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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

wtf, when I am running the profiler, it's smooth and with better FPS than what I had before
It's a conspiracy!
try running the exe on its own, not through the IDE
I notice the same in Visual Studio. it's because of its logging or something like that.
it's especially bad if you have exceptions being thrown or you're handling a lot of strings.
I had like 2 fps before, now it's running smooth
My package manager is frozen >_<
@VaughanHilts huh, I get 1118 results, while the unanswered questions tab gives 1090. I wonder what else I'm missing... here's the link anyway: data.stackexchange.com/gamedev/query/182739/…
took way too long to write that little bit of code. I had to figure out how their tables worked first.
Nice work. I'll see if I can figure out the exact criteria.
I'm not sure about the font and stuff
and the background
ooh, I do have ideas to make that look real good, but I'm not sure I have the skill to pull them off
I changed the lines a bit to say "We have questions!"
and "Can you answer them?"
near the "0 answers" icon
to kinda suggest nobody answered them yet
and the way is clear
I'll upload the file in a bit
there it is
it's a gimp xcf
is xcf openable in photoshop too?
if so, maybe more people could contribute to it
It's not.
dang :(
looks like you're on your own @IcyDefiance :D
at least I gave you a reason to postpone your homework some more
hmm, there are 5 questions with no answers where the owner's user id is null, like this one: gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/55938/…
are these banned users?
deleted accounts maybe? maybe both?
Deleted, probably.
that shouldn't be the problem with the query. just interesting.
oh right, gotta cut out questions with a score < 0. data.stackexchange.com/gamedev/query/182739/…
still 13 extra, but I have no idea where they're coming from. I give up.
@IcyDefiance You've got it pretty close dude :)
This might be some use for someone
haha this was funny
@IcyDefiance Or disassociated.
oh? under what circumstances would that happen?
A moderator anonymizes a post.
lol well I figured that much. but no matter.
@JoshPetrie this feature smells of NSA
it would be the opposite of NSA, wouldn't it?
not unless the NSA posts stuff!
no the NSA doesn't want people to be anonymous. if they had a say in things the site would require a real name.
glances sideways at Google+
if putin decides to start a war
nobody will care
because everyone will be busy talking about the heartfuck bug
$ mprof-report output.mlpd | sed -r -n 's/^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s(.+)/\1,\2,\3,\4/p'
does not output anything, what am I doing wrong? :(
I want it only to output the modified lines
@Leathe Not a reg-ex guru, sorry. :(
it's not about regex, it's about sed
and i'm not leathe ;)
I thought Sed used Regex?
I know the regex works
oh, well, I'm not sure if it works with sed
Well, what does mprof-report do?
it's the data I want to regex
pipes it to sed
It prints the data line by line to stdin?
Which is what you're piping in?
Tried sedsed ?
whats that
Debugger for sed
oh, cool
@VaughanHilts okay here's the query for questions with no upvoted answers. again, just a few extra, but it's close again. data.stackexchange.com/gamedev/query/182741/…
also it doesn't look like either of these queries include questions migrated here from other sites
which...if it does include questions migrated away from this site, that would explain things
not sure how to fix that
@IcyDefiance That'll be more than close enough. We just need it close enough to prevent honour system breaking down.
Basically, we just need to know what was unanswered before we started.
fair enough
ah got it to work, it didn't understand \s as whitespace and \S as not whitespace
wouldn't it be easier to make queries to get the answers of specific users, though, along with the times they were made?
Thanks jon.doe13528 :D
limit it to questions that had no other upvoted answers posted before the time the contest started...
yeeee I got this
@IcyDefiance Yes, you're quite right... :)
hahaa, got the profiler data to excel
Does mprof not give a good view of it?
I want to calculate something
and I'm not calculating it by hand for all of those lines
meh I can't make heads or tails out of this
public Block this[int x, int y, int z]
	get {

			return solidContent;

		if (depth > 0) {
			int subx, suby, subz;

			GetSubCoordinates (ref x, ref y, ref z, out subx, out suby, out subz);

			return Children [subx, suby, subz][x,y,z];

		return Blocks[x,y,z];
most of the time goes in there
but it shows it that way because it's sort of recursive
those Children are objects that has that getter
I guess there's so much overhead using that
I wonder how I could do that without such overhead, I know it's possible in C++
What overhead?
I'm not exactly sure
I had the engine running at about 20fps when I read the 3d array thru many times in a frame, but now when I use this octree approach, it runs only 2fps and most of the time goes to that function according to the mono profiler
I changed it already anyway
Method call summary
Total(ms) Self(ms)      Calls Method name
   35316     9262   32325440 Core.Worlds.BlockTreeNode:HasBlock (int,int,int)
does that mean that all the power goes in that function, or does it just mean that it gets called a lot and that's the total time it runs
there are functions that gets called a lot less, but take lots of time
   16825        3          4 CraftPlatform.Game:OnRenderFrame (OpenTK.FrameEventArgs)
   16797      834         40 Core.Worlds.Chunk:GetIndices (uint&)
   15936     1468    9159920 Core.Worlds.Chunk:HasBlock (int,int,int)
these for example
Total is probably time spent in the method + children.
Self is just in the method.
Calls is the call count
It makes it hard to read because it counts in the time when it does the same function call to the child nodes
So I guess the Chunk:HasBlock is the actual time spent on the single chunk, and then the self(ms) on the BlockTreeNode:HasBlock is the actual time it takes to check single block in the chunk
because there is only one node in the chunk, and it has all the children
I guess it's called the root node
the divinity series always had a generic sense of humor
but it's pleasant while playing
@VaughanHilts okay my brain is completely shot, and I can't find a very good test case, but I think this should work. if not, it's close anyway. data.stackexchange.com/gamedev/query/182742/…
that's all I got for tonight.
oh wait, no, forgot to ensure the question was asked before the contest start
tears out hair
I hate SQL
@IcyDefiance I don't think it should matter if it was before it started, I guess.
We're encouraging good answers, either way.
Well, hm.
Maybe this should more well defined first >_______>
how about this, all other answers must be made after the one in question, or they must have a score less than the one in question
dang it, yeah, I was approaching the entire thing wrong and it doesn't work at all
@AlexM. Like the skeletons that question their existence and then falls apart? :P
there was also an even neater event like that in beyond divinity
but I forgot about it :(
Have you seen the next game?
It has multiplayer :P It's going to be awesome
I showed you the next game
... I knew that...
I was testing you...
You passed...
Good for you...
lol :D
yeah the new game seems neat
hey guys. have a quick question if anyone is around
i am trying to implement an easeinoutsine function. check this thread here
Q: C++ - Trouble understanding easeInOutSine

user923I am trying to understand this easing formula: float easeInOutSine(float t, float b, float c, float d) { return -c/2 * (cos(M_PI*t/d) - 1) + b; }; Here are what the variables equal: t: current time b: start value c: change in value d: duration I am trying to apply this to a sprite transf...

i can't figure out how those values relate to what I have
the first value is time
i'm not sure time of what
@AlexM. you still around?
have patience
t is most likely the time since you started applying the easing function
no idea, never did stuff like this, always used libs
do you know of any C++ easing lib
well you sure got the function right so I'd recommend experimenting with the time first
also you got answers
okay. thanks! I appreciate it
rofl, i got an answer just now
which is the best android tiny/simple interface(without much graphics) brain/puzzle game?
maths/physics/other general conecepts realted
what language
for play
not for developing
How can you even answer that?
I like one type of games, @PladniusBrooks likes another, @AlexM. likes a third.
If you're looking for popular, just sort the appstore by popularity.
sorry which are good instead of the best
share your opinion
i ll choose myself
what language are you programming with jackopen
i'm confused
only for playing
sorry not for programming
i'm not sure. sorry
it is ok
which are good ways to starts with game developement coding for layman?
any specific language, fresher has to learn?
any books/.
Game Maker, RPG Maker, Warcraft III Maps, Minecraft modding, etc.
any special software like (scratch from mit)?
Things where you don't build from scratch.
is it same as game maker?
any specific book can you recommend?
@William'MindWorX'Mariager does all of them (which you said) require any (pre-requisite) knowledge of programming language(like C/basic/java/etc..)?
Game Maker and Warcraft III maps both have a "GUI" programming system, which make following and learning the logic easier.
Minecraft modding does require some more knowledge than the others.
I have no experience with RPG Maker myself
thanks for details @William'MindWorX'Mariager
is it a good to directly jump into game development for kids ? or it is better first to learn any programmigng language ? can you suggest your opinion?
I think game development is a great way to learn programming.
You get a visual response that is much more interesting than a terminal/console window showing numbers.
can i ask question about web browser here? (not relaated with game)
Web browsers?
like opeara/doplhun etc..
will it cross chat rule for this room?
heh. I don't know what the question relates to, but I'd say either chat or SO
Why the curiosity with obscure browsers?
Can someone help me to find general open networks to discuss web/non-web related subjects outside of IRC/stackoverflow?"
i am looking for other avialable networks where in differnt differnt subject chat is allowed via chat room/other facility
i have a smart phone & i want to choose android web mobile browser which is very tiny (so that it will not load/make any burdan to my mobile memory much)
The only place I can think of is maybe a Google Group
@jackopen Does Chrome not meet that requirement?
I'm assuming you want the browser to be reasonably capable
someoen suggested me uc browser, dolphin & opera mini, i am sure they may be lighter than chrome. But i wnat to choose other best one?
yeah you are right
Are you experiencing an issue with browser performance on your android?
@JohnMcDonald no
mmk, so why are you looking for something smaller/faster?
as i need space for other programs which i may install in my smartphone
Run some benchmarks. Should be pretty quick. Install Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Dolphin. Run one of them, open a pre-set collection of tabs, and go to the task manager to see how much ram they are using.
Probably faster than waiting for someone else to do it
@JohnMcDonald i am sure there must be some comparative study already dfone by people
hence googling
& it may be better than my observagtion
A mobile browser, also called a microbrowser, minibrowser, or wireless internet browser (WIB), is a web browser designed for use on a mobile device such as a mobile phone or PDA. Mobile browsers are optimized so as to display Web content most effectively for small screens on portable devices. Mobile browser software must be small and efficient to accommodate the low memory capacity and low-bandwidth of wireless handheld devices. Typically they were stripped-down web browsers, but as of 2006 some mobile browsers can handle more recent technologies like CSS 2.1, JavaScript, and Ajax. Websi...
The following tables compare general and technical information for a number of web browsers. Please see the individual products' articles for further information. General information Basic general information about the browsers: creator, company, license, price, etc. {| class="wikitable sortable" style="font-size: 85%; text-align: center; width: auto;" |- ! style="width:12em" | Browser ! Creator ! Cost (USD) ! Software license ! Current layout engine ! Latest release version |- ! | Amaya | W3C, INRIA | | | Amaya | |- ! | AOL Explorer | America Online, Inc | | | Trident | |- !...
i found these links from wiki
how to read them for my reuqirement i dont know
Yeah... I somehow don't think wiki will have what you're looking for
whether it involves my requirement i odnt know
@Byte56 Hey, I was told last time John had received t shirt. This time I attended Jam and was so hyped of chance to get one for myself as well. I am curious to know whether you are planning the t shirt thinging again? Giving out GDSE T shirt, I think, can add a lot of value to the Jam. It is less of material reward but IMO it can hold more fitting value for the Jam.
GDSE Jam participants, I think, do jam for sole attachment to GDSE and personal interest. I don't think any one of us expect something extravagant for "winning" the jam, but still the act of vote results in selecting "winner" and I think it is nice gesture to give something to the winner to not only promote the value of Jam but also recognize hard work for creating the game.
Correction: I got a shirt for the first jam, but not for the second.
your art skill, seems to be improving.
awww my eyes, I think I just stare into monitor too much.
My eyes, so dry, and I have this "sore" eye pain.
doing some random rendering with Three.js, got a very strange bug... =(
:| network is having connection issues
I need a question answered!! Yay for google cache
TypeError: Argument 1 of Window.requestAnimationFrame is not an object.
	// Renders the game
	this.render = function()

		// If update returns true (the game is not pause), the scene is drawn.
		if (this.updateScene())
			this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera);
I guess it has to do with the fact that the requestAnimationFrame() takes in an object's method instead of a function...
TypeError: this.updateScene is not a function
	// Updates the scene
	this.updateScene = function()
		this.camera.rotation.x += 0.01;
		this.camera.rotation.y += 0.01;
		this.camera.rotation.z += 0.01;
		return true;
this.updateScene = function()
Why doesn't JS like my objects
Anyone here a monogamer?
@Tyyppi_77 what language is that? javascript?
r u doing web game?
atleast trying to
window.requestAnimationFrame(this.render); you are passing function. "object's method" is a "function" there is no difference.
@Tyyppi_77 what is this "window"? I am not familiar with javascript.
Window refers to the actual browser window in a webbrowser.
It offers the function that should limit the framerate to 60
also, I'm supposed ot pass a function in
Morning chat
hey there
I ended up writing a simple function that does the job:
function render()

var game = new Game();
interface is such hard coding. I think UI is the least fun part of making game.
is it possible to browse through all whatsapp groups?
or are there any alternate messaging service which allows such feature?
I find the UI part the most entertaining
grrr... really?
you like hard coding?
or I guess more so the case that you like graphical components? or working on "interaction". o_o
yeah, I find interaction really entertaining and rewarding
I am more into gameplay, but I guess gameplay without good UI can never be more than half finished.
@William'MindWorX'Mariager I like any types of games
except boring games :D
sometimes I like the boring games too
but they usually become boring only afterwards
@BlueBug I agree completely. I hate making UI.
I've gone to great lengths to avoid it. :P Like using Silverlight to mix XNA and WPF or use Awesomium with XNA to have HTML/JS designed UI.
What do you think about this?
I think I did a pretty good job, somethings could use some more work tho
I like the contrast
I don't believe the mono profiler anymore
void GetChildCoordinates(ref int blockx, ref int blocky, ref int blockz, out int childx, out int childy, out int childz)
	childx = blockx >> depth;
	childy = blocky >> depth;
	childz = blockz >> depth;

	blockx -= blockSize * childx;
	blocky -= blockSize * childy;
	blockz -= blockSize * childz;
it says that took about 20% of the whole execution time
of course it was called a lot, but still
the fast forward operator is slow as hell man
despite its name
I tested and I couldn't get it any faster with anything
@Tyyppi_77 noice tiles. Very smooth transition
void GetChildCoordinates(ref int blockx, ref int blocky, ref int blockz, out int childx, out int childy, out int childz)
	childx = (int)(blockx * oneOverBlockSize);
	childy = (int)(blocky * oneOverBlockSize);
	childz = (int)(blockz * oneOverBlockSize);

	blockx -= blockSize * childx;
	blocky -= blockSize * childy;
	blockz -= blockSize * childz;
this is one version I tried out
@BlueBug What?
@Tyyppi_77 I like the art asset you have, I think it has nice transition from one to another; the ground tiles you have connect "smoothly", and color choice is good as well
@Tyyppi_77 noyce toyles mon
I feel stupid now
Don't use stuff like noice=nice with me (thought now I know, so I guess that okay =))
lel alright.
thanks a lot guys
@BlueBug I saw what you did there
@AlexM. or just docking
really huge but ultimately useless
a long transportation pipeline between two factories that produce...
useless; can't be used in reproduction process since its too big? looks over moderators nervously
that is totally why it can't be used in a reproduction process
very scientific education conclusion. my mom can approve this conversation.
also, dont look over moderators nervously, they can smell fear
Hello, I have an idea for a project I want to work on and I want a bug tracker I can use, the project itself will be open source but I don't have a website or hosting to host a bug tracker such as redmine or many others. Does anyone know of a free solution that lets me just log in and make a bug tracker for my project?
github has great issue tracker that can be used as bug tracker
if you want to host your own, then buggenie comes in my mind
I am unable to host my own. I have seen github and I am considering it for sure, just thought I'd see the alternatives before jumping on board in case there were other options that might be preferable.
Thank you :)
@TorbenC I really like the GitHub issue tracker, I can recommend it
Awesome, creating one now. Thank you three for the suggestion and testimonials.
@TorbenC go with github or bitbucket
you can also host your repo privately on bitbucket
I hope you have a repo
I'll look into it
yes it has free private repos
yeah bitbucket is another good
you have to pay to get the same on github
Does it provide an issue tracker?
Sold, thank you :)
Ah! This is absolutely perfect, exactly what I was looking for! :D
bullshit wita
seems appropriate
He he, well I'm off now. Thank you all for the support :)
optimizing with a proper profiler is fun!
I just managed to get 10% better outcome
and that function I optimized is now 66.172992808 % faster
1 hour later…
Now I need a dungeon generation algorithm
but first a name for my game
lol first things first
"Erotic Hamster Crisis"
I think I'll go with the last one, even though my game has nothing to do with crisises
looks at chat... slowly switches tab
is a new type of rogue game. Randomly generated levels and monsters will challenge you at a whole new level! Make sure to ignore the name, since it'll have nothing to do with the game. Why are you reading this? Do hamsters turn you on? Creepy.
I don't understand why this code does what it does :(
oh, now I do
wanna show?
no, it's shit
I think I just need to make my base cube inside out
uhh, no
f*ck we're having a dance thingy at our school =(
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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