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I just came up with it
I like it.
But I can't drink
just call it GameDev General. just adding that word should excuse whatever goes on here.
not really
because it means general stuff about game development
I like Pub
Pub<GameDev> is more like a pub with game developers in it
reading it literally would mean general stuff about gamedev, but anyone with forum or IRC experience should know if it has the word general it's for everything.
I think I'll ping Shog to come change the name
then immediately go to sleep
or maybe I'm alone in that
@AlexM. don't
wtf irc
so you were the one chatting with my grandma back in the day
He doesn't want to come in the room
whoa hey now, I still use IRC sometimes. it's the only good chat protocol that can run without a desktop client.
other than site specific chats like this one
meh extra chatrooms
people on the se are way more than enough for me
any more and some might even get the impression that I am gasp sociable
right now I just have this one and one other with some close friends
I've had up to 6 plus 2 or 3 forums though. that didn't last long; was a bit too much.
when I was playing EVE it was even worse, but only because my alliance had like 3 in-game rooms, a few dozen out of the game, and a forum.
@hasherr Do you know Wick-It?
meh I tried to check out workplace.se's chatroom
but it was so damn serious
like, full of shogs
it had like 6000 members. gotta split them up somehow.
jesus fucking christ
@AlexM. lol, can I join?
Link me, I just want to see it
@hasherr I don't really care
I don't go there anymore
you won't find anything interesting
just people discussing what should be on the site
and that's about it
A room needs a little bit of edge
of course it is
Who says we can't have fun
of course it does
Classic track
@hasherr noctrine does
let's start a riot
Noctrine likes fun
Just not in the room
lol that makes no sense
gd.se is not some sort of workplace or whatever
Snog ignored this
> Game development discussion and other things. Please don't star trivial messages.
> Game development discussion and other things. Please don't star trivial messages.
Other things is an awfully broad topic for a game dev discussion room
@GnomeSlice can you please stop distracting hasherr
I'm trying to talk to him
@AlexM. My bad
@hasherr the problem is we're the main chatroom
Thanks Gnomey. I'll listen to them later :)
@GnomeSlice jk
@AlexM. Well then maybe we shouldn't be.
we should make a gamedev only chatroom
we've tried splitting before. no one used the second one.
Well, let's talk to Noc about that.
@IcyDefiance we've tried making a non-gamedev chatroom before
I thought we tried both
then it only makes sense we didn't use the 2nd one
could be remembering wrong. my memory never has been any good.
we're not gamedevs enough to actually talk regularly about it
I guess gd.se needs new users then
Let me ask you guys a question
Why when I go on the site
To look for questions that possibly need answers
ask ussss
we need to know
No, my question was invalidated
Speaking of religion
I wrote something today about religion
"religion sucks." - hasherr
I was going to post it on reddit, but I don't think I will anymore.
A: What should we do about questions that are duplicates off site?

CharlieWhat's wrong with just using an answer to link to the offsite question? That might be the problem with this particular Stackexchange site... You're over-complicating and adulterating a very simple and welcoming set of rules.

Charlie was the main char in a series of porn cartoons/interactive cartoons by pornholio
due to childhood, I now think of that whenever I see someone named Charlie
Your negative marking against a reasonable suggestion absolutely sums up the problem with this board. This is an awful developers resource, but an average 'boys' club. — Charlie yesterday
an average boys club
it rings a bit true
> an average boys club
I'm okay with this.
I like the idea that you can start a room with Club<~> where ~=whatever you want to discuss
where Alex implements SexyLingerie
@AlexM. Club<#>
But it would get overrun by a hungry pack of tweeters
Users: 0
users: 9001
So it'll be ClubPub<AverageBoyGameDevsWithSexyLingerie>
Mick + 9000 crazy fangirls
let's fucking do this
then whenever someone visits
we do a creepy face and say
"hey kid... wanna get shogged?"
what did you try to write there
Nothing, don't worry about it
So my debit statement came today
And my parents were wtfing because I had like $250 gone
Q: In std::vector, is vector a class or object?

JcodinWith std::vector std is a class, and vector is a class or object? If a class then can you nest classes.

He doesn't get it, does he.
With UnityEngine.Texture2D UnityEngine is a class, and Texture2D is a class or object? If a class then can you nest classes.
if Vector2 is a struct then can you implement interfaces
I'm going to go apply for another job tomorrow
My buddy told me the sandwhich shop he works at has had some people leave
I have to go to work in like 3 hours
Plus he said they all have dirty teenage minds, so work is actually fun
> sandwich shop
> dirty teenage minds
so... about that mayo
@AlexM. Yeah but you have a real job :P
@AlexM. Haha
yeah but I skipped the last two days so I have to work this weekend
not fun
So 3 months ago
I explicitly remember saying to somebody 'I'd rather go work somewhere than be in school all day'
eyyy @JoshPetrie is back
God damn, why was I so stupid
can we rename the room to Pub<GameDev>?
to make us seem less serious
and not give people the wrong impression
6 hours ago, by Shog9
I just arbitrarily deleted a crapload of the backscroll here, because if I had to read through any more of this dreck I would have ended up suspending all of you.
Shog came in and saw this
we got shogged
and I think he didn't quite understand what this chatroom is about
I don't know if he understands how we operate around here.
Man, me and Alex are really on the same page today
yeah lol
deleting 239 messages is an overreaction coming from someone who has no idea what gd.se is about
I don't think I agree.
@JoshPetrie Why not?
fine, we can keep this mask on
Hold up alex
and ignore the fact that nobody around here is actually interested enough in gamedev to talk about it
because yeah that makes sense
Kind of wish Josh would give me a decent reason why he agrees with Shog instead of just putting his foot down.
First, I am not going to arbitrary rename the chat room, regardless of whether or not I agree with Shog.
That isn't something I can (responsibly) do without at least consulting the other moderators, and probably without putting it to a vote in meta.
I can agree with that.
fuck renaming the chat lol why is that even trying to be on the table
Second, this room is not supposed to be a clubhouse where you can freely talk about whatever you want. You are still on the StackExchange network and still have to abide by the terms of use of the site, and by the intent and culture of the network.
bureaucracy ahoy
The culture here is very different from the rest of the SE sites.
I am fine with -- and completely agree with -- a rule that off-topic, friendly discussion is allowed here.
@JoshPetrie that's sorta ambiguous
what culture of the network
Provided that game development talk always take precedence and that that off-topic discussion does not go too far.
you'd have to kick a lot of people out for that to happen tbh
I think that already happens
It seems like people are chomping at the bit for a good problem to solve
no, Alex, I believe you're the only one around here that even pushes the boundaries of what "too far" is, though to be entirely fair "too far" is pretty ambiguous.
@MickLH this problem != gamedev
then again, I doubt "too far" could be fairly defined anyway, except for "not PG-13"
lol chill dude
It's more like PG-16 really.
Well yeah there's not a constant stream of good gamedev problems
the only moments I take it too far
is when you decide to jump in and argue
So we fall back to the backup stream
so you'd have to be kicked out too
nah, those have never gone too far in the sense of what is appropriate for this chat
in other news, I totally wasted like half a gram of weed trying to escape yellow jackets I pissed off while trying to just go have a chill smoke sesh outside
too far is more when you post pictures of lolis saying sexual things, or pictures of women who are only kinda sorta wearing a bikini.
those are not lolis
first of all
I'm really at a loss here
some have been
second, what's wrong with bikinis
also uh before you continue
nothing at all, when they're actually being worn, lol
It doesn't particularly matter if I'd have to "kick a lot of people out."
welcome back @VaughanHilts
nvm, that was pointless anyway
Been a while since Vaughn has been here.
yeah I think, didn't he leave before alex
I thought I've seen Vaughn yesterday wtf
He never really left
He just kind of stopped coming
but alex didn't either :P
The chat rooms are supposed to support the sites; they don't exist to form an isolated ecosystem of users and culture disassociated from the site itself.
@JoshPetrie of course not
it really depends on you
whether you want a room that's mostly empty
Well, with Alex there was a silly set of circumstances that lead to him going on exodus for a bit
or one where people talk about !gamedev stuff most of the time
I'm not going to make a decision on this now. I'm going to have to talk with the other moderators.
But this is a pretty serious issue that you shouldn't take lightly.
Who said we were?
I think this is waaaay too seriously taken
@Alex: not in this chat you're not even close to being more commonly on-topic than me. in fact when I try to answer questions from new people, you're usually the one spamming the fucking chat with pictures of anime characters. on the Q&A site, I've hardly done anything, and have no interest in doing anything, so meh. and I'm not talking about who's more commonly on-topic in the first place. I'm talking about things that many people find offensive. it's those offensive things that make mods angry
bah stupid formatting
what the hell man
I don't even post that many pics wtf
there, now the message is right
pictures is just one example
I like posted two or three of them this whole year
uh, not really
I don't post anime freely here
because I know the majority of people don't like to see it
Hate to be devil's advocate, Alex
13 hours ago, by Alex M.
user image
yes, that's one
anime characters, memes, "funny" gif's, etc etc etc
they're all included in what I'm talking about
the 2nd one is the one with the flags
I don't get you lol
Technically isn't every text message you post also posting an anime picture
I guess
we got a confession, ban him
look, I don't think there would be a single problem from anyone, mod or otherwise, if 1) it's kept PG-13 and 2) when someone asks a gamedev related question everyone shuts the fuck up and allows him to get an answer.
I am sorry
but a woman wearing a bikini
is PG-13
and until about a month or two ago, most of the time people would shut up when someone asks a question. that doesn't happen anymore though, so I'm getting a little annoyed with people now.
you're just probably educated the wrong way
heck 6 months ago I was the guy most adamantly defending the ability to speak about off-topic things
@IcyDefiance I think it's just becoming more like the C++ Lounge
now I'm not so sure
like, a girl is PG-13 only if she's dressed like a fucking bear
It takes a good question to stir people up
But as you can see, mostly shit questions are coming up
@AlexM. not even remotely close to what anything I've said. you might want to try hitting me instead of a straw man.
@MickLH I don't see the similarities
I think GDSE can eventually converge on being a gamedev encyclopedia
@AlexM. Tread lightly.
... Should I go back to my hideout?
I saw that.
@VaughanHilts yeah
@VaughanHilts No, it's just getting a bit heated.
for a while longer
lol I don't see any heat
@MickLH then tell the guy it's a shit question. right now everyone is just getting ignored, shit question or not. I feel like the only person who even cares about anyone whose name isn't instantly recognizable.
We're here
@IcyDefiance you sort of have no reason to be nice to help vampires, you know that, right?
You know you guys could make a separate room for general chatter if you want to split it up a little
@AlexM. there are a lot of reasons to be nice to vampires. just no reason to give them blood.
you kinda are
@IcyDefiance I totally agree, but that supports my point on how it's evolving like the C++ lounge, I agree with you that people are less ready to jump on any on-topic question
you know when a new user comes to a chatroom and asks a question directly

 General Chatter

Off-topic discussion for gamedev.se. Blather away!
@GnomeSlice it's been tried, and the idea isn't a bad one, but no one uses the separate room or has any interest in it.
@IcyDefiance Well yeah, that happens
helping him out would be a bad thing to do
And more people are getting ignored, but I think it's because we're all getting kinda jaded from the constant flow of half-assed kiddie projects that someone put no effort into and wants the rest of their game developed for free
@AlexM. sometimes people just don't get it from google.
sucks to be them I guess
Helping people is a big part of the point of these sites.
better just let them stop there instead of carrying them around, eh?
@JoshPetrie of the sites, yes
AND of this chat.
who says so?
@AlexM. I think that's a bit of an irritating view point. If someone comes here, this chat represents our community.
This chat is not to fool around and act like children.
@MickLH I can see that. but I still don't see what's so hard about a lmgtfy link. you get to both help the guy and be a bit snarky about it. even that is better than ignoring someone. and I'm not just talking about people with bad questions.
this chat is clearly about things that are not appropriate for the main site
You want to do that, go make an IRC channel.
@VaughanHilts okay, and?
No, it isn't. It's to augment and support the site.
It's not a playground or a free-for-all.
even when someone has a good question, I'll try to help the guy out, and while we're attempting to talk everyone else is posting memes and stuff. this just happened yesterday even.
I'm not getting anywhere here
I'm outta this
@IcyDefiance Again, I totally agree, I see this chat as the next increment past comments (away from posts) from the main site
@IcyDefiance Usually best to split the chat off I find.
keep on trying to look serious and shit lol
I think we can resolve everything by just making a rule of resolving people's questions in the chat
you're just lying to yourselves

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