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@7Blue_Beast7 For 2.4 billion dollars.
Damn... if I'm reading the patch notes correctly it seems that Miracast might only be supported on Maxwell and later cards... the 780 was apparently Kepler which is a generation older (even though it's basically brand new) :(
Wouldn't a trip to mercury be possible?
1 hour later…
@SpartanDonut @IcyDefiance where's my team?
team is kill
got my dogecoin wallet synced
been about a month since I did that
actually I just started shadow of mordor, and after just 30 minutes it might be my new favorite game
or at least second favorite after jedi academy
hahaha cool
we're working on the PS3/Xb360 versions
best part is the controls aren't total shit on PC :D
couple annoyances in the menus, but that's not a big deal
anyway, I'll switch games if you want to hit LoL
ok in a minute or two
aight just tell me when
@IcyDefiance now :)
short minute XD
"Please don't ask: Minions and monsters no longer attempt to attack Gangplank's ult"
you seen the Season 5 notes?
not yet
HUGE changes
the inhibitor towers do weird shit now like they get a shield that recharges if not damaged, give defenders nearby shields...
lots of weird shit in there man
Mordor looks good eh
my pc is slow so I'm waiting for the console releases
it's an open world lotr game with really smooth combat.
so yeah, it's good
we're well-known for our tech work; I expect the backports to turn out well
@IcyDefiance where you went
in queue
you didn't get taken?
I forgot to figure this out, until I had one pop up again. In the browser console:
$('#feed-ticker').css({'left': 'inherit', 'right':'0', 'top':'inherit', 'bottom':'100px','width':'500px'})
If I have a game world bigger than the screen, how could I create a point relative to the mousepoint in the game world?
mouse.Position - map.Position
2D, right?
Yeah I figured it out. Forgot I had a camera variable relative to the whole map
Ok now I have a design question. I have a single player class. In my class I have methods for everything the player does. Crafting an item, Removing an item from inventory, picking up an item, grabbing an item from a tree. Should I make another class for these methods like PlayerHandler or something similar? I have a feeling my player class is going to get very crowded
if it feels too big, start breaking it into a composition class
then hopefully you can reuse those parts for non-player classes, too
2 hours later…
@AttackingHobo That would make a cool avatar
@AttackingHobo What are that?
OK, whatever bloats your foat.
testing out some 2d stuff into 3d
@AttackingHobo Are you still working on that whole glasses HUD thingy?
@AidanMueller kind of, not really
@AttackingHobo Any plans on making it an IRL prototype?
I need money though
maybe i should put up a thing on a fundraser site
for cost of materials and stuff
@AttackingHobo Maybe. I have been considering some of my own experimentation. We'll so how it goes. Anyways, bye.
But first.
What focal length and what not did you use for the eye camera?
which one?
the one with the camera in front of the display?
it was faked
I did art
idk what it was
just hand tweaked
Well anyways, bye.
2 hours later…
Any C++ers around?
I'm trying to implement the * operator for my Color class, and I'm getting this when I try to do the multiplication: expression must have arithmetic or unscoped enum type.
Color* Color::operator*(Color* other)
	Color* result = new Color((R / 255 * other->R / 255) * 255, (G / 255 * other->G / 255) * 255, (B / 255 * other->G / 255) * 255, (A / 255 * other->A / 255) * 255);
	return result;
Q: C++ operator overloading for pointers

imreI wonder (just out of curiosity) why operator overloading isn't allowed in C++ for pointers. I mean something like this: Vector2d* operator+(Vector2d* a, Vector2d* b) { return new Vector2d(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y); } Vector2d* a = new Vector2d(1, 1); Vector2d* b = new Vector2d(2, 2); Vector2d* ...

Thanks a lot @Lasse
a thousand * and & marks later it seems to work
that's why I like to use C#
Adding bullets to a modible game: bad idea
overloads the CPU
unity? :P
@Lasse too many entities to update. and nope Java :p
@Nick are you using object pooling? so that you're not creating so many new bullets, but reusing old ones instead?
@Chris uhh.... no
try it out - saves resources :D
I propably should try that
@Chris I think its that the CPU cant cope with all the updates tho
if it was unity I would have betted for physics calculations if the bullets had colliders
hehehe, how many bullets are there at a time?
@Chris firing a bullet every 0.2 seconds and each bullet has a timeToLive about 1.5 seconds so... a few
so that's 7 bullets
or 8
Let me get a count using the debug output
suppose too depends how many bullet-generators there are
Its alternating between 8-9-10-11 so right arround there
Performance, that heartless bitch...
@Tyyppi_77 yup
hmm, I dunno about Java but that doesn't sound like a lot :s
@Chris yea it doesnt but it lags like hell for some reason
I'm making my enemies have a chance to spawn as elite mobs... with big heads lol
@Chris dang fancy chest texture
Your game looks some awesome
ahh thanks
yeah, now that I've given up on trying to code networking, I am back to coding fun stuff, it's been a while
I decided to make a push before trying out my save deleting system.. in case it deletes something critical.
backups are good lol
ah, it worked fine, nothing blew up :D
@Tyyppi_77 deleting system?
Yeah, I allow user to delete saves ingame
great success!
Was in the middle of debugging and suddenly I get this -.-
random errors/unwanted events suck
I guess I broke the emulator
that looks fancy
@Chris the IDE or the fact that it doesnt detect the emulator running? :p
after I finish up this iOS port, I am contemplating getting a Nexus 7 or something and do an Android port
ah it just looks pretty lol
unwanted effects aside ಠ_ಠ
I hate the fact that you cant change the main package name in android
It sucks that you can't switch strings in C++
damn, really? :(
/me accepts defeat against the gods of optimization and does git reset --hard throwing 2 days of programming out the window
I lost a week of trying to convert my stuff from UnityScript to C#, gave up in the end, wanted to do it to improve compile speed but think I lost enough time as it was lol. if anything, take away something from it that you've hopefully learned
@Chris I've learned that I want to throw java away .. and cant wait till CLion comes out :p
I still like Unity a lot but for future things I will:
• Use C#
• Implement networking code earlier than later
@Chris linux user here... f unity
fair enough lol
it is a bit crap that they dont have a linux ide
good morning
hey hey
I've learned something awesome about structs today - it's possible to create an anonymous struct in a for-loop initialization: stackoverflow.com/a/11255852
omxplayer just tried to play a video at -99 fps wat
@Christoph wierd
@Wardy but it was quite handy to have that
c++ is just crazy :P
more reason to love though :D
what did that gain you above having normal anon type declaration there ?
@Wardy you can then define multiple different types in the for loop's declaration
I wanted to create a class that acquires a resource when it is created, and releases it when it is destroyed. That's simple to do in ctor/dtor, but I also wanted to disallow storing an instance of that class, so that two couldn't have overlapping pairs of acquire and release
@Lasse you lost me ... couldn't do that anyway with normal anon types ... why does being able to declare an anon struct improve the functionality somehow ?
@Wardy check what the question asks
you can use anon type for that, or would you rather use struct SomeTypeToBeUsedJustInThatOneForLoop { int i; double j; }
so you were trying to lock down the usage of a type
I don't know if you can do that in c#
but the code doesn't look too c++ specific
just not sure it would behave the same way
yeh but im not sure their scope can but shut down to a parent type
the declaration can but the usage i don't think can
why not?
that said you can declare a class internal making it invisible to an external assembly
so maybe it is possible
for just translates to this:
while(<condition>){ <code> <next operation> }
but thats not using anon types is it ?
anon stuff is cool, reminds me of vanilla javascript {} objects or just one-off inline functions
c# is fast js with type safety :)
I don't see why you wouldn't be able to type
for(var anon = { i = 0, j = 3.0 }; something; something)
+1 for the one true language
as if it needed any other pluses haha
@Chris this is what most confuses me about it
why isn't c# runnable in the browser !!! why !!!
i want to be rid of js
that just translates to
var anon = { i = 0, j = 3.0 };
while(something) { something; }
cuz js is compiled on-the-fly eh
so is c#
well ... can be
@Wardy use java :p
@Nick were talking about decent languages here ?
was that a bit bitchy ?
.... eh .... yeh ... great idea ...
excuse me ... need to tcry
dissing languages is like dissing car brands or anything lol
all in good fun
@Wardy meh I hate java too, but cant seem to be able to get fricking rid of it :p
simple ... download VS ... begin writing real code
In C++!
if you want to go insane yes
C++ isn't insane
c# allows us to write code AND keep our sanity
@Wardy C# ew... tried it once.. never again
C# master race!
@Nick yeh .net 1 was really bad
so was .net 2.0
whenever I go to edit my PHP or JavaScript web files, I feel dirty
@Lasse fair point
.net 3.0 was a bit better, and 3.5 was little bit more awe some and 4.0 was pretty awesome and 4.5 is quite awesome and I'm just waiting for 5.0 now
but it is a microsoft product
so you need 5 versions before anyhting about it is cool
v1 is just everyone elses alpha
v2 every elses beta
yeah, open source world is waiting for ms to get around to implement stuff they have already implemented so they can port the code to the .net starndard
so really the first release was v3
like SIMD
@Lasse like?
Hm...my solution is crappy for side-exits
SIMD has been in mono for ages
doesn't .Net already do that ?
not in core
I thought ms putting the framework on mobiles was the key here
before that it was just a wrapper round a bunch of windows api's
I know some dude put windows API's on linux and micorsoft were basically looking at not needing mono
Posted on 03 Nov 2008
you mean wine?
if you want to play games, mono is the best bet compared to wine
no i mean there's a bunch of stuff wine sits on
But i got a funny feeling that ms plans to make .Net run on anything
more so seeing roslyn for example
I really doubt that
if they are going to do that why did they buy nokia as their hadrware platform
they are just going to try to do what apple did
their advantage is that others like mono make it portable
dont be too sure
its part of the reason I'm not fussed about writing on top of dx ... I have blog posts about porting that too
remember the leaked emails when .Net started out ... ms top bods talking about killing java?
dx is crap that runs only on windows, until that changes I will use opengl and actually support multiple platforms
lol what
what has that to do with this
@Lasse think about it though it's only really a wrapper round the gfx drivers
yeh there's a bit more to it than that but it wouldn't take too much
no, it's a standard that the gpu manufacturers implement in their drivers
yeh then 3d API's wrap the other side of that up
was what i meant
or, well, what do you mean by "3d api"
the thing that opengl / dx sits on that we use to talk to the gpu
eh? there's nothing in between the driver and gpu
sorry i meant ... its an interface ... the driver implements the interface then the dx / opengl api that we talk to sits on that
so my point was simply that it really has nothing OS specific about it
so to port DX to other platforms shouldn't be too hard
On the other hand, Direct3D is specified by one vendor only (Microsoft), leading to a more consistent API, but denying access to vendor-specific features. NVIDIA's UltraShadow technology, for instance, is not available in the stock Direct3D APIs at the time of writing.
it's not just about porting it to other platforms
now im confused about how all this works
nvidia write the drivers ?
so surely any features they want to implement they write in to the drivers
then dx chooses to take or leave those
how does that equate to ms telling nvidia how / what to implement ?
directx tells nvidia how the driver should look
there are separate opengl and directx drivers
i thought that was a global standard ?
is this another html is a global standard but microsoft have to be different and have their own version of html
gawd ... friggin microsoft
such a bunch of tards sometimes
just sometimes?
C# is cool
not tarded at all
yeh ok ... most of the time
when not working on VS or C#
git status shows also files with extensions that should be ignored. Am I doing something wrong, or is it supposed to show those?
I needed to git reset
Hey @7Blue_Beast7!
So hows your game going?
yeah have you decided on a logo?
Well I have one version that works for now
It's hard to make a logo that looks good by itself and also works with the main menu
I haven't added anything spectacular to it today, but save functionality is almost in
All I need to do is loading
Trying to work on a pose for the player when he is against a wall, but this looks horrible. Any ideas? What should he do? What should his pose be?
@Tyyppi_77 shade him a little darker
and have his back up against the wall
That really doesn't solve the fact that he looks akward
yeah, turn him around
and put like 2 pixels into the wall
That doesn't really make sense to turn his back to the wall, since he is basicaly walking against it
well, is it a tactic, to take cover?
this is hard
When you are up against a wall... can you get shot?
Can you shoot?
You can get shot
You can also shoot I guess
Mainly this is an artificial element
Make the player somehow "interact" with the wall as he is pressed against it
have one of his hands up against the wall, and have his feet look like he is pushing
animated feet
Ah, good idea
My artistic skills are getting close to a border, but here it is:
looks good! now you can proceed and add pushable objects
I kinda have to now
do you know sokoban?
I started writing a sokoban generator
well, a while back I mean, never finished it
my cactus generator up to now.. lol
looks like a bunch of green digletts
looks cool
my girlfriend asked me when I was gonna start working on the gameplay, lol
I was like, shush, i'm having fun
i'm god now
1 hour later…
Damnit. I almost bought four of an MtG card of €2 yesterday, and now it's €12. >.<
lol @Jon going well then ?
I'm htinking I will likely only ever provide features for building virtual worlds ... maybe stick with that and let others build games
not sure yet
it does mean I can focus a bit and not bite off more than can handle
@Lokkij Which card?
@Lokkij That's a lot of mana!
It has delve though
Which makes it very strong in multiple formats
I suppose... Are you making a standard deck?
I'm waiting for the Pro Tour to complete and prices to stabilize, then I'll see if I can cobble something together. I got a boosterbox Khans of Tarkir for my birthday, so that gives me a good start. :)
Though I was primarily interested in Dig Through Time because I thought the price would go up... which it did
Nice... Currently I just play with my friends so my deck is not standard at all.... I don't know if there is even a single standard card in it...
I've been doing that as well. I hate how your decks in standard rotate out though; it makes it pretty expensive
Yeah... I'm just getting into magic also, so it's a bit of a shock at times...
So I'm collecting modern staples to very slowly build a modern deck. There's not as much tournaments for modern, but at least your deck doesn't suddenly lose its value after a year.
I don't even know what kind of deck I want to make at the moment, so I've just been proxying lots of old things
@Lokkij There are modern tournaments?
Cool! Have you heard of XMage? It's a free online MtG client: xmage.info
@OutlawLemur There are! There are a lot more standard tournaments though
@Lokkij Sweet
That's what I'm doing today appearently!
@Lokkij I might attempt to keep my cards modern then...
@OutlawLemur It occasionally disconnects which sucks. You can easily reconnect though. I recommend trying it out with a friend first, because it has a couple unintuitive things. I'm guessing you don't know what "priority" means in Magic? :)
Not really...
@OutlawLemur It's not very complicated. Bascially, you have to press F2 whenever you don't want to do anything. Hang on, let me find something explaining it.
Ah ok... I do that quite often!
So are you enjoying Magic? What's your deck all about?
I have a deck builders toolkit from like 2013, so I've just been messing with that.... I really like it but all my decks suck because I'm not committed enough to invest a lot of money in a single deck and all my friends that play go to standard tournaments and such
I want to build a deck that has a lot of synergy, but then I don't want to be committed to one deck only:/
Ah, yeah, Magic costs way too much money. If you don't have a single deck you want to play but do want to improve your collection, I can recommend drafting.
The current set (Khans of Tarkir) is chock-full of value cards, so you're pretty likely to get enough value for your money and it's fun!
Some of my friends were trying to get me to go to that last night and I'm thinking about trying it next week... I did buy 4 booster packs recently and was able to sell back two of my cards from them for a 25% profit, so I'm also thinking about buying some more of those also
But everyone seems to like drafting so I might try that instead
Oh, and always check the price of cards you're trading online if you're a new player, especially rare lands.
I did that and one of the players that was hanging out in the store traded the guy at the register directly for one of the cards... I'm considering just buying one of the core sets
Also thanks for the tip with that proxying server! I'll be able to test decks much easier now haha
@OutlawLemur I do recommend the new Khans of Tarkir set. It's more complex, but later on you'll be much happier with the cards in it. :)
I like how this dude uses always ... to end his sentences...
Q: Game engines and games

Celer CubeI am a complete beginner to game programming...I have decided to give a try on UDK game engine...I have some simple doubts...I searched Google for the answers but couldn't get my doubts cleared....this is what I have understood about a game engine...They are used to reduce our workload by doing t...

@Lokkij I'll look into it!
How have you guys implemented loading screens in your games?
Is it a state? Just an overlay?
Do I need threads?
@OutlawLemur And hey, if you ever want to play a game of XMage just message me. :)
Found my first real programming project: TyyIDE, a quite functional IDE for Python made in Python
@Tyyppi_77 Haha awesome
@Tyyppi_77 hows that for an answer !
@Tyyppi_77 I created a base scene object, a loading screen is essentially a scene in its own right in my case
@Lokkij I'd love to after I do I few practice rounds to get the controls!
And do you use threading?
my engine loads scenes in the background and only switches when the next scene is ready
so when the game is initially loading essentially nothing is rendered until the loading scene is loaded
then after that the main game scene is started loading
when thats ready the game switches to showing the ready scene
after that I go back to the loading scene before loading a new scene
I deliberately keep the loading scene to being a fast thing to load so there is no delay going from "in game" to "loading"
@OutlawLemur I won't be available this weekend (busy today and real-life MtG tomorrow) but next week is a holiday so I'll have lots of time then. :)
@Lokkij Ok cool... Thanks for suggesting it:)
gtg, later!
I am still working on my space station:
You messed my work up man???
Great now how am I suppose to tell Tyypi
00:00 - 18:0019:00 - 00:00

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