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I wonder if it will also have sex with you
got any recommendations for a $500 or less monitor withj 15 ms or less input latency?
oh youtubers get now their own humble bundles?
@Almo so...most monitors? :P
not pixel response speed
input latency
ah right
big difference
how long from when the image goes over the cable to it being displayed
what's the difference?
pixel response is how fast a pixel on screen changes after the monitor tells it to change
I think that's up to the gpu
input latency is how long it takes the monitor to put the image up after getting it
gpu just sends a stream to the monitor
for example, our sony tv takes 70 ms to display the image
the pixels change fast, but the driver inside the tv takes forever to process the data and put the image up
my current dell monitor is 10 ms
which is great for 60FPS gaming
but its HDMI port is busted
so I can't connect my new mac
huh, newegg doesn't have a filter for that
i'll try to fix the port over the weekend
even if you write to tv manufacturers, their customer service reps don't know what input latency is
the only real way to get data on it is to check the video phreak sites of guys who test these things
well yeah, it's not a buzzword. they weren't given any speeches about it.
found one sony while hunting the stores that was 250 ms
a whole generation of gamers brought up on HDTVs have no idea what real twitch gaming is
since it's not possible on those tvs
tried playing a pinball game on my sony
was fucking horrible.
anyway, enough about that
will talk to you guys later :)
that twitch-free generation is some serious shit
Response Time:
5 ms (typical)
apparently this is my monitor's rt
5ms is the threshold that I'll settle for
but I prefer 2ms
response time is pixel response, not input latency
yeah that's the hard part
the huge stack of shit between your ram and your pixels
I havent seen any monitors even tell the latency how long it takes to process the image
Although above 5ms pixel time just looks nasty to me, the ghosting man the ghosting!
Eizo Gaming FORIS FG2421 <-- this one has 1ms rt
interesting comparison on their website
A: 'Missing recommended icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels, in .png format'

Nitin GohelYes, you need to add a 120x120 high resolution icon. Now, if you want to target only iOS 7, you just need 76 x 76, 120 x 120 and 152 x 152 icon sizes. If you also want to target iOS 6, you’ll need 57 x 57, 72 x 72, 76 x 76, 114 x 114, 120 x 120, 144 x 144 and 152 x 152 icon sizes. Without countin...

so many goddamn icons ugh
I don't think I'm going to get a new monitor before the nvidia's sync thignie gets on shelves
man I love how everything about this heartbleed bug
including the official site
has this awesome sleek design
with a logo
it's like the iBug
pictures of pictures on other monitors
I hate that
"look how cool it is, here, a picture!"
and then it's stamp sized image showed on everyone's crap monitor
still better than the desktop backgrounds of most people
my roommate ate all my chicken and ground beef >:/
The solution
Just make sure you use a good quality bag so it's not contaminated when you fish it out of the trash
not to mention neither chicken nor beef look like that when they go bad
you have to be imaginitive
@Lasse if you put that near me
I'd throw it away
anything expired is thrown away
That's why you need to use good quality bag
anything I'm not sure when will expire is thrown away
anything that looks like it will expire sooner than I'll ever feel like eating is thrown away to make room for what I want to eat
yes I do make a lot of hobos and cats happy
thank you, I am a role model
there was this news about rats getting huge in the UK due to them eating fast food from trash bins
so I guess what I'm doing makes sense
if the rats become huge
we must also make the cats become huge
Hey way a minute we already have huge cats
We call them "a problem"
Huge rats too
I thought at first that it was a cat
Giant rat: Massive rodent dubbed 'Ratzilla' terrorises family after gnawing way into the kitchen through CEMENT

Follow us: @DailyMirror on Twitter | DailyMirror on Facebook
fun fact: rats' teeth never stop growing
so if they ever stop gnawing, their teeth will pierce their skulls
fuck it just kill them off and patch the food chain with chemistry
mosquitoes too
fucking rats are ugly
should be killed even if only to make sure if aliens visit us they won't see their ugly asses
mosquitoes spread aids
mosquitoes are fucking ugly
seriously we need to clean up this planet already
we've got the technology we can stop fucking around with animal ways and just switch to alien ways now
Eunice, Bolton Lancs, 1 year ago
Okay, so maybe it gave somebody a (brief) fright but why kill it? If it was female and pregnant then it was probably only looking for a place to give birth to its babies and doing no harm to no-one, so why kill it? Live and let live! I hope this big brave man is proud of himself!!

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2133818/Giant-rat-killed-pensioner-Brian-Watson-lump-wood-farm.html#ixzz2yXHg22Ln
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
@MickLH It doesn't work, look at chernobyl area, the nature is flourishing there
Pfft nuclear accidents are so animal
fucking shitheads like that one piss me off
rats should be exterminated like any other source of disease
then again what am I talking about here
idiots nowadays are still not comfortable with the idea that everything we eat we killed at some point
That's fine just kill them to show them it's really ok
I wonder how they sleep at night knowing that all those poor animals are killed while they sleep
well you see they can sleep just fine because this:
there are some stupid comments on that video too
yes you stupid bitch
as someone poor, I'd rather have money than your bullshit sentiments
I'm off to sleep
if I continue to see this crap I'll probably kill someone on my way to work tomorrow
nooo she wouldn't want to give sentiments either
just prayers
and likes
yeah but 1 like = 1 prayer, so...
lol see ya
It seemed like I had a viable strategy for integrating this god damn function
rebuilding monodevelop is like chirstmas, what bugs do I get this time?
from git master obviously
but then ... + x^999 * c[999] + x^1000 * c[1000] + ... happened
oh well, gotta get the canned air, cpu's getting toasty
Once I get a new computer and this one becomes not important, I want to try to fry eggs on this
and of course building monodevelop fails
dang it, making my own file system is irritating. in a fun way, but still. every awesome idea I come up with just ends up being a bitch to implement.
only have 2 weeks. must. restrict. scope. :'(
or I could just play minecraft
that too
damn it was fucking time for that dusting
idle temps are down about 6C
I need to buy some canned air
it's just that I don't live near any shop that sells such things, and I'm not sure if I want to order some online
it takes forever
oh well, this one online shop offers 3 hour delivery times
still damn forever
also the deliver would cost two times as much as the canned air bottle
oh, they don't even deliver to my area
why do I have to live in middle of nowhere
wait, 3 hour, not 3 day?
best the US has is usually overnight, and that's damn expensive most of the time. pizza places are about the only things to deliver on the same day.
given, the US is massive
still jealous anyway
but they deliver only around helsinki :(
they have stores all over the country but they still can't deliver
but the delivery price for that is actually really cheap
it's 10 euros for max 50kg, or 20 euros for max 400kg
the normal means usually cost about 6-15 euros and take at least two days
and that is for really small packages
even fresh clone from git of monodevelop won't build
had to build with stable profile
Ugg I'm using monogame for my current project. Hate it but don't feel like learning a new tech. Rather focus on actually getting things running.
But I've never found mono anything to be particularly nice to use.
mono is great
I don't see how it differs from .net developing
also XNA is almost 1:1 to monogame, so what's the hate?
"XNA is almost 1:1 to monogame" Only if you use the most basic features of XNA. Window resizing behavior changes between OSs, the Stencil Buffer changes behavior between OSs, updating the window during resizes breaks on Linux. Not to mention utilizing the technologies behind the library is very hard due to the creation of the graphics device and state management code being very convoluted and the libs them selves not being exposed in any way.
resizing the window and things related to that are outside the scope of XNA
dunno about the stencil buffer
there are some glitches and annoyances with monogame, but it's not a design problem. it just doesn't have all the kinks ironed out yet.
It most definitely is not out side of the scope of XNA. The screen pausing and the backbuffer's size being updates is handled by XNA.
to change the window size in an XNA project, you have to get the window form's handle and use that, which XNA merely provides a reference to.
XNA listens to the on resize even and handles things for you.
also I don't remember XNA windows being resizable in the first place, unless you change that with the same window form handle
Monogame does to but handles it inconsistently across OSs.
but I could be wrong about that
You can easily make it so you can resize the window dynamically without any pause.
Something I was unable to get monogame to do.
yeah in XNA, to even allow the user to resize the window at all, you need this code:
Not to mention I prefer window driven event handling over polling and managing to hook into the OpenTK window was an incredible pain and monogame simply returned null for the handler.
this.Window.AllowUserResizing = true;
this.Window.ClientSizeChanged += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(Window_ClientSizeChanged);
Window is a GameWindow...
wait wtf.
this is odd
I said almost
Well I've run into the *almost enough times to dislike it.
okay GameWindow is an XNA class that contains a system window. doesn't inherit anything. so yeah, user resizing is within XNA's scope. just barely, but it is.
I ditched xna/monogame because it wasn't flexible enough for me
I'm using OpenTK instead
I do agree with the basic point anyway, that monogame has plenty of annoyances
just being forced to use XNA to compile content drives me away for now
woo damn it. I forgot to buy more mountain dew. I have no more mountain dew left. I can't program without drink; my productivity drops to crawl. This is going to be tough night today.
I know that feel
at least my parents usually have a buffer of pop to steal if I forget to buy some
I drink way too much though so they don't like it XD
mine, same. xD my parents believe that carb in soda melts my bone.
*carbon dioxide themselves don't melt bone. Caffeine, however, can cause lessened bone density(so I read) but I drink mountain dew, no caffeine.
caffeine's not even the big problem. it's a bit addictive, but not that horrible for you. the problem is the sugar. or at least so I'm told.
I drink pepsi, so that's probably valid XD
holy crap
I got polygons on screen, god damn finally
oh yeah sugar. Yeap, soda very high sugar. I stopped drinking real soda. Now I drink those zero calorie ones. They don't taste as good as the real ones but I think it's fair
@Lasse you go girl!
all I needed to do was to rewrite the damn thing completly
now I need to figure out what the hell I did differently
and now it crashes again :|
oh, it crashed in a weird place this time
damn multithreading, need to learn to use it properly
yeah, it's easy to get wrong
What's the issue?
it just crashed in some part of the code I've not tested yet
I need to figure it out
basically I started a background thread that is supposed to create a pool of chunks for me, and the main thread should wait for at least one chunk to be available before continuing, and it is not locking the pool object yet and I guess that was what crashed it
Ah, probably
Thread safe collections could be worth a glance: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd997305%28v=vs.110%29.aspx
disappears again
Oh, I forgot about the concurrentStack and friends
I just wonder what additional stuff it does if it is used, instead of doing this:
lock (pool) {
	chunk = pool.Pop ();
Yeah, donno
public static Chunk Get()
	if(pool.Count == 0)
		ManualResetEvent mre = new ManualResetEvent (false);
		ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (Reserve, mre);
		mre.WaitOne ();
		//Reserve (null); // Do it foreground

	Chunk chunk;

	lock (pool) {
		chunk = pool.Pop ();

	lock (used) {
		used.Add (chunk);

	return chunk;
Maybe it does finer grained locking, so it only locks around the important bits, or maybe they've benchmarked stuff, or... you could use it because it's easy and you don't have to think, :p
That's the untested code I'm using to get chunks
Without knowing all the details, you may also want to lock around "pool.Count == 0"
Yeah I thought about that
It's a possible race condition
public static Chunk Get()
	bool needReserving = false;

	lock(pool) {
		if(pool.Count == 0)
			needReserving = true;

		ManualResetEvent mre = new ManualResetEvent (false);
		ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (Reserve, mre);
		mre.WaitOne ();
		//Reserve (null); // Do it foreground

	Chunk chunk;

	lock (pool) {
		chunk = pool.Pop ();

	lock (used) {
		used.Add (chunk);

	return chunk;
changed it to this
I wonder how much overhead the lock() has
also I'm not sure if this thing needs to be threaded anyway, since it seems to be fairly fast even though it's reserving 100 pieces of 32*32*32*4 bytes
So, in english, you are checking if there are any ____ in the pool, if so, reserving one by adding some work to a thread pool. Then popping something out of the pool (which may be nothing), then tossing the popped chunk into a different collection
yeah basically that
yeah, the efficiency of multithreading is heavily based on the task
Mudlarks - free Adventure Game OUT NOW! http://gamejolt.com/games/adventure/mudlarks/24964/ via @gamejolt #gamedev @AdventureGamers @JustAdventure #gamersunite #gaming
I just assume the pop will return something, since I am putting stuff in there in the other thread
Interesting graphics.
Blurgh, 300 mb download
@Lasse I don't know if the new thread you make there is guaranteed to start up and do stuff before your lock
I wait for it to finish the first loop of the for loop in there with the ManualResetEvent
mre.WaitOne ();
that blocks the thread until the other thread says it can continue
or is supposed to
it's all new for me, so not sure :D
Looks like it. Just read the doc
@GnomeSlice Should I know about these devs?
@JohnMcDonald Beats me, I didn't until just now.
Game looks interesting though... 300 mb download, blurgh
I like how they did the graphics
Yeah, pretty neat
:) I am porting For Sparta! to Android
So far, so good:
nice :)
Sad thing is that it's taking nearly as long to port it as it did to write
Does anyone know a countour tracing algorithm that traces "holes" in the pattern as well?
Some paint apps will do that, but you need an algo, eh?
Already looking at this. It's for a geometry based glow solution for Unity Free that I'm making.
I would create 2 algorithms. One that looks for perimeters to walk around, and a second one to do the tracing
Contour Line Tracing algorithms do that in one algorithm tho.
However the ones listed in that specific example don't trace the holes v_v I'm not even sure if I understand it correctly. It isn't exactly written in a straightforward matter imo
All of em' seem to be pretty inaccurate at times, but I think it should be okay for my purposes.
voxels \o/
it's drawing only the visible faces, or faces that touch air
so many of them :O
@Lasse back face culling?
That's what it seems like to me doe
already enabled
cool beans
if it wasn't it would not seem any different
@Lasse because you are already doing the same thing :P
no, I'm just building a mesh from the voxels
it covers the whole chunk, back side too
it's running about 20fps on this crap
not bad for first try
oh and it's still running about 20fps when I regenerate the mesh 10 times in a frame
this is great
I was afraid it would be worse
Now that I have a screenshot, I can write about my project to the 2014 highlights
@Grey You are on MalWareTycoon as well right? do you guys have github repo?
if so, mind linking me? Just curious, would like to follow.
@BlueBug not github but bitbucket. and it's private XD
ah oki.
:)> hrhr.
I don't even.
There goes my first animation
Nyan required.
trying to find a way to respond to that... this is the best I got
@IcyDefiance lol
nonono, here it is: youtube.com/watch?v=iRZ2Sh5-XuM (kind of nsfw but not really)
can't get a better response than this
A: Community Project Highlights 2014

LasseCraftPlatform You have played minecraft, right? You might also have tried some mods for it. The thing is, the modding community is huge even though it's nightmare to create any mods for minecraft. The purpose of this project is to build a platform for minecraft like games and mods. The "vanill...

Jump animation with just the legs.
Who da man
Little tiny scarf
no man, just a bird with a strange liquid head
@IcyDefiance it was a bird.
Leg Simulator
I guess abstract art is a thing now days.
@Lasse Dat's hack of a sick office.
@Lasse do that with an oculus rift and I'd call it downright awesome
I wonder how the oculus motion sensor would work with that
good point
probably would need to compensate somehow
@Lasse no way
nice text
I knew already about half of that, but that really put some of the jigsaw pieces together
yeah same here
I mean I always knew time is the 4th dimension, but when he flat out said it's perpendicular to space in the same way X is from Y, that just made a whole lot of things click perfectly.
well it would be more like how Z is to both X and Y...something like that
but yeah
yeah I know what you mean
what I didn't know was that everything moves thru spacetime with speed c, which happens to be the same speed as light travelling thru space
what happens if you just accelerate enough to reach speed c with mass?
you'd break the universe
it's not possible
it takes infinite energy for anything with mass to reach c through space

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