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I think being physicist gets progressively difficulty with more time/findings/progress, as further understanding of the field requires understanding of all the previous research. Don't think programming requires one man to understand whole to progress further; you can still build on top of something without understanding the underlying structures.
Which reminds me, in our school, physics department gets only 30~50 students per year.
People often study physics with another major/minor right? I may have a limited view of physics but if you just have the theory why learn it without having the tools to actually use it and manipulate it(on a scientific level)
You need all the theory almost daily
E=mc² for example, that is used in GPS calculations and in places you couldn't even imagine
If you're just a physicist what can you do?
That's true. There are many students who are taking the class as part of their course. So the building is not like ghost empty. My friend, who's just a physicist, do research.
Research, I mean, we have telescope, and he looks at the stars and do stuff.
I see.
I think another thing that hurts many explanations is how E=mc² is cited as this mysterious proof for so many things, when really it doesn't prove a fraction of them. this is because E=mc² is actually a simplified equation.
that's the full thing
and p is momentum
momentum in turn is defined as velocity*mass
yeah, true
I mean it's not an applied physics. So it appears there isn't much practical use TBH. but these physics major dudes have brilliant minds. IMO there isn't much difference in terms of intellectual level between our physics major dudes and Harvard phyiscs major dudes.
when an object is at rest, p is 0, so you can simplify down to E=mc²
the only reason, I observed, the physics dudes in my school chose this school was because they could attend this school for free.
or when an object has no mass, both m and p are 0, so you can simplify down to E = 0...which honestly makes no sense to me. I guess I still don't get it. XD
I'm just waiting for the warp drive
which they have a concept for already
the problem is, that the ship needs to be shaped like an egg, and the engine can't be attached to it
mm I don't think I've heard of that one yet
I heard of using gravity to create waves in spacetime or something like that, but god knows how much energy that would take.
It's using warping the space to move thru it faster
like, creating a vacuum (not like "it has no air", but "it has no space" or something) in front of the egg-shaped thing and then buildup of space behind it
"you can't travel space faster than light, but space can do whatever the hack it wants"
yeah that thing
the second best use of condoms I've seen
doing some science with condom ; )
are you free to discuss with me?
yeah we're not talking about anything important
basically I have question for mobile orientation change
for unity game
above link represent my doubt
@Lasse hello
@joapet99 hi
how its going?
great, I got my stuff working finally
which stuff
@Lasse OMG. the project i am in is rated highest
I know, that's nice project really
@joapet99 MalwareTycoon?
@Siddharth I don't think anyone here right now has done much mobile development. I know I haven't, and I don't even know where to start with your problem.
I had been massing with Unity for about a month and half now. I haven't done any orientation related stuff with Unity either, yet.
@Lasse sad to see your project is the least popular
I just put that in there, hardly anyone has seen it yet
oh. you posted it for just an hour ago
@Lasse is it pyramids you generated
no they're not really pyramids
they are more like stairs
they are flat on the other side
I don't have enough reputation to vote it up
they look like this from behind
is there just textures doing it
in the front
no, I'm using colours for each side
why don't you make colurs on all sides like the front
because they are actually normals
directions where the polygon faces are pointing at
just confusing
im just 14 you know
It's just for test rendering, I'll replace it with smooth shading and texturing
I actually thought that
so when you said behind the scene it wasn't behind the pyramids, but the same view without textures and shaders
if you're interested in an actual explanation, it's really pretty fun.
about the normal thing
I find 3D programming confusing
so complicated
no it's just from behind the 3d staircase mesh
it's very complicated, until you understand it, and then it's very simple XD
there is no texturing or anything anywhere yet, not even in the green picture
views, camera, world space, meshes, objects, textures. SO COMPLICATED
don't forget screen space and light space and view space and tangent space, and matrices
it's all actually quite easy once you figure it out
therefore i wait for the time when im amazing
in 2D
and then I maybe take a little step
in 3D
then your mind will get blown when you realize 3d math is actually done in 4d space
kind of
yeah kind of
4d is confusing
i have never seen a 4d object on earth
4D is only confusing until you stop trying to see 4D and only look at the equations.
4D equations just means you have 4 variables (x, y, z, w or r, g, b, a) instead of 3. that's it.
what is w
you don't have to see 4d object to understand it
it's the fourth component of 4 dimensional vector
like z is the third component of three dimensional vector
or y is the second component of two dimensional vector
so whats the difference between 3d and 4d
it has an extra dimension, just like 3d has extra dimension to 2d
and what do that extra dimension do
it's just math, nothing really changes
so why have it?
it makes the 3d calculations much easier
it's easier to use 4 dimensional matrix instead of trying to use only 3 dimensional stuff
here's another barrier for you to break: +x does not mean right. it means +x. that's it. you define it to mean right with your code. or maybe the library you're using defines it to be right.
same goes for y, z, and w
they mean what you define them to mean
now there are conventions that most people follow, which is why +x is usually right
opengl defines +x as right
only by default. if you write your own shader and camera math, you can make it whatever.
that's true
that's also why no one can agree on whether +z means forward, backward, or up
I thought it meant forward when working with Blitz3D, then I used blender and thought it meant up, then started with OpenGL and now it means backward. XD
I tried to drink from empty bottle of mountain dew,realized that was my last sip. I did my best to make it last but now its over. I have no more mountain dew left. I can't do anything. stares into compiler soulless, fingers stop motion
now as far as w goes, convention states it should be used to declare whether a vector represents a direction or a position. if w is 0, it's a direction, and 1 is a position. this is only because when you multiply a transformation matrix by a vector, if the vector's w component is 0, it cannot be translated, only rotated. if w is 1, it can be either translated or rotated.
but I guess that's where things really do start to get complicated. XD
just put 2 in w and everyone loses their mind
not really. that just means all translations are doubled.
some men just want to see the world burn
bad batman reference
put 0.5 in and translations are halved. could be good for slow motion maybe. but there are better and far more readable ways of doing that, so I doubt it happens often. not that I have much experience outside of my own code.
damn I'm getting tired again
I guess this is what you get when waking up 3am
that mountain dew, I purchased from over priced vending machine, gone. Vending machine drinks are so overpriced for their size. for 2 bucks, you can buy a whole liter of mountain dew.
@IcyDefiance what would happen if w was 100
multiply all translations by 100
I don't think it affects rotations though, which is a problem if you're trying to do slow motion or super speed or whatever
so most people keep it at either 0 or 1 and do speed modifications some other way
@BlueBug lol it's great. go to a gas station and you can buy 1L for $1.98 or 2L for $1.75. in the same building.
the 1L is kept cold, but still
or well, I get those prices. dunno about you.
@IcyDefiance instead of using w couldn't you just multiply with what you would like
meh you got cheap soft drinks
x * 1, y * 1, z * 1
it's 2.5 euros for 1.5l bottle, or 2 euros for 0.5l bottle
or even create a local variable called w
x * w, y * w, z * w
sometimes there are special offers 2 1.5l bottles for 3 eur
yes you can
that's why w is usually just 0 or 1
#IcyDefiance my residence hall is located far from any store/gas station(that is currently open) and me no car :(. I will just sit here and wait for morning for near by stores to open. Then take a sip of mountain dew and restart coding.
so why make this big deal out of it when its really just a thing to make multiplying easier
what big deal?
there are actually some rules that if you are scaling with the matrices, you can't multiply normals with them since they will get whacked
oh right, I never tested how w affects scaling...
turns out it doesn't
which is why you can't use matrices that has scaling to rotate normals
you're better off creating another normal matrix for that
which is irritating, since opentk does not support them
it has no mat3 struct :(
huh, that strikes me as odd, because setting w to 0 allows you to use matrices with translation on normals, because it won't affect them. so I guess you have to be careful anyway.
I'm hesitant to touch my current code, it might break :(
I still have no idea what I did wrong
I fixed the data size issue, but that just made the thing crash all the time
and now that I implemented it with just the GL calls and no class abstraction, I still don't know what's wrong with the classes
I just played game of Dota, instead mountain dew. It's odd that I get to have blast of fun whenever I have load of things to do; other times in dota, I run into ugly players and bad team composition. Anyway naw, back to code.
3 hours later…
not running straight to the kid, parenting level 999999
How do you know the person recording it is the parent of the kid? ;D
might be a pervert
Pedobear strikes again.
shivers such a dark twist.
The worst scenario I could think of was mom sleeping with other guy, so the guy(husband) not being real parent of the kids. But here now my depth of though expanded to include possibility of pedobear thanks to you all.
Now I have no other option but live the rest of my life second guessing who's pedophile.
ffs how fucking hard it can be, I'm trying to teach a friend who failed the java test how for loop works
this is just irritating
some people got it... some people don't
I realized this in college pretty quickly.
our class of 30 went down to 7 in the 2nd year
That's quite case many times, some people just not getting, but try to be patient as long as your friend tries, I must say.
i read that like a really bad fortune cookie
I think he's trying the hardest he can, because he really wants to pass it, but he is still like "hurr durr how can a line start from zero"
Free your mind neo.. tell him that.
then I try to show "it does not have to start from zero, here , use int x = 1;"
How can you not get a for loop?
"me no understand"
if he can't grasp a for loop, he is one of the non logically thinking people
IMO, best teacher is the patient one, and the best student is the one that doesn't give up. I did not understand recursion when I first started.
He will never be a programmer
I seriously think that some people simply can't learn to think logically enough to be competent at programming.
Show him with two loops, one that goes from 0 to 4 and then another from 5 to 9 and tell him it will come out with 10 loops. Maybe he'll understand then?
such a long upward battle, lol
I'll try
@Jon That, I think, is very controversial topic, I am trying to find article I read on codehorror, grrr I can't find.
they hired a guy with ADD at work
I don't know how someone could be so illogical they can't understand how a loop works.
They had him coding for a while, and wanted me to coach him
everytime I tried explaining things to him, he would change the subject
He's a tester now
ah there it is
separating-programming-sheep-from-non-programming-goats/ blog.codinghorror.com/…
I could sit down one of my grandparents and probably teach them how a for loop works and they don't understand anything computer related usually.
my grandparents would just refuse to understand
Articles proves my point.
Either they don't want to learn, or they can't change their way of perception or thinking.
0 is nothing how can it be something?
How can something call itself? that makes no sense
yes. he's on your side but the replies have varying opinion.
Also, girls that I know how are good programmers, and pretty weird
or lesbians
yeah. I did notice that from my experience. Never seen straight woman who's really into programming.
Kinda wonder the thinking logically gene was passed down to men and not women
Or maybe working with nerds and computers is just not featured enough in glamour magazines
programmer in the making here:
ok, me heading to class naw. C ya people, have a nice day handsome souls of internet.
@Jon Strange. The only generalisation of all the girls I met who are good programmers is that they are female. Beyond that, I know nothing of anything distinguishing them from the general population, nor do I care about such trifles.
You can code, you're in. You can't, you're out. That's all there is to it.
LOL, well I'm a self-proclaimed ladies man.. so when I see a girl programming i'm on it
r u? really? that's... hot.
If they are not lesbians, they are not good programmers, lol.
LOL, yeah I am ;)
slips in piece of paper with phone number ;)
And this is (part of) why there are so few women programmers
are you female or something?
most likely something
lel. I am gay man who's as well into lesbian man, sorry me no female :(
Actually, I would imagine girls like the attention
lesbians can be cool , if they don't hate men
if they don't hate men they probably are bisexuals
@Lasse I... you seriously think that?
lol not too seriously
a girl once told me that most of them are not straight, instead most of them are bisexuals
i slept with a bi once
she started working here as a programmer
did my thing,and a few months later we are having nooners
sexuality can be complicated shit. I am not into girls most of the times, but soemhow I find lesbian man to very appealing.
yeah it can
Everyone has their own tastes
now really gotta go, going to be late for class. c ya all you beautiful souls of internet. v_v
yes, I am beautiful. see you
ahh school...
still paying for that shit
try to eliminate as much student dept as possible before you graduate
or not put yourself in debt in the first place if you can
government here in canada makes billions every year in interests on student loan debt
My opinion is they should eliminate interest on student loan debt...
because they are double dipping if you think about it
also worth mentioning that a student loan debt cannot be defaulted on -- it follows you to your death
This is the only type of loan that I know of that works this way...
here in finland students are paid to go school
but if you get paid, you can't really do additional work to get more money, and the money you get is pretty limited
well explained
morning guys
simplified, yes, that is exactly what the problem is
can anyone guess the operating systems here? :D
what the hell, is that all the same phone?
it's the galaxy s5
@AlexM. some nokia one, windows, android?
it has like 3 interfaces at the same time
the menu is all touchwiz
the settings look like tizen
and whatever google has samsung was not able to reskin
so when you navigate the phone, the UI changes around like that?
so you jump between different GUI styles constantly
that is stupid
I know
> It's amazing Samsung is as successful as it is with software like this. A lot of people give it a pass because they are used to it by now, but compared to a stock Android device or iOS, the Galaxy S5 software is a mess.
one of them is the appstore though.. so not really their fault? or can you skin that?
but they clearly had no idea what to do
i'd get the HTC one M8
instead of that
I'd get anything instead of samsungs tbh
I hate the shape of that home button
I think the Xperia Z is currently the most beautiful phone
sony sure makes them look classy
yeah... the new one is coming this summer
too bad sony abandoned the vaio line :(
they were like the nicest looking laptops besides macbooks
my next laptop will most likely be a lenovo thinkpad
if I can't go full classy
then I'll go full nerd damnit
HTC One (M8) Google Play edition is not available in your country.
#Jon Arleady deep in the trap of student loan. YOLO. College doesn't come twice, u know? It must be worth all that money in the end.
Though it's under my parents name, well. I promised my father that I will pay it. Couldn't take the loan under my name due to circumstances.
anyone watch the latest episode of vikings?
I'd rather have domestic doggirls.
you're weird
Cats are notorious for going from house to house. Dogs are loyal. ;o
sorry caps
I had to reboot because it just didn't load me in
dogs are animals that gather in packs and hunt together
cats only sit around each other
and bang whatever they can find
cats are also more silent than dogs
and don't hump your leg
and don't mess up the house with saliva
a cat can kill birds and rats and feed itself
that means less money spent for food by the owner
cats don't smell like dogs do
cats purr. end of discussion.
do you even want more reasons as to why cats are superior to dogs
not every dog can be a doge
but every cat can be a lolcat
it just has to be a cat
doge :D
@AlexM. cloud to butt is the best
can't blame the guy
look at that wife
jesus fucking christ... people sure get ugly when they get old
lol yup
from this POV life doesn't make any sense after 50 or so
logan's run -- people were recycled when they hit 30 years of age
we need to invest more money in androids
imagine that, a wife that never gets old
I'd become an android too
and start a new civilization of androids
The uncanny valley is a hypothesis in the field of human aesthetics which holds that when human features look and move almost, but not exactly, like natural human beings, it causes a response of among some human observers. Examples can be found in the fields of robotics, 3D computer animation, and in medical fields such as burn reconstruction, infectious diseases, neurological conditions, and plastic surgery. The "valley" refers to the dip in a graph of the comfort level of humans as subjects move toward a healthy, natural human likeness described in a function of a subject's aesthetic ...
this is fucking bullshit
no this is true
the closer you get to realism, the more you notice the subtle flaws
of course it's true
@AlexM. Science is getting close
but it's still bullshit
which is why i get drunk when i sleep with my android wife
Link is SFW
people need to understand this is a required step towards artificial life
windows 8.1 updated itself last night
That's actually pretty amazing.
and now I can access the start bar in the metro interface
and some other stuff
i got that update too, i need to check it out later
fug the mudlarks download is huge
failed overnight
Guess that means I can't do it throttled or it will take too long
^ that game was made by a Romanian
drop my dungeon gen in game
got a good idea of what I need to fix up now

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