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I'm again at the point of quiting gamedev and programming alltogether and becoming amish
vertices [0].Position = new Vector3 (-0.5f, -0.5f, 0);
vertices [1].Position = new Vector3 (0.5f, -0.5f, 0);
vertices [2].Position = new Vector3 (-0.5f, 0.5f, 0);
vertices [3].Position = new Vector3 (0.5f, 0.5f, 0);
I can't even get that on screen
is 0 within the depth buffer?
I don't use any matrix transformations for that
gl_Position = vec4(vertex, 1);
color = vec4(1,1,1,1);
do you have depth buffering enabled at all ?
yes I do
does it work without it?
It's a trianglestrip btw
face culling is off
vertices [0].Position = new Vector3 (-0.5f, -0.5f, 0);
vertices [1].Position = new Vector3 (-0.5f, 0.5f, 0);
vertices [2].Position = new Vector3 (0.5f, -0.5f, 0);
vertices [3].Position = new Vector3 (0.5f, 0.5f, 0);
that's just clockwise instead of counter clockwise
do eeet
I should bake another choco cake
yes you should
I will eat it for you if that's the issue
@Jon nothing on screen
On that topic, I sortof really want to convert the rest of the sugar I have into toffee
@Lasse are you compiling the right file?
I just googled "toffee" its your second time saying the word. I thought it was type typoof "coffee", but now I see. it's some sugar candy.
lol idk if the monodevelop is being buggy again
we have shit load of thigns!!! it's just that we are culturally not used at consumming much sugar stuff.
I read in this book you are tall and fat motherfuckers compared to your NK counterparts
because of fast food intake
protected override void OnRenderFrame (FrameEventArgs e)
	GL.Clear (ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);

	base.OnRenderFrame (e);

	mesh.Begin ();
	mesh.Draw ();
	mesh.End ();

	Thread.Sleep (1);

	SwapBuffers ();

	CheckErrors ();
this is my render loop
mesh.begin binds vbo and textures and enables shaders and shit
where are you from?
the only person "fat" in NK is that dictator dude.
damnit you get it
I mean the city
he does have a round head
city, seoul man.
Draw() calls DrawArrays(0, (int)VBO.Count); which calls GL.DrawArrays(PrimitiveType, first, count);
homeade toffee...
Just re-factored my script grammar
well shit son, that is definately not healthy
PrimitiveType is trianglestrip
Re-wrote it left recursive :)
@BlueBug neat, I want to visit seoul one day
I've heard you have lots of malls
Where do you call glFlush?
@Jon oh come on it's better than what I'd find at the store
I thought SwapBuffers waits for all the commands to finish
what is the best recipe?
@Jon recipe?
Since you mentioned fast food, it is true that, from my experiences, we are seeing more and more overweight people, like really heavy overweight type guys, I guess that's part of modernization.
lol I thought toffee was a thing, not a dish
Maybe, maybe not. I don't know what SwapBuffers does here.
But you may want to ensure you are calling flush at some point.
well I'll add flush before that
@Jon I just use sugar, oil, and salt
still nothing on screen
@BlueBug since you mentioned food
i'd like to try the food too
mesh.VBO.BufferData ((uint)vertices.Length, vertices);
@Lasse well I believe swapbuffers implicitly flushes, the explicit flush is just good practice for keeping latency under control
I wonder if your McDonald's is the same as our McDonald's haha
That calls
Tteokguk is a traditional Korean dish eaten during the celebration of the Korean New Year. The dish consists of the broth/soup (guk) with thinly sliced rice cakes (tteok - it can be called a kind of rice pasta). It is tradition to eat tteokguk on New Year's Day because it is believed to grant the consumer luck for the forthcoming year and gain an additional year of life. It is usually garnished with thin julienned cooked eggs, marinated meat, and gim. History The origin of eating tteokguk on New Year's Day is unknown. However, tteokguk is mentioned in the 19th century book of customs D...
@AlexM. I will provide you with place to stay and food for r3a1 if you happen to visit korea
base.BufferData (size, data);
Count = size;
and that calls:
GL.BufferData (BufferTarget, (IntPtr)size, data, bufferUsageHint);
^ I'd like that. It's not Lunar New Year exclusive, right?
target is arraybuffer, and hint is staticdraw
it's lunar new year exclusive food man. You CANNOT eat it on other days.
oh :(
well I'm sure there are other soups
I can't find the problem :(
LAHWL fuck food restrictions
try dog soups. It's really surprisingly good ;)
we don't have any restrictions on food :(
which kinda sucks from some POVs
keeping traditions alive gives you a feeling of safety
except you don't like to eat pork in romania, nor dogs
we do eat pork in Romania?
or at least all the romanian friends said they don't
we don't eat dogs, yeah
they were probably vegetarian
I was visiting a friend from high school, who is a jew, and another friend, who is a terrormosslem was over
I ordered pork at a restaurant once and they warned me about it
I have never enjoyed bacon dipped in milk so much
until my grandpa got paralyzed, my grandparents raised and killed the pigs themselves
it's like a tradition to kill a pig for meat near xmas
@Lasse weird
@BlueBug do you have steaks and stuff?
@Lasse They probably just thought you were french and can't handle the glory that is bacon
@MickLH wtf? bacon dipped in milk? does dipping bacon in milk make bacon taste different?
I like fried meat
@MickLH haha
@BlueBug Not directly but it pisses jews off, which is sortof like added sweetener
"Lasse? Oh, french. Oui monsieur Lasse? Un milk et cereals, oui. Non bacon, non."
@AlexM. we have steaks and stuff. but all the steaks are western style, unless you would like to try our version; we take raw meat then cook it right at the spot
whoa looks tasty
my food is ready too, brb
ooh that's some high quality meat right there
nods with vodka(soju) it's so good.
no, it's removed
i'm eating steak tonight
@MickLH why does dipping bacon in milk pisse jews? Do they have some rules that say you cannot put milk and bacon at the same spot?
@BlueBug Yes, any spot inside a human
They are convinced it's bad for you to have meat and milk at the same time
Which I think is irrelevant now with the whole artificial food age where everything is injected full of everything else
jews also don't eat pork at all
because the pigs are filthy animals
muslims don't either :D
well yeah, in that case it's because the bible calls them unclean
but the meat and milk thing is a lot more strange
> The Talmud reports that Mar Ukva, a respected rabbi, would not eat dairy after eating meat at the same meal, and had a father who would wait an entire day after eating meat before eating dairy produce. Jacob ben Meir speculated that Mar Ukva's behaviour was merely a personal choice, rather than an example he expected others to follow, but prominent rabbis of the Middle Ages argued that Mar Ukva's practice must be treated as a minimum standard of behaviour.
curse you, onebox! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
@IcyDefiance we need to do an interop thing
My content tools are meant to be standalone tools to fit into any pipeline
@BlueBug I also find it a bit weird to dip bacon in milk, but hey whatever, I know eastern cultures do weird (for us) stuff with their food
it is weird.
I have on the feature list eventually to be able to export to other engines (with the scripting and materials all converted)
Mick was just playing off the idea that Jews won't drink milk within so many hours of eating meat
Later that night we smoked a slug
@MickLH I still don't get the interop part... but that still sounds useful.
@IcyDefiance I mean that we could "cross promote" in a way :P
In my game editor, I dream of having a good selection of full game exporters
I think we could mutually benefit from having at least one fully capable file format in common for each type of content
@Lasse you guys have some crazy sugar dumped food here. The first time I tried desert shake here, my tongue had experienced orgasm that it never could possibly imagined to exist.
ah, that's probably true
Well, if I recall you're in the US. That's the promised land of orgasms in mouth.
Yes, yes it is
I'm european so I don't know about half of those things
We invent chemicals here for flavor that are banned in other countries before they are even tested on humans
they're all made out of corn though
everything is corn
Pfft it's not corn anymore, it's been physically processed, then chemically processed, then enzymatically processed
@BlueBug just wait until you try frank sinatra
And sometimes they start from soy too :P
wait you can't he's dead
all sugars are made out of child labor
public static void MakeSugar(ChildLabor material)
this is what sugar is made out of
is that north korea
no it can't be
if nk exported sugar
I think it's africa
@BlueBug this is how (nearly) all foods are made in the USA
they wouldn't be poor as fuck
@Lasse dude look at the kids they're asian
are they? I couldn't tell
oh you
NK don't port sugar. They port,sell women(for real).
@BlueBug how much of your food is fish?
I can't stand fish :(
oh man.
I see you have a lot of beef and chicken
lol asians, fish? hey wait I know there's something
The asians do some stuff with fish
Samgyeopsal (삼겹살; ) is a popular Korean dish. Commonly served as an evening meal, it consists of thick, fatty slices of pork belly meat (similar to uncured bacon). The meat, usually neither marinated nor seasoned, is cooked on a grill at the diners’ table. Usually diners grill the meat themselves and eat directly from a grill. It is often dipped into a spicy pepper paste. Name The literal meaning of the word is “three (sam; 삼) layered (gyeop; 겹) flesh (sal;살)”, referring to what appears to be three layers that are visible in the meat. One can also find ogyeopsal (오겹살), with o meaning “...
fish so good, we eat raw fish. I guess you don't like the sea food scent.
too thick
raw fish is the best
@BlueBug yes
@MickLH That's what she said hurhurhur.
I like rice balls but I avoid putting fish in them or using seaweed to cover
Does anyone actually like the seafood scent?
yes I know that's not a korean dish but still
@MickLH my mum
To me it smells like old dirty pussy
whenever we go out I hope she never orders anchovy pizza
I guess that means you know what old dirty pussy smells like.
mick knows yeah
he's sniffed so many pussies
most think he's a dog
True story.
doesn't dogs sniff butts
They sniff genitals too
xD lmao
I wonder why there are so many consonants in the korean language
I broke the ice with my last "ex" by sniffing her cooter
We had never met but she was laying on the grass all pretty so I laid next to her and started cuddling
> we had never met
And worked my way further until I buried my face in her cooch
> however I was next to her
I knew she was girlfriend material after that
korean language is all about consonants. It is made out of consonants.
"ex" does not mean "one letter away from sex"
We went out for like a year or so
@ShotgunNinja but it's close! can't be more than a few well chosen words
your tea looks good
@MickLH was she a stripper?
I think I can get you to meet another stripper right here on gd.se
Haha no I'm just hot :D
Strippers don't have sex with their typical clientele
@MickLH we know you have problems with crazy bitches
teas, they taste bitter sweet, best example, I think, is ginger juice mixed with honey.
I'm moderately hot, but I have a slightly less-hot girlfriend who loves me fiercely and loyally.
I'm still with that girl btw
What she lacks in natural beauty she more than makes up for in bedroom knowledge.
I like tea
I have no idea how you guys work on the inside
@BlueBug that one wikipedia calls...
Daechu cha
@AlexM. Define "work on the inside".
#define work_on_the_inside how_you_re_wired_up
now I want to eat eggs
Oh. Join the club. Asperger's is a funny disorder.
Daechu cha: oh then it taste like raw honey man, only difference is that it's not as thick as honey.
I think I'm done with the food
so if I visit korea, is there anywhere I can see people in hanboks?
gosh I am so hungry now
I think they're colorful and cute
man asians sure make us look boring :\
especially us romanians
we are boring
post-Victorian propriety and design aesthetics
thank god we were separated from them for so long
otherwise the planet today would be a clusterfuck of boredom
no one wears hanbok, that's like dressing like 18th century portrait.
@BlueBug :( not even at festivals?
you must have festivals
Dude, we have just as colorful traditional garb at Native American festivals.
no o_o. we have none. I have never seen one in my life.
how can you not see
fine, I'll visit NK
I've heard they still live in the 18th century
lel NK. Yeah they def do wear hanboks . yes and they do still live in 18th centruy fashion, in terms of resources.
I wonder when I'll be able to fly to seoul
@Lasse do you guys add sweetners in your tea, or go for more mild taste, or bitter/sweet like us?
I'd first have to put myself to sleep
because I can't get on a plane
u afraid of flying?
@BlueBug depends on taste, some add sugar, some honey, some don't add anything
I'm afraid of anything that doesn't have me keeping my feet on the ground m8

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