linux mint
I used Ubuntu in high school (feisty fawn was the first distro) and I don't remember what I had a class on in college
Mint was one I was looking at several years ago
I think I used fedora in college
One thing people seem to fear when using linux is the terminal
once you get used to it though it's lovely
I don't fear the terminal but I certainly want a desktop to support my use of the terminal
I use powershell all the time for work
much like keyboard shortcuts in a text editor
right now I'm just gunna hate on ma mac
screw it, I'll just use a release package
Which you probably should have done in the first place ;)
pros and cons
cons... can't edit the source?
pros - it works
*until you want to edit the source
and if you find there is a bug you have to go get the source anyway
I've found with Ubuntu the packages are so out of date I just go for the source automatically
but then I'm working on bleeding edge stuff so
That's fair
I want to thank you for having a civilized conversation with me by the way
It's a lovely thing
I think the fact is that I'm quite comfortable building from source now I know what I'm doing (although not on a mac apparently)
I'm more comfortable building from source than I am fucking with apt-get
clearly you should be on the language committee aha
What language committee?
Sorry if I ruined the joke :P
mine :D
lol ah yes
the function syntax is finally sorted
But seriously... flame wars are so obnoxious. I like to share and discuss / debate opinions but it's always risky when you don't know you're audience
just bring up religion on here... ahahahah
I chose to edit out a sarcastic "praise jesus" comment I made earlier... I think it was today.
What's your final function syntax so I can shoot it down? :P
it's not perfect, but one of the decisions I made was that if I carried on like this I'd never get it done, so I went for this
foo = int(int a, int b)
    return a + b
even more like a variable
in fact, in the spec I'm writing, a function is a variable
I presume the "type" then is int(int,int)
not sure if I'll make them implicitly const or not
I think Icy proposed that
I think I can be on board with that
see, I do listen :P
the type is inferred; you can be extra verbose if you want
what if you type "bar(a, b)" and bar isn't a function? :O
well, the same as any other language, error :P
before or after compiling/runtime?
It would have to look for ambiguous calls. If it can't find a function or a type (or if there is a conflict) error appropriately at compile time
in the reference compiler, at compile time
one very interesting problem that comes up as a result is function overloading
what I mean is it would be hard for an IDE to pick up
but maybe not impossible
I'm not sure
not at all
it's quite simple
does the type overload the function call operator? No? Error
C++ does it that way and it's lovely
ooh, now that you phrase it that way, that is cool
struct Foo
    bool operator () () { return true; }
I think that's the C++ syntax IIRC
atm I'm wondering how to define the basic types like int etc
fixed size or not etc
Use C# standards :P
It honestly sounds like you are making a nice C# / JS hybrid that I'll love
I'm glad to hear it
I'm with Donut there, just because people are used to it. If you want a number that isn't fixed size, maybe have a bigint type for that.
If you could make your language compile as .NET assemblies that would be great
CLR or whatever it is
I can't remember
takes abstraction to the extreme
IL yes
that's the one
right... CLR is the runtime xD
it's in the name
I do plan on making it at least possible
reference compiler will be LLVM
but it's just a reference
but in regards to type sizes, I have this paranoia that I don't know the size of an int...but every language known to man seems to manage just fine so I should just chill the hell out
Furious, Google Ends Anti-Piracy Cooperation with the MPAA: torrentfreak.com/…
this is actually pretty funny
Maybe MS will pick this up in a few years and just make the features I want of your language standard in C# 10 or something
Maybe ;)
Aspect-Decorated C# Clean
but the ?. operator is here! :D
Or on its way or something
I know people use it. Don't know when I can use it
what is it again
trying to find the docs
but basically it's a null safe operator
also I'm written an article on MI if you're interested?
so like...
int? myNullableInt = someObject?.child1?.child2?.child3?.IntProperty won't blow up if anything up the chain is null
Which will be especially use for boolean logic
I look at that and have no idea what it does
which is generally a bad sign
if (someObject?.ToString() == "Some String")
is essentially the same as
if (someObject != null && someObject.ToString() == "Some String")
int? is a nullable int if that helps
because if one of the objects is null, null is returned
int myInt = someObject.child1.child2.child3.IntProperty blows up if someObject or child1 or child2 or child3 is null
that makes more sense
I do know of the type? syntax and occasionally use it
but now you put it that way, it makes a little more sense
Doesn't appear to be in official MSDN docs yet (that I can find) so it's on it's way I guess

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