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geez, new record for fastest closed question. gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/84589/…
A: Closing the Vi/Vim Proposal

Josh PetrieI am on the fence about the long-term viability of a SE site for Vim and/or Emacs. But I do think it's worth trying, because trying gives you, you know, real data instead of made up fluffy ponies. Given that SE has committed to trying for Emacs, I think it is completely irresponsible and ridicul...

Ah, Area 51, what a cesspool.
Can't tell if deeply offended is serious or sarcastic :P
200% serious. I am really pissed at Robert right now.
I kind of figured that based on the actual reason for closing the proposal... My head couldn't get rid of the non existent sarcastic tone though
Can't we just exterminate people who genuinely participate in editor wars?
I think my port forward is broken somehow.
Friend can't join the Project Zomboid server I'm running. And I just checked the 25565 port for MC while a server was running, and it shows up as closed as well.
@MickLH You're missing the larger picture though.
I just double-checked.
Minecraft server works, Terraria server works, Project Zomboid doesn't. :(
I guess it's a code issue.
I thought emacs and vim were pretty much the same thing with a different design. Isn't it obviously partial if one gets a site and the other doesn't?
heck, why not have one site for both?
or a site for customizable text editors in general?
Probably all of those things would fail.
What disgusts me is the fact they aren't treated as equally-valid proposals.
That there are secret other metrics that a proposal must meet to get into beta.
I think both, ultimately, will or would fail, but I am extremely disappointed by the SE dictatorship that sits behind the ostensibly-democratic Area 51.
Basically Area 51 is a sham, because SO is a precious snowflake that one must not lower the unique visitor count of.
It's gross.
all of this ignores the fundamental fact that emacs sucks. runs off
@Almo emacs.stackexchange.com the front page is basically all questions that would be previously asked on SO. No "questions not suitable to Stack Overflow" at all.
Emacs aren't really my best
I just like Apple and Microsoft
Microsoft I like only 1%
my chat page is twitching
typing fixed it. carry on.
@SethBattin Bouncing up and down?
I've seen that once or twice :|
oh, it's doing it again
the chat messages are bouncing up a pixel for a moment and returning, and the the starred messages are bouncing down one and then back
well, it looks like html trying to reflow itself over a page, except nothing is changing
chat is goofy
and that matica.com page is definitely misconfigured
somebody failed to turn off the stacktrace 404 page
or they pushed dev config files onto the server, or something along those lines
Sounds like a hacker messing with the chat.
Prob stizzle
Can I say damn in here once please?
You just did
Gotta ban you now.
I don't want a ban
I want to people to unmute me :D
My advice is for you to go make pong, come back, and talk about it.
It does not seem like you really want to be unmuted. You seem to want type things that get you negative attention from the mods.
A game designer I worked with once said: "There are people who want to be game designers, and there are people who want to design games. These are not necessarily the same people."
I must agree with that sentiment.
It's pretty good.
are there that many glamorous game designers that people want to have that status?
I don't think it's about glamorous designers, per se.
yeah, i meant, is the life so appealing?
Well I don't think people know what "the life" is really like.
People want to be the ones who say what goes into a game, but they don't really want to go through the detailed work it takes actually to design a game.
^^ + ^
(My experiences in school bear this out; lots of people who like to play games went to DigiPen.)
@SpartanDonut who is Blue Beast? did he have a different name before?
It's about glamorous games people like playing and the desire to create something similar but tweaked in such a way as to add your own personal touch.
Or scratch your own personal itch.
Such as your own MMO where you can "do anything."
@AttackingHobo PsychOphobiA or something
@JoshPetrie easy just drag in the Do_anything Prefab into the unity scene. Done.
ahhh ok. @7Blue_Beast7 I unmute you once every day, and then I remute you as it greatly improves the readability of this chat and increases the signal to noise ratio
There was a long-running joke on GDNet about an MMO where you can "marry The Hulk," back when everybody wanted to make their own MMO.
I'd play that
"back when"? Doesn't everybody still want to make their own MMO?
I feel like it's dwindled somewhat.
yeah, enough of them failed to drag the average profitability back down to where it ought to be
no more 100s of WoWs in development
go make pong @7Blue_Beast7 and maybe change your name to something like xx_Xxx-\\\\ZZZZ___c00ldud3____ZZZZ////-xxX_xx or something just as professional.
O que é suas coordenadas para que eu possa ajudá-lo?
@7Blue_Beast7 Speak English please.
Oh crap
My language
Wait... I forget how this works
i always was a fan of this thing, becuase it was made by a handful of folks from wisconsin
@StackExchange translate: O que é suas coordenadas para que eu possa ajudá-lo?
Apparently that wasnt it lol
it's just an open world (space) shooter with rpg elements, but they do well
You told us last time you were english.
translate: O que é suas coordenadas para que eu possa ajudá-lo?
also that browser-based zombie survival that has been around forever
What is your coordinates so that I can help you?
Hehehe I really don't want to tell you guys how I learned
@SpartanDonut "What are your coordinates so I can help you?" according to Bing Translate.
What is your coordinates so that I may support you?
@Noctrine was that the command? I just didn't need the ping
Thats what I said in Portuguese
Because I like it here
just translate:
@SethBattin how much is that game? doesnt have easily listed price
@SethBattin I've met those guys at an IGDA meeting. They're pretty cool and you have to respect what they've accomplished with a tiny team
it's a subscription one, ump-teen dollars a month
@Noctrine :/ lol
i think it was 8 the last time i was playing it
the part that always amazing me was that it's instantly fun, unlike...say...eve
which i've tried to start playing several times, all failures
@SethBattin hmm I may try it out. Love that its so multiplat and supports the rift
@SethBattin EVE is cool!!
How dare you say such thing about CCP!
@SethBattin I have to agree that EVE is not instantly fun.
EVE is something you have to want to like. :)
@Almo Its fun
Its fun because I can come out and fly my Maelstrom like a boss and float above players like I rule space
EVE looked boring. I played it, EVE was boring. I'd rather play something that actually is enjoyable than trying to look for an enjoyable thing in something that'll take my money until I like it :\
EVE looks awesome, I think.
But I agree I've been bored every time I tried it.
Maelstrom Nefantar Edition
Where the heck is my picture?
eve is fun.... to read about
What I find funny about eve is some peoples' response to it when I send them the trial code.
They say, "I started it up, and I took one look at the interface and quit!"
^^ I love reading the stories about the things that happen in it.
too many buttonz
there are a ton of buttons and windows
It's really an OS for interacting with the database
Tempted to try again with my 3 monitor setup but I know I shouldn't :)
So, I need impartial third parties to tell me what they think is wrong in a platformer game.
@Noctrine yeah. Love the crazy stories of theft and shit
hahaha you'l be bored again todders
Which platformer game?
1) It's a platformer.
anything else?
It's not that I get bored... I just want to play anything else
@Almo LOL
It's called Valkyrie
Nice drone^
Valkyries in eve are awesome for medium drones
I buy the tier II ones though
@Noctrine wow such an original name, gonna be so easy to find that on search engines without having to add a bunch of description keywords
@AttackingHobo I was going to send it to people who were interested :\
i am interested
I know. Just making a comment about the originality/searchability of that name
I am also interested
@AttackingHobo I didn't name it :\
searching for valkyrie platformer brought it up pretty fast for me
I know. Just making a comment about the originality/searchability of that name
dev.vmnow.co/Valkyrie.html -- more recent build than the one there
I think most people would search for valkyrie game, not valkyrie platformer. doing that brings up a lot of EVE results.
i didn't read the controls screen carefully enough. had to reload the page :|
and I found another random flash game named valkyrie
will try it out more later, busy now, but off the bat don't like the sliding controls at all
those kind of platformers should have really tight controls
@AttackingHobo agreed
anyone ever write dynamic clouds?
yeah I don't like those controls either
kind of not really
also enemies seem to attack while they're still offscreen
makes it really hard to dodge them
(just making the screen 16:9 could fix that one)
I have a problem with arrow keys to move in general.... I like the keyboard layout to be more similar to a controller. Move with left hand (WASD works well) and actions with the right
I find that I'm getting stuck for a couple frames when I land from a long jump
along the same lines, space is really weird for pause
the WERD man, wtf.
yeah I don't like space for pause or jump
so many platformers use it for jump and it pisses me off
on most keyboards it's just not designed to be pressed with the same level of control as the letter keys are
if I want a big button for input like jump or shoot, I use one of the shift keys
spacebar sucks for game input
I wish I could move when using the melee Valkyrie
incidentally you can jump and melee but not run and melee
spacebar is pretty good for game chat though
nah, too easy to press accidentally and be stuck typing things when you should be running from an enemy
use enter for that
or T like minecraft does
the parallax drifts strangely, it's like they're on different interpolation curves
Is there a browser based minecraft?
Having guys that are too small to kill seems weird but I'll go with it
I feel like not enough happens in a single screen before moving onto another
I'm not sure if there's anything space should be used for... maybe a roll move? witcher 2 uses it for rolling and it hasn't felt wrong there. that's not a platformer though.
@SpartanDonut do you mean the short one? because that's been bugging me too. I want to duck and kill the thing, but i can't
@SethBattin yes
I play minecraft in the browser!!!
I somehow broke the game by changing tabs lol
this might just be a level design thing, but double-jump doesn't seem useful for anything
My character disappeared
@Jon Did your son try my game?
except maybe NOT failing to jump high enough over an enemy
No he's coming back friday night
@SethBattin yeah I did save myself from running into a guy once with double jump
otherwise I think I agree
@Jon Ah, ok.
I wrote a cloud generator today
I was hoping it would be dynamic... but that would require an enormous amount of cpu
Noctrine is saying nothing...total pro at this
lol :p
@Jon it depends how you do it
clearly lol
The resolution I want is just not really possible, unless I pre-render, which is not the point
minecraft doesn't play in a browser :O?
well, is the generation happening every frame? it doesn't seem like it should
I'm using 4 layers at a high octave
The mounds in the forest don't look dangerous so I walked right into one and got hurt D:
takes quite a while to render a 1024x1024 texture
i suppose. sounds like you need a different technique :)
I have no clue what to do at this door that looks atomically dangerous or something
@SpartanDonut What are you playing?
18 mins ago, by Noctrine
http://dev.vmnow.co/Valkyrie.html -- more recent build than the one there
i switched computers...the game isn't loading on the new one. Also it needs a loading screen.
oh there it goes
Yeah I got bored after the door I ran into and quit... I now have to backtrack (or so I assume) and I have no clue what I missed
So I started, fell into some spikes and said meh
That's one more thing I guess... spike traps don't seem obvious and so you take a gamble, jump, and die
As in you can't see them before you jump off the ledge
well, that's all I need to know about it
I thought all you needed to know was that it was a platformer? :P
honestly, I do play some platformers
it just annoys me how many art games are platformers because I love art games
last one I played was Outland, which I thought was really good
mix of platforming and Ikaruga
Outland was solid... I should have finished that one xD
very clever shit in there, with great controls
but I'm a Housemarque junkie
shame I haven't gotten to play RESOGUN
It annoys me how many games are being released which are basically just engines. The actual content of the game is over in very little time.
well I did, but at a pal's place, and he's horrible at showing games to people
I gotta pick that one up
@William'MindWorX'Mariager probly devs who want to make a game and an engine, then don't have time for the game because they made an engine
the bullet lifetime seems fixed on the edge of the screen at th etime you fire, so if you're moving they die before they move off screen
old platformer trick... shoot, and walk for more range
did that to get more kills per RPG on Rush 'n' Attack
if anyone wants texturable clouds like above let me know
looks decent eh?
oh man, after you double jump there's a still in the horizontal motion
that's worse than the sliding
Q: Hi, This code is based on edit distance algorithm( Dynamic programming )

Aditya ChowdhryThis is based on edit distance algorithm( Dynamic programming ) . But executing on online judges i am getting a Sigsev error . I am not able to correct it.Here is the code: Constraints are : 1 ≤ |X|, |Y| ≤ 100000 1 ≤ T ≤ 10 0 ≤ p, q, r ≤ 100 Input: 1 abab acac 1 1 100 output: 2 Getting the cor...

check that shameless "give me the code" shit
I misread it
I thoguht they wanted us to enter working code into the highlight box
code gives me the shits
is that what they mean by codesmells?
Alright, back now. Had a standup meeting :p
Thanks for your feedback guys :p
Man blender is a beast of a program. That is a pretty cool shortcut learning tool.
whats goin gon GDSE
@Joe modeling/animation stuff
any libgdx users here?
iv'e used it in the past and didn't like it.
if that helps
@Jon not really :P
@AttackingHobo nice anything fancy looking?
Hey, I got "nice answer" for my complaint about the vim proposal shutdown.
i've used libgdx, andi dug it
@SethBattin then I've got a question for ya if you don't mind
by all means
awesome, Josh :)
@Joe kind of. Nothing finished or polished yet
so.. here is in game -- pretty high cloud coverage
3 layers all same color right now.. needs more work but what you think?
@Jon much much better than what you had last time
looks nice i think
their distribution seems unnatural
yeah.. something is weird about it
still looks flat though. put them on a plane and make that plane 3d
needs some kind of perspective to it
What was your input handling like? As far as I can see libgdx doesn't distinguish button presses and button downs so while I've got a few ideas on how to solve that I'd like to know how you solved it
so it looks like the clouds are in the sky rather than on a wall
@MrPlow handle it on your own. Use some event to capture keyup keydown and store the states of the buttons yourself
Unsuccessful crowdfunders make me sad. :(
I gotta stay away from crowdfunding sites.
@MrPlow Well one of the very first things i did, arguably too soon in the dev timeline, was to define an interface for all the high-level stuff my game needed like jump and shoot
and then at the point in the framework where it figures out what platform it's on, it injects a different actual input class depending on what's available. i never really fleshed out the touch input, becuase i only did the desktop dev
but anyway...on to your actual question, i'll need to look up my code
yeah. and having it abstracted away makes it super easy to just replace the actual imput area with something else on diff platforms or w/e
@Almo Of course this seems unlikely to change anything since SE's decision is based on imaginary hypothetical, so I'm just going to start a new proposal this afternoon.
hehe cool
@JoshPetrie link it. I fucking hate the powertripping rules around here
Q: Closing the Vi/Vim Proposal

Robert CartainoProposal: Vi/Vim We recently launched an Emacs site, and the Vi/Vim community quickly followed to have a site of their own. The show of support here was nothing short of amazing. It weighed heavily in our evaluation of this site, but we ultimately decide not to split off Vi/Vim from Stack Overfl...

@AttackingHobo well, that is my idea. I'd have two collections or arrays which hold previous and current states of keys and then depending on these states I could determine key presses and key holds
Oh yeah I read that. give me a link to your proposal later on.
@MrPlow sounds good. Make it work.
the problem with skewing or changing the perspective, is that you can travel up and the clouds serve as a parallax effect to show what direction you are moving
Not sure how I could alleviate the perspective issue
i'll vote for a proposal for a vi site
possibly stretch the image on the x-axis more?
darken the bottom of the clouds
though I agree with you neither an emacs or vi site will be successful
@Jon You don't necessarily need to alter the perspective of the texture
But the fact that it's all uniform vertically, in terms of distribution, is odd, I think.
@Jon More cloud layers? smaller clouds as it goes further down the screen?
mmm, i agree
@MrPlow Ah, now i remember. I just used the inputstate/previoiusinputstate pattern to check for new button pushes. i opened up the repo access, here's the source file: bitbucket.org/sbattin/bonewarden/src/…
Stretched out clouds in the x-axis on the backmost layer maybe..
then less stretched as it gets closer to the screen
@SethBattin that sounds interesting. I've decided I'll have rebindable keys so my actions are not directly bound to keys, and also to incorporate ECS I've thought about making a callback interface and storing these into a collection in a component and somehow link them to the input states
though I haven't quite figured everything out yet
bindable keys isn't so bad
it's just a map between a key identifier and an actual key id
and that's what I've got
er...between system identifier and game identifier
well, currently I haven't properly established what actions are so everything is still messy
well your interface doesn't need to be complete when you start it
@AttackingHobo my engine lets me fly up into space
I can't pull off that perspective
well theoretically I shouldn't even be thinking that far ahead
at least not the way I am drawing the parallax right now
I should go simple and work my way up
but that's boring
if only using noise was that simple
but the inputstate && !previousInputstate is so easy, and it's compatible with libgdx without any problem
hehehe... well I have a few ideas.. thanks guys
good luck jon
@SethBattin I'm not talking about input states. I'm talking about creating action callbacks and binding them to input
@Jon perlin clouds with falloff would be my approach
ah, i'm afraid my java isn't up to scratch for that kind of thing
it's a cakewalk in c# :)
Based on what I've gathered here it seems that using prev/current key states is the "go to" way so I've already decided on that. Thanks on helping me out with that btw
probably some event class that you'll have to define yourself :/
@MrPlow C# makes this dead easy :)
@Jon ooh maybe an overlay that fades the clouds out at the bottom?
@SethBattin I've handled callbacks in java before so this ain't that difficult. The difficult part is putting the whole picture together. Tying the callbacks into entities and binding them to input
Silly bad websites!
Those ECS designs...don't know what to tell you
I'm trying to get the Build & Defend demo, but the site doesn't work properly.
Tells me to log-in while I'm logged in.
And I'm aware C# is superior :P . I'm using Java because I work in java so I'm most familiar with it. I wrote around 40% of a game engine, along with an ECS in C++ a year or two ago and never got around to finishing it
random question
is a lookup by index on an array always the same amount of time no matter the size of the array ?
so if i have 10 elements and ask for element 5 is it just hte same as asking for element 5 in 1,000 elements ?
yes, that's pretty much the whole point of an array
as opposed to, say, a linked list
hmmm i may redesign my voxel code then
have the volume contain the whole array
effectively remove the need for chunks for bulk operations
when you ask for something in an array, in the background it says "get element at memory location (arrayStart + elementSize * index)"
that simple math takes the same amount of time no matter what numbers you feed it
hmmm ... nice !
I think i remove the need for neighbour lookups in my voxel engine
just let the calling code query the volume
however, if you are iterating over your elements, lists aren't necessarily slower
especially if they are allocated in continuous memory
ah one problem ... right now chunks can be added or removed dynamically from a volume
@Wardy you are going to run into caching issues like I have been saying.
it's only only actual random access in which arrays excel
linked lists are still a little slower to iterate through because you have to grab the next element instead of just incrementing a counter, but it's not more complex, meaning the big O notation is the same and it scales at the same rate
@AttackingHobo yeh im analysing that now
linked lists are the worst thing in regards to cpu caching issues
i still need a means to "virtualise the volume though"
pretty much the only advantage of a linked list is being able to add/remove in the middle of it
might be better for a queue too
so add/remove from the middle or the beginning
@Wardy @IcyDefiance very nice article on this topic. gameprogrammingpatterns.com/data-locality.html
i think i need a means to populate a sparse 3 dimensional array

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