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can't find video of the falling block game
my game actually teaches spelling
when it's slow, you just look back and forth between the list of words and the play field and spell letter by letter
@ShotgunNinja king arthurs gold
but at high speed, you can't afford the time to look back and forth
so you have to be able to glance at the word, know how to spell it, and just do it.
That's one sweet ass animation.
Well I gotta go now, See you guys tomorrow!
Don't you mean a sweet-ass animation?
shotgun - correcting grammar since <unknown/>
Be careful with that, because there are definitely quite a few ass animations, and not all of them would be considered safe for work...
Much less "sweet"
He could put an comma between ass and animation
but then it would be a person
@ShotgunNinja I meant exactly what I said :P
Yeah. I forgot nthing
What happens if I make an app that monitors husbands' computers
reverse proxy to wifes' comp
I am actually interested in making one for my home network. I wonder what everyone looks at all day
That would only work for families where the husband and wife have separate computers... Dunno about you, but my parents' household only has one computer.
Except for my younger brother's old tower.
I have too many at home..
Put proxy on that computer but list all requests (img,video,hyperlink) on a series of text files, as well as keywords typed in
but I need them all
I actually want to do this, but I'll be offline for 3 days studying my arse off for my bio
Yeah, do that.
but then, maybe I don't want to do that. Maybe ignorance is best.
I wonder what kind of conventions there are with throwing exceptions in dynamic objects in .NET.
The override supports returning false to denote that it failed.
I'm not familiar enough with the concept of dynamic objects to be of any assistance...
same. Im not a C# guru
"What you throw, you should catch" - Guru Blue
I have to tweet that
You have my blessing young padawan.
@fourizon, Edinburgh, Scotland
Software Developer by day - Amateur Human Beat Boxer by (Monday) night, rock climbing and gaming in the time to spare!
128 tweets, 19 followers, following 53 users
tell me
@Blue This is not always sound.
What you throw, you may want to let the higher-ups catch.
@JoshPetrie I know, I just wanted to sound all wise stroking my wirehooked santa beard.
Dorian Nakamoto: I Am Not the Creator of Bitcoin
This is sorta funny, and both scary in recent events. I can see why he doesn't want to be associated with it.
@Grey - this is a better one:
@TPiddock, Edinburgh, Scotland
Software Developer by day, Gamedev Hobbyist by night
12 tweets, 3 followers, following 24 users
Oh snap 4 followas nao
@fourizon was my beatboxing thing to keep in touch with perfomers.
@Blue gotcha
Back when I used to do it :P
You should use twitter moar!
Should is such a strong word.
Could, maybe.
Want? Not really.
I'd say it's more of a might want to situation.
I got contacted by Rockstar btw @ShotgunNinja @ToddersLegrande @William'MindWorX'Mariager
Rockstar programmer
They want to interview me for the position again.
What position are you goin' for?
Audio Tools Developer.
I don't know jack about audio, but I hope you get the position!
Mainly GUI C# WPF work
Ah. Tools Development :3
Not much on the audio parts.
I guess they must use Windows as their main dev platform?
Need to know how to apply a few filters to audio waveform data, maybe.
Could probably look that up online if you needed to.
Nah they use Amstrad.
wtf is amstrad? Some British telecom box company?
Sounds like software
The Amstrad CPC (short for Colour Personal Computer) is a series of 8-bit home computers produced by Amstrad between 1984 and 1990. It was designed to compete in the mid-1980s home computer market dominated by the Commodore 64 and the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, where it successfully established itself primarily in the United Kingdom, France, Spain, and the German-speaking parts of Europe. The series spawned a total of six distinct models: The CPC464, CPC664, and CPC6128 were highly successful competitors in the European home computer market. The later plus models, 464plus and 6128plus, effor...
You clever girl.
I don't understand.
It's like saying their dev platform is Commodore-64, but more obscure.
Clever girl!
Shotty gets it.
Curse you and your Scottish ways
@Grey found a bug on your site btw.
:P @ShotgunNinja you love it.
Yeah, it's pretty rekt @blue
What is it
hepr depr today
- Resize between 800-960 width
- Open menu
- Close menu
= can't scroll down.
dat theme
I really need to step up my web dev skills
so I can just make a theme myself :(
Also your font renders awfully on Chrome.
I feel bad now. neagrh. Will need to some research one BEST themes
And for some reason
I have comments disabled because of spam bots, yet they keep coming
Yeh you'll get them submitted.
Just auto deny them.
In classic WP style: "There's a plugin for that."

// trial ends

*Were gonna stop workin' all of a sudden until you pay me. Obnoxious warning ads on your dashboard*
The High Road - Broken Bells
@Blue high five
@ToddersLegrande high five back
Q: Delta times and frame lag in the game loop

eriatarka84Let's say we have a standard gameloop like this, in pseudocode: while (true) { dt = GetDeltaTime(); Update(dt); Render(); } Here Update(dt) either uses a true variable timestep, or it determines how many cycles of a fixed timestep physics loop to execute based on dt. Now say we ha...

This guy isn't making any sense in his comments...
He's saying you should interpolate your physics when your frames are updated late. He's not listening to us saying take frame rate into account by just multiplying by deltaTime.
Anyhow, home time.
Talk soon.
isn't an alpha a natural part of a game's dev lifecycle?
user image
So I just found out my school is giving me 1 day off for spring break.
Thanks a shit-ton, MSOE.
anyone here ever used CUBRID?
gets rid of your cubs?
not really
most of it is developed by Romanians
one sec, this is in Romanian
CUBRID ( "cube-rid") is an open source SQL-based relational database management system (RDBMS) with object extensions developed by NHN Corporation for web applications. The name CUBRID is a combination of the two words cube and bridge, cube standing for a sealed box that provides security for its contents while bridge standing for data bridge. License policy CUBRID has a separate license for its server engine and its interfaces. The server engine adopts the GPL v2.0 or later license, which allows distribution, modification, and acquisition of the source code. CUBRID APIs and GUI tools h...
@AlexM. It is but I think he was talking about selling it
selling an alpha is called alphafunding
it's better than trustfunding
According to the article, since I don't have a reputation I should release in Alpha more so I can get moneiesss.
@AlexM. am I crazy or is the Game Jam chat gone?
can I vote crazy
I have sound drops
Sea Legs - The Shins
Trap Doors - Broken Bells
The Ghost Inside - Broken Bells
Microphone - Coconut Records (sort of good)
Up The Wolves - Mountain Goats
The first 3 are pretty chill mood music.
The last one is country.
the jam chat is probably frozen or something
@Noctrine fix it, please!
^ this guy is the best
the apple service for interfacing with the app store as a developer is called itunes connect
look where that goes
woa seems to go to different locations when you hit that
that's really scary
yep, I'm gonna bet that domain gets used by some virus
first hit I got was a bogus thing asking if you wanted support for iTunes
had a lot of text about how iTunes is a premier media player for mp3s and shit
when I hit it again, it went somewhere else
oh hey icy
haven't seen you in a while
it looks similar to the viruses that redirect google search results. it'd be easier to update the list of sites to redirect to if the virus itself just redirects all results to that domain.
and I've been on the last week or so, but before that I kind of got eaten by life
hmm if your network access alert says "wanting to connect to itunesconnect" you as an apple dev may say "ok"
eaten by life :)
life is hungry
like cho
import time

minutes = 0

while True:
	minutes += 1
	print minutes
best time tracking software
@Almo did someone say cho
you forgot the '
it's funny when he says the om nom nom thing really slowly
oh. u guis meant chogath
Im too mentalist obsessed
True Story: A few weeks ago my sister actually saw the actor in the above pic, at the science center
and got a picture with him. SIMON BAKER WAS NOT THERE
grey just cramped chat's style
I should leave. SHame.
get this, if you set an estimate on a feature right when you add it to the bug genie, and also assign it to a sprint, the bug genie ignores the estimate when doing the report
but if you set the estimate and assign it to the sprint after you added it
it works
why the fuck
nothing is goddamn explained in this software
I don't understand
Reminds me of using Geogebra for my Math Class.
there is a saying
"No one is as insane as all of us."
maybe that's why open source software fails so hard
considering just how everything is laid out, I'm really inclined to believe that
there's not a single template selection for project management
there are features for many approaches to management
and they're all mixed together
on the same page, hell, in the same menu, you find things for everything
there's no way to disable any of them; and if somehow you mix up things from different approaches
everything goes to hell without any explanation
so the only way this could have happened, I think, is a bunch of developers wanted a new feature each
but instead of actually trying to make sense, they just added everything in to be happy
there's good open source software and bad open source software. quite like closed source, to be honest.
I've been modifying MyBB a bit lately and integrating it into a new website, and it's really nice to work with.
the code's organized nicely, lots of nice helper functions. really hasn't been hard at all so far.
I know there's good open source software lol
after all my flappy bird clone is open source
So is mine :P
Crap, what should I name my Google Play developer name?
Is Hasherr adequate?
no, use your real name for once
you'll thank yourself later when publishing more apps
I also think it's illegal to use a nickname
I know for sure it was illegal on the BlackBerry market
if you were not a company, you had to use your full name
o_o Somebody alread has my name...
Wot the hell
use Evan2 Klein
that usually works
Well shit.
@ShotgunNinja Lol, it's a developer account. I probably need something a little bit more professional.
Should I use my middle initial or something?
Ha, or I could just put a space outside of my name. They might trim though, so I doubt it'll work.
Or... Ev@n Klein
I just used my middle initial as well.
I can change it if I ever want to
evan klein
my plan has succeeded
now everyone knows hasherr's name
todders is left
be afraid, todders
that's accurate
seems to be, yes
from that point of view
indie fans are more retarded than pay 2 win fans
People tend to obsess over the simplest of games.
that last panel could be used as a meme
really simple games are often the best though
they distill the game experience down to pure gameplay
Like Frog Sord. That game had a successful kick starter, but the mechanics were so bland. I mean there was nothing NEW about it. And development has stopped, apparently.
frog sord looks cool, but if I wanted to play Super Meat Boy, I'd play Super Meat Boy.
Just watching the gif, killing stuff could be fun
I dunno. looks potentially better than meat boy IMO
More abilities which could add or detract
hard to say
without playing
great name though
That's p much all they had. Good art. And apparently one of the artists on the team(if you look at second to last thread) said that he was left in the dark for a while. Lots of hype around this game. I think it failed because it received attention/funding way to early in the development process, but that's just me.
I'd like a game with the action of Megaman and the platforming of Super Meat Boy
@Grey explain
I tried to play one of the more recent MegaMan games. Too much memorization for my taste.
It was one that looked 8-bit
but came out a couple years ago
What I mean is that, as soon as they announced it they got several review sites to cover them and they weren't even finished yet, and if memory serves me correctly they held a kickstarter and raised some funds 200,000 I think
That is my explanation.
I mean... explain how one can possibly receive attention and funding too early. How would that cause a game to fail?
I read the whole thing -_-
"from what i understand, the project had funding right from the start

so there was never really any motivation for the 'developer' (he was a real life Ideas Guy tbh) to bring it to a point that *deserved* funding because they already had it"
@ToddersLegrande Canon Words from a dev member himself
So there's your answer.
@Grey from a contract artist. FTFY
There is no official word that the game is dead. The devs just stopped talking to the contract artist.
Yeah ok. Your speculation is fact. I understand.
I never said that, and I'm sorry if it comes off that way. I'm trying to defend my inference, by offering some text from someone who was involved in the project.

Instead of going back and forth with this, let's try and resolve this in a direct manner.
@MECH6Games Is FROG SORD still alive?

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