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and there is a certain character which doesn't have a key defined on keyboard,
so I've got to press alt+0175
I'm confused
nice lol that's always fun
Hey guys, moral decision time?
and almost takes the same amount of time, it takes me to type any other character :D
the ball rotates around origin, which is 0,0 if you don't add anything to it, and the totaldistance is just the total distance the ball has travelled. It's not straight line, because you give it to the sine and cosine which will calculate the position around the point
@MickLH moral?
Is it ok to bang your friends girlfriend, if your other mutual friend already did anyways?
It's like, not that bad now right?
@MickLH well, think about it this way, are you okay if your friend does the same thing?
Q: Ks property in C#

user3525142I have problem with KsProperty in C#. When I executed method: "GetGenericKspPin" I received HLastHResult = 0x800706f8. I don't know what is wrong, please review my code and correct me. Thx. protected int GetGenericKspPin(ref IKsControl ksControl, int ksProperty, uint pinId) { v...

@AlexM. now that's something that I like :P
wasted 2 more hours not getting shit done, feels kinda good except that stale ego feeling
@AlexM. nope.... I saw them all
@Ali.S I was pinged :P
alright guys
I have to go for the weekend, maybe I will be back Sunday
cya @Pip
It's friday afternoon... right... now
I know
and I haven't even hit up any friends yet!
:) Just bought a Google Play Dev account
Yeah, looks neat
I'm awful at it
261 messages deleted
I just arbitrarily deleted a crapload of the backscroll here, because if I had to read through any more of this dreck I would have ended up suspending all of you.
This is the primary room for gamedev.stackexchange.com. If someone actually interested in talking about game development decides to drop into chat, this is the room they're gonna see.
Don't screw that up.
lol @Shog9, haven't you seen the questions on gdse?
And don't respond. If I have to re-enter this room today, I'm gonna be really unhappy.
We're chomping at the bit for good questions kinda
I don't think getting on topic is a worry here lol, there's just not always reason to
This chat room is frequently extremely off topic, and lacking in friendly attitudes
New people show up, and a small collection of personalities have a tendency to be either insulting, or just generally unhelpful
I agree though, that the lack of quality content is unfortunate
@Shog9 thankies
@Evan gd.se is lacking in good content
@AlexM. I too like to live dangerously
the questions that get posted are shit
@AlexM. What did you think he meant by "don't respond"?
oh shit
I didn't read that far
... I'll just go back to CS now, aheh
And like 131 of the deleted messages are yours
what happened?
@Grey A mod came in and deleted 261 off-topic messages
@JohnMcDonald A community manager, actually
@JohnMcDonald I like, you know, asked to have those messages deleted
261 offtopic messages deleted is just an overreaction
truly only Shog could have done it
but that is another matter
@Grey where do you have your giralion?
though you know
it's interesting that all of this was caused by me flagging myself
@Grey gross
Why would you make a gif of that?
@Grey champagne?
@GnomeSlice animation purposes.
@Grey thank you
@GnomeSlice He's gone now.
mods are still joining in :O
@Grey lol
@AlexM. well the last mod said he solved it and then gave very specific instructions
and somebody very specifically broke them and there's another mod big surprise! lol
@Pip hide the weed hella cops bro
look lol
you wanted me back
what did you expect
sorry to break it to you but you'll never get an offtopic-free chatroom without it becoming inactive as fuck
which will make it look like a dead room
preaching to the choir bro!
preach to that @SkullFaceNine dude
which by itself starts to shoo visitors away
I agree with @Evan
there is mostly offtopic here
but if everyone here was like him, this room would be dead silent and boring as fuck
I hope my lab grown genitals didn't offend anybody
don't worry lol
It is indeed difficult to maintain high levels of activity in here while at work.
@Evan you maintain low levels of activity period
if you want ontopic talk so much, start a topic
Why are integers only 16/32/64
why not 18?
I want an 18 bit integer.. is that too much to ask?
@Jon because 2^x feels good
I've never seen someone start a talk about gamedev and nobody reply to him
then why keep the imperial system then?
You could have an 18 bit integer
@Jon no but you have to code it yourself
It wouldn't be an internal type
i'm doing it
and i'm gonna hack it into the native DLL
resign the binaries
then mass distribute it as an update
It would still be addressed into full size registers
And you would likely facilitate more cache misses, as your data types would be harder to pack into cache line boundaries
Good luck!
@Jon just add x &= 262143; after you use any operator on the int
close enough
Sometimes it takes crazy ideas to change the world
In fact, it usually takes crazy ideas to change the world
anything that's changing the world seems crazy
people in general don't like change

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