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speaking of being out of shape, I'm getting back to shape again
I've lost 9kg already
that's 20 pounds for you imperialists
my goal is to lose 30kg, which would be awesome if I could do that
so 21kg to go
allright, 4h sleep left, night folks
@SpartanDonut you around
K i'm back at home
I'm testing serializable data
So far I've found that SpriteFont's dont serialize
Suprisingly enough Rectangles, vectors, texture2d, enums, strings, ints, and every else i use work
So I proved that whenever I try to serialize my class of Item, it fails
So I took every public property of Item and put it into a test class, then serialize the test class
While using [XmlIgnore] on my spritefont properties
I succed in serializing all of Item's properties
But when I remove them from the test class, then put in a simple one property of public Item theItem;
It can't serialize it
I tried to put [Serializable] above the class declaration of Item
I can't [XmlIgnore] it, because I in fact need that class being saved serialize
Any ideas?
I also proved that complex types are serializable, by setting properties to other classes in my game, and serializing them successfully
github.com/shroeder/GameRPG I pushed out my example as it is
if you would like to look at it, I have a test class set up where all you have to do is put public properties in it and the globalvariables class tries to serialize whatever is in there
without all the confusing subtext... what have you tested that works and what have you tested that doesn't work
because... you lost me
Right on
I know for a fact that all data types I use are serializable except for SpriteFont
Including Classes I create
My problem is I cannot serialize the Item class
So I took each thing being serialized in the class of Item, ie
public List<Affix> AffixList = new List<Affix>();

public SpriteFont Font1;

public Random RNG = new Random();
those are three of many
And verified that every thing in the Item class serialized
Following that logic, I then deduced that I should be able to Serialize the Item class, because I proved that I can serialize all parts of the Item class, for the exception of SpriteFont's which I now ignore
When Trying to serialize an Instance of the Item class, It fails to serialize.
public class Test

public Item ClampedItem;
serializing the class Test in this case fails
Define "fails."
One moment
A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Xml.dll

Additional information: There was an error reflecting type 'TextureAtlas.GlobalVariables.GameData'.
public static void SaveGameData()
GameData data = new GameData();

afx = new Test();
data.afx = afx;
        XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(GameData));
That sounds like the serialization implementation is trying to serialize GameData.
It is
That's not the same as serializing Test.
As an example, I am serializing a savable structure, GameData, which contains Test, which contains Item
Test serializes perfectly
It is what I use as my static test subject
By changes things within test, I can scientifically prove exactly what is failing to serialize, based on the control that it succeeded in every other case.
In this way I have found that SpriteFonts do not serialize
That's not necessarily true (or needed at all). The exception tells you what the problem is.
Look at the inner exception.
I cannot
Its bugging me terrible
I know I can
Turn on break-on-throw and examine it there.
but something in my settings is jacked up where I can't look at the inner exception, so I'm looking for it in the output window
Yes of course, I am on the break
Or catch the exception, put a breakpoint there, and examine it there.
noramlly i am used to seeing a link that says' view detail, in which i click it and it shows me the stack trace and inner exception
Or put $exception in the watch window
I will set up a try catch
There was an error reflecting property 'afx'
public static Test afx { get; set; }
public class Test

public Item ClampedItem;
You up to speed with me?
So now we know that Item is in fact the problem right?
The property is the problem.
It's static.
@Shroeder looks like you are in good hands... sorry I was afk
How so, I'm serializing the static property right now
and still am mostly
Inc spam
public class Test

public int quality;
public int affixes;
public int ItemType;

public Boolean hover = false;
public Boolean invhover = false;

public Vector2 worldloc;
public Vector2 location;

public Rectangle Bounds;

public string ItemName;

public List<Affix> AffixList = new List<Affix>();

public SpriteFont Font1;

public Random RNG = new Random();

public Texture2D LegBeam;
public Texture2D TextureBack;
public Texture2D ItemTexture;
public Texture2D LegendaryBg;

public string ItemTextureName;
"There was an error reflecting property..." indicates that there was an error reflecting the property.
Not necessarily (just) the property's type.
Without making any changes to the way things are being serialized, my program is now serializing this same static Property perfectly, the only difference was that I changed what was inside of it
Now can we conclude that It is not the Property?
I don't understand what you claim to be saying.
I linked this example on my github, but I will try to explain again
The error says what the problem is. Something about that property does not meet the requirements of the XmlSerializer.
The error essentiallyl is saying "Hey there is a problem with this property you fed me"
"Compare with."
Ahh gotcha
can I flag a question just because the OP is incapable of basic problem solving and I don't want to explain the whole "position and velocity vectors" thing again?
or maybe I just shouldn't scan the questions any more today, lol
If you can find the duplicate, yes.
I want my Serializer to Ignore the method I use to Intanciate the Class, but can't figure out how to do so
public Class Item{
public Item(param1,2,3){
I can't preface that public Item with [xmlIgnore]
Because its not a Property, but I thought that the serializer only tried to serialize properties
making it private solves the problem, but then I can't call the method to instanciate the class
...I don't understand what you are saying.
That's a method. XmlSerializer won't serialize methods.
Yeah thats what i thought
Are you saying you don't have a default constructor?
You have to have a default constructor.
I guess not
That's how XmlSerializer instantiates your object.
just an empty constructor
A constructor that can be called with no parameters.
I'm with you so far
So does Item have one, or not?
No, i'm trying to override it
but can't remember what to use to share the method to have difference params
i thought it was overridable
Override what?
public overridable Test()
"Override" has a specific meaning here that I don't think you are intending.
Are you thinking of enabling a method for dynamic dispatch? That's done via the "virtual" keyword, and you can't do it to constructors. It doesn't make sense.
    public Test();
        public Test(Vector2 Location, Texture2D tex, int itemtype, int ItemLevel, itemSlot itmslot, int SubType = 0)
just want to be able to make the call empty or with the params i normally use
public Test() : Test(Vector2 Location, Texture2D tex, int itemtype, int ItemLevel, itemSlot itmslot, int SubType = 0) { }
wait no
Too much vb.net at work:(
public Test() : this(locationValue, textureValue, itemTypeValue,...etc...) {}
ahh right, this
and no param types
That's an over*load* not an over*ride*.
Indeed it is haha
why no data types?
Because that's the syntax.
How does it know then
You're just calling a function.
even a function needs data types
Not when you call it.
indeed not when you call it
And that's what you are doing.
the definition of the other constructor will have the types declared
Calling a function (in this case another constructor).
I thought this was the declaration of both
public Test() : this(whatever) will call the other constructor first, then go back to the default one and do whatever is inside there, then it'll finally return
but you have to declare the other constructor separately
I'm missing something syntax wise
nvm got it
It serializes!
I remember reading about empty constructors in MSDN today, just didn't pay attention to it
@JoshPetrie @IcyDefiance Thank you
I can move forward again
I give you 5 minutes before you hit another wall. That seems about average for me, at least.
Is it good form to have empty constructors always?
A lot of times I get pissed since I have like 12 inputs into a class that are required
Not empty. Empty is something different.
Default Constructor.
I don't worry about making default constructors (except with structs, because they're required)
just require the things that need to be required
And you should only have default constructors when it makes sense that an instance of the class can be created with no parameters.
For Serialization It is required to have a default
No it isn't.
Unless you lack the method that instanciates the class.
For XML serialization using the BCL XML serializer it is.
But you can serialize things without default constructor fine if you need to.
How so, that was the problem I just had.
Read what I just said.
There is a difference between "serialization" and "serializing using the BCL XML serialization system."
Base class library.
You have to assume I know very little, have I demonstrated otherwise?
Can you explain the difference briefly or not really?
there are a few things I don't like about that XML serializer. requirements like that default constructor thing is one of them. not that it can be helped without making the programmer put a bit more effort in.
@Shroeder Using C#'s XmlSerializer is one way to do serialization.
I really didn't want to have to manually write all of my properties out again, so I am happy this works.
There are many ways to do serialization in general.
okay, and I am using BCL
Yes, the BCL is essentially the C# standard library.
Everything in System.* and such.
base class library means vs2013's ability to deserialize using thier library?
VS2013 has nothing to do with the base class library or C#, other than offering a compiler.
The BCL is the base class library for the CLR (common language runtime). .NET is a an implementation of the CLR.
You're using the XML serializer from some particular version of .NET.
Not Visual Studio.
.Net 4.0
That is a collection of libraries?
And runtimes, yes.
Thank god, I couldn't handle another no
no, you totally could ._.
Josh you have a nack for precision
I can't squeek by with bad terminology around you, I like that
back icy
The thing that supports the execution of your program.
Everything your write in any computer language has some kind of runtime environment or host. With the exception of machine language, all of those runtimes are effectively themselves programs or libraries.
Machine Language
(for example, C# usually uses .NET or Mono as a runtime environment, and C++ programs have a vendor-supplied runtime they are usually linked with.)
HTML is not a programming language.
Machine Language is something that requires you to run it through something that isn't built in?
Python is interpreted, so it's runtime environment is the interpreter and its support infrastructure.
Machine code is the code the chip itself executes directly.
(thus its runtime is the hardware)
Okay Its clicking
So when I say public List<int> theList, the runtime takes that and interprets it for processing?
C# is compiled. So first the compiler converts the C# to something. In the case of C#, it is converted to CIL (common intermediate language).
CIL is JIT-compiled by the runtime environment into machine language.
JIT = "Just In Time"
Specifically, for .NET, the toolchain produces a PE (portable executable; an .exe) file with the CIL embedded in one of the sections of the file.
I hope I can remember half of this man.
There's also a predefined chunk of native code shoved into that PE to invoke the loading of the CLR runtimes via the operating system and transfer execution to them.
I don't know how you retain all of this.
But this code is only used by pre-XP Windows, as from XP onward the OS itself knows where to directly look for the managed assembly contained in the PE.
So this PE is only temporary?
No, the PE is the .exe file.
Why is it "Portable"
Because all implementations of Windows support it.
(and in fact, it can be "run" from DOS, although all it does is print a message saying you can't do that)
Thx for the info man
@JoshPetrie Are you currently developing a game?
Any released ones for purchase?
What would you recommend?
I would like to see it.
Or them.
Or whatever.
I'm curious to know what that kind of knowledge produces.
I love settlers of Catan
(plus two in development actively and a few cancelled products)
Thats a shitload of experience... Did you start straight into game development once you graduated or what
I did.
How'd you pull that off...
Do those companies contract you out as an individual? Or are you part of a team that is contracted on these projects?
I just applied for a job and went through an interview.
I've never worked as a contractor, I've always been directly employed by the studio.
Why for so many?
Rise of Nations! Well, the weird one - but still cool :p
There's even more if you count unreleased stuff (moonrise-game.com and Halo 5, for example, a few scrapped sequel projects I can't discuss, and the game Undead Labs is currently working on, which isn't really announced.
@Shroeder Because I left each company for one reason or another at some point.
Has it scewed your idea of video games being enjoyable?
Did you have to travel for these jobs. Or do they let you VPN to work.
Is remote work even a thing in the gaming industry?
@Noctrine In some places.
@Shroeder I moved for all of them.
Which isn't as bad as it sounds. Big Huge Games was in Baltimore, near where I grew up.
After that (and a brief stint working for Raytheon doing military work) I moved back to Seattle.
Where I had been for school; ArenaNet, Microsoft (343) and Undead Labs are all in the greater Seattle area.
Now you are a Senior Tools Engineer. What does that entail?
where did you find that?
that was my title years ago.
On your profile.
@JoshPetrie You haven't updated your chat profile
I was a senior tools engineer at ArenaNet, then I was the lead engineer, then I left to be a senior tools engineer at 343.
Now I'm a developer at Undead Labs.
A tools engineer makes tools.
I don't believe it
Did you go to PAX with the company then?
Or do you have media people that do all that jazz?
I went to PAX with ArenaNet. I'll probably go with Undead; both of those companies value the idea of having fans interact with developers.
I didn't do anything public-facing for Microsoft.
343 is too marketing-driven to permit that.
Crazy. Would you ever release an Indie game of your own making?
Or is working at a game studio all the satisfaction you need?
I might, if I ever found something i wanted to make outside of work.
LethalFrag has started streaming, I will be on twitch. It was nice to peek into your world. Very exciting stuff. You are a very intelligent person, hopefully I'll get a chance to learn from you in the future.
Thank you as well.
@Lasse What about it.
My save file is 5.4 Gigabytes!
yikes, that sounds large lol
I must have a little recursion going on in the object I am attempting to serialize on my game's save method :P
a little recursion? ;) haha
Looks like Joe pinged me a couple hours ago, talkin about game stuff!?
Not sure, wasn't around at that time.
@Shroeder this message hehe, just up above?
(click the reply arrow thing for the reference link)
13 hours ago, by Shroeder
Never talked to "Chris"
ah derp, 13 hours, good ol timezone conversion
O yeah
I didn't ping you though.
hehe yeah, just seein Joe's ping and reading a bit there
I see. I'm still learning the interface in chat. They were talking about you, I forget what was said. I had a question about financials or something regarding developing indie games.
O wait unity2d
Again sorry. Still learning I can go back and look at stuff that was said earlier.
my tl;dr would be, I've been using Unity for 3 years, finally sat down in December and have been making my game Tallowmere, sold a few copies through a bundle and a couple stores, while still in Alpha stage

yeah Unity 2D is what I'm using
hehehe it's okie
I had some general questions about Unity. Right now I'm just getting the basics without it.
I fell in love with it pretty quickly when I first started learning it
Been trying to save for the last three days. Hopefully I'll get her figured out at some point.
Pretty easy to streamline content into your game?
I spent a good 8 to 10 hours on a sprite sheet two weekends ago. Not my idea of fun.
ah yep, yeah I don't have any experience saving games... most I do is save highscores to a file, but not full game level states
5.4 gig save file seems ok...
Its saving too well
creating content, yeah in terms of importing it into Unity and piecing things together, mostly painless once you get the hang of it
I'm definately interested in it.
I hopped on Unity a while back and wasted some time getting nothing done. If i were to do it again I would have to do a tutorial of sorts.
I'm told they have some good documentation and lessons online.
for me, the ability to pause the game at any time and click on anything in the scene and inspect all the scripts/components and their variables, and to even tweak them in real-time, is just awesome
yeah, the Unity community is pretty good, usually just a google search will bring up what you're after
@IcyDefiance Hey
shh don't blow my cover
That does sound awesome.
Icy man, jeez, gotta work on your sneaking stats
@IcyDefiance http://bartdesmet.net/blogs/bart/archive/2004/07/23/356.aspx
To make sure everything is working correctly, I needed to expose some attributes as properties to make these persistent (in fact, I only had some indirect methods that were setting the attributes, so these were not made persistent since there was no equivalent property for the attributes). Assume the attribute was:
What does he mean by this
Most of my Properties don't have a get set
Is that what he means by this?
I'm running into a recursive loop when serializing one of my objects.
@Chris where is the post that has your game's cover on it, someone linked me earlier
Yeah, that game looks badass
I dunno anything about that persistent stuff there in the XML serialization :<
I was hoping @IcyDefiance could help.
hehe thanks, it's simple but hard but good for the odd run through, see how far you can get
yeah hopefully! there are lots of knowledgeable people here :)
I have found that the case
JoshPetrie has been helpful
I've never used the serialization functions that you're using, so anything I can tell you is just from reading references
Its hard for me to pick out what I need from references
I am not very technical with issues like that... usually roll my own ways of doing things if existing methods look or prove to be too problematic
Unless its exactly what I am looking for, I'll read up more on MSDN
A little bit less that 6.4 GB

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