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I literally have to spend a day trying to read these messages
The Word "Perhaps"
He is talking slowly so I don't feel stupid basically
@Shroeder Lol
Helps when it feels like someone is helping me work out the problem
Soon hopefully I'll get this sucker dialed in
Does for me too as long as it is not brutality for me.
from my experience most people with programming experience are pretty good about helping others with problems, I try not to abuse it
I get frustrated at my lack of knowledge:(
K i gota refocus
@Shroeder I get more than frustrated though
@Shroeder Go focus. Practice the ways of the Jedi.
Its kind of bad to have super experienced programers a keyboard stroke away
I gota remind myself not to become reliant on my resources
For me because I program with Python and C# I have to rely on my resources.
Until I am a very experienced as a programmer where I don't need resources and know what I am doing.
Yup someday
Go focus those Jedi powers now, my brother.
Yes sir
@IcyDefiance .
LoL :P
appears he's AFFK though
you can just guess what that extra F is for
Please remember that Riot employees will never ask for your password when assisting you.
looks like i don't have a duo partner :(
@Almo just got home. I can join your next game if you want.
i have not started one
so the next one starts NOW
and i love my clicky-ass keyboard
i don't see you online yet
I wonder what the process will be to go from Win10 dev preview to the full version...
if I can just pay for it and download a small patch I might put the dev preview on my desktop
Install OSX and forget it ever existed
if I could on my hardware, I might
heh :)
but legally I can't
@IcyDefiance hmm
A: COUNT(*) vs. COUNT(1) vs. COUNT(pk): which is better?

Michael BuenUse * for all your queries that need to count everything, even for joins, use * SELECT boss.boss_id, COUNT(subordinate.*) FROM boss LEFT JOIN subordinate on subordinate.boss_id = boss.boss_id GROUP BY boss.id But don't use COUNT(*) for LEFT joins, as that will return 1 even if the subordinate ...

this answer seems to indicate COUNT(*) is fine
This APCS lab is both fucking long and fucking frustrating
eh, not so frustrating
but long :/
count(*) is fine if you know what it's doing. it gets fucked with certain joins and no one ever expects it.
count(id) has expected behavior in all cases
ok I'll check on that
thanks for the tip[
and if you count a nullable column, it won't count rows that are null. that's also unexpected behavior, but also incredibly useful once in a while.
A League Points penalty is applied to the player who dodges, 3 points for the first time and 10 for the second time before the timer reset.
@IcyDefiance oh no
my sql knowledge is pretty weak, sounds like something I could get bitten by
mine isn't that strong either. this is just something one of my profs pounded into my head.
i've learned all my sql by looking shit up online and fighting in query editors to get the right thing, and the Dev Shed forums
lol I still look up the syntax for basic update/insert statements every time I make a new one
hahaha :)
I know the feeling
My friends friend just got hurt
@7Blue_Beast7 I'm not "guessing."
It's a statement of fact.
@JoshPetrie You actually start talking to a convo that ended so long ago... I just about to say what happened yet you intercept me with super late comments
The first thing I'd was going to talk about wasn't even of anger or anything negative :(
@7Blue_Beast7 Well that's what happens when you notify somebody. They get a record of the message in their inbox and can respond to it. That's why the chat software implements response links the way it does, so conversations can be extended and made disjoint across time.
but now you ruined it for me :(
I fail to see how. But okay.
wait what
actually, nvm
don't really want to know
@Pip It's not that interesting.
Hey guys
@JohnMcDonald Heya
heh, So... I may have watched an episode or two of my little pony, and I must say... the clouds look amazing
And now I want to make one for Skippy Fish, lol
all swirly and stuff? (just did an image search)
Yeah, they look pretty awesome
So yeah... I have like no idea how to go about making those
@JohnMcDonald pen tool bezier curve it up
yeah... Well, I'll try to make some
I'm finding that the spiral tool in InkScape might make something cool
@JoshPetrie You'd see how
@7Blue_Beast7 But I don't.
@JoshPetrie If you let me say what I have to say you would have.
@7Blue_Beast7 I didn't stop you from saying anything.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
@JoshPetrie Yeah
@JoshPetrie Well you did have an idea what I was talking about but now you don't have an idea all of a sudden hm?
@JoshPetrie Your so wise you will not stop saying things to me.
You just keep going with my games, why is that? Why not stop going with my games? Why do wise people always do this
@7Blue_Beast7 I had an idea what you were talking about when you replied to my "perhaps" comment by asking why I was always guessing. I responded to clarify that it was not a guess.
@JoshPetrie But it was a late reply.
I don't have an idea why you are so offended by that, and why you think my responding to a question you asked me constitutes "preventing you from speaking."
@7Blue_Beast7 SO WHAT?
This is such an odd conversation
Just block him if he is bothering you, seriously
What does replying late have to do with it? It was late because I was on the train home.
@JoshPetrie I never said to you about my rights of speaking :/
@Pip He is too wise to even do so.I don't understand him
4 mins ago, by 7Blue_Beast7
@JoshPetrie If you let me say what I have to say you would have.
wtf is that supposed to mean?
@JoshPetrie Ah... okay
Look, you need to take a step back and calm down. Nobody is persecuting you.
@Pip He is showing part of my convo
@JoshPetrie Ok... ok....
Now may I begin?
You don't need my permission to talk.
Is injuries a matter in here? Its kinda something I wanted to tell you guys.
Okay its not violent
No one needs Josh's permission to talk
Omg, I have to edit this sentence 10 times
okay now I am ready to speak:
i tuned in at the right moment
@SethBattin really? As far as I can tell Josh is having a convo with himself, and it ended
there did seem to be a bit of an anticlimax there
Okay yeah I didn't want to go too deep
Alright, night Seth, night Josh
adios pip
Okay, while that's a terrible thing to have happen and to observe, it's not really appropriate to describe here.
@JohnMcDonald I am also a fan of the aesthetics in my little pony
Those clouds look nice.
@JohnMcDonald oh I get it.
I see my little pony nearly daily. Amazon and netflix both base most of their recommendations on it. It is good that netflix lets you silo different viewer preferences, so that my 5-year-old daugher's favorite show doesn't get in the way of all my manly/nerdy shows
also it's a good show
it's not as bad as I was expecting it to be, and dem clouds
there're some children's television that isn't horrible to have to sit through, and that show is one of them. Then there are other shows whose mottos for adults seems to be "SUFFER, FOOL!"
heh. I can imagine
for example, here's an endurance test for your sanity: youtube.com/watch?v=D8FHgmFl0OU
my kid's current favourite is Go Diego Go
dat Rescue Pack song
@Chris my sympathies
lol, ahhh it's okay :)
she quite likes Mario and Pikachu atm
it is awesome to get them playing games
apparently there's some guy who plays world of tanks with his kid, 8 years old, and they've been doing it for two years
hilarious part: the kid's win percentage is perfectly average
not hilarious part, people know about this because he made a polite request on the forums for people to stop telling his kid to die of cancer when their team loses
lol ahh yeah, there is that side of online chatter that probably should wait til they're in the teens maybe heh
you know, in general, please stop being such amazing assholes to random strangers on the internet
@JoshPetrie Thx for cutting some of my time off.
@7Blue_Beast7 You really need to stop. I'm on the edge of blocking you myself just to stop hearing the complaining
@SethBattin I am not complaining so I have no idea what you talking about.
"Thx for cutting some of my time off." thats not a complain. Thats a thank you
My mistake, then
@7Blue_Beast7 I didn't do anything.
@JoshPetrie That's kinda weird because it just stopped and let me talk again very quickly?
@7Blue_Beast7 Somebody flagged your message and some other moderator acted on it (which automatically suspended you) before I happen to see it.
That's all.
@JoshPetrie How do mods just block me without having to come into the rooms now?
This is so internet magic the gathering mess going on is what I think.
Someone did come into the room.
But they don't have to; the suspension happens if the flag is approved, which can be done from anywhere.
Its time for me to get back on my flagging duty -.- hahaaaha I never been flagging stuff but someone likes the way I act on it :\
@7Blue_Beast7 I have never seen you use flags appropriately actually. You should probably just not bother.
@JoshPetrie "Okay, while that's a terrible thing to have happen and to observe, it's not really appropriate to describe here." I am not that stupid you know.
I didn't say you were, I said that message was not appropriate for the chat.
Well I am not going to blame anyone nor for that so scratch that part.
I do think it was you because you replied right after I was flagged... I also can tell if someone flagged me.
It wasn't me, but I don't know why you care so much.
You should instead focus on learning what was wrong with your message so you can avoid being suspended for such things (or banned) in the future.
Josh showing the usual patience.
worrying and dwelling for too long is not healthy
I find Cocoa CGContext* API extremely difficult to deal with.
have not messed with it
It's very general -- supporting a variety of different color spaces and whatnot.
It makes it extremely difficult to do something as simple as "fill a rectangle with red."
Right now for example I've got this:
CGColorRef color = CGColorCreateGenericRGB(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, color);
CGContextFillRect(context, CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, width, height));
that's impressive rectangle drawing
That results in a rainbow pattern consistent with a bad stride or color space.
But I can't for the life of me figure out why. :\
other fill options?
Doesn't appear to be any "default" state associated with the context.
(you get nothing at all unless first call CGContextSetFillColorSpace, even though you have to supply a color space to CGBitmapContextCreate to create the space -- so the context color space and the fill color space (and the stroke color space, etc) are actually all different, potentially.)
well i have experience only in parallel apis elsewhere, but what you described sounds something like a compositing operation
drawing over or under some other thing, but i can't think how that would occur in isolation like that
@JoshPetrie Because you the only one in the room man.
The probability it was you versus a billion Mods running to a whle room that was flagged top to bottom makes me think it was you by only 10%
@7Blue_Beast7 (1) I told you it wasn't me. What reason do I have to lie to you? I don't even need to justify myself to you. (2) I also just told you that nobody needs to be in the room to act on a flag and cause a suspension. (3) I also told you that somebody else joined the room before your suspension and left before you were unsuspended.
Now drop it.
@SethBattin Yeah, but the buffer is flat 0xFF all the way through before the context is flushed (I can look at the raw pixels in the memory view from Xcode).
@JoshPetrie Dang man.... don't need to be a child harmer all the time :/
I wonder if I can drop it down to a one-channel color space.
@JoshPetrie is this a personal project?
@stizzle84 hey... why you in here?
Yesssss guys guess what
Shoot it?
Because i got Hired by Activision to help develop the next call of duty
oh really?
what capacity?
Not supposed to leak anything or im skrewed
@stizzle84 What kind of part?
Call of Duty 4?
OMG I AM A FAN OF CoD man!!!!
Ikr and i get a free copy
@stizzle84 :/ why they really leave us gamers out there.
I need to tell everyon
Graphic design
I know if I say that people would be at the Activisions main hub
Thts my job
Wht field do u study
lol activision is probably the second most hated studio after EA, but working at any AAA studio is a pretty good accomplishment and probably enjoyable, so congrats on that
@IcyDefiance Way to be a killjoy ;)
Thank you im so happy
@stizzle84 My field?
Lol well thinking game development at the moment but then Virology has ben on my mind a lot lately.
Then i thought if I combine those two, i'd have a zombie game.
lol hey I wouldn't turn down a job even from EA...though I might try to get one from ubisoft instead...and then once I figured out what happened to watch dogs I might try to go indie... but still!
yeah I'm a killjoy
U will not last if u make a zombie game activision and i r going to make the best zombie game ever!!
@JoshPetrie my only knowledgeable reference on the matter suggests using cosos2d. sorry. :)
Boo Ubisoft
@stizzle84 Ubisoft made the only game I actually liked
I don't remember the name
@SethBattin Then I'd have to give up my considerable rendering framework :P
Las Vegas something
I figured it out, I think; mismatch between two different color spaces.
See Icy hot ubisoft is a lump of cheese
I'm guessing that came from blue beast?
3/4 of this chat room has him on ignore including me
so I have no idea what he's saying
^ | star tht cheese thing now!!
How about not.
@stizzle84 Your now my best friend :D
Also, if CoreGraphics is verbose, CoreText is insane.
@7Blue_Beast7 I don't find it particularly funny. You are not exactly standing on particularly solid ground with respect to your continued presence here.
It's probably best not to pick fights.
@beast lots if people have u and me muted i think
@stizzle84 Really?
Like the entire bridge room has me muted
@JoshPetrie Is stizzle telling the truth?
@stizzle84 Oh... my
@7Blue_Beast7 That's not information I can share with you.
Or they always ignore me its sad becasue i think they r all nice er were
@Josh a.k.a yes
@JoshPetrie Glad to know I am not alone
@stizzle84 I am of the oposite of you. I muted 75% from this room than any other room
More like 90%
I dont have anybody muted its mean
I don't know about stizzle, but this is the kind of thing I meant when I asked you stop earlier, @7Blue_Beast7
don't complain about people muting you, try to say things that don't deserve to get you muted
@SethBattin Ah... I get you now
Whenever someone tells me a stupid story, I just say "that was about as deep as a bacteria kiddie pool".
6 hours later…
when someone tells me a stupid story I typically say "Yeah ok" and walk away
welp, time to go to work
hmm, iOS leaderboards and achievements...
think I will have to add an achievement system!
@Chris beware... you send GameCenter a double with the % complete of an achievement... but when you ask for the progress back, you get an int.
hehe k, ty, will keep in mind
We had a system that assumed it could get the progress back from GC, and our "Drive 880,000 yards" achievement kept reporting 0 progress. :)
I am mighty impressed with the ease and simplicity of getting my game on my phone honestly
and with zero optimisations, runs great
@Chris :)
Math guys are into some weird shit:
Q: Why the Dold-Thom theorem?

Chris GerigDold-Thom Theorem: $$\pi_i(SP(X))\cong\tilde{H}_i(X)$$ It's pretty miraculous, no? I've seen its proof, where you show that the composition of the functors on the left-side satisfies the axioms of a homology theory. I've also seen many uses of the theorem, to explain features about Eilenberg-Mac...

architecture issues on a project at work
enjoying my day off
what's your job?
game programmer
making a generic achievment system for use across projects
but the data saving thing I used may or may not be present in other projects
so i have to figure out what to do about that.
I always wondered, and I hope you don't mind me asking: How is gamedev as a job?
It depends on your temprament, and the company you work for
the place I am right now has nice people, decent management, fair handling of overtime, but not necessarily the kinds of games I like to work on
I'm employed as a java web developer and I neither like nor dislike my job, but I associate gamedev as a hobby so I'm interested in how does it work as a job
but I've learned that you pick the people, not the project.
sounds like you have a good setup then :)
oh and these guys allow home projects
some companies don't
that's cool
Is it a large enterprisey company?
a few hundred people, independent
Cool! I must say I kind of envy you, and kind of don't :P
heh :)
So what language/s and frameworks/engines are you using?
C#, Unity
we build everything in unity
even the MMO we have in the works
I love C#
1991, and the invention of Ambient House:
still awesome after all these years :)
Maybe if I make the links in chat request a bug it'll get looked at :\
you mean that we can't see them?
@Noctrine That's a pretty nice deal.
But do the subscription stuff take place right away? I mean, like the "bitnami" offer, of one year service. Does that start right away, or do you activate it when you need it?
Up to a certain expiration date.
those websites have their own account systems and can't start the subscription until you give them an account to start it on
well I guess they could with a unique code thing...
hey icy
we won one finally
yeah somehow. don't really understand it. XD
ooh the fiddler has an active gdse account. gamedev.stackexchange.com/users/8178/the-fiddler
and...he only answers opentk questions, lol
he's the guy that made opentk, so that's cool
part of the win was that we had a support that actually supported, and I was able to cut loose once I had > 300 CS.
I was melting their squishies with just a couple shots due to the type of build I did
And nobody fed during the time of farming
well, top and mid both did, which is why I was surprised about the win, lol
I saved sooo many people by blocking veigar's spells with my shield, though. that was fun.
and he still went 14/5/17.
stupid veigar
I felt like we won that game. You by carrying me through most of the game, then me by properly murdering people in the last couple fights.
Vayne and Quinn just vanished as soon as they showed up leaving them with no real damage
if you do a google search for "mysql set foreign_key_checks" my answer on SO is top hit :)
must be why I keep getting rep from it
you can edit that like this
Why would I its perfect?
every chat that does not have this feature sucks
notably MS Lync
And they have a small max char length
I find Lync amazingly horrible
So I can't paste xml structures to co-workers
the interface is just bad
goin up to hit the minimize button, if I'm not fast enough, the mouse triggers a person's info to pop up, covering the minimize button
the width of the window changes depending on if there are one or more people in the chat
conference calls are popped out into a seperate window, with an even different size
and isn't visible in the main chat window's list of conversations
have to go to the task bar to get it
just bad all around man
it's like the people programming and designing this thing don't use it
@Almo No, the programmers were probably very sad leaving it how it was. Problem is, is they had managers. :(
could be true
Has any of you guys tried Project Zomboid?
not me
@Almo Lync is effing horrid.
heh glad I'm not the only one who thinks so
The Lync team doesn't even use it.
I reported a bug with search to them once, and they were basically like "oh we don't use that feature since our group is so small"
A total waste of space.
Most interesting server error page i've come across. matica.com/tutorials/blender/…
though I don't know if showing source code on an error is the most secure thing to do....
Do you think it's real?
I figured it was fake "nerd joke" code.
But now I have doubts, looking around at the context a little more

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